Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by White Feather
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White Feather Soul of a warrior / Feet of a Coward

Member Seen 11 mos ago

This sounds like a really interesting idea! Just a question, is there a possibility for, say, switching sides in the middle of the RP? Also, just curious, but any reason you chose the second son to be crown prince instead of the eldest?

Switching sides? Yes, of course. Could be an interesting plot point.

Oh - I have no explanation for that. I blatantly ripped off borrowed liberally from the old RP, with a few twists of my own added in. That was one of the things that got carried over.
Although, it could also be possible that the King is a big fan of Agnatic-Cognatic Ultimogeniture.

I will pm you details of my queen before writing her up.

Thank you kindly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Esterdi


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Seems cool. Here's my try at a CS. Cookie if you get the reference.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cultural Titan
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Cultural Titan

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

My character and my application to our glorious dark lord to be his commander.

Name: Raven Von Stein

Age: ?

Gender: Male

Race: Previously human, currently a demonically corrupted living dead being originally of the human race.

Side: Dark side. Applicant for Commander of the glorious dark army of Ahzek Ahriman the Terrible, The Overlord, The Darkest One, Archmage of Thunder, the Oncoming Storm, Lord of the Tesseract Labyrinth, Appreciator of Voluptuous Assets, Ambassador of the Abyss, Thunderous Apocalypse, Dark Magic PhD, etc.

Weapons(s): A rapier enchanted to drain blood from enemies. A heavily reinforced lantern used to store extracted souls. It can also double as a flail when Raven fancies to do so.

Abilities/Powers: Raven can drain souls to increase his magical prowess and physical strength to a small degree per soul and blood to heal his wounds. Magically raven focuses on necromancy, Raising lifeless bodies with ease and even fusing some with his collected souls to create greater more unique undead abominations. He also dabbles in the art of soul fire, a fire designed to afflict only ones soul. Finally an aura of extreme cold surrounds Raven chilling the physical form to its core and weakening the souls of his foes for easier extraction later.

Talent(s): Dueling, strategy and tactics.

Personality: Cold, distant, calculating. He enjoys seeing plans come together and witnessing the demise of those who slight him first hand.

Biography: The white woods are the site of a battle most are too young to remember, but as the elders say the king's men were come upon in a surprise attack, but they fought valiantly to protect the King's flank so that they could strike a finishing blow to the enemy army. Now though stories of ghosts from that ancient battle and worse travel amongst those towns neighboring the wood. Nobody travels through the woods without good reason. But if you must travel through the white woods the villagers will tell you to keep watch through the night and to run as fast as you can if the woods become unnaturally cold, if you hear the rattling of heavy chains, see the pail glow of an unholy fire in the distance or if you see the outline of plate mail walking towards you.

Raven Von stein some whisper is the Revenant of the white woods. A long dead unruly noble who died protecting the king. Not all believe that, many believe his heart must truly have been filled with darkness for any man, noble or otherwise, to haunt the living so viciously. Or some would say hushed around the fire that the king betrayed him, sent him to his death in the white woods. Whatever the cause though the old knight of the nobility is often seen, heard and felt stalking the woods.
That is until recently when suddenly it stopped. The Revenant simply disappeared.

Extras: N/A

1: Name: The Revenant of the White Woods.

2: REAL Name: Raven Von Stein

3: Age: ?

4: Gender: Male

5: Nationality: ((What is the nationality of the kingdom?))

6: Race (if not human please state race/species): Human. Kind of. Demonically corrupted living dead are maybe a grey area as far as race goes.

7: Supernatural Powers (if any): Raising of minor undead. Infusing of minor undead with souls to create undead champions. An aura of cold around myself that wears down the souls of my enemies as well as their physical form. Additionally I can absorb the souls into my lantern for a minimal increase in my magical power and physical strength per soul and can drain blood to heal wounds.

8: Do you or have you ever had a hunchback? (We do not disqualify for handicaps): No.

