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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Oz
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Oz Ya Boy Oz

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Welcome to The World. This will be the first arc, which will be rather casual. (or as "casual" as an assembled group of nutjobs can be). The first setting I want the RP to focus on is the town of Ayumu. Ayumu is home to The Guild, which will be giving out missions during the entirety of the RP. That being said, you don't have to start there. Other notable locations with Ayumu include a large park, a shopping district with a bustling market, a shady red light district, etc. However, these don't need to be the only locations. I firmly believe in allowing the players to make their own locations in order to expand upon the RP and make it more interesting. Go wild. (but don't sacrifice goats or anything.)

Characters should already be in The World. Not just arriving there. And once they are there, they cannot leave.

Ayumu, a town built in a circular pattern, had become known as the town of walking dreams, due to how many travelers ventured there seeking fame, fortunate, and answers about the predicament of The World. Being the first town discovered, it quickly became the largest and has remained that way since. Underneath the shade of the hulking Tree of Life, which was perched at the top of the town, Ayumu thrived in wealth and information. The Guild functioned to find out information relating to The World, but also functioned in exploration and rescue missions. The more they could find, the closer they came to discovering why people had been pulled to The World, and perhaps... how they could get home.

But the stage has been relatively empty. The setting is complete, and props are here and there. But what this story is missing... is you, the one who controls the fate of The World, and its inhabitants.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by kusanagifire
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

~Old Forest, Fallen Hollow Tree~

"This one maybe?"

She picked up another odd looking mushroom. To be completely frank, Marisa Kirisame had no idea if what she was picking up would be useful or not, but then again, most of her works were mostly made by trial and error. She wished she had the books in which she had wrote down the specifics of most of her potions, but she suspected the reagents here would be vastly different from what she had living in the Magic Forest.

When she first came here, she had no idea what to expect, since this was the first taste of the Outside she had ever experienced for any significant amount of time. Marisa was ecstatic about it, and would have rushed around and then bragged about it to Reimu, but she had no real idea how to get back to Gensokyo, or even how she passed through the barrier to get here in the first place.

"This should be enough." She stretched out, then sighed. "Its a good thing there's at least some mushroom I recognize here."

There was a town a flying distance away, but since she was rather unfamiliar with their culture, she had decided to make a makeshift shelter in this forest for the moment. Plus that huge tree reminded her of that creepy barren cherry blossom tree in the Netherworld. Making a shelter was easy enough; she had simply found a hollow fallen tree and cleaned out the interior enough for her to live in.

Done collecting the mushrooms, she got on her broomstick, careful not to spill the mushrooms from her overstuffed apron, and started her way back to the shelter. Perhaps she would check out the city later on in the night.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oz
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Oz Ya Boy Oz

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

((Characters should already be in The World. Not just arriving there. And once they are there, they cannot leave.))
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Samus Aran

Samus yawns lightly after taking a small sip of her glass of red wine. Today was a very long day for her and all she wanted now was to kick back and relax. Boarding and sabotaging an enemy space pirate freighter was no easy task for a mere human task force, let alone a single woman in a power suit. But alas she did it anyways. She can remember the huge explosion that rippled her ship just as she left the hanger. It was exhilarating none of the less, it always was, yet truthfully it was nothing more then a regular norm for Samus. She blew up countless of space pirate ships before, including other freighters, fighters, and even space stations. If it weren't for the grand reward she gets for every one that she blew up, she would've already been bored of it by now. Now what would make her day, is if her nemesis was onboard a ship without her knowing. That would be interesting. After all, she hates that slimy, purple, pterodactyl, alien creature with a passion.

It was interesting to be in a new galaxy - correction, a universe - just to have old habits and foes come back to wreck things again. This was no exception. Yet also sees many brand new faces, some more familiar, but many not so. All she wonders now is when a new job request will come. Even here, in this very bar, there's always a few faces that desperately need someone to do their dirty work, with a substantial reward included. It's not the matter of WHO will ask her this, it's only a matter of WHEN.


She has to admit, this park is indeed quite peaceful. The vibrant colors of fiery reds, bright oranges, warm yellows, hot pinks, and the cool purple from the lights down below also give off a pretty and intricate atmosphere. The closest thing Gojira-San can compare was when she was back on Monster Island, sitting on the side of a cliff, and overlooking the beautiful sunset that dipped into the ocean blue. That along with the sounds of the other inhabitants and wildlife below was quite soothing. Or after wrecking Tokyo as the fires fanned from the wreckage and into the night sky.

