Venwyn Ael
It was early in the morning. Around an hour and a half prior to the announcement. The halls were empty and quiet, aside from the sloshing and splashing sounds made by the mop being used by that one special janitor who had to clean the halls in the early hours of the morning. The lights in the dorm hallways were off at this point in time. The academy would turn them off past 12:00pm - or just dim them - as a way of deterring students from wandering around at night sometimes. Despite that, it was still possible to see down the hallway... for a few meters; everything else was just complete darkness. The only person who was in the hallways at the time was Pedro the Hyper Janitor, the Duel Tower's most skilled janitor and third-time victor of the annual Grand Janitor Games.
It was at this point in time there was a thundering sound coming from deep within the Earth hallway. The slight rumbling of which caused some of the water in Pedro's Hyper Bucket to spill slightly. It was the sound of footsteps. Loud footsteps. The noise grew much louder, Pedro sighed, as though he knew what was about to happen.
"GET BACK HERE!" Shouted a deep, aggressive voice.
From the darkness darted a student, darting past the Hyper Janitor and coming close to knocking his supplies over. It was Venwyn. The boy didn't stop to apologize to Pedro; he didn't even acknowledge him at the time, speeding through the first half of darkness and into the next, but it wasn't him who was making the noise: Venwyn was quiet in his movements. A few seconds after Venwyn's departure marked the arrival of the thunderous figure who was causing all the noise.
"I SAID 'GET BACK HERE'!" The voice shouted again. A large figure - easily passing 6 feet tall - burst through the darkness in pursuit of the ninja, barrelling past Pedro's equipment and knocking them over. At least the bucket was fine.
The large figure was none other than Acen Honj; the long-standing burly and athletic teacher who did... everything and anything. Teaching, counselling, hall monitoring and announcing were in this man's repertoire - and those were only the "normal" jobs, ignoring the smaller odd jobs that he did for the academy. His overall aggressive and threatening nature in addition to his inability to speak in any volumes other than loud and very-loud led him to be known as "Transformer," because the students felt that he could "transform" your limbs into broken ones. Despite his reputation among the students, he wasn't really well known amongst the first years quite yet, but the rumours about him had definitely been circulating well since the first day.
Currently, Transformer was chasing Venwyn with what appeared to be... the school uniform? It was true. Acen was holding the uniform in its entirety with a coat hanger; the Light uniform, to be precise. They had been going at this for around an hour now, running around the hallways of the various dorms and floors.
"DAMN IT KID, WEAR YOUR UNIFORM!" Transformer yelled as he stampeded after Venwyn.
"You'll have to catch me first, boob!" Venwyn retorted. He was still wearing his regular clothes - the uniform of the Ael Clan. Venwyn disliked the Light uniform. Needless to say, it was a combination of how it looked, and his own prideful nature. Well, that, and the fact that he had like, 30 copies of the same Ael Clan uniform and he didn't want them to go to waste.
The chase continued into the hallway of the Wind dorm. Melchior's announcement had sounded off at this point, and students were beginning to wake up and make their way toward the cafeteria. The loudness of the announcement didn't seem to faze either of the two. They hurdled over and weaved through the students as they emerged from their rooms.
"YOU CAN'T KEEP THIS CRAP UP FOREVER!" Transformer bellowed. This was probably the first time he had encountered someone with such endurance - normally he'd have caught them by now.
"YesIcanyouboob." Venwyn said unnecessarily quickly, increasing his speed and gradually edging toward the wall of the hallway until he was... running on it? He can do that? Seriously? It seemed sort of anime-like, fictional: almost as if this were simply a passage of text on a roleplaying forum. In fact, one might say that a very similar situation has happened before. Perhaps in an alternate timeline long past? Perhaps the ninja was even in a different dorm back then, too. He continued to run across the wall through the final lengths of the Wind hallway, with the burly teacher not too far behind.
The chase had managed to progress into the Light hallways. Venwyn was back on the ground again as normal, but still running away from his pursuer. Kind of like one of those gazelles running away from a lion or something. In the same vein though, the lion would win. Transformer had kept pace with Venwyn, reaching out to grab him by his scarf, but as he grabbed it there was Venwyn's signature puff of smoke. It didn't daunt Transformer, and he continued to reach into the smoke to catch Venwyn, grabbing and pulling out a... log? The dust had settled, and Venwyn was gone.
In Venwyn's place was a large pile of logs though. At least seven logs.
Why seven logs? I don't know.
Venwyn reappeared in the cafeteria, although he wasn't the first one to arrive this time. His arrival was, however, accompanied by a series of tremors through the school caused by the enraged stomping of Transformer. Perhaps he should have vanished during the chase sooner; most of the tables had been filled already. Venwyn requested his food, and simply ate it while standing up. It was probably a good idea to do so: if Transformer managed to find him, he'd be able to run away rather quickly.