Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Glitch
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My bitch-moment of the day:

Job openings that require someone of 20 years old but with 30 years of experience.
Yes, I'm exaggerating, but COME ON! I understand you have your own company and think you're cool and all, but don't demand things from a field that requires time to develop skills in >_>
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED264297


Banned Seen 1 mo ago

Feminism (In its diluted, deluded modern contexts)

This, so much this.

Was the oppression of women in the past bad? Yes. Was feminism as a movement necessary to correct those injustices? Yes. Should their be equality between the sexes? Yes.

The only thing that modern feminism is about is putting women above men. I see feminists warping data to put out bullshit myths like the pay gap or the 1 in 5 women will get raped on college campuses. They also love to push out all of the problems women face in modern society, and while women still face problems, they outright ignore all of the problems that men face.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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I hate these dudes

BUT i also hate these dudes too

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sombrero
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Sombrero Master of the 9 Drunken Styles

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I hate these dudes

BUT i also hate these dudes too

Where do you find all these convenient memes!? I swear, you're psychic!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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<Snipped quote by Dynamo Frokane>

Where do you find all these convenient memes!? I swear, you're psychic!

hahhaa welll what can I say?

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by StrangerDanger
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Modern 1st world feminism.

"I'm a strong independent fish that don't need no bicycle!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vilageidiotx
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<Snipped quote by Sombrero>

This, so much this.

Was the oppression of women in the past bad? Yes. Was feminism as a movement necessary to correct those injustices? Yes. Should their be equality between the sexes? Yes.

The only thing that modern feminism is about is putting women above men. I see feminists warping data to put out bullshit myths like the pay gap or the 1 in 5 women will get raped on college campuses. They also love to push out all of the problems women face in modern society, and while women still face problems, they outright ignore all of the problems that men face.

Ehh, I would be careful assuming that tumblr slacktivism and university freshman liberals are modern feminism. The freshmen won't vote, and will eventually grow up, and the grand majority will even out as they get older. Sure, there are those liberal-arts professors who stir the pot because they've been in academia way too long, but those people have always been there and have always been pulling the same silly shit, they are just in the news all the time now because a few keen marketing guys figured out how lucrative an article with a rage-click inducing title is. As for the small minority that is tumlbr slacktivists, they are either really young, socially maladjusted, or have legitimate issues that cause them to be pulled into that goofy shit. They are the internet's boogeymen, but that is about it.

Modern feminism, the real thing that shouldn't be discounted, is women fighting for gender equality within cultures that haven't modernized with the rest of the west, or women entering fields that are still hitherto boy's clubs. It is still there, though it isn't as visceral as old-school feminism (hence immature types trying to pick fights over nothing because they thing politics is somehow about the glory). Nothing is ever perfect, and everything can be improved upon.

As for the problems that men face, they are totally there, but a real movement hasn't coalesced yet. It doesn't help that, except perhaps for the uneven way the legal system treats fathers when dealing with shit like child support and custody (those horror stories make me glad I only put my dick in other people's drinks rather than other people), most other issues faced by men are perpetuated by the idea of masculinity. I can't help but think of a conversation I overheard a few years ago in a public bathroom where two guys where bragging about all the times they had been raped by women (holy shit was that a conversation), or about how quick everybody is to suggest prison rape as a form of justice. It is absolutely true that men face issues, but there just doesn't seem to be an active general movement to face those issues equal to the size of Feminism. Feminism only happened when enough women decided to push for it. And I don't think it helps that modern "Men's Rights" is nothing of the sort, and all the MRA I have ever seen spend their time just trying to steal the spotlight in discussions about specific women's issues. If you want to fix prison rape, start a campaign to educate the public and encourage victims to speak up, don't spend all your time whining in the comments of articles about sexual violence against women. The former, if you are good at this sort of thing, will get you respect, except for those aforementioned SJW boogeymen that nobody really respects anyway.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by StrangerDanger
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<Snipped quote by duck55223>

As for the problems that men face, they are totally there, but a real movement hasn't coalesced yet. It doesn't help that, except perhaps for the uneven way the legal system treats fathers when dealing with shit like child support and custody (those horror stories make me glad I only put my dick in other people's drinks rather than other people), most other issues faced by men are perpetuated by the idea of masculinity.

I can't help but notice that you're bringing up the "masculinity is toxic" idea, albeit not in such an overt fashion. Masculinity isn't by its very nature "toxic", "bad", "dangerous", or whatever other buzzword you're looking to use. Femininity, in too great amounts (which I assume is going to be your argument against masculinity) can be just as bad or damaging. The eradication of masculinity won't be a magical cure for issues that men face, it's like saying if women stopped acting like women maybe they wouldn't be raped. And the "idea" of masculinity implies male behavior is artificial as well, which would be spitting in the face of biology and the difference that exist in nature as a sexually dimorphic species.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vilageidiotx
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<Snipped quote by Vilageidiotx>

I can't help but notice that you're bringing up the "masculinity is toxic" idea, albeit not in such an overt fashion. Masculinity isn't by its very nature "toxic", "bad", "dangerous", or whatever other buzzword you're looking to use. Femininity, in too great amounts (which I assume is going to be your argument against masculinity) can be just as bad or damaging. The eradication of masculinity won't be a magical cure for issues that men face, it's like saying if women stopped acting like women maybe they wouldn't be raped. And the "idea" of masculinity implies male behavior is artificial as well, which would be spitting in the face of biology and the difference that exist in nature as a sexually dimorphic species.

