Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Pumpkinlord
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Pumpkinlord Pokémon VGC Player

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Link to interest check

Co GM = @knighthawk

The Light has the power to completely control light in all ways. He can make an area as bright or as dark as he desires, make any color light, create a ball of light ten times hotter then the sun or as hot as fire. He can create blinding flashes of light as well.

The Botanist Mortician can control all aspects of organic plant life as well as the earth it self. Growing any plant from nothing, filing an area with thick plant life, cover someone in vines. He can also shape the earths crust, moving areas of land at will.

The Mad Merman was the third friend in a trio consisting of Doc Williams, Sebastian Yorvic and himself. The three where unstoppable in the lab. The most genius minds of the era some say. Marvin being most proficient in marine biology. The team made headway that amazed the world. That was until his two friends developed mutant powers and he did not. He was jealous of his counterparts and obsessis over creating a syrum to give himself powers. Once completed Marvin injects himself. The Syrum causes Frosner to lose his mind, going completely insane. He gains no powers. Some believe the syrum elevated his intelligence so high that he went crazy. He takes control of an underwater sea lab and uses it as a base of operations for his Zeta Squad.

Doc Williams has been trying to create peace inbetween the faction of brothers and the Omega league, the Faction of Brothers is a group of mutants who want to take over Omega city and prove that mutants should rule instead of working with the humans to create peace. Williams has struggled to convince the leader of the Faction of Brothers named the Botanist Mortician to see his way. After finally making some headway with the leader a group of villains led by the Mad Merman attacks the city. The government decides to act harshly declaring that all super humans must be "chiped" with a tracker and power retardant wich nullifies your power. This reminds the Botanist Mortician why he wants to take the city by force. To stop the humans and take his rightful place as ruler of Omega city.
Doc Williams knows that this can only lead to more hate and more war and that an understanding must be created between the humans and super humans. Peace must be the way. Doc Williams knows also that to obtain this peace battles must be fought against ignorance and that he will need a group willing to take the necessary risks to obtain peace. The doc hasn't been "the light" in many years but knows that he must wipe the dust from his old costume and find new heroes. He sends out sevral invitations to the people he has chosen.
Notable groups.

Faction of Brothers: A group of mutant villains lead by the both wise and stern Botanist Mortician. They are convinced they should rule over the inferior humans.

Zeta Squad: A group of villains led by the insane Mad Merman. There motives can be anything from money, world domination, to the destruction of the world.

The Assassins: This group of villains was brought together by and is fully funded by the government. It is a secret group that has a very special goal. The government who is so against supers couldn't resist having a group of there own.

Omega league: A group of super heroes that was led by the Light until they retired fifteen years ago.
The Light feels it is time to re establish the Omega league.

(○The light is Doc Williams, he is a mutant who can control light, he is in his late sixtys.
○the Botanist Mortician is a mutant who can control plants and earth.
○the Mad Merman is an insane and evil scientist who made himself crazy in a attempt at giving himself super powers.)


Name:(your characters name)

Alias:(your super hero/villain name)


Age:(how old is your character)

Team:(Omega league, Faction of Brothers[mutant only], Zeta Squad, The Assassins.

Powers:(dose your character have any powers?)

Physical Description:(what dose your character look like. Pic or paragraph.)

Costume:(do you have a costume? Pic or paragraph.)

Items/Weapons:(do you carry any weapons, items or gadgets?)

Personality:(how dose your character act on the outside? What about on the inside?)

Origin:(how did you get your powers,..born with them, super syrum, magic..etc.)

Background history:(what is your story up until the story begins? at least a paragraph.)

So far we have the following members.

Omega league
● The Light (Founder) - NPC
● Parlor Trick @Nevix (Team Captain)
● Mantis boy - NPC
● Bootstrap @knighthawk
● Chemical Girl @ButterflyWoman
The Black Pudding @malmshodes
● Horizon @Stern Algorithm
Faction of Brothers
● The Botanist Mortician (Founder) NPC
● [Open seat] (Team captain)
● Squad @knighthawk
● Vixen @ButterflyWoman
● Stampede - NPC
Zeta Squad
● The Mad Merman (Founder) NPC
● [Open seat] (Team captain)
● Cyclone - NPC
● The Phantom Leech @Balthazar007
● Necron @knighthawk
● Chauncey @Nevix
● Ark @Stern Algorithm
The Assassins
● General Harth (Commanding Officer)
● Interference @Stern Algorithm (Captain)
● Chi-tah @knighthawk
● Explosion - NPC
Rules: No god mode. No killing other players unless you talk to the other person and me first. No instant killing enemies. Have fun, play fair. Power levels can span from Batman to Superman, from spiderman to hulk etc... but you haft to have a weakness or two. I have to be a able to challange you with villains and problems. If your character is impervious to everything then it's no longer fun.
Also the character sheets need to be filled out in detail.
Post at least once a week in the IC and if you need to be absent let me know and we can figure somthing out
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 1 day ago

Why didn't you add the cs sheet here, too? Also, why didn't you add the link to the ooc at the latest post of the interest check? It's very counter-productive.

