Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Ladies first.
Sallanna offered a sad smile before he dropped the boarding ramp then started Changing his body language. He started by twisting around to the left then the right to pop several vertebrae in prep for the sustained pose he was about to put himself through and dislocated his shoulder to give himself a stooped arboreal stance of a beast. Knuckles dragged on the floor as he made a sweeping motion for her to take the lead down the ramp with him holding his axe for seeming support.

The galaxy was a big place, not everyone had seen a wookiee before. Fewer than those had experience with more than one to tell when one was acting like a primal cave-man or really such a brute. No, it was the projection of stance and demeanor that conveyed the threatening presence without actually falling to the dark side, it was those acting skills that had helped him survive until now; and makutai were the best survivors in the galaxy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 24 hrs ago

Jason watched Val raised the glass and smiled, taking a glass of cider from nearby and taking a drink from it. Taking a seat at a nearby table, he listened to the conversations going on around him half-heartedly. Truth be told, his mind was on other things, like the condition that the survivors of his order were in. They all knew how to put on a strong face, hide their feelings from others, it was an essential tool for blending in with the population of Ruusan, but he hadn't ever gotten to ask anyone what they were really feeling.

I'll have to ask around after tonight, start living up to the reputation our Guardians hold with in our order. He watched the others interacting amongst everyone and smiled again, softly. This was peae, peace that hadn't existed before because the Jedi had the numbers to enforce their "Only us" outlook. Now, just maybe, they could see that the other Orders weren't a threat.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Exile0fErini
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Exile0fErini Shapeshifting Exile

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I nod to val and smile softly before moving over to the Kushiban and kneeling beside him. "Hello there. You're a Kushiban right? My name's Berisha, may I ask yours?" She asks of the cute creature that, while obviously sentient and a force user, she just wanted to scoop up into her arms and cuddle with. However she resists the urge to cuddle with the fluffy beast and instead settles with smiling and observing the Kushiban from a short distance, excited by getting to meet one of the rare beings in person.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eodwyn Aether
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Eodwyn Aether God of everything Potatoes

Member Seen 11 mos ago

As Liam waited he saw what was a very familiar face.....Atreyu. The number of Grey Paladin's who stayed at the Sanctuary were few. And seeing as though the Paladin's way was mostly looked down upon by most jedi, Liam spent most of his time with his fellow Students Atreyu being one of them.

Liam almost instantly got up and went to him smiling. "Atreyu my friend its good to see you." he said cheerfully as he firmly grasped the right hand of his fellow Paladin and brought him in for a quick hug. "So I take it that you passed your test aswell?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Keyblade87
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Keyblade87 Wolf Knight in Blue

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Atreyu grinned seeing Liam and rested his hand on the others shoulder.

"Indeed i have my friend and it seems you have as well. Congrats." He said before looking around at the others.
"Its a shame there aren't more force users here."he added with a sigh.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Assallya
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Assallya HP: -10

Member Seen 1 mo ago

"Are you sure this is a party?" a perky, female voice said over the communications device in Sahren's ear, "I don't hear anything that sounds remotely like a party."

Sahren reached up under her auburn curls and considered plucking the comm from her ear but thought better of it. Her co-pilot wasn't very comfortable with this place. In fact, there first time she'd even seemed to step away from her holonet terminal was when Sahren had mentioned this celebration.

"It certainly isn't a grind," Sahren replied, whispering into her own hair towards her ear, "but what did you expect. These are people that believe that avoid temptation at all costs. You really expect them to get all spiced up and dance on the tables like you?"

"Right. Magic powers. One with the force and all that religious nonsense. Their high ideals didn't stop them from trying to conquer the Republic. Until the High Chancellor took them down."

"I thought you believed it was all a conspiracy to eliminate the Jedi."

"It could be. Or it was a Jedi conspiracy. There was definitely a conspiracy somewhere."

"I am so glad you stayed on the ship."