And now, for the first time, she was in a town like this and NOT wrecking things up. Admittingly, it was slightly weird for her to be in a urban area and not have the inhabitants cower away in fear. And really she wasn't even that big to begin with, just 7 feet tall. Sure that's unnaturally tall to begin with, but that's even shorter then the tallest man that ever lived on planet Earth. Then again... she's no ordinary human to begin with. Either way, she continues walking down a path in the park and admires the beautiful world around her. This was certainly better then causing havoc around the city... as long as no one disturbs her that is.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by CallMeChaotix
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CallMeChaotix Professional Smartass.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Professor Zoom VS The Flash

Two blurs ran past a building, one red and the other yellow. Red and golden lightning sparked across Ayumu. "Faaacceee itttt yooouuu caann''tttt beeeaaaatt meeeee!" Professor Zoom yelled, throwing his right fist at the Flash."Mmph..!" Flash stumbled back, still running and slammed his fist into Zoom's chest. They both threw their fists at each other, faster than the speed of sound! The Flash growled angrily. They don't know how they got here, but either way, it's time to finish this! They've been here for about a day, and they finally found each other!

Flash and Pro. Zoom ran up a building, throwing their fists at each other again. They ran off the roof, in the air. Flash tackled Pro. Zoom! Zoom elbowed him back, and rammed both of his fists into Flash's chest. Flash stumbled, they both were falling, until they ran onto another building. They stopped on top of a roof. "You brought us here, didn't you!" Flash yelled, this had to be Zoom's fault. "Don't start accusing, I didn't cause this. But where ever we are, I will kill you." A smile spread across Zoom's face, his red eyes glowing brighter. He than speeded at Flash, rammming him off the roof. Flash landed on the ground safely, do to running on the wall. He then ran across another building, as Pro. Zoom followed him.

They both kept throwing their fists at each other, people around them only saw them as red and yellow blurs. Flash rammed his fist into Zoom's face. Zoom stumbled, and kicked him in the side. They both went back to speed-fighting. "Now, I'm angry!" Pro. Zoom threw multiple fists at the second, going so fast! Flash stumbled over, then fall down. His nose was bleeding, and his suit was torn from the fight. Pro. Zoom picked him up by the neck quickly. "Rrrgh..!" Flash managed. "You know, we've been fighting for a long time. In the future, and in the past. It's about time I end this." He spinned like a yellow blur of a tornado, holding Barry with him. Barry turned into a red blur, then Pro. Zoom tossed him like a football, through a window.


Mega-Man doesn't know how he got here, or why. But apparently, he wasn't the only one that ended up here. Dr. Willy's robots were here too, and they did not look happy! "Crap.." There were too many of them for him to fight. He saw ones that he never even fought before. Bubble-Man jumped down and fired lead bubbles at Mega-Man! Mega-Man jumped over them, and charged his Mega-Buster. He fired it at Bubble-Man, an he went down. Rush appeared, and landed next to Mega-Man. "Rush, you were brought here too?". Rush barked, Mega-Man assumed he said yes. He saw Willy behind most of them, and clenched his fist.

"Let's go, boy!" Rush turned into a hover-board. Mega jumped, they flew off, but Willy's robots followed them, it looked like they weren't getting out of there that easy. Ice-Man fired ice at the two, and other robots did the same, doing everything they could to destroy Mega-Man an Rush! Mega fired back at them, he then charged his mega-buster and aimed for Willy. He fired, and Willy's ship went down. Willy got out of it, "Get those two!" He yelled. "Go, boy, GO!" Mega yelled, Rush barked and boosted out of there, Mega-Man was going to need help dealing with these bots, but his friends aren't here to help him!

Mega and Rush made it to a weird town, Mega looked around. "Cool, let's look around, boy." Rush wagged his tail, and walked around the town. Maybe someone here could help him defeat Dr. Willy so he won't take over this place. Mega stopped in his tracks, wait. He doesn't even know the name of this place!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 27 days ago


In the shallow waters encircling the plaza at the center of town, a crocodile lazily drifted along the surface. It slept deeply, oblivious to the lights and sounds around it, for all purposes dead to the world. However, even if reptiles were common in the waters of Ayumu, this was far from a common reptile. The beast was roughly twenty feet long from the tip of its nose to the end of its tail, and its alabaster scales glimmered in the lamplight. It was not merely unusual in appearance, though. To those that could sense such things, the crocodile had no life signs; its heart did not beat, it drew no breath, and it held no heat in its cold blood. The more magically inclined could tell even more: this was a creature of concentrated evil. It was more a malevolent force of nature than an animal, as though the very strength of the natural world had been corrupted to malevolent ends.