And while I'm at it, how about rules?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Pumpkinlord
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Pumpkinlord Pokémon VGC Player

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Name:(your characters name)
Alias:(your super hero/villain name)
Age:(how old is your character)
Team:(Omega league, Faction of Brothers[mutant only], Zeta Squad, The Assassins.
Powers:(dose your character have any powers?)
Physical Description:(what dose your character look like. Pic or paragraph.)
Costume:(do you have a costume? Pic or paragraph.)
Items/Weapons:(do you carry any weapons, items or gadgets?)
Personality:(how dose your character act on the outside? What about on the inside?)
Origin:(how did you get your powers,..born with them, super syrum, magic..etc.)
Background history:(what is your story up until the story begins? at least a paragraph.)

Cuz stuff. Fixed
Rules: No god mode. No killing other players unless you talk to the other person and me first. No instant killing enemies. Have fun, play fair. Power levels can span from Batman to Superman, from spiderman to hulk etc... but you haft to have a weakness or two. I have to be a able to challange you with villains and problems. If your character is impervious to everything then it's no longer fun.
Also the character sheets need to be filled out in detail.
Post at least once a week in the IC and if you need to be absent let me know and we can figure somthing out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 1 day ago

What I meant was: put it in the first post, not later on. Not as many people are going to read further than the first post to get a first impression on this.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pumpkinlord
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Pumpkinlord Pokémon VGC Player

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I have been watching the 90's X men animated series. I bought all 5 seasons and it's awesome. I never got to see it back to back when I was a kid.

After I finish I think I might watch the 90's Spiderman animated series. That one was always my favorite as a kid.

Batman beyond is tempting as well.

I was thinking if this ever takes off that we could elect a team captain for the omega league.
Also I thought it might be cool to recruit members for the faction of brothers, Zeta squad and the Assassins. It's just a thought. Possibly could have two characters each?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

Perhaps. What would you think the cap to be on player characters (per person)?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Pumpkinlord
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Pumpkinlord Pokémon VGC Player

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Like two I guess.
One hero one villain? Or perhaps it should be 3. Your choise of the diffrent teams.
Submit characters and I'll take a look.

I added "team" to the CS. Add if your trying out for Omega league, Faction of Brothers[mutant only], Zeta Squad or the Assassins.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by malmshodes
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

I've got a character for this. I'll try and get the CS up after work if that's alright ?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pumpkinlord
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Pumpkinlord Pokémon VGC Player

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

For sure, thanks! :) wich group you thinking about?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 2 days ago

I've been lurking around your interest check and even though I have enough RPs to keep me busy, it's hard to pass up a good superhero RP.

I wasn't sure where to put 'weaknesses' since her weaknesses do not really have anything to do with her power. For the most part, she's just a flesh and blood human, weaker than average. Her high damage attacks require precision (ie. shooting a laser from her hands), while any attack that has a large area coverage does fairly weak damage and is used for suppression (cymatic* disruption field). Rather than being 'powerful' Interference is 'versatile'. The power suit only slightly augments her strength and durability, and she has very little combat expertise. She cannot turn 'invisible' though she can attempt camouflage, and she can make herself 'unhearable'. She's also pretty hard to sneak up on since she's basically a walking radar/sonar. Her strength mostly lies in her plans and plotting; she has a tendency to pinpoint very specific weaknesses, like finding just the right frequency to shatter a wineglass. When it comes to supplying the other Assassins with tools and weapons, Eileen is the Oprah Winfrey of dangerous gadgets, and loves 'upgrading' her friends.

Let me know if this is an acceptable character.

* For those who are unfamiliar with the term 'cymatic', here's an example:
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Pumpkinlord
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Pumpkinlord Pokémon VGC Player

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Stern Algorithm
Oh wow that's awesome. Accepted. So she can use sound and light. If you wouldn't mind could you give me a list of attacks or things she could do with her power, extent of her suit. nothing to long or detailed (unless you want.)

