Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

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The Lore Master looks at the large baskets of sweet rolls and pots of hot coffee as she had ordered. She picked up one as she gazes about the room. She wanted to make sure that she had all of her students plus the new Lore Maser. He seemed to be very much interested in teaching. She was as well but she had to allow him to do what he could then she would take up the slack. But all of that is on the back burner right now so to speak.

She took her sweet roll towards her table where there were canteens waiting to be given out. Two of the canteens contained water which she knew that most wouldn’t want and the third was of coffee. Individual picnic hampers were filled with food- sliced ham, sliced cheeses, fruit and most likely freshly baked bread. How Nellie ran the kitchen was a miracle like how grumpy Sam ran the Inn. They were her closest friends as was Ixonia.
Speaking of which, she needed to speak to them about how to speak and act towards each other. Or the rules of etiquette.

“Everyone, please listen up. There are a few last minute instructions before the wagons arrive. Number one is The Etiquette Rules.
1- Treat everyone with respect and dignity.
2- Call people by their title and name unless you have been specifically told that you may use their given name. Which means that you’re are to call me The Lore Master unless I have told you otherwise. Ixonia is the only one at this time that may call me by my given name. Using Ixonia as an example…. You will call her Dragon Rider Ixonia.
3- Each cave has a rolling stone as a door. Please use the bell outside of the cave. Speaking of caves. Each person will receive a scroll of his or her cave when we have arrived at the Academy. There is a number on the scroll. You will stay there until you have cleaned out another larger cave of your choice.
4- Ask before borrowing something.
5- Try to talk to everyone. We need to know and understand each other.” The Lore Master looked at the clock which said 2:45.
“It is time to get on the wagons. Here is the list of wagons and each of you will drive one wagon. As you leave, I will hand you your canteens and basket. These are yours to keep. Please line up and move quickly.”
The Lore Master picked up three canteens to hand out to each person as they left. The baskets were on a table next to the door.

Outside, Dermot and a few males had the pups ready for their new owners. The pups were of various breeds. They came during the night by a secret messenger. They strangest thing was the fact that they have three heads……..

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by pkken
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Lance hadn't really slept during the night because he was too excited. "Well it about time to get a move on" Lance put on his shirt, he doesn't regularly sleep with one on. He goes downstairs and greets everyone as well as grabs some bread and coffee, he sits down for a brief moment. His life has took a strange turn, as if it was his destiny.

Lance finished his bread, brushing the crumbs off his hands and downed the coffee in one go. It was time to depart for the academy. The head Lore master gave directions for how we will be departing. Lance stretches and lets out a strenuous yawn as he waits in line, he gets his canteen and basket and starts walking to his designated wagon. On his way he passed Demot who seemed to have dogs who have 3 heads along with him. Lance walks up to Demot, "What kind of creature is this." He says approaching them. Some of them looked really nice others looked like they would like not to be bothered.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

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Ixonia picked up the canteens and basket then went out of the door to see a great many puppies. She smiled as she went to her father.

"Are those puppies for us by chance?" she asked.
He nodded and put the things into the wagon.
"Come with me for a minute." Dermot spoke quietly as he stroked Ixonia's hair just for a minute before leaving.

A few minutes later, Ixonia came back with solid black puppy that was large and sleepy like.
She carefully climbed up into the wagon and placed the puppy on the bench. She got herself ready to go.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twannyman
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twannyman TwentyTwaaaaaaan

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Gabanre went off to the puppies, after he heared something about it. He asked Dermot: "Are those for us?" The reaction was clear, yes they are. He was asked to pick one, he did pick a red one. He asked, "should we pay for this?" The reaction was as clear as the one before. No not needed. Gabanre thanked Dermot for everything he did for him, the sword and puppy would be super helpfull on his trip. Once he was done he did bow down. He showed the sword, as he made some edits to it.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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Nodding in agreement to the Lore Masters terms, Pica's eyes widened as she exited the inn and was greeted by the sight of puppies!. She made a small squeak of delight and asked Dermot if she could pick one out. As he responded yes, she quickly rushed inside to pick out a puppy!. It had three heads but it was still a puppy! It was fluffy and cute and so teeny-tiny and huggable and -

