Real name:
Ryan Bell
(Ryan Bell is not known to be the villain 'Blackout')

Hero/Villian name:
Member of Blackout's crew.
Ryan was born in North Chicago, to a seemingly average family. He had a happy childhood, but not much else. His father, also named Ryan got a promotion a short time after Ryan Junior's 8th birthday. The future looked pretty bright for the Bell family, as Alice, Ryan's mother could now be a stay at home mom, and soon got pregnant with another child. She gave birth when Ryan junior was 10 years old to a healthy baby girl. The family's life continued to be pretty prosperous.
At 14 he and his family visited Lausanne, Switzerland. That same day the Endbringer, the Simurgh appeared for the first time. The Simurgh used its abilities to make Ryan's mother kill Ryan's father, and fatally wound Ryan-junior, after presumably killing his young sister. Ryan then had his trigger event. The trigger event was followed by a person from another dimension, who was put there by the Simurgh, to heal him, and allow him and the unknown woman to evacuate before PRT officials arrived. The PRT killed all people in Lausanne, almost definitely including Ryan's mother.
He traveled for a little less then a year with the woman who saved him, who he called Margaret. She could not speak English, but she seemed to understand basic communication. It later turned out she too was a victim of the Simurgh's mind manipulation. This was revealed when she attempted to kill a random passerby, forcing Ryan to flee once again.
Ryan finally got back home when he talked to the PRT and plead his case. He claimed he was a teleporter, who had accidentally ended up in Switzerland. and claimed he couldn't demonstrate his power out of fear. A local tinker brought him home, at which point he was contacted (through unknown means) by The Boss. At 17 he now lives in a residence arranged by The Boss, an abandoned building with a luxurious interior. His arms were arranged by The Boss, along with his costume, which The Boss claims is untraceable.
Ryan is a pretty giddy individual, most of the time acting pretty bubbly. He's not exceptionally strict, but he does show a tendency towards snapping at individuals when they won't obey the leadership. Despite this, he himself is not a natural born leader. Rather he is a great second in command, and enjoys having input on the planning stages. Unfortunately, thanks to his power, he is unable to be anything but half a magic trick. The mislead before the prestige. He rarely expresses any emotion besides happiness, or a bubbly silence.
Lives in a rather large abandoned construction building.
Parental status:
Father dead, mother missing.
A black, non skintight suit, with Kevlar underneath. Has a Kevlar helmet on as well, with a black wig underneath the helmet.
Though he doesn't know it, the equipment he has on isn't Kevlar, but much stronger Tinkerfab aromor.
Complete power nullification, and a mental block preventing anyone nearby from communicating, or understanding any communications given to them. Hand signals, words, anything that could share an idea becomes meaningless. However anyone in range of the power immediately knows his exact location. If they have visual contact with him, this drawback does nothing.
Power range:
30m radius in a sphere around him. Consistent power strength.
Power safeguards:
PRT ranking:
Trump 7, stranger 5
A small handgun on his side. A rather large knife on the other side. Magazines for his pistol on a belt that loops behind his back, and in front of him.
Ryan Bell
(Ryan Bell is not known to be the villain 'Blackout')
Hero/Villian name:
Member of Blackout's crew.
Ryan was born in North Chicago, to a seemingly average family. He had a happy childhood, but not much else. His father, also named Ryan got a promotion a short time after Ryan Junior's 8th birthday. The future looked pretty bright for the Bell family, as Alice, Ryan's mother could now be a stay at home mom, and soon got pregnant with another child. She gave birth when Ryan junior was 10 years old to a healthy baby girl. The family's life continued to be pretty prosperous.
At 14 he and his family visited Lausanne, Switzerland. That same day the Endbringer, the Simurgh appeared for the first time. The Simurgh used its abilities to make Ryan's mother kill Ryan's father, and fatally wound Ryan-junior, after presumably killing his young sister. Ryan then had his trigger event. The trigger event was followed by a person from another dimension, who was put there by the Simurgh, to heal him, and allow him and the unknown woman to evacuate before PRT officials arrived. The PRT killed all people in Lausanne, almost definitely including Ryan's mother.
He traveled for a little less then a year with the woman who saved him, who he called Margaret. She could not speak English, but she seemed to understand basic communication. It later turned out she too was a victim of the Simurgh's mind manipulation. This was revealed when she attempted to kill a random passerby, forcing Ryan to flee once again.
Ryan finally got back home when he talked to the PRT and plead his case. He claimed he was a teleporter, who had accidentally ended up in Switzerland. and claimed he couldn't demonstrate his power out of fear. A local tinker brought him home, at which point he was contacted (through unknown means) by The Boss. At 17 he now lives in a residence arranged by The Boss, an abandoned building with a luxurious interior. His arms were arranged by The Boss, along with his costume, which The Boss claims is untraceable.
Ryan is a pretty giddy individual, most of the time acting pretty bubbly. He's not exceptionally strict, but he does show a tendency towards snapping at individuals when they won't obey the leadership. Despite this, he himself is not a natural born leader. Rather he is a great second in command, and enjoys having input on the planning stages. Unfortunately, thanks to his power, he is unable to be anything but half a magic trick. The mislead before the prestige. He rarely expresses any emotion besides happiness, or a bubbly silence.
Lives in a rather large abandoned construction building.
Parental status:
Father dead, mother missing.
A black, non skintight suit, with Kevlar underneath. Has a Kevlar helmet on as well, with a black wig underneath the helmet.
Though he doesn't know it, the equipment he has on isn't Kevlar, but much stronger Tinkerfab aromor.
Complete power nullification, and a mental block preventing anyone nearby from communicating, or understanding any communications given to them. Hand signals, words, anything that could share an idea becomes meaningless. However anyone in range of the power immediately knows his exact location. If they have visual contact with him, this drawback does nothing.
Power range:
30m radius in a sphere around him. Consistent power strength.
Power safeguards:
PRT ranking:
Trump 7, stranger 5
A small handgun on his side. A rather large knife on the other side. Magazines for his pistol on a belt that loops behind his back, and in front of him.