Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by icmasticc
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icmasticc Chaotic Order

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The Reavers

An Original Roleplay By

The Premise

When the world finally consumes you, yours will be a most beautiful death indeed.

It was a prosperous time for the world of Zenith. The Intercontinental Coalition had finally brought peace to a vast majority of the warring population. The formation of the ICC had been lobbied against, but here it was proving its mettle only a few years beyond its birth. People celebrated with one another and those who only knew war and bloodshed thought they might finally learn what it was to settle down. As it turned out, these dreams were truly borne of naivety and false hope. It was then that the Catastrophe struck.

The inexplicable nature of the Catastrophe did not defer the destruction it wrought on the world. Monsters, creatures, and supernatural beings stormed into reality and exacted their rage on any living thing and any standing structure. Towns and villages were among the first wiped out which gave just enough time for armies all across the globe to gather and fail spectacularly at defending their area of residence. The sudden appearance of these hordes was the defining factor in the slaughter of warriors once considered elite and highly trained. The beasts followed no known pattern of offense and did not practice discrimination in their choosing of victims. In the first few years of the onslaughts, all was thought to be lost. It was then that scholars and those who spent their years acquiring vast amounts of knowledge made the discovery that something else had appeared alongside the innumerable amount of beings seemingly sent to end humanity; an energy source, one never seen before, was found to hold to key to humankind's salvation. Lacking time for proper analysis and naming conventions, the knowledgeable risked everything to learn that individuals could harness the energy and use it to unleash ungodly power against their foes. Magic had been gifted to society.
"The boundaries which divide life from death are at best shadowy and vague. Who shall say where the one ends, and the other begins?" ~
Edgar Allen Poe

Two thousand years later, the world of Zenith is a dark place. The behemoths and twisted beings that entered this plane of existence long ago still roam the now uncivilized parts of the world. Ruins now replace once glorious and populated cities and convoluted forests have sprung up where pasture and meadows ought to have been. Humanity has also been corrupted after being subjected to such harsh times. Few are to be trusted and just traveling on well worn and distinct roads is a dangerous affair. The ICC is a broken version of itself though it still holds the word of law in its grasp and commands the only official army around. Certain individuals, those who feel the call of adventure, venture beyond the relative safety of bandits and murderers to explore the newly christened lands only the beasts are familiar with. The world has become a fragmented and hostile territory rife with opportunity for death at every turn outside city walls and sometimes even within. There is no true sanctuary and there is no true comfort in a world like this. And, in the case of this particular story, there is no true salvation.
When the world finally consumes you, yours will be a most beautiful death indeed.
Your Story

As the world settled into its new status quo, legends spread as they are wont to do. With the arrival of magic came the ability to do extraordinary things, but at an equally extraordinary cost. It was discovered that continuous absorption and usage of the mysterious energy in the body alone caused the internal organs to fail after an unspecified number of years and before that several painful and agonizing symptoms appeared; magic was revealed to be poisonous to the human body essentially. As it often did, humanity scrambled to find a way around this new problem and found they could solidify and crystallize the energy through the use of alchemy. These crystals were then embedded into weaponry that could then be used to fend off the beasts that were slowly devouring the population and devastating whole cities. This was how humanity eventually pushed the onslaught back enough to find a way to live once more.

Legends began to spread that there were those who were immune to the poisonous effects of magic. These stories told of beings likened to gods through their indiscriminate use of magic. However, these same stories also warned that the methods used to gain this immunity were so vile that they could not be spoken about. And it was then that the world over became obsessed with learning the secret to magical immunity. The ICC decreed that whosoever would learn the secret and share it with them would be rewarded beyond measure. Unofficial rulers of cities trying to rebuild made the same decree.

Your story begins in the only untouched city in the world which is also the home of the governing body, the ICC. Regardless of your background, you have chosen to join a travelling group being formed by the government in order to discover the secret of magical immunity. With official backing, this band of travelers will scour the world in search of answers, encountering all manner of inhuman events and sightings that will test the psyche of even the strongest of mind.
The Setting

The world of Zenith is fairly large spanning five continents and a variety of locations within each. The era is very clearly set in a period where swords and other melee weaponry and magic reigned supreme. Long travel is usually conducted on a horse or a horse and carriage for multiple passengers. It's an era where it can take days and weeks to get from one city to the next although this was before The Catastrophe. Now that the world is overrun with monsters and rebuilding itself, there is only a few really large cities left with the rest of the population still living in towns or villages that are trying to regain the bustle they had before.