Sahren attempted to mingle, touching her plasma caster and blaster pistol as if to assure herself they were still there. She felt out of place. She was wearing ordinary pants, a bantha leather jacket and looked more like a pilot or smuggler while most others here were wearing robes or archaic armour. She also was the only one there that wasn't toting some sort of plasma sword. vibro-blade or... by the five worlds, some of them even had axes. She was starting to resent Raksha's instructions to attend this thing. What she wouldn't give for some Corellian Brandy.

She could see the stares. The many of the people here attending looking down upon her. She didn't belong amongst these folk. What she wanted to do, more than anything, was to put on her Mandalorian mask and hide her face but that would be a sign of weakness. She didn't like to admit or succumb to weakness. Besides, she strongly suspected wearing a Mandalorian Mask in this group would draw even more stares.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Eodwyn Aether
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Eodwyn Aether God of everything Potatoes

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Atreyu grinned seeing Liam and rested his hand on the others shoulder.

"Indeed i have my friend and it seems you have as well. Congrats." He said before looking around at the others.
"Its a shame there aren't more force users here."he added with a sigh.

Ah dont be like that friend. We may not be the biggest Vibroblade, but you can be damn sure we are the sharpest... I hope you understand that. Liam said pausing. Anyways enough of the sighing today is a day of celebration. Just think, we are now full fledged Paladin's we are no longer apprentices or novice's. Liam said as he patted Atreyu on the back. Now c'mon I think eating should cheer you right up He said as walked with his fellow Paladin.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Minimum

Minimum The Dark Briton

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The lady coming to tell them all to go for their trials walked straight past his small room, he sensed her go past and concluded what she was saying to everyone by the time of day. Taking off the sith blades from his back and resting them on his bed he picked up his two lightsabers his brethren learned to make since their arrival at the Sanctuary. Stalking out to the arena he saw his master waiting for him and another master (but not a master of the Sanctuary also there.) The man in the middle was his Kissai master. His teacher in the force. One lightsaber in the mans hand ignited as he walked in. Smiling he outstretched his hand, his double bladed weapon flying to it both blades igniting. Rushing towards the enemy Kilgaris was shoved back with the force flying into the wall and his blade falling out of his hand where he was then blasted with lightning. As the Lord reached out with his arms to shoot more lightning he suddenly from a crouching position leaped over his head where he quickly span round and hit the master in the face twice then force pushed with one hand while sending out force lightning with the other the lightning crackling the air. After he pulled his lightsaber back to him he ignited one end and lit it, the blade reaching out to the fallen siths throat. The sith on the floor just laughed which unsettled Kilgaris a bit stopping him from finishing his opponent giving him the opportunity to send a corruption bolt straight into Kilgaris' chest throwing him the other side of the room. The master then started cackling and gloating. "You... have... not... WON!" Kilgaris shouted as he stood up slowly raising his hands while a spear of midnight black 'materialized' in front of him and shot off into the Kissai's gut low enough to not kill him but would make sure he couldn't move much for a couple of days.
"Congratulations... You are now no longer a Kissai Shadow hand... But a lord." He then slowly got up and hobbled off.

Next the Massasi master stood up standing taller than Kilgaris because of his split caste blood holding his two blades, one a black sith sword and the other an orange lightsaber, to either side of him taunting Kilgaris to move in. The battle went back and forth, although kilgaris was very strong, his strength against the full massasi was almost nothing but his speed and agility was able to keep him out the way of most blows using the split version of his double blades and a strange primal form of Jar'kai to retaliate. Finally his blade ended up next to the warriors neck, Kilgaris liked this master more than his other so he spared his life the Massasi looking impressed and proud at his students victory. "You are no longer a Massasi shadow hand. FOR YOU ARE A LORD!" He shouted and then stomped off whilst Kilgaris walked into the banquet hall feeling good. Seeing and feeling the jedi he winced in disgust under his mask at the light side present but dealt with it sitting down on a chair whilst taking his hot mask off his dark side aura seeping out now unblocked and his red face with a smile on.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AdamantiumWolf
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AdamantiumWolf The Starwolf

