The Harbinger of Oblivion

"We are eternal. So long as there is light, we will always dwell in it's shadow."
Character Theme | At the Price of OblivionNyarlathotep is a disgusting abomination of darkness created from every impure thought and action made by mortals. Their presence brings with it the haunting feeling of emptiness and dread. If one would dare to gaze upon their visage, they would notice that Nyarlathotep appears quite human. Sickly pale skin covered in large cracks, their complexion is most accurately described as that of a porcelain doll. Paired with the shallow, black eye sockets and large, empty smile, this is quite a fitting image. Nyarlathotep really does appear as a human with no soul. An empty vessel of darkness. Their body is very tall and slender, and is covered mostly in large, black feathers. They have wild, receding black hair. Nyarlathotep is seen wearing an odd head piece resembling that of a black, iron torch. They also are known to wear a very strange armored dress that spikes outwards from the hips. Their legs and arms are also encased in this strange material. Nyarlathotep sports two pairs of large, black wings.
Family Name |
GreenbladeMaiden Name |
N/AGiven Name(s) |
DanielTitle/Alias |
Harbinger of Oblivion, The Dark Lord, The Eternal Darkness, The Malicious DemonGender |
None. When Nyarlathotep speaks, hundreds of voices echo from their being at once.Age |
???Sexuality |
N/AAlignment |
Dark (The Dark Lord)Race |
Unknown, currently possessing a human boy named Daniel GreenbladePersonality |
There is a strange calmness to Nyarlathotep, which makes them even more sinister than one might expect. They are cruel, evil and twisted; often persuading others to give into their dark desires. Nyarlathotep feeds off of negative emotion, so it makes sense that they themselves are shrouded within negativity and darkness. In fact, their soul is so twisted and dark that even their loyal followers tremble before them. But above everything, there seems to be an odd confidence. Nyarlathotep is the embodiment of every impure aspect of the mortal world, and they are confident that this war has already been won. For no mortal will ever be rid of their darkness. Nyarlathotep knows this, and enjoys sadistically playing with the hopes and dreams of everyone they encounter. Dangling the sweet promise of victory before them, and then crushing them with absolute despair. You can prepare your guardians, build your monuments, and wrap yourselves up in indomitable fortresses to protect you from the darkness; but the darkness dwells within you, and Nyarlathotep is simple waiting for the day you're consumed by it.Primary Weapon |
Sword of Nothing A large claymore, tainted by the powers of oblivion. Can be used as a catalyst for Nyarlathotep's magic. It is believed this was the weapon that their host body favored the most.
Secondary Weapon |
Oblivion Monolith A large, stone pillar summoned forth from the abyss. The Monolith acts as a gateway between the mortal world and the abyss; a method for Nyarlathotep to summon demonic horrors from the other side to serve them.Notable Armor- Black Armor | All of the armor on Nyarlathotep's body appears as black iron, but is actually an unknown substance created within the abyss. The extent of the protection it provides isn't fully known, but Nyarlathotep seems to be impervious to most attacks while they wear it.
Abilities- Flight | Nyarlathotep is granted the ability to fly via their large, black wings. They are also capable of levitating off of the ground with little to no effort.
- Immortality | Nyarlathotep, powered by the negativity of mortals, can never truly die. Even if their soul is vanquished, they are bound to the emotions of the living and will always eventually return. However, they are only able to take form in the mortal world if a willing host is presented to them.
- Demonic Possession | Nyarlathotep is able to exist in the mortal world by forming a contract with a willing host. They take over the hosts body, greatly altering their physical form. If the host body is killed, Nyarlathotep returns to the Abyss in search of another host.
- Oblivion Sorcery | Nyarlathotep is one with the darkness of the Abyss, and can call upon it for various offensive and defensive spells. The powers of Oblivion are fearsome, and there are even tales of Nyarlathotep sinking an entire castle into the depths of the Abyss.
- Demonic Subjugation | Nyarlathotep can summon various demons from the Abyss to do their bidding. These range from weak beings with greater numbers to more powerful, single entities. Although the latter is harder to hold control over.