There is a map that is going to be made, but in the meanwhile here is a list of the current locations:

  • Azra

    The biggest and most politically driven continent, Azra is home to the capital city Armistice which is often nicknamed the "Capital of the World". Armistice is the birthplace of the Intercontinental Coalition and is the only untouched city from The Catastrophe. Why this is no one knows, but the ICC uses this fact as a way to entice people to move into its walls as the more people move in, the more taxpayer money there is to play around with. Azra is also home to the merchant city of Cirella, a city that used to distribute an overwhelming majority of goods across the world. Now the city is the trade and commerce central of Zenith despite the fact that most places how their own merchant districts.
  • Eteria

    Eteria is the eastern neighbor of Azra, but it is also half the size. In pre-Catastrophe times, it was a continent that didn't concern itself with politics much though they still had someone elected to the ICC to serve the few interests they did have. Sorei is the capital though the walls are now gone and the entire city is under martial law. This began as the result of a coup that was successful due to the beast attacks. Of course, this "military" that holds the city in martial law is really composed of mercenaries, former soldiers, bandits, and thugs who took advantage of the situation to gain power over an entire city. Orpheius is a small--yet big for a town--town located on the other side of the continent.
  • Scion

    Scion is south of Eteria and southeast of Azra and is roughly the size of Eteria. It is where scholars are born and thought to congregate. Their political prowess is just under Azra and that is only because they lack the sheer number of people Azra is home to. Scion Prime is the captial city and, though it was partially destroyed during the beast attacks, it was rebuilt remarkably quickly. This diligence is due to the fact that Scion never employed a true military because they knew it would only promote war and this decision actually allowed them to avoid most of what they called the pointless wars of the older times. The Outer Ring is name given to a ring of residential areas surrounding Scion Prime where those who aren't as mentally gifted reside.

    These people are looked down upon by those who live in Scion Prime and the class division between the two still exists even in the present age.
  • Goro

    Goro is west of Azra and was home to one sprawling kingdom before the onslaughts. Taurus is the capital, and only, city remaining on the entire continent. Taurus used to be home to the strongest military in all of Zenith, but they were completely eviscerated at the hands of the beasts when the attacks first began. The arrogance of the people and their status never made them any allies and when the attacks first broke out in the area, no one was willing to help because they it'd simply be a contained attack on Goro alone. Taurus is now simply a ruin of what was once a sprawling stone metropolis. There are a few who have traveled to Goro in an attempt to begin a restoration of Taurus at least, but no one has heard from these few again.
  • Markovia

    Markovia is southwest of Goro and the furthest away from Azra, but it is Azra's direct rival in war and size. Markovia is just a bit smaller than Azra as a whole, but there are far more people there and the area is a bit more dense than the lands of Azra. Though Markovia holds political interest, they have mostly expressed themselves through war with Azra. They were slated to be the original birthplace of the ICC until plans were changed and the people were incensed. Emeril City is the capital and rivals Armistice in size. Since the military there is no longer sanctioned by the ICC, it is not official, but it also rivals that of Armistice.

    The Centre is an institution near Emeril City that is just big enough to call itself a city. It functioned as a military academy of sorts before the wars, but now it is a ruin in the style of Taurus. Completely abandoned by people, The Centre became overrun with various creatures and plant life. There are those who still venture out to acquire the books and scrolls left there after hundreds of years, but none of them ever seem to return.

