@thewizardguy For the Cyano and Ultron case, they both seem very well versed in technology. While one is en entity meant to control it, the other is an individual whom technology holds no secrets. They can make a great fight.
For Sam and Satsuki. Although Satsuki is indeed stronger, she has a defined limit while Sam has enough skill to last all day. The guy deflected gatling gun bullets like it was Sunday stroll, took on UG's in a few minutes without a problem, even faced off toe to toe with Armstrong who is very well in the power tier of this RP.
I'd say Satsuki has the upper hand in raw power, which has never been a problem for Sam to handle. On the other hand, I do think Sam has superior sword skills than Satsuki. Especially with that trigger sword draw. It could go both ways here too, with an advantage to Satsuki of course.