"Oh gosh it runs quick!" she yelped as the gray-white, three headed husky-esque apparently magical pup began running circles around her. Eyeing it carefully, Pica quickly shot her hand out in its path, scooping the creature in her arms. "So fluffy~!" She said, burying her face in its fur. She turned to Dermot, the lights in her eyes practically dancing with glee. "Thank you so much sir!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by IronWill
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Shitara stood up with small piece of sweet roll in her hand, she slolwy walked outside and stood next to the males waiting outside. She extended her hand and soon a bird landed on it, picking up the piece of sweet roll with one of it's foot and tearing it apart with the beak, the bird seemed to love the sweet roll and after eating it all it extends the wings and flapped them with joy.

"Hello there cutie, you really love sweet things, don't you?"

Shitara asked with warm smile, as if she was talking to her own children, the bird stopped flapping it's wings and walked through Shitara's arm only to sit on her shouder and cuddle against her neck, Shitara's hair was the perfect blanket forthe bird. Such action made Shitara giggle, then she just looked at the men.

"Good morning gentlemen"

She said with a seductive voice, though it was not her intention, and walked inside to pick up the baskets and other things. The men just stood there with their jaws dropped
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Whitewind
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Stacey picked up the basket and canteens and slipped out the door, she saw a rather large brown pup by the wagons. Stacey smiled at it and it barked at her. The blonde went over and picked it up, just after setting her stuff down. "You're rather nice, aren't you?" Stacey got kisses from it. Stacey giggled and took it into a wagon, along with her other stuff.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NightmareInd
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NightmareInd Edgelord McEdgyness

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Samuel went outside with the canteens and his basket, then saw the puppies. He didn't like this amount of people, and looking around, he noticed someone who thought so as well. One of the puppies was looking with two of it's three heads from behind one of the wagons. He walked towards them, and as soon as they noticed that Samuel noticed them, it become much harder to spot it, like it was camouflaged. Samuel slowly got closer, and without saying a word, while having an arm carefully stretched towards them, he tried to win their trust. The dogs seemed to understand this, and slowly moved towards him, dropping the cover. They slowly moved their middle head towards his hand, sniffed it, then licked it as a sign of approval. Sam smiled, stood up and walked towards his wagon. He turned around to the three-headed-dog, then said: "Come." The dogs followed and jumped into the wagon next to him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by pkken
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Lance saw other people adopting the creatures, "So they are up for adoption huh," Lance picks a grey husky, "Aw this guy is a friendly one" Lance pets the middle head.

"I would like this one, Ill think ill name him Zac" Lance says holding him high in the hair.

Lance hears a woman with greet him with a voice that is pleasing to the ear, he looks over and says good morning, He then puts Lance down and sees that all the males around him have their jaws dropped and their eyes full of lust.

Lance kneels down and pets Zac, Zac begins melting into the ground and turns into a black shadow, he moves around quickly. "Woah, these creatures are magical" Zac then resurfaces behind Lance with his tongue out and wagging his tail.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twannyman
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twannyman TwentyTwaaaaaaan

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Lore Master Galbatorix had no wagon and so he joined Gabanre. They greeted each other with respect. Everyone ready to go he asked, if not get on your wagon. He gave the sign to The Lore Master@aisling
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

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"Dermot! The pups arrived just in time! How wonderful. Everyone that wants a pup have a puppy?" she looked around to see that there two left. She walked over to an underweight sleepy puppy. She put her belongings down to pick up the puppy.
"I'll take you. Now to get everything to the lead wagon."

Dermot took the other puppy and spoke.
"This one goes with you as well. I will not take any of these little beasties back with me. I'll carry them to the lead wagon for you then my men will depart except those who are needed to drive. Good luck lass."