Even so, Sobek the Crocodile God slumbered soundly, as it had done since soon after its arrival in the World. The transition had been a bit of a shock for him, and he had needed a meal and a nap to figure things out. The snapped bones and crushed skulls of his "meal" littered the bottom of the pond under him at that very moment.


The proud Knight of Blood wandered through the city streets, a mix of curiosity and wariness guiding his exploration. He had come to this place after investigating a dimensional anomaly, and the wormhole he had discovered led him here. The need to return to the Earth to continue his battle against Another Blood sat in the back of his mind, though he was quite preoccupied by exploration at this point. This place, wherever it was, utterly fascinated him with its wide variety of people and strange creatures.

Looking overhead, he spotted a witch flying on a broomstick. It was lucky that Kuzaku's magic still worked in this place, or he would have been in quite a pinch. From what he could tell, not everyone in this place was totally friendly, and the possibility that he would need to defend himself or someone else remained strong. Thinking of it, his hands unconsciously drifted to the hilts of his swords on his belt, as he continued his aimless stroll through Ayumu's streets.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

[Blackwargreymon, Ayumi, Red Light District]

The crowds screamed and shouted, inhuman tongues mixing with the more commonly spoken English as creatures as strange and diverse as the digital beings from his homeworld gathered around the makeshift arena. He faced what appeared to be a human, although he had learned that the humans of this world were not to be underestimated. The warrior he faced wore armour in accordance to what he learned was referred to as 'medieval technology', and wielded a large but intricately forged blade at least two meters in length. It swung the sword in a series of expert moves, wielding the mass of metal in one hand as if it were a mere dagger. The warrior's armour appeared to be plated in gold, but was in reality formed from some unknown and incredibly sturdy material. But all these things meant nothing to Blackwargreymon, or as he had become known in this new world, 'War'.

The blade of the zweihander was swung in a deft arc, aimed to sever War's head from his shoulders. His opponent was a skilled warrior indeed, having instantly assessed his opponent's strengths and weaknesses. Wielding such powerful weapons and armour demonstrated great strength over speed, and the enemy was well aware of this. It chose not to evade, but to block attacks with a large and imposing shield that appeared to have been hewn from the side of a mountain. Blackwargreymon casually sidestepped the blow and stabbed forward, his blades impaling the opponent, slicing through the mystery metal as if it were butter. The three pronged claws struck true, dealing critical damage to all the organs that the organic lifeforms usually required. But just this would not stop his opponent, who merely stepped back into a defensive position and prepared to swing once more.

This dance had repeated it several times, Blackwargreymon using his vastly superior speed to inflict devastating wounds on his opponent, only to find the human seemingly incapable of dying. Once it had decapitated the creature, only to find it upright mere moments later, ready once more to continue the fight. It was questionable whether such a creature could even be called a human, but Blackwargreymon had never been a stickler for definitions. More importantly he wondered how his opponent stood after every blow, how they rose after every death with more determination than before. What could motive a being beyond death. Revenge? Greed? Love? Hate? Had it not been engaged in a fight, it would have asked. But the enemy hadn't said a word the entire time, and 'War' doubted that the armoured knight would tell him even if he were to ask. The cheers and jeers of the crowd, the excited words of the announcer, the sound of traffic in the background, all of it was mute to him as he casually went through the motions of battle.

But all such dances come to their end. Blackwargreymon cosndiered his opponent one last time, before he swiped the Zweihander out of the air, the massive blade shattering into pieces. "Death is inevitable. Perhaps this will help you find it." With those simple words, War gathered power into his right hand. An orb of pure darkness formed, crackling with red energy. It was a dark power, the gathered negative energy of this world, the pain of those who were slaughtered and oppressed, the hatred of those that would gain power through force, the envy of those who were forced to look on from the dirt as the mighty made themselves known. It was the power of darkness, and as he called upon it, he could feel the atmosphere tremble. His opponent took a step backwards, before rushing forwards in a last-ditch effort of some kind. Throwing up his shield as if he attempted to run through the attack, and to ram into Blackwargreymon. A futile thought, as the dice had already been cast.

"Dark Terra Force"

Wargreymon reached forward, and the orb of energy exploded into a burst of fiery red power. Waves of plasma washed over the streets, as his opponent spent his last seconds attempting to push through the immense explosive force of the Dark Terra Force. Steel and stone were melted down, and flesh reduced to mere ashes in the wind. With a thunderous explosion, the battle was brought to an end, the opponent reduced to nothing more than ashes in the wind, his formidable weaponry nothing more than puddles of superheated matter.

