Name- Whistletoe Silverclaw
Gender - Male
Rank - Captain
Clan - Silverclaw Legacy
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Strong willed and independent, Whistletoe bother little with pack or clan aspect keeping only to his own or his friends for as long as it interest him. He go where he please and hunt where he please usually not bothering with small cat's as he owes a life dept to one of the Starclan cats. If someone dare approach hin with friendly intents he may offer a bit of advice or share a few tales. He's also one to always repay favors.
Relationships (Family/Mate/Crush) - His father and mother live elsewhere. And he got no current mate.
History - He was born not too far away and as he grew up he natually settled in a territory of wildcats not really fearing such small creatures. However one day he was caught and hurt in a hunter trap and he wouldn't been able to survive without the aid of a Starclan cat. In return he promised to never hunt for cats or directly impact their lives. A pledge that Whistletow took very seriously.
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