    Rian is a relatively new city in Markovia. It is currently being built to serve as a replacement capital for Emeril City. After the beast attacks, Markovians realized how vulnerable they were and sought to build a place that could stand up to such attacks should they happen again. However, because of the lack of resources and the collapse of the overall economy there, in the years since the city began being built, there is not much work done. It is livable at the moment, but nowhere near as grand as Emeril City.
The Mechanics

  • Magic

    Though magic exists in the world of Zenith, it does not function in the conventional way one would expect. Magic exists in the atmosphere of the planet itself and does so at all times like the air humans breathe. Unlike air however, magical energies are not naturally taken into the body. Through concentration and knowledge of how to attune one's body correctly, magical energies can be absorbed into the body and manipulated into various forms and manifestations. The energy itself has the capability to become just about anything at all so it usually only takes a focused thought to form and mold the energy to one's will. What was discovered was that the energy itself is poisonous to the human body.

    Magical poisoning occurs in degrees dependent upon how much is used and over what time period. A single individual creating a massive fire spell or something with large scale would probably end up near-death or killed immediately. An individual using magic for menial tasks or in small, personal, scale offense or defense would still be poisoning themselves, but it would be in a much smaller dose. A team of individuals creating a large scale spell could work in theory, but each person involved would still be absorbing a large amount of poison afterwards. Basically, any use of magic poisons the body, but--and most similar to smoking a cigarette--using magic in small doses can allow a person to use it for years though they are still slowly killing themselves.

    Because of these facts, there are no true wizards in the world. Most people who use magic do so for trivial tasks and warriors who use magic usually form smaller manifestations such as the occasional fireball or enchanting a shield so it's better in defense for example.
  • True Combat System

    In order to enforce the dangers of everything in this world and encourage players to keep things grounded combat wise, I've come up with what I call the True Combat System. Now, I'd say this is more of a guideline than a system that forces you to write one way. Trust me, I hate battle systems in roleplays that force a player to write certain way. This is a system that attempts to mimic the weight of armor and weapons in battle. It's a pretty simple mechanic.

    Each character will have a Stamina Rating and HP (HP is posted at the top of every IC post). The stamina rating will read "4/4" or some such at the top of a player's post (the number can vary depending on armor worn) only during battle posts. Each battle post will decrease the left number by one unless the battle post is the character literally doing nothing. This number represents the stamina of the character as they fight. When the number hits 0, attacks become weaker and that character becomes less effective in battle. The rating is replenished after two posts with "0", but the timing of that fatigue could prove costly depending on the battle.

    HP is simply Hit Points or your character's life. HP varies depending on the type of armor worn (Armor types are in the character sheet). Every attack on a player character causes HP to be lost, but the amount will depend on the armor worn. There are only two types of armor so it's nothing complicated and the value lost when attacked is fixed based on the enemy attacking--meaning that an enemy type will always take away the same amount of HP.

    As you'll notice, this system does not enforce a strict writing style. You are free to creatively write your battle scenes as you see fit with the only regulation being keeping it grounded (think less backflip sword strikes and more fighting like a person wearing armor wielding a weapon with actual heft). As the GM, I'll be roleplaying the NPC enemies so all you have to worry is your character's actions in combat.


In spite of the state of the world--or perhaps thanks to the Catastrophe itself--religion is stronger than ever throughout the lands. Though not every single person is devoutly religious, the Council is a name known by all. The people of Zenith believe that a pantheon of gods came together to form the world and formed a council afterwards in order to oversee it from the shadows. The tomes suggest that these gods preferred for mankind to take the world that was given to them and make something of it on their own under the watchful eye of their makers. It is said that the Council is not to interfere with matters of mortal origin and instead keep evil lurking in the supernatural realms of existence from crossing over into the realm of humans and decimating them and the world itself.

Of course, these are just words written in religious texts. Despite the belief some may have, there is no definitive proof that the gods and the Council actually exist.

The Character Sheet

This is the character sheet. Characters will be approved individually. When you're done with your sheet, just PM it to me, I'll take a look, and if everything is in order then you'll be approved and you can post it in the character tab. Please do not post sheets in the character tab until I have approved you. Your character sheet is how I judge whether or not you'd be a good fit for the roleplay so put some thought into this. Formatting also goes a long way with me. A nicely formatted sheet not only reads better, but is more enticing.

The Rules
I'm not a huge fan of long lists of rules so I like to keep it simple. Common decency and common sense are your best friend. Respect your fellow players and GM and don't do or say anything you wouldn't want done or said to you. The GM has the final decision on disputes, but let's just try not to have any disputes if we can help it.