The crowd cheered and howled, and Blackwargreymon absentmindedly collected his 'reward money'. Such goods were used to purchase the goods organic lifeforms required to live, but he had no use for such things. Anything he wished to possess he would take through force. No, he fought simply for the joy of fighting, to find an opponent worthy of meeting his blades. And despite his extended stay in this world, he had yet to find more than a handful that had taken any effort to face. And none that had been able to match him in combat. Perhaps it was not possible for these beings to truly challenge him, to face him on equal grounds. But then, there was no limit to his lifespan. His search would continue as long as it needed to, even after most of this world had been turned to dust.

Of course, even in the middle of such contemplation Blackwargreymon was always ready for battle. And as a red form came shooting through the window near him, he reacted instantly. Reaching out with a speed that made him impossible for the human eye to follow, he caught the red blur in a single fist. The creature was the size of a human being, and seemed to be wearing a red spandex outfit. Blackwargreymon had recognized these individuals as 'supers', those humans who did not merely possess superhuman capabilities, but flaunted them at every opportunity to the world with colourful costumes and symbols. Looking around, War also noticed that a secondary blur was had come to a standstill nearby, a being that had mere moments before been moving faster than even he was able to go. It seemed that he had interrupted a battle of sorts. "To what purpose do you humans fight? For it seems to me that you are disturbing the public peace, and form a danger to this town. Such actions are the actions of a fool."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oz
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Oz Ya Boy Oz

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Makoto Nanaya

It was a relatively sunny day. Believe it or not, Makoto had mostly grown accustomed to living in Ayumu Town. She had been offered a free apartment by a generous landlady, and all seemed to be doing fine. Well... the apartment wasn't totally free. Makoto acted as a bouncer or security guard of sorts for the complex, fighting off unwanted intruders. Whenever there was a disturbance, she was called down to take care of the undesirables. Although not incredibly luxurious, the apartment she lived in wasn't terrible. It was very clean and the conditions there were good. Still, she had the day off. And she hadn't of checked the guild out yet. It was rumored to be a source of information, and it also paid a pretty penny to anyone willing to take on a quest.

She had no idea what "quests" included, but she was sure that she could handle them if she tried hard enough! Makoto walked through the colorful streets of Ayumu. Vendors were clustered around and people were chattering in a friendly manner. It was a far cry from the red light district, where one wrong move could potentially get you beheaded by a mugger. Makoto was tough, though. She had been able to handle herself so far. Nothing would stop her from carrying on as usual. Still, she missed her friends, and routinely wondered how they were. She had visited two of the other towns, but had not seen anyone familiar. It was very discouraging to not have any friends around her in this new environment. Still, she figured she'd get along just fine.

As she was wrapped up in her thoughts, she failed to notice Mega Man walking by with his robotic companion. She bumped into him and stumbled, almost toppling over, before gracefully regaining her footing and turning to greet him with a smile. He was certainly an odd, robotic-looking fellow. At least he didn't seem as hostile or threatening as any other robots she had encountered in the past.

"Sorry!" She swiftly apologized. "Wasn't looking too closely at where I was going."


Adlet Mayer

Adlet Mayer, besides being the "Strongest Man in the World", was a man of constant movement. After arriving in the new, odd dimension, he had been quite shocked. But, he had quickly settled in, taking the life of a traveler as he had in his home world. As of now, he was wandering through a lush forest, on his way to the town of Ayumu. He had been taking odd jobs, and one of them had been a delivery mission. He had been hired by a merchant in Ayumu to deliver a package to a customer in the city of Chou, otherwise known as the city of radiant flowers and butterflies. It had been rather easy. Besides the muggers who had attacked him on his way. But even that hadn't been too terrible. He had come out mostly unscathed, after all.

He hummed a cheery tune, but halted upon seeing an odd glimpse of color, out of place within the forest of greens. Immediately, he ducked behind a large tree, watching as a young-looking woman busily worked to collect some sort of fungi. He eyed her curiously, wondering if he should speak up or not. But by the time he was close to making up his mind, she was already on her way to leave! He stealthily tailed her. She seemed to have a destination in mind... Maybe he should just leave her be? But what if she had no idea on where civilization was? There was so much he wanted to know--but no way of find out unless he spoke to her.