*As a sort of random side note, all players will get a chance to deal damage, take damage and show off. Don't get mad if you get "beat up" you won't die unless I say it's ok first lol!! Let's all have fun on this! I'm excited. GMs word is law, law I say! Lol
Also remember you don't have to be a mutant, we all know heroes and villains come in all shapes and sizes.
Although the Faction of Brothers is mutant only.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by malmshodes
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Currently I"m leaning towards the Omega League.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pumpkinlord
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Pumpkinlord Pokémon VGC Player

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

cool cool sounds good
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Pumpkinlord
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Pumpkinlord Pokémon VGC Player

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I posted in the IC, I'm just waiting on more people to apply. We have 4 teams to choose from. We have one accepted for the Assassins.
I'm playing Mantis boy for the Omega league.

Tyler McCain as normal he is quite strange and likes metal music.

Tyler as Mantis boy. He has alien bio armor that grants him life support,resistances to damage, light healing,slightly enhanced strength and Dexterity, and camo. He extends a two and a half foot blade from each arm. He can wall crawl as well as hover with extendable wings.

I posted pics of Doc Williams (the Light) and Sebastian Yorvic (the Botanist Mortician) on the first post in this thread.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

Member Seen 1 mo ago

I'm very interested and have been waiting for a friend to respond to parter up with. I have a whole slew of ideas but I want to make sure they compliment the other persons.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pumpkinlord
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Pumpkinlord Pokémon VGC Player

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

are you talking about Co GMing?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

Member Seen 1 mo ago

If you are looking for a Co-GM.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pumpkinlord
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Pumpkinlord Pokémon VGC Player

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

PMd you.

Omega League = good guys.
Faction of Brothers = prideful mutant extremists.
Zeta Squad = unpredictable crazy villains.
The Assassins = Government run super powered special ops.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 2 days ago

As for Interference's attacks and abilities, here are a few:

Three-point Harmony: Anything that her sword/bat strikes three times she can destroy. The rod vibrates when it strikes and she analyzes the vibrations. Three vibrations give her enough information to pinpoint the resonant destructive frequency of the object being hit. This lets her make a 'blunt slash', since the sword/bat has a cross-section that is an equilateral triangle, each of the three 'blade edges' is only 60 degrees, not particularly shape or good at cutting, but if its vibrating at the right frequency, it makes a horrible, jagged, shattering sort of cut through the material. This ability doesn't work on some materials. Interference has several materials memorized, like concert, and bone-through-flesh.

Active Denial System: Based on a real-life military technology, it is in essence a non-lethal heat ray in the form of a wall. It causes intense pain but little to no damage in the top layer of skin and is used as a deterrent.

Beam snipe: Interference can fire high energy light beams from her body, channeled through specific outlets in her suit to snipe people down. it is very lethal so she doesn't use it that much unless she's trying to cripple or disable a fleeing enemy.

Cymatic disruption field: Interference generates a large area of fluctuating sound pressure. Depending on the frequency and intensity, it can cause mild nausea and vertigo, to actual physical trauma. She can use it to cause earthquake-like effects and can cause significant collateral damage. This ability relies on her placing her emitters to create an acoustic zone. This ability may overlap with her study of magic by taking advantage of 'magic circles' and the magical properties of sound (chanting, reading spell aloud, etc.)

Solar Flare: A blinding flash of light (DBZ reference)

Mute: Interference can make herself inaudible by absorbing all the vibrations her body would otherwise generate.

Camouflage: self-explanatory. Works like real-life camouflage, in other words, not perfect. Much easier to trick electronic tracking equipment like radar, a lot harder to trick biological eyes.

Super vision and super hearing: comes with the sound and light abilities.

Her suit can let her punch through wood. It can also protect her from getting hurt if being hit by a fast-moving car, but getting hit by a truck will still be pretty painful and risky. The suit also gives her the ability to control and command electronics that she has made (drones, robots, etc.) Technically, she's a glass cannon. Her abilities can all be slightly modified depending on what frequency she's using, and she's always experimenting and coming up with new ways to use her powers. When she figures it out, she'll start to incorporate magic into her technology, like runes of protection in her armor etc.

I'm hoping for more Assassin characters or NPC's for Interference to interact with, take orders from, or attempt to manipulate. Depending on where the story goes, Interference may try to 'double-dip' and secretly join Zeta Squad. Heck, she might even try to triple-dip and join Omega League too. She would see no moral dilemma in doing so since every step is but a means to her goal.

I can foresee her having a power rivalry with Doc Williams. While her use of light is more 'scientifically' oriented and thus restricted, Doc Williams' use of light is more esoteric and all encompassing, I feel.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

Sorry, can't bring myself to do much for this one. Don't wait on me.
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