@Ammokkx Fair enough.
Edit: HeySeuss and some of my other old friends would disagree with that, but if that's what you want then I will do it.
I am not HeySeuss nor one of your friends. And I am in the age-group we are playing as, so I can pretty safely judge on how they react.
Seriously. We are complete pricks. NOBODY would say 'Oh man, he's cold.' Maybe they'd let out 'The hell are those guys doing?' or 'pfft, look over there.' but that's about it, granted they don't just walk right past. And no, I'm not just talking about myself =P
But seriously, it's kind of rude to take away the controlling of NPC's away from the GM. You have to keep in mind I'm housing roughly 18 players right now, too lazy to count, and if I gave all of you access to just do with the faceless bunch w/e you wished it'd soon turn into an ego-stroking context.
Again, it's fine once in a while, but I feel like you're overusing it. A lot of your posts has something in it about one NPC or another, and honestly, I wish you'd get the commentary on your characters from someone other than yourself.