"Thank you for all that you have done for me. Here is a bag of gold coins and may the roads that you travel rise up and meet you as you go." The Lore Master was helped into her wagon. She placed the box next to the bench so she could keep an eye out on them as they went.

"May your school and dragons flourish under your care, lass. Take great care." Dermot spoke then turn and left abruptly, pocketing the bag of gold coins.

The Lore Master stood up and waved her hand and called out
And they were off to a new world which was waiting for them to discover.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by IronWill
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IronWill Who the hell do you think I am?!

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Shitara was already on her wagon and ready to leave when Mystique commanded so. She had never rided a wagon but she thought it would not be too difficult.
Houou was on the back of one of the horses looking for fleas to eat.

"Oh come on, you are looking for fleas as if I starved you to death!"

Shitara said abit sad, but she knew it was part of the bird's insticnts to eat fleas.
The bird looked at her owner and flapped it's wings, Shitara was not sure what the pet was trying to say and just smiled.
When Shitara heard Mystique command to go fordward and so she softly whiped the horses so they would start moving.

"Dragons, huh? I wonder if they are as friendly as you~~"

Shitara told Houou, the bird was now resting on Shitara's lap.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twannyman
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twannyman TwentyTwaaaaaaan

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Gabanre and Lore Master Galbatorix followed The Lore Master. And so their journey began
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

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Ixonia drove her wagon to the end of the path where she saw Mystique stop and get off her lead wagon. She put the breaks on and went to see what was wrong. She knew that Mystique brought them to this place for a reason.

We are now at the end of path where The Tunnel should be.

The Lore Master pulled up to a dead end wall. She jumped down and motioned for everyone to come to her. Once everyone had gathered around her, she spoke
“This is where we go through the mountains. I know that most of you see a wall so you will have to try me. At the Key moment there will be a path of Old Magicks. In that path will be one single beam that only lasts a few seconds so I must be ready with the Key. That is when I hold the Key in place. The beam will hit a certain spot and everyone will see a magical path leading into the Tunnel. I must hold the key until everyone is through the Tunnel.

Lore Master Galbatorix will be the first one to go. There is only enough room for a wagon to travel through. Everyone else may go through in whatever order you want. I’ll be the last one through.
While you are in the tunnel you will be going through a test. I will tell you what you should have learned after we get on the other side. Be sure to eat and drink before we go inside. Also make sure that the puppies are secured well just in case. I doubt that they will be affected by the testing being a cerebrums and all.
Are there any questions?” The Lore Master asked.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twannyman
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twannyman TwentyTwaaaaaaan

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Gabanre was done warming his chicken with his power. He ate it and gave the leftovers at Pebbles, whom hapily ate it all. When he was done, he stood up. He walked towards The Lore Master and bowed down, I am ready.
Galbatorix was done eating. He wallked towards The Lore Master readied himself
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

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Suddenly the sky darken and The Lore Master called out
"Mount and ready yourself! It is nearly time!"

She pulled out The Key and held it up. In less than a minute....

The great gates opened and it led into a pitch black tunnel.

"Get a move on! I can't stand perfectly still forever!"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twannyman
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twannyman TwentyTwaaaaaaan

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Lore Master Galbatorix went in as soon as possible. He said: "Everyone get in here fast."
Gabanre went soon after him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Whitewind
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Stacey grinned and whipped the rains of her horses, they galloped into the pitch black tunnel.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Ixonia looked at the sleeping puppy. Midnight was a good puppy so far and she hoped that it would continue. She picked up her reins and gave them a slap and the pair of horses moved into the dark tunnel.
She could not hear anything at all not even the breathing of the puppy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NightmareInd
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NightmareInd Edgelord McEdgyness

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Samuel motioned for his pup, which he decided to namd Vokun, to get on his lap between his arms that were holding the reins. He went inside the cave after Ixonia, not knowing what he could expect.
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