I wasn't looking for a buzzword. None of this argument has anything to do with what I was implying, you just leaped lazily for a stereotype. This is like if I said "Sometimes, if stored incorrectly, pancake mixes will mold." and you replied with "What are you saying, that we should never ever eat pancakes ever again?"

Masculinity isn't inherently bad, it's just a thing. There isn't anything wrong with a bunch of dudes drinking beer and lifting weights, for instance. However, like everything else, it can come packaged with some negative things. When I say that masculinity is part of the problem when it comes to men's issues, I mean that it does things like complicates the problem of male rape by making it unacceptable within male culture to attend to it. Like any other cultural idea, masculinity is malleable, so all I am saying is that until men themselves are willing to take these issues seriously, men's rights will remain the purview of whiny do-nothings on the internet.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by StrangerDanger
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@Vilageidiotx well, I am fairly lazy and Not particularly invested in the issue. You have clearified the point of your argument and I defer to you.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Frizan

Frizan Free From This Backwater Hellsite

Contest Mod Seen 2 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Rain>

I wasn't looking for a buzzword. None of this argument has anything to do with what I was implying, you just leaped lazily for a stereotype. This is like if I said "Sometimes, if stored incorrectly, pancake mixes will mold." and you replied with "What are you saying, that we should never ever eat pancakes ever again?"

Masculinity isn't inherently bad, it's just a thing. There isn't anything wrong with a bunch of dudes drinking beer and lifting weights, for instance. However, like everything else, it can come packaged with some negative things. When I say that masculinity is part of the problem when it comes to men's issues, I mean that it does things like complicates the problem of male rape by making it unacceptable within male culture to attend to it. Like any other cultural idea, masculinity is malleable, so all I am saying is that until men themselves are willing to take these issues seriously, men's rights will remain the purview of whiny do-nothings on the internet.

Could you possibly provide some examples? Something like a man telling another man that he was never raped/shouldn't report it, or a man outright saying that he didn't want to report his being raped out of fear of social exclusion or ridicule that would come from your idea of masculinity? Or even better, some scientific studies about the aforementioned issues. And please don't mistake this as some sort of passive-aggressive "Yeah, I know that you can't" jab at you, I'd really like to know.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by StrangerDanger
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I wish I could be cool like him~
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vilageidiotx
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<Snipped quote by Vilageidiotx>

Could you possibly provide some examples? Something like a man telling another man that he was never raped/shouldn't report it, or a man outright saying that he didn't want to report his being raped out of fear of social exclusion or ridicule that would come from your idea of masculinity? Or even better, some scientific studies about the aforementioned issues. And please don't mistake this as some sort of passive-aggressive "Yeah, I know that you can't" jab at you, I'd really like to know.

It's always a hell of a time trying to squeeze the scientific information from the internet, what with the good stuff being behind paywalls and me not being in college anymore, but let's see what I can dig up.

"Struckman-Johnson and Struckman-Johnson (1992) reported that approximately 18% of women and 22% of men believed that it is impossible to rape a man - regardless of perpetrator sex." That's nearly a quarter of men believing something rather blatantly crazy, and thereabouts 1 out of 5 people believing this. At least in 1992.

Here is a more generalized article about the problem.

This article, which involves a series of short interviews that includes this harrowing juxtaposition.

James Asbrand Psychologist, Salt Lake City VA

There's the fear that "if other people know this about me, well, then, my life is over. No one's gonna want to be around me. They'll know that I'm less of a man."

One of the doctors said to me afterward, "Son, men don't get raped."

"Results broadly conformed to predictions, with men generally more negative than women, and male rape myth acceptance significantly related to female rape myth acceptance, negative attitudes about gay men, gender role attitudes, and victim blame."

Another good link provided by the Ohio Department of Health.

I would keep doing this, but it is sort of a downer and this is a Saturday night. For anybody who doesn't want to look at all of that, the TL;DR is this - it is common for male rape victims to feel stigmatized as weak, or homosexual, and this stigma has had the effect of gumming up the works for men who do want to report, or as one doctor told a victim, "Son, men don't get raped."
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ASTA
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<Snipped quote by Sombrero>

Russia and anonymous have been doing a pretty good job with kicking Isis' ass

It's wasted effort. Even if ISIS were to be somehow erased from existence, another radical Islamic group would rise to take its place.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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heres some free dating advice

Not that I ever frequented nightclubs/bars (I more into live rock music), but these places are arguably the most brutal and unforgiving environments to try and meet women (unless of course you are a Chad or slayer).

Firstly, they are usually a sausage fest, where men outnumber women by massive ratios, and once you take out women who are with their boyfriends, and women who just want to dance/or attention whore, you are left with a very small pool of available women. Why do you think there is so much alcohol related violence in nightclubs and bars?, too many horny men fighting over too few women.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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2015 was a really stupid year for politics and social justice. What really takes the cake is the total moron who wrote that retarded article about Kylo Ren being a representation of Geek males. this Male feminist is so pathetic and stupid it's just mind boggling. Go to the 58:00 part of the video where Sargon talks about this moron and see the idiocy for yourself.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sen
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What really takes the cake is the total moron who wrote that retarded article about Kylo Ren being a representation of Geek males. this Male feminist is so pathetic and stupid it's just mind boggling.

... Wouldn't that "male feminist" actually be a "meninist", considering the topic being representing males in media (lol)? Y'all are so quick to associate any bad sj stuff with feminism.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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Anita Sarkeesian.

Nuff said
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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<Snipped quote by Weird Tales>
... Wouldn't that "male feminist" actually be a "meninist", considering the topic being representing males in media (lol)? Y'all are so quick to associate any bad sj stuff with feminism.

Watch that part of the video or read the article, it's very feminist
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