- Despair | Nyarlathotep's soul is so corrupted and dark, that all who stand in their presence are overwhelmed by despair and dread. Those with weaker hearts succumb to this darkness, and can even lose themselves to the madness of Oblivion if they are exposed to Nyarlathotep's mighty aura for too long.
- True Form | The sealed away, true form of Nyarlathotep. Even despite their power, they are heavily restricted in the mortal world by the curse that forces their soul to bind to a willing host. This seal takes the form of the four Omens; great seals scattered across the Kingdom of Celakor that inhibit Nyarlathotep's power. It is their goal to find and destroy these seals. Pray to the heavens that they never do.
Talents- Cunning | Nyarlathotep is a master of trickery and deception. They can quickly seek out the desires of others and use them to persuade them to their cause. Many of Nyarlathotep's followers are there because they truly believe that Nyarlathotep will grant their every desire once they have the world in their grasp.
- Inhuman Endurance | Despite their frail appearance, Nyarlathotep's body is incredibly durable and hard to kill. Combined with the Black Armor, Nyarlathotep is quite resistant to most forms of magic and physical attacks. If only there was a way to remove their armor, if only to make them slightly more vulnerable.
- Natural Leader | Nyarlothotep rules with an iron fist, and their confidence is inspiring to their followers. Those who follow Nyarlathotep would gladly die for them.
- Wisdom | Having existed for quite some time, Nyarlathotep is knowledgeable on many different topics.
Biography |
In the darkness of the Abyss, there are many demonic entities that exist within. These creatures are separated into various hierarchies. These are not important to note, but they are just a means to judge the level of power and influence one being has. Nyarlathotep was never included on this hierarchy. Their entire existence was so frail and minuscule that they did not deserve to be called a demon of the Abyss. Writhing with anger and jealousy, Nyarlathotep desired what they did not have; but what could a mere speck of dust in the vast Abyss do to gain power?
In a desperate madness for power, Nyarlathotep committed the ultimate taboo and linked their entire essence with the darkness within Humanity. It is claimed that this act is what lead to beings of darkness existing in the mortal world; where only creatures with both light and dark inside them dwell. This act, while seemingly harmless at the time, cause Nyarlathotep to grow from the negative emotions of mortals. Every soul has both light and darkness inside of it, and Nyarlathotep wished to exploit this. Feeding off of the darkness, their essence grew and grew within the Abyss. They consumed any lesser being that got in their way, and demanded respect and servitude from the powerful demons that roamed the darkness. Nyarlathotep had successfully conquered the darkness, and all within it, thanks to the souls of humanity.
Yet it would not stop there. Greed is a powerful thing, and Nyarlathotep set their sights on the mortal world after they had taken hold of the Abyss. The first time Nyarlathotep appeared, it was a cataclysmic event that shook the very world as we knew it. It was eons ago, in a time long before Celakor. Oblivion threatened to take control over the world, with Nyarlathotep at the helm. They would have succeeded too, if they had not underestimated the light. A creature of darkness, Nyarlathotep did not expect the light to be as powerful as it was. With the power of this light, combined with many masterful sorcerers, four seals were placed upon Nyarlathotep's soul and bound to the mortal world. These are known as the Four Omens; The Omen of Death, War, Famine and Pestilence. Their true form sealed away, Nyarlathotep assumed a fleeting form and was banished back to Oblivion. As the centuries passed by, these great heroes who saved the world from Nyarlathotep perished and were no longer remembered in history. However, their Omen's remain. Hidden across Celakor within ancient tombs, protected by the most powerful of sorceries. The Omens foretell a time when Nyarlathotep will rise into this world once again with the power of oblivion behind them; a harbinger of the Abyss.
In our present day, there are still those who devote their lives to Nyarlathotep. It was this cult, named the Abyss Walkers, that offered the body of a young, human boy for Nyarlathotep to inhabit. The boy was willing to accept them into their body, and Nyarlathotep arose once again. Even with most of their power sealed away, Nyarlathotep is a formidable entity that threatens to snuff the light of every living thing in this world.