And so Do I
Apocalypse's skin can't be hardened, logically. It's described in the comics as being denser and heavier than lead, and yet softer as well. It defies the standard laws of physics, but so does everything.
The problem is that vibranium's strength is variable. Captain America's shield has taken damage from blows from Mjolnir and held, and Mjolnir has enough force to crush moons. That's like a hundred nukes to the face. And yet this island was blown up with relatively standard explosives. So maybe it's because cap's shield is a vibranium titanium alloy, but it seems the strength of vibranium is as inconsistent as Superman's strength.
Dark Energon, from what I can find on it, only affects mechanical beings.
During that battle, that was indeed a weakness. Although his eyes can still withstand tank cannon level attacks. It would certainly be amusing to see Cyano trying to kill Apocalypse, although in a direct physical confrontation I doubt she would last long.