Series From: Rokka no Yuusha
Name: Adlet Mayer
Gender/Sex: Male/Male
Species: Human
Personality: Adlet Mayer is the self-proclaimed "Strongest Man in the World". He may seem a little cocky (which he probably is), but he's a strong-willed young man who is thoroughly determined to achieve his dreams and goals, no matter how much time or effort it takes. Even in the most grim of situations, he lacks the ability to give up, and is very persistent in getting what he wants. He has a strong sense of loyalty and friendship, and at times he may be a little too trusting when he believes in someone, but he'll be stubborn when others attempt to deter him. He's incredibly loyal to his friends and allies, and almost nothing stings him more than betrayal. He truthfully has a golden heart, but can be a little thickheaded as well as over-confident in his abilities. He's a dirty fighter, however, who takes pride in using underhanded tactics at times, where others may be disgusted with his means of fighting.
Although a tad arrogant, Adlet tends to be rather laid-back often, and lacks an argumentative side. Even with his massive ambitions, he still sets time aside to help others out. His heroic attitude prevents him from not interfering in situations that don't even involve him, which is another flaw of his. He may also be reckless as well, rushing ahead to help others. He does have a knack for getting himself out of tough situations using his underhanded tactics and sharpened wit. Adlet is also a compassionate individual, sympathizing with the suffering of others, especially if they've gone through ordeals similar to what he's gone through, as shown with his attitude towards Fremy. He has an odd charisma that seems to draw others to him. He may also be rather headstrong. But he's decisive in combat, which has saved his life multiple times, even when the enemy has had the upper-hand.
Adlet does not tend to hold grudges, although it depends on the severity of the events caused by the person who wronged him. He tends to easily forgive minor and even major mistakes. He's incredibly optimistic, and brave to the point of foolishness, where he'll take on any opponent without much thought beforehand. Even when heavily battered, he can still look towards the bright side of things. He also can be oblivious to the feelings of others at times, and he tends to get flustered around women whenever they flirt with him or act affectionate towards him. Still, he's not afraid to confess to someone he loves, even if he hasn't gotten all of his feelings sorted out beforehand. Adlet is an outspoken individual, who isn't afraid to offer his opinion during tough situations. Most of the time, he has surprisingly intellectual insight to offer to others.
Powers/Abilities: Adlet has a somewhat sneaky and underhanded manner of fighting. He'll use bombs, needles of poison, and basically will do anything in order to get the upperhand. He'll use absolutely any technique in order to defeat his opponents, which has caused others to look down on him in the past. He's still immensely agile and skilled. He has a keen sense for strategy, and is strong as well as fast-moving. He has trained reflexes.
Weapon(s): He carries a rather short sword with him at all times, as well as smoke bombs, needles, and various daggers.

Series From: Fire Emblem
Name: Panne
Gender/Sex: Female/Female
Species: Taguel
Personality: Panne is a standoffish individual. Influenced by many years of traveling alone after the brutal slaughter of her family, she is used to being alone. That being said, she is an individual who often prefers to remain quiet. She dislikes areas where there's a lot of noise, and prefers a peaceful forest environment to a large bustling city. Panne's demeanor is wizened, but she has a witty, cold edge to her that tends to appear whenever she is speaking to someone she dislikes. She is unafraid of hurting her rivals and enemies, and when she dislikes someone, she makes it very well known to them. However, if she hurts the feelings of someone who she does not dislike, she will immediately apologize to them. Despite appearing gruff at times, she is very accepting to those who make a persistent effort to understand her. She only tends to dislike arrogant people or bigots.
Panne is an individual who takes the concept of honor very seriously. She respects almost all of her opponents as warriors, and knows that every soldier is fighting for a cause. Sadly, she cannot give them mercy due to being their opponent. Although she respects her enemies, she has no problem with cutting them down. Panne is someone who very much believes in family values and remaining close to her family. These ethics come from her time within the warren. Even now, many years after the killings, she still feels grief deep within her heart, and misses her family. At times, she wishes to make new friends, but her dislike, and perhaps her fear of humanity has driven her away from doing so in the past. As someone who has lost so much, she is resilient in the face of tragedy, and not much phases her anymore. She is incredibly tolerant of pain as well as having her feelings wounded, so much so that it is not easy to provoke her anymore with words. Unless her species is insulted.
Panne is a loyal individual who never would consider betrayal. The Shepherds are her home, now, and she would never ever betray them. She's incredibly protective of the Shepherds, causing her to be suspicious of new members who may look shady, such as Henry, who came from a Grimleal background. Panne is protective of her friends, to the point where she would sacrifice everything for them. Panne is also incredibly patient, as well as generous. She helps others when they are ill with herbal remedies, and will go out of her way to help her fellow soldiers when they need it. She's taken multiple blows for others in battle and is immensely protective of her friends, to the point where she'll attack others if she catches them badmouthing one of her friends. Her brutality has become well-known within the army.
Powers/Abilities: Panne has the ability to transform into her beastform, which appears akin to a massive, demonic rabbit. She has an incredibly amount of speed and strength within this form, but can tend to lack stamina and defense.
Weapon(s): Beaststone, which allows her to transform

Series From: Blazblue
Name: Makoto Nanaya
Gender/Sex: Female/Female
Species: Beastkin
Personality: Makoto is an uppity young woman who is thoroughly optimistic. She's resilient to tragedy and will never give up on a goal she has set for herself. Although appearing bubbly and optimistic, she's also rather clever, and has somewhat of a hard time genuinely trusting people, although her trust issues have majorly improved in the last years. She has a deep hatred of being discriminated against because of her species, and she has many terrible memories from the past that extend beyond just being bullied. Despite her hatred for bigots, she tends to get along well with just about everyone else. She's easygoing, and is able to support and motivate her friends even when they're feeling pessimistic or discouraged. She's incredibly loyal to her friends and is almost always able to compromise with them.
She is definitely capable of being a team player. She tends to be a little scatterbrained, and tends to lose different objects at inconvenient times. However, as an Intelligence Operator and spy, she is thoroughly diligent. She's a smooth liar whenever she has to be and is good at faking her emotions, although she refuses to do so when she is speaking to her friends. She has a serious side when it comes to her friends, and would even risk her life to save them if necessary. Makoto is incredibly self-confident. She is confident in her power and in her skills, as well as her body, and she can easily come up with a retort to almost any insult thrown at her. She has a deep-rooted dislike for lecherous behavior, and always attempts to protect her more naive female friends from men who want to take advantage of them.
Makoto can also be a curious young woman, who is able to investigate different people and areas effectively due to her training as an intelligence operator within the NOL. However, she dislikes using her status for her own gain and will only use databases when she's given work-related tasks. Makoto is also someone who may hold grudges, depending on what the offender has done. She remembers the faces of bigots easily, and will never forgive anyone who might have hurt a friend of hers. She's utterly malicious to anyone who would dare harm her friends. Makoto may also be reckless in combat, and outside of combat. She can confront others who are much stronger than her in an effort to protect someone else. However, she's crafty, even if she may not seem like the type.
Powers/Abilities: Due to her heritage, she has incredibly reflexes and an abnormal amount of raw strength. She is powerful enough to make a sizable impact crater in the ground. She also has a surprisingly strong resistance to magical attacks, coming from her resistance to to seithr, a magical substance within the Blazblue world.
Weapon(s): She makes use of extremely powerful tonfas, both called Impact.
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