9: What do you fear? (list any and all fears): I fear failure to accomplish my goals before my end finds me.

10: Do you now have or have ever had aspirations of being an evil lord in your own right?: Don't we all have such aspirations your Dark Lordship. I assure you I seek only to be able to fill your role in the event of your unfortunate demise and your approval of my ascent to such a lofty and honored position.

11: Are all your vaccinations current?: In my current state disease does not affect my physical form.

12: What weapons do you own?: A rapier, a great sword, my lantern, which can be used as a flail if I feel like a change of pace.

13: What martial arts are you trained in?: In my living years I was trained in dueling. Now with my demonic soul infused strength I find it easy enough to brawl and wield impressively large swords or the corpses of my enemies, though I would not say I have been trained in such combat.

14: If references are asked for, could you provide them without digging up an unmarked grave?: Why yes, I hold onto the souls of many references for further questioning and advice.

15: Are you willing to be cannon fodder? (if you don’t know what “cannon fodder” mean, just say yes): No.

16: Would you enjoy attacking heroes as part of a horde? (that’s a really big group): Your dark lordship I would hope that anyone you seek to hold such a high and honored position in you dark forces would understand what a horde is. I am perfectly fine with joining the rabble for a decisive conflict for my abilities are useful on the front lines, but I would not like to be relegated to only being a front line combatant.

17: Why did you become an evil minion?: To kill the Royalty of this land and satisfy my vendetta.

18: What crimes have you committed?: Murder, aggravated assault, deterioration of the boundaries between life and death, murder, forming pacts with demonic powers, grand theft human soul, more murder and slanderous speech against the king and other nobility.

19: What crimes do you want to commit?: I want to remove the entirety of the nobility from their mortal coil. Many crimes may be committed in the accomplishment of this goal and your own goals, but this is the only crime I specifically desire to commit at this time.

20: Can you provide your own minion theme music?: Immediately no, but the acquisition of suitably encouraged musicians should not be too difficult.

21: Can you laugh in an evil manner?: Yes.

22: You have just captured a hero and tied him up. Your next action would be to?: Steal his soul. Stealing their soul has multiple benefits in increasing my power, keeping the hero available for questioning and separating them from their body to remove them as a threat. I would probably not have bothered with the whole tying them up part and jumped straight to the stealing their soul part as soon as they were weakened enough to guarantee its success. Assuming however, that a minion came to my attention with a tied up hero I would them steal their soul and discard the body.

23: A superhero is attempting to thwart my plans. What do you do to them?: Depends on the hero, depends on their plans. Most likely I leverage whatever troops I can to fight with me against them and steal their soul for my collection.

24: Arrange the following in order of importance to you:
A: Money
B: Power
C:The death of all who oppose you
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Cultural Titan
Welp my necromancer and your guy are so going to get along.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cultural Titan
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Cultural Titan

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Avanhelsing oops, forgot you meant to make a necromancer, didn't mean step on your toes there.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Cultural Titan
My guy is more of the type to summon an army of corpses or make a plague to kill his enemies. So mine is more of a real one. More like a wizard who specializes in death magics. A master of necromancy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Esterdi


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

So there's one guy who wants to kill all Light royalty, and my guy, who wants to kill Light royalty as well as Dark rulers.

I sense temporary truces and betrayals ^^.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cultural Titan
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Cultural Titan

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Careful now. You might find your soul trapped in eternal torment with that kind of talk
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Esterdi


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@Cultural Titan

If you find me ;).
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Agent B52
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Agent B52

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Esterdi@Cultural Titan

Keep any stabbing out of my court room (physically) and the newspapers(figuratively). The former because I just had a preposterously comfortable carpet laid down there and the latter because I want to represent a united front to the populace.

Speaking of I want to have a chat with the necromancer about possible agricultural uses for skeletons/zombies. If one ignores all the warbling about unethical use of corpses, there's potential there for a peasant labour force that does not tire or eat it's own products. I need the manpower for other projects.

possible that the King is a big fan of Agnatic-Cognatic Ultimogeniture.