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Val smiled at the others as they celebrated, her own thoughts were elsewhere, hearing the clinking of a glass she stirs herself an looks toward the far end of the banquet hall where the council table sat, the elders were seating themselves and the master Grey Paladin tapped the glass harder to gain the attention of the newly ranked knights "Congratulations to the Sanctuary's new knights, we are proud of those who passed their trials and for those who didn't better luck next time, the council has put together a mission for our new protectors, a test if you will. In the outer rim lies the small planet Agora, we have allies there that are in a tangle with the separatists, the Son's of Freedom are trying to hold a quadrant of the planet, they've managed to disable their communications and transportation but they seem to be losing the actual fire fight, go there, help finish off the last of the battle then return here after you've helped with all you can, may the Force be with you" he let his old eyes roam over the small group, he wished there had been more, but it was all they had.

Val listened to the elder intently, he looked old and tired, really they all did, there was only so much running one could do, she knew of the transport crafts in their hanger were prepped, she had sent a couple Twi'leks to see it through before the trials had started, she nodded to her fellow knights and turned and headed there now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Keyblade87
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Keyblade87 Wolf Knight in Blue

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

After the announcement Atreyu turned to Liam beaming.
"Well then old friend I guess its time to go. Care to join me?" Akira said chuckling as he slowly began moving to the door.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 24 hrs ago

Jason listened to the announcement and glanced at his mother, seeing what she thought of this. She had, for the safety of Sanctuary, argued for hours against sending anyone out for a few more months, just to be sure the new Empire had repurposed their kill squads to other duties. However, it seemed that in the end, her arguments had lost. She nodded upon meeting his eyes, ever so slightly, but her face said she was far from happy to be putting any of her Guardians at risk. Returning her nod, he stands and approaches Berisha.

"Time to go, Berisha. I'm sure the Kushiban will be accompanying us." Bowing to the pair, he heads towards the hangar, double checking himself to be sure he had everything he needed for the mission ahead.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Minimum

Minimum The Dark Briton

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Kilgaris stands once again placing on his mask. He walks from the hall to his room to gather weapons and supplies then walks to the hangar.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Assallya
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Assallya HP: -10

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Sahren grimaced. The council assigned had assigned her as nothing more than a pilot but the other part confused her. Why involve themselves at all? Were they supposed to help the Separatists? What was the point in the force users prolonging the war between the two great factions? It was clear the Separatists were doomed in the long run. Did they want to continue the cycle of death? Perhaps they were supposed to help the new fledged Empire, helping them win their battles quickly so as to minimize loss of life?

The others seemed excited, eager to mete out justice but Sahren didn't see any justice. She'd been a pirate and a smuggler. She knew what it was like to kill for profit but... killing for justice, killing for the greater good of the galaxy was something completely new to her.

"Excuse me?" Sahren simply had to ask aloud, voice breaking through the excited clamor, "You neglected to mention, which side are we supposed to fight upon?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The wookiee regretted taking so long now as they had come to the celebration just to have to turn around and go back inside the ship. But it was odd and it raised questions. After all this time now to hide from everyone on the most remote of moons, suddenly a dozen force users were suosed to all go to one location with conflict. Clearly this one fell out of the tree and hit a branch on the way down!

He was about to protest when someone else spoke up, it was another human with brown hair like his apprentice, but she had no robes or trappings of any discipline he was familiar with. To be fair, she was here, so she must be good enough. He gestured for his apprentice to look around as he Whuffled in agreement to the lack of information. Part of survival was not throwing ones self into the webweaver domain but giving it a wide berth.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eodwyn Aether
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Eodwyn Aether God of everything Potatoes

Member Seen 11 mos ago

As Liam enjoyed the evening with his fellow Paladin’s, The head of his Order rose and addressed the crowd, telling them that it was now time for the newly appointed members of the respected orders to join a fight on some far off planet. With that he and Artreyu made their way toward the hangar before Liam heard the distant Wait a moment that echoed from his former master’s mouth.