"Hey!" He decided to speak up, calling out in a way that wasn't too harsh in terms of tone.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by malmshodes
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Member Seen 12 days ago

"Burble. Burble." The green pile of goo bubbled as another foot stepped into the green slime, and came out with a sucking sound, fallowed by a long string of curses from a man, or woman, or other asexual creature complained about how just anything was allowed to be left in the street, and if there was any law in the place a lawyer would be heard from and money would be exchanged, or at least a long, carefully worded letter of apology.

"What's a lawyer?" The green slime bubbled. "Can you eat it like dead grass, or an old corpse that somehow got overlooked by all the birds and buggies?"

The possibly man, or woman, or asexual thing blinked, and looked down at the slime. "Are you talking?" He, or she, or it, said, scratching its nose, and reaching into its pocket for a blade. He poked the goop and tried moving it around with his the toe of his shoe. "Or is there someone under there trying to be funny?"

"It's just me." The goop sloshed. "Nobody under, except for more of me."

"I see." The thing said, arching what could've been an eyebrow if it wasn't for the fact that steel wasn't normally considered eyebrow material by races in which such things mattered enough to warrant a name. "And what are you?"

"Here, what else? What is a lawyer?"

"A means for cash without work."

There was a pause and the thing bubbled in thought. "And how does one go about getting one?"

"With cash." The steel eyebrowed thing moved a little closer and violently stabbed the slime with a enough.

"And how does one--" Without a face to express discomfort it was difficult to tell if the slime was experiencing any, but by the way nothing was happening it was safe to assume it wasn't, because if it was things would be moving, in steelbrow's favor or against it. "Get cash?"

"By working." It held up the blade and looked at the green stuff which slowly slid off like a man who had tried to scale a glass building with socks.

"And where does one find work?"

"There's a guild that gives out odd jobs over there?" Said the maybe man thing, pointing his knife at a building with a large sign on it. "Not all jobs give much money but there's always something for someone."

"I'm going now." The slime said. "To get work for a lawyer." Without waiting for another word the green slime crawled away leaving the man-woman-it-possibly-robotic thing staring at it go. A moment passed and then the slime on the blade jumped off and hurried after the pile. Another moment passed and what was on the shoes did the same.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by kusanagifire
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

~Old Forest, Fallen Hollow Tree~


On her way back to her shelter, she heard someone calling out. Presumably to her, if the person wasn't a crazy hobo and talking to shrooms. Turning around, it appears to be a redheaded man, wearing an odd assortment of clothings. Well, perhaps not odd, foreign would be the better fit she would think. Odd would be some of the things Kourin collects and tries to sell.

Flying closer and lower towards the man, she gave one of her characteristic grins, hailing him as she did so. "Yo, you lost or something?"

He didn't seem to be carrying anything interesting with him that she could see, or anything threatening. Most likely a traveler or a wanderer, lost in this place like her, or just an eccentric native.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Samus Aran

"There's a guild that gives out odd jobs over there?"

Samus happened to be close enough to the conversation to pick that statement up. Even though she was already relaxing, she'll have to partake in another job soon. She then looks towards where the "maybe-man-thing" points, where she can see a building with a large sign. This will be a handy convenience indeed. After all, she only landed here just an hour ago and had only been in the bar for barely half an hour. Perhaps she can get some quick money for an easy job. With a faint smile, she slowly finishes the wine and gets on her feet, making her way towards the guild.

And did I mention that she was in her power suit, minus the helmet?

@Dead Cruiser

Gojira-San's stay in the park wasn't for too long. She slowly walks out, making her way towards the center of town, for she was curious on what's going on over there. Like most of the town, it was rather peaceful, yet also somewhat busy. A small market was found near the edges of the plaza, comprised mostly of food stands emitting a savory aroma. This made Gojira-San quite hungry, considering she hadn't eaten anything for just over twelve hours. As she makes her way there, she suddenly was able to pick up another scent. Her enhanced senses had picked up something... dark. She was no magic user so to say, but her senses are quite enhanced, in which she is able to pick up this unknown scent. It's energy seemed quite malevolent... evil.

Gojira-san growls quietly as she tries to pinpoint where it was coming from. The scent seems to be stronger towards the waters that encircle the plaza. Whoever it was it must be an aquatic being, just lurking in the waters. Little did she know, she is heading straight towards the location of where Sobek is....
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Yidhra
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Yidhra The Dream Witch

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The town itself was beginning to get more and more familiar for Patchouli, but she was still having one major issue. She really didn't have an . . . acceptable place to stay. Patchouli didn't exactly need something as great as the Scarlet Devil Mansion, but something better than the Inns she had been staying at. With this in mind, it became her goal to find some sort of permanent residence for herself.