Another reason to join the Dark Side! Azhek Ahriman promotes an egalitarian society where all are equal (under my bootheel) without regards for race or creed!


I am having way too much fun with this. Also White Feather did you just nick one of Azhek's titles?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Agent B52
Happily my lord. Corpses make great fertilizer when they cannot work anymore.

I will get to work on my plague and death wizard soon.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by White Feather
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White Feather Soul of a warrior / Feet of a Coward

Member Seen 11 mos ago

@Agent B52

Me? What? Nooooo....
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Darrow
Age: 27
Race: Oddly enough pure human

Side: Dark

Titles: Defiler of the Tomb of Darkness, The Painted One, He Who Knows the Whispered Names, Head Research for the Dark Lord
Weapons(s):His spell book and a silver dagger. Minions are cheaper.

Master of Necromancy: Darrow has the secrets of life and death tattooed on his skin. His original master, before his unfortunate death, had secret words placed all over Darrow's body. Now he can raises corpses that are more advanced than your average skeletons. They can be used for simple tasks such as farm labor or for more advanced tasks such as sneaking into an enemy fortress. However the more advance the corpse, the harder it is to control. Skeletons or zombies do not need Darrow nearby to work but his advanced nearly alive minions need him close. He can make monstrous creations out of the flesh and bones of other creatures. However there is a trade off. If he wants a good creation, he must use the best materials such as fresh parts. Also the size depends on what he has available.

Plague Doctor: Darrow gained a new knowledge to plague and death when he got his tattoos. Now Darrow studies plagues. he hopes to someday find a plague that can raise the dead after it kills them. So far he has no idea how to do this.

Talent(s): Intelligent: Darrow always wants to learn and will do anything to learn more. Knowledge of Magic, able to pretend he is normal to sneak into places.

Personality: Calculating, loyal, Easily bored, will hit on anyone.

Darrow never really wanted this life. Ever since he was a child he could commune with the dead. They would whisper secrets information his ear. He would use it to get whatever advantage that he could. However when he was ten years old, he was kidnapped by a necromancer who thought that he could use Darrow to boost his own powers. The old man thought he could steal Darrow's body when he was older so he trained to boy in necromancy.

Darrow was taught all of the dark secrets that were needed for one of his trade. So when he was 18 his master tattooed the secrets into his skin so Darrow would be able to truly command the dead.

Then came the final test. Darrow was to enter the Tomb of Darkness and return the power to his master. Darrow spent four days in the darkness and it whispered into his ears. It taught Darrow even more knowledge. Instead of rejecting the power so his master could have it, Darrow accepted the gift and became even stronger. When his master came into to try and find him, Darrow used his newly created zombies and skeletons to capture the man. Darrow then stole the man's powers for his own.

Now Darrow has heard tales of a being that would accept him. So now the Lord of the Tomb of Darkness is heading his call. This world never wanted him so now he will kill all those who oppose him.


1: Name: Darrow, Lord of the Dark Whispers


3: Age: 27

4: Gender: Male

5: Nationality:

6: Race (if not human please state race/species): Human

7: Supernatural Powers (if any): Able to summon the dead and control the dead. I can talk to the dead as well.

8: Do you or have you ever had a hunchback? (We do not disqualify for handicaps): No but I have a minion that does. He came with it and I pitied the poor creature.

9: What do you fear? (list any and all fears): Being alone or being betrayed.

10: Do you now have or have ever had aspirations of being an evil lord in your own right?: No. I am more than happy to prop up my Evil lord and master. As long as I get some captives of my own. I need people to mess with. Every evil person needs captives and I do not just need virgin women. Any gender will do.

11: Are all your vaccinations current?: I am a master of death, Plagues do not bother me.

12: What weapons do you own?: A silver ritual dagger and my spell book.

13: What martial arts are you trained in?: None. I have corpses can fight though. I am trying to learn by fighting my zombies.

