Name: Lan Caihe "Puppy"
Sex: Male
Race: Human
Class: Druid
Age: 14
Bio: Lan Caihe was born in a druid sect which traditionally had only females. His mother was a new initiate who had ran away from an abusive husband, and when Lan was born the druid elders had to decide what to do with him. Obviously his mother refused to leave him, and the druids were not so heartless as to leave the boy to the wolves. So they decided to raise him as a woman instead, from his mannerisms to his dress. Lan was well loved by both his mother and the druids, but still give strict disciple and training in their ways.
The druid sect Lan was raised specialized in dealing with monsters and "Fey", magic creatures of nature. The likes of fairies and elves. Despite how most would see these creatures as playful and gentle, the druids know all too well how insane and cruel the fey can be. They served as defenders against them, but as well as mediators. Aside from combating these creatures the druids also offered their service to the various farming communities, managing the weather and ensuring a bountiful harvest. Lan spent much of his childhood learning the dogma and religion of his people, and did not begin magical training until he was twelve years old.
Lan first learned the basics of natural magic: controlling and manipulating existing elements. Simple things like changing the direction of water, or making a fire grow. He also learned some utility magic such as communicating with animals and minor healing spells. Lan seemed to show promise with his magical skills as he mastered the basics quite fast. But the basics would not be enough for what would happen to him later.
One day while Lan was out hunting, he was attacked by a werewolf. This creature was a man cursed by the fey to become a mad and powerful beast, and would have killed Lan that day had he not use his magic to signal his fellow druids of his plight. By the time they drove off the werewolf however, Lan was on the cusp of death. His body was torn asunder, and it was a miracle that they found him alive at all. Lan's death seemed imminent, but thanks to the love of his mother he would have survived. His mother knew of a ritual that could be used to prolong life at the cost of one's own: A natural exchange like how beast would kill other beasts and feed from their bodies. By sacrificing herself, she would give her son the necessary energy to survive his wounds and heal, even if she had to die to ensure it.
When Lan awoken he was in a shock. He knew that he had been attacked by a werewolf and did not expect to survive. Upon hearing his mother's sacrifice she broke down into tears, but vowed to become a mighty druid in her honor. But Lan's troubles did not end that day. A week after his attack, Lan began to show signs of change. He had a constant hunger that could not be feed by the simple meals provided by the druids. He grew haunch and occasionally forgot things quickly. The druids suspected something wrong with Lan, and so they used a ritual to determine what had become of him. That's when they discovered that during the attack, he had been infected by the werewolf's curse. Lan himself would be cursed to become a mad beast if he could not overcome his affliction.
The druids did all they could for Lan, but they ultimately could not remove the curse without finding the source of the curse: the fey who created it. The best they could do for Lan was teach him how to suppress and control it. The more pragmatic druids even taught him how to take advantage of it, however they were more worried about what would happen if he could not control the curse. The only way he could would be if Lan himself grow to overcome the powers of the curse. All they could do is prepare him.
Two years passed. Lan had continued his training constantly, improving his efforts little by little, though still nowhere near the level of mastery of his druid teachers. He at least learned to control his werewolf curse well enough that he only is forced to change during fullmoons, and he had a degree of control over himself during those moments. Soon word of an army of undead came to the druids ears. Despite the fact that the force of evil was outside of their domain, they wished to know more in order to prepare. Lan volunteered himself to be the scout: he wished to used the opportunity to strengthen himself and perhaps find a way to cure or control his werewolf curse. The druids were hesitant given his young age, but ultimately allowed him to pick his own destiny.
Special Skills: Lan's biggest skills is his druid magics. He is capable of manipulating existing elements in great ways, such as knocking over foes with a blast of water, or tossing them around with gusts of wind. He could even spray a gout of fire from a candle. Lan also has access to healing magic, divided into three different categories: Regenerative (Healing physical wounds and such), Purifying (Removing poison and diseases), and Restorative (Specifically restores one's magical reserves). However his healing magic is taxing on his stamina even if he uses it on himself, thus he needs to use it sparingly. Lan can also communicate with animals, or at least convey and understand their emotions and intentions. This spell also works well on other humans, allowing him to understand and communicate across language barriers.
Lan is well versed in fey lore and forest settings. He can identify most plants by sight and can discern their effects. He also has some knowledge of how to use those plants for herbal medicine and poisons. Lan is quite a decent chef as well, and can make delicious things out of simple ingredients. Having magic helps. Finally, Lan has learned enough about druid magics that he can develop and learn new spells with practice and understanding. Druid magic would come "naturally" to him, though he would need to make the effort to master it.
Weapons: Lan has only his staff for a weapon. Aside from it's obvious use as a blunt weapon it's main purpose is to serve as his magical focus. With it Lan can use his spells with greater power and efficiency, such as manipulating different elements at once or using his healing magic in area-of-effect bursts. Lan's staff is special as it is made with gold and gemstones, which actually help channel his magical energies, at the price of making it look more attractive to potential thieves and bandits.