Now, Patchouli really wasn't sure where to start, but she did have an idea. Any place worth anything wouldn't be within the town, unless it was horribly overpriced. The best place to find a good place to live in would be on the outskirts of town, where there would be more space to build larger buildings. While she was never in peak condition, walking shouldn't do to much to her.

After reaching the outskirts at the town, Patchouli ultimately began to regret walking this far out. However, her quest was almost finished, and she couldn't afford to quit now. A few places came in sight, but nothing that was really appealing to the Magician. She was just about to call it quits and relax in the grass for a bit, but then she saw it.

The Manor still was nothing compared to the Scarlet Devil Mansion, but the design was still perfect. It just had the correct image, though it being a Western Styled mansion helped a lot. This was going to be Patchouli's new home, and nothing was really going to get in her way of moving in.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Brodie
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Brodie Sage

Member Seen 3 mos ago


Ayumu, Bustling Vendors Market

King had been sleeping under a tree when his stomach started to growl. He look around and noticed he had gone to sleep in front of the market place here in Ayumu. This place had been pretty good ever since he got here, nothing bad had happened and he could find food just anout any where so there were no complaints on his part. As he floated around he could see the different items on sale and each one had a story, from the hand made bracelets to the freshly baked pastries. Everything here comes from the hard working hands of another person.

Kings stomach growled again and the scent of bread touched his nose. The woman who ran the vendor always set up next to the edge of the plaza where the water was, and her bread was to die for. Ever since he got here King and this girl had an understanding, he would do things for her and in turn she would feed him. But something was different, the air had a murky feel to it, and as he approached her bpoth it only got worse.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Billsomething
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Crash walked through the Market. looking for the fruits stall, it was his favorite stall for it was the only place where he could get wumpa fruits. how it came to be that this one stall is the only one to provide the delicious fruit was something that Crash (like many things) didn't question. he was just happy that he could avoid the horror of never eating a wumpa fruits ever again. when he reached the stall he quickly grabbed all the wumpa fruit he could and placed them into a bag. but before he walk away with his loot, he heard the stall owner clear his throat.

Crash looked at the owner, and gave him a pleading look in attempt to get away without paying "Sorry dude. you know the rules" Crash grumbled as he reached his pockets and handed the owner a bag "Thank you come again" and with that crash walked away grumbling all the way. when he neared the end of the market, he heard the angry growl of an empty stomach and for once it wasn't his. no the growl belonged to a blond child @Mugin crash looked at his bag, then back at the child, then back at his bag. until finally he reached into his bag, and walked over to child "Ikaba" Crash said while handing him one of his wumpa fruits 'sometimes it sucks being good guy'
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by CallMeChaotix
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CallMeChaotix Professional Smartass.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Professor Zoom VS The Flash

Flash struggled in the weird creature's fist, "Rrrgh...let go of me!" The creature, ((@thewizardguy))Then Pro. Zoom raced in, shocked. Flash struggled, then the creature spoke about how Flash and Pro. Zoom were stopping peace, Flash answered "The one in the yellow is dangerous, he'll kill everyone here! He's faster than me, and I'm trying to stop him!" Flash said. Pro. Zoom then lied, "Don't trust him, he's the evil one!" Flash glared at him, then Flash vibrated out of the creature's fist.

Pro. Zoom punched Flash into a wall as soon as he got out of the creature's hands. Then Pro. Zoom raced around the creature, creating a vortex, sucking the creature up. Pro. Zoom then grabbed Flash by the neck. "Gah..." Flash gripped Pro. Zoom's hand, too weak to move and fight back. Pro. Zoom threw him back out of the window. Flash went tumbling down, hurt. Flash was unconscious, and Pro. Zoom was about to kill him.

Pro. Zoom raised his hand, and his hand started to vibrate. He's used this move before, its where he phases his hand through his victim's chest, killing them. He aimed his hand at Flash's chest, and it got closer slowly. Flash woke up and tumbled over in a fast motion, then he speed-punched Pro. Zoom multiple times, knocking him down. They both then turned into red an yellow blurs, throwing their fists at each other faster than the blink of the eye. Who was going to win?