Go on I’ll catch up with you friend. He said to Artreyu before running towards Cro Grom.

Hello Master Grom, you called for me?

Heh heh I ain’t your master anymore kiddo. Grom said with a slight tinge of sadness as he realized what he said.

To be honest I never thought I would say that you know. I mean look at you, you are barely Paladin material and you suck at using the Force He said as both him and Carver gave a short chuckle.

Anyways that’s not what I really came here to say. He said turning very serious as he averted his gaze from his former apprentice.

I want you to know how much you mean to me, I don’t mean that in a sexual way of course cause I know how you humans think so….here. He said as he pulled out two white A-212 Projection Blasters along with two thigh holsters and handed it to him.

Master Grom I-

I ain’t finished. Look kid I know that I ain’t the best master, or hell even person, in the world and that at times you may even wonder how I managed to become your master. But I would like you to know that to me you are apprentice in the world and the only one that has put up with me. I hope these two babies shows you my thanks. The only thing I request from you is that you say a quirky one liner everytime you use these guns. He said cheerfully before pulling Liam in for a rather tight hug.

Stay safe kid. And may the force be with you. Grom said before letting Carver go.

Thank you Grom. When I get back we can have that rematch you want so badly.

I NEED that rematch kid. I will die creditless otherwise. He whimpered before letting out a haughty laugh and returning to the ballroom, leaving Liam alone.

Thanks again, my brother. Liam whispered as he left before taking off towards the hangar and meeting up with the other force users. Are we ready to depart? He asked no one in particular.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Exile0fErini
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Exile0fErini Shapeshifting Exile

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Yeah I know. I'll be there in a minute." Berisha said to Jason before she heads out of the great hall to her room. "I wish you two were still here to see me off on my first mission. But no time for lamenting, especially since I know you'd both be happy for me to be going off on my first mission as a Guardian. I'll come home safe and sound and I'll bring everyone else back to." She says to an old holo-picture of her as a child with her parents as she grabs her DC-15s and it's holster. "I'd love to take you but I see no reason to do so." She says to her buckler-esque shield made of Zillo beast scale before she leaves, hooking her blaster pistol to her belt and moving quickly towards the Hangar to catch up with Jason and the others that had left the great hall before and since she had.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AdamantiumWolf
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AdamantiumWolf The Starwolf

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Val shrugged off the negativity that flowed off some of the others, she was just glad to get a chance to leave this stuffy hole in the ground, pulling her tanish gold robes around her she moved toward the hanger. She could feel the Dark Side of the Force, she gritted her teeth and casted her eyes around, spotting the Sith she narrows her eyes, she fought the urge to reach for her saber that sat at her hip, twisting around she quickly boarded the shuttle, positioning herself well towards the front she took a deep breath and closed her eyes, breathing out through her nose she centered her self then after a moment she opened her eyes, her body well relaxed, her emotions almost nonexistent.

Val wondered about what exactly their plan was, she hadn't been briefed upon entering the hanger, she hoped someone should brief them once they were all boarded, she thought hard on all she knew about being a Jedi, the ins and outs, the good and bad. She pulled up her hood and closed her eyes, concentrating on controlling her breathing and relaxing her heartbeat.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Keyblade87
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Keyblade87 Wolf Knight in Blue

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Atreyu stood in the hangar making sure his ship was ready when he heard Liam enter the room.
"I'm ready whenever you are and theres really no sense in delaying what im sure will be an uneventful trip as it were." he said calmly as he finished with his ship.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Minimum

Minimum The Dark Briton

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Kilgaris sat towards the back smiling beneath his mask at the effect he was having on the jedi. Putting his feet up he then moved his mask firmer around his bkdy hopefully stoppin people to srnse his datk side energy. He then waited immpatiently for the shuttle to take off...
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