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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Dmessenger The Traveler

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Alex woke up and climbed out of bed onto his wheelchair. He then rolled into his bathroom and washed up and got ready to for school. He attached the prosthetic leg and pulled the jeans over the leg so you can tell the difference. He then grabbed his school stuff and headed to the bus stop and sat on the bench to wait for the school bus.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Simple Unicycle
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Simple Unicycle ?

Member Seen 5 days ago

"Another day another dollar..." Tom mumbled, this being his usual phrase in the mornings, as he turned the alarm clock off. Standing up, Tom would then go into the bathroom, combing his hair, brushing his teeth, shaving, and finally jumping in the shower. After getting out about ten minutes later, Tom dries himself up then gets into his usual outfit: a green sweater, slacks, and sneakers. Heading down stairs, he would make sure that he had enough money to buy lunch and some extra stuff, and then went into the kitchen to make some cereal.

After making his bowl, Tom turns the TV on, eating his cereal and watching a rerun of 'Married... With Children' that was almost fifty or so years old. He was watching it just to see how different life was in the 1980s compared to how it is now, and occasionally a joke made him laugh. After he finishes his cereal, he stands up, turns the TV off, then puts his bowl into the sink, before heading to the door and grabbing his backpack. Tom then leaves to the bus stop, where Alex was already sitting, and sat down a bit away from him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SomethingClever
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SomethingClever Insert it. here.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Lynn rolled over to turn the screeching alarm on her phone off. The house was as dark as ever. Luckily everything in her closet was black, and therefore matched. She lazily pulled on a baggy black hoodie and a pair of torn up jeans. In her head she went back and forth with herself over whether or not breakfast was worth making as she opened the door and walked to the kitchen. Lynn Opened the fridge...then closed it again. Too much effort. Awhile later she was all set to go. Opening the door Lynn vaguely wondered what kind of day awaited her...and then she proceeded to crash her face into the door frame. "That good huh?" And thus Lynn started her walk to school.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Dimitri woke with a start as his alarm clock screeched into his ear incessantly and groaned before fumbling a bit and shutting the device of. He gave a heavy sigh and rolled out of bed to go about his morning routine to prepare for the day; A quick shower and brushing of teeth and hair followed by a few minutes of standing in the mirror to make sure he could still put on the right face to blend with the popular crowd. After that he threw on a pair of slightly faded dark blue skinny jeans,a purple t shirt, a grey hoodie, and a pair of black and white converses, topping of his ensemble with a black and silver pair of bottle cap opener rings on his thumbs.

After gathering his supplies for the day and saying goodbye to his mother, Dimitri exited the house and began to jog towards his bus stop, hurriedly jamming a poptart into his face as he went.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Windicator
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Windicator Mocca Mecha / GMT+2

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Edwin was fast asleep, this just before his alarm went off waking him up in an instant, reaching for the snooze button he had already broken by mercilessly slamming it. Forced to turn the alarm off he took only a moment recapping his timetable, packing accordingly. just before he took off he went to the fridge, taking his non-descript breakfast and heading out of the door.

Just a few steps out of the door, he notice that he had left everything aside from his 'breakfast' behind, having to use the spare key to get back inside. Having gone through that he just felt that having an 'Inventory tab' would just make this less of a hassle.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Dmessenger The Traveler

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The bus arrived and Alex stood up and got on the bus. He sat in his usual spot on the bus and was against the window. He thought to himself (I hope school goes by fast today). He looked out the of the bus as it began to move.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Simple Unicycle
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Simple Unicycle ?

Member Seen 5 days ago

(And it seems that the GM forgot a certain player was at the same bus stop as Alex...) Tom ran after the bus as it drove off, several students looking out and laughing as the bus driver knowingly left him behind. After a few seconds, however, the bus driver stops and lets Tom get in, who stumbles inside, panting and sweating from all the running, while being pelted with paper.

A big, burly student stands up and punches Tom right in the face. As Tom rubs the new bruise, he turns to the student and says: "Alright Marcus, thanks for the daily bruising... That cost me half or all of my lunch money?" Marcus, the big student, chuckles and says "Half of it, I'm in a generous mood..."

Tom then pulls out two dollars and hands it to Marcus, before sitting down in front of Alex.
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