Mega stumbled back, as he got pushed by Makoto ((@Oz)). He fell down, and Rush growled. "It's okay, boy!" Mega looked at Makoto, and smiled. [color=blue]"Sorry, it's not your fault. I was not watching where I was going either." Mega said. He dusted off hid cyan and blue suit. Rush glared at Makoto. Mega looked at him and patted him on the head, "It's okay, boy. She's not an enemy." Mega said. Mega looked back up at her, then back at Rush, "I'm Mega-Man, or Rock. Which ever you'd like to call me. This is Rush, my companion!" Mega and Rush looked at Makoto. "Is there anything to do in this city, I haven't found Willy's bots again. So I need something to do, like a job or something?" Mega asked.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Roman Torchwick - Self professed Master Thief

Through the streets of town walked a dapper man, clad in a white trench coat, a black bowler hat atop his head, and a cane clicking on the sidewalk ahead of him. A cigar was perched on his lip, though he wasn't too heavily invested in it. It was nice, but it wasn't all that good compared to some of the stuff he'd had in Atlas. Now those guys knew how to make a good cigar. But he was saving the ones he had left, so this would have to do.

At the moment though Roman Torchwick, master thief, scourge of Vale, was unhappy. Undeniably so. Oh sure, this place had been interesting when he had first arrived, but he had gotten bored. There was just no excitement here, nothing interesting for him to do. Not like Vale, or Mistral, or Atlas. To say nothing of the weird collection of people that had gathered here. To be honest it creeped him out, and more than a little.

"I really am going to have to rob somebody," he muttered to himself in annoyance. It wasn't that he needed to, by any stretch of the imagination, but at least it would be something to do in this dump.

Well, if he was going to pull a heist then he'd need some grunts, some manpower to do the hard lifting and to take the fall if this all went sideways. Sadly, useful help just wasn't that easy to find, especially when it involved criminal activities, but he would do his best. So, first stop was a bar or a club on the more skeevy side of town. That would be the place to best get what he needed, or to find people who knew where he could find it.

At the next corner he turned, cane held tight as he headed towards his planned destination. Time to get to work.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Savato
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Savato Super Peace

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The Senator

Bar O'Brien - Ayumu's Questionable Streets


After a long day's work within the most prestigious hotel of the city of Ayumu, "L'ArĂ´me", Steven Armstrong had the unholy habit of spending evenings in various pubs with co-workers or even clients. Indeed, ever since he fell into this bizarre universe, he couldn't help but realize the cold hard truth that his dream was to be drowned. He wasn't depressed or anything, but he did have mood swings after stressful hours, pushing him to enjoy himself more than he had to. Ever since he arrived, he had the luck of running into this very hotel that employed him. Through his many credentials and his irrefutable eloquence, it was easy for him to reach the recently vacant position of director of Public Relations. With this position, he had free access to the Penthouse as well as a large amount of connections with more influential people in the region.

Tonight however, he wasn't drinking away like usual. He wasn't laughing around with colleagues or picking a typical bar fight as he would to 'stay in shape'. No, this time the Senator was simply sitting on a stool right before the bar's counter with a shot in his hand. He chugged it all in one go as the bar's bell rang, indicating someone had entered. Turning his head, along with the few shady hooligans either playing pool or simply drinking away in their corner, he noticed it wasn't the person he was waiting for. It wasn't that robotic General he had made recent dealings with, the alien being that was to discuss their current standing toward this overly influential Guild in the town. Instead, he'd notice a fancy looking redhead with one of those trashy cigars he'd find in the low end markets.

Armstrong recognized this man, there was no doubt about it. He had a strange notoriety of being one of the best in what he did, and his presence made it clear he was to be treated like the slimy fox he was said to be. The senator chuckled before waving at the barman for his attention before using his thumb to point at Roman's figure.

"Whatever he gets is on me, Pete."

He'd tell with a strong enough voice to make it clear that his intentions were to make first contact with Torchwick. Slowly, he went to pick up a small case within his black suit only to open it and reveal a set of eight high quality cigars. He'd help himself, of course, sticking the thin end of the tobacco roll between his lips before proposing one to Roman whom he'd suppose would have taken a seat next to the tall Senator.

"Try some of these, son, they'll get the taste of shit out of your mouth."

He'd offer the thief with a large, welcoming grin on his face. Roman could get a good glance of the middle aged man's visage, visibly someone who didn't have a problem with communication. Only a few gray strands of hair would defy his otherwise charismatic look. He was dressed like the typical Senator otherwise, making both the thief and the politician greatly up the chic standards of this otherwise questionable bar.