14: If references are asked for, could you provide them without digging up an unmarked grave?: I have a talking skull I stole from a tomb. He can talk about how great I am. My zombies also like me. Oh and my assistant Vem. He and I have had some much fun digging up graves and kidnapping people together.

15: Are you willing to be cannon fodder? (if you don’t know what “cannon fodder” mean, just say yes): Yes but I have minions designed for tactics like that. Skeletons are great for overpowering an enemy.

16: Would you enjoy attacking heroes as part of a horde? (that’s a really big group): Yes but I am better at raising corpses and ordering them into the fray.

17: Why did you become an evil minion?: It was easier than trying to get a honest career. Raising the dead is all I know to do.

18: What crimes have you committed?: Kidnapping, murder, assault, grand theft corpses.

19: What crimes do you want to commit?:Treason and rebellion

20: Can you provide your own minion theme music?: I have a team of skeletons that can play different instruments. It is nice to have music while doing research. Screams go so well with the sound of a violin.

21: Can you laugh in an evil manner?: Yes

22: You have just captured a hero and tied him up. Your next action would be to?: Try to break his mind to serve me. Having the hero kissing my feet is my idea of a happy ending. Or just kill him and then raise him as my loyal minion. Maybe as an elite minion.

23: A superhero is attempting to thwart my plans. What do you do to them?:It is amazing what you can do with a smile or an dark ritual. Superheroes make sure great monsters if you can kill them.

24: Arrange the following in order of importance to you:
A: Money
B: Power
C:The death of all who oppose you
C / A / B /
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Agent B52
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Agent B52

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I have so many necromancers... Is the afterlife that boring in this setting?

Besides the queen, this seems like its quickly turning into an Dark-Aligned rp.

They all realise who is the one true ruler! GLORY TO AHRIMAN!

I need a name for my nation. Ahrimanistan is just tacky.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Agent B52

If we call it that will my zombies need up to date papers? Do you know how hard it is for zombies to get passports?!
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cultural Titan
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Cultural Titan

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Agent B52

Yeah, I forgot that there was already going to be a necromancer while I was writing my guy up. Probably would have avoided it entirely if I had remembered. As it is I am inclined to keep it as is rather than come up with replacement powers as I would have to come up with another reason Raven was waiting around in the Woods all these years. Building an army for the record. Maybe I should put that in there somewhere. Also running with the idea that he has not quite been himself/entirely there until Ahriman came around. Maybe that's good enough without raising an army of the dead.... hmmm.

Also appreciate the reference to Papers Please.


In the vaccination question do you mean that plagues don't bother you instead of do bother you?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Cultural Titan
GO TO HELL PHONE. Thanks for catching that.

Also we could do that my guy raises and makes them but your guy commands them? Darrow is not the best battlefield commander.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by White Feather
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White Feather Soul of a warrior / Feet of a Coward

Member Seen 11 mos ago

@Agent B52

Obristan above all!

Any suggestions for a name for the kingdom? Or anyone who wants to be King?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cultural Titan
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Cultural Titan

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


I may have have reduced ability to raise fodder from what he currently has. Raven should still be able function on his own, but that would mean he would benefit from your company still, which would be good. Of course neither my character nor my application for dark side commander have been accepted, so I shall wait till relevant parties have spoken before making changes.

@White Feather

Bralomor? I think I'll be taking something like the last pick for light characters. If that is the king then so be it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Agent B52
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Agent B52

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Agent B52

If we call it that will my zombies need up to date papers? Do you know how hard it is for zombies to get passports?!

Passports no, but a certain seal of quality yes. Kind of like how one has to keep fire-fighting equipment updated with those inspection stickers.

@Agent B52Also running with the idea that he has not quite been himself/entirely there until Ahriman came around.

Question how did he come to Ahriman's employ, would you prefer he seeks out Raven or the other way around? Keep in mind that if Ahriman himself came recruiting you would need a new door. He takes impressive entrances very seriously.
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