
Name: Haruna and Haru Terasaki
Age: 17
Gender: Haruna: Female / Haru: Male
Alliance: CCG
Quinque Type: (If CCG)
Haruna - She has an Ukaku type. It takes the form of a bow. When she pulls the string, the RC-Cells condense into an arrow form and she can use these to shoot.
Haru - He has an Ukaku Type like his sister. His takes the form of a sniper rifle. The bullets are packed with RC-Cells and that's why it's more effective the Q bullets.
Both carry the standard gun with Q bullets and RC suppressant gas. They also carry around multiple (3-4) mass produced quinque knives for extra protection.
Which Ward do you live in?: They live in the 20th ward but can be reassigned to another ward anytime.
Haruna - She has a very bubbly personality. She is cheerful and kind to anyone. One wouldn't suspect that she has killed many ghouls. She gets embarrassed easily, especially around her brother, but can get back up pretty quickly. She is also shy at the first meeting. She is actually pretty sadistic when it comes to questioning ghouls. She doesn't hold any personal grudges to ghouls, she's just doing her job.
Haru - He is a very mischievous person, often doing pranks and stuff. He likes joking around and playing as he is a little childish but can be serious at times. He can be very manipulative, often swaying other people with his words instead of physical pain unlike his sister's methods. He and Haruna get along very well and they are practically inseparable. He has no personal hatred to ghouls, just doing his job.
What they both have in common is that they don't attack a ghoul if they're not attacked. Specializing in assassination, they don't do well in close combat. So even if they encounter a ghoul, they would either let them pass by. If they interact with one, it's alright as well.
History: The twins have been born to a martial arts family. They were trained since they were young but they excelled in long range arts. They had a very high pain tolerance since they were trained by being whipped since they were kids. They entered school and soon the CCG Academy and trained to become good CCG as per the request of their father. It has been two years since they joined the CCG Academy and they are currently Second Class Investigators with their personalized quinques.
What way do you swing?(Boys, Girls, Potatoes?) Haruna - Boys / Haru - Girls (Although it is very hard for them to fall in love in the first place)
Crush: (If any at start?) None
Other: Both of them specialize in assassination more than anything. And for example, they encounter a ghoul while they're not on duty, they won't fight. They don't carry their quinques in side suspicious briefcases. Haruna carries hers around like a traditional bow and Haru carries his in a long cloth-like case.