"So, what brings you to this shithole? Also, you got a light?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Blackwargreymon was pushed into the air as a cyclone unexpectedly formed around him. The crowd had dispersed, realizing that this fight was not an arena match, and that their lives were endangered by their continued presence. It was clear that these two beings were quite powerful, each of them zipping about at immense speeds, and the thought of meeting a being of significant strength pleased him. However, it was equally clear that he had been disregarded in this contest, which was something he was not able to accept. Such was an insult not only to his power, but to his pride as a warrior. Growling he halted his movement, floating in midair as his flight activated. The two blurring figures had settled into a tiny tornado, attacks thrown and dodged in the blink of an eye. He considered simply annihilating both with his Dark Terra Force for the insult, but doing as such would have inflicted major collateral damage to the town itself, and he had no intention of destroying that much of the city.

In the middle of the battle, Wargreymon suddenly seemed to appear between the two combatants, one half of the Brave Shield in each hand. While he wasn't able to keep up with the two metahuman's movements, he was easily fast enough to interrupt their conflict. Moving at almost twice the speed of sound, he blocked both punches as they landed on the two halves of the Brave Shield. Striking with the force of an apache missile, their impact was completely negated by the power of the Brave Shield itself. "Perhaps I did not make myself clear before. If either of you wishes to fight, then I will be happy to kill you right here. But the order of this city is to be protected, even if I have to cover it in the corpses of you 'heroes'. Continue your battle outside the city boundaries, or in one of the underground arena matches. If you cannot abide by the order of this city, I will personally ensure that you will never be able to move again." It was no idle threat, and both of the contestants would realize that this individual was a being of immense power, by the fact that he was not only able to move at such speeds, but could take two hypersonic punches without so much as flinching.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CallMeChaotix
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CallMeChaotix Professional Smartass.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Flash looked at the creature, "This guy isn't a hero. I am, and he wants to kill everything here, because thats what he does." Flash said. Pro. Zoom smiled wickedly, then speeded off. "He's getting away!" Flash speeded after him, they both ran on the same lake. They did the traditional super fist to cuffs! They were throwing fists at each other in a blink of the eye! Pro. Zoom slammed his fist into Flash, Flash nearly fell into water, but he kept running. They both ran so fast they caused a sonic boom, to fast for the creature to catch them. Another sonic boom happened, and another, and another. They were entering the Speed Force! "Thanks for the get away, Barry!" He ran into the portal of the Speed Force, Flash did the same.

The Speed Force was unimaginably beautiful. Blue lightning flew everywhere, they ran in a glowing blue tunnel. Flash was his fastest in here, Pro. Zoom was his slowest, since this isn't his Speed Force. But since Pro. Zoom's Negative Speed Force eats away at the Speed Force, it started fading. If Flash and Pro. Zoom didn't get to the end in time, they'd both be trapped there forever! Flash practically turned into a lightning bolt! Pro. Zoom started getting faster and faster, then they both made it to the end! Flash were back in Ayumu, everything was normal again. But where was Professor Zoom?

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cleopatra
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Cleopatra starting global wars since before You were born

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Ayumu, Far Above the Clouds

The city was alive and bustling. Scurrying about like bees in a hive, or ants in a nest. The city itself had no particular interest to her, in that respect. Perhaps toying with the inhabitants a bit here and there, but most of the people here didn't interest her, or were pretty passive. It was like going to the human village, except there were a fair number of non humans there. But, living in houses like humans, acting like humans, eating like humans, even speaking their own language. . .

That wasn't how Youkai existed. So in that respect, this was a world dominated by humans and those who acted like them. This was no Gensokyo, which meant there were no other Youkai, and no Shrine to loaf around at. No shrine meant no Shrine Maiden, which meant no one to constantly spook by dressing up in tableclothes. Still, there were plenty of interesting exceptions, she supposed. But mulling upon it further, it was probably that Boundary Hags fault.

Mima had decided to simply float far above the city and watch things going on below and in the vicinity from a birds eye view. Using magic, magnifying her view became pretty trivial. If there was ever something that caught her fancy, she could freely intervene and complicate an otherwise simple situation. But outside of the city is where she found what she wanted to mess with.

A lavender haired witch wearing what looked like Pajamas. Marisa had spoken of a magician like that before, though Mima had never met her. Patchouli Knoweledge, was it? Mima knew because her name tended to come up a lot in some of the books Marisa stole, as the author. Hohoho. She flew straight down with blinding speed, directly into the ground. Moving in the general direction of the Manor Patchouli was approaching, she popped up somewhere on the premises. Given that she was a Magician with skill, it'd probably be best to form up a lie that made sense. After a few seconds, she floated about the splendorous but run down entrance parlor, doing ghost things. She put away her staff and covered herself with an old tablecloth. After all, she needed to look like a ghost for this.
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