This roleplay is inspired by dark literature and works. Mature themes exist and disturbing imagery can and will be described. The world is a dark and terrible place and nothing is truly safe or comforting. You've been warned. Romance is not off limits either and forum rules apply on that. Fade to black if it gets serious and don't be ridiculous about it in general--ridiculous meaning be smart about when and how you write and build upon romances in this roleplay.

Quality over quantity. I have no problem with long posts, but an essay that says virtually nothing is no better than an extremely short post. I ask that you post at least three paragraphs as a minimum because it helps other players build on what was said before them if need be and it's just generally a minimum that I think most, if not all, people should be able to hit fairly easily.

Finally, if you're one of those types of people who like nothing more than creating a character and completely disappearing, please do not join. My roleplays are usually open to anyone, but it does nobody good if you create a character then disappear never to be heard from again. Submission of a character is considered a commitment to this roleplay so please read this OP and think about if you really would like to see this through to the end with me and whoever decides to join.

The World of Zenith

This is the section where I list player additions to the world. Notable locations, significant NPC groups, and anything players come up that have been approved will be placed in this section. The bestiary I'm working on will also go here in time as well as a visual map of the world. If you'd like to add something to the world, just PM me the details and we'll go from there.

  • The God Eaters

  • The Enclave

  • The Order of the Burning Light

  • The Gaki

Welcome to your beautiful death

Welcome to my roleplay, The Reavers. This is an RP inspired by games like Dark Souls, books like The Witcher, and works by Edgar Allen Poe and H.P. Lovecraft and is my entry into a darker, more serious kind of fantasy narrative. This is also my attempt at building a world that can be expanded on by the players.

My intent for this RP is for it be a more grounded and realistic sort of game. Realistic characters, realistic combat, and a gritty reality replace exaggerated characters that jump fifty feet and punch dragons in the face (not that punching dragons in the face isn't cool or anything). I also hope to have players who would like the idea of creating their own additions to the world be it locations or beasts for the bestiary. I would call this my love letter to the oft overlooked dark fantasy genre which exists underneath high fantasy epics such as Lord of the Rings.

UPDATE - This roleplay is officially fully cast and closed.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I am here. Committing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by wispered
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wispered Butterflies... butterflies everywhere

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I'm in!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OneWayOut

OneWayOut Sarcastic Fuck

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I'm committed as well! Working on a character now. ^^
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by agentmanatee
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agentmanatee Servant of chaos

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Here, beginning character
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by OneWayOut

OneWayOut Sarcastic Fuck

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@icmasticc do you think the armor in this picture would be considered light or no armor?

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by icmasticc
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icmasticc Chaotic Order

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@icmasticc do you think the armor in this picture be considered light or no armor?

That'd probably be no armor at best, although you can use a separate picture of an armor set if you wish her to have one or just note in the CS that she does indeed wear either heavy or light armor if you want her to wear it at all.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OneWayOut

OneWayOut Sarcastic Fuck

Member Seen 1 yr ago

<Snipped quote by OneWayOut>

That'd probably be no armor at best, although you can use a separate picture of an armor set if you wish her to have one or just note in the CS that she does indeed wear either heavy or light armor if you want her to wear it at all.

I'm going for no armor, just wanted to make sure what was shown in the picture was acceptable as 'no armor'. I like what she's wearing so I won't be adding a separate image for it. Thanks ^^
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by icmasticc
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icmasticc Chaotic Order

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Cool @OneWayOut. Just remember what no armor means hehe.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OneWayOut

OneWayOut Sarcastic Fuck

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Cool @OneWayOut. Just remember what no armor means hehe.

It means run and live XD
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by icmasticc
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icmasticc Chaotic Order

Member Seen 1 yr ago

That's one way to do it hahaha @OneWayOut.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by agentmanatee
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agentmanatee Servant of chaos

Member Seen 10 mos ago

I assume both of these are heavy armor? These are my finalists for armor

Ignore the apparent size of the first one, do not intend to be a giant obviously
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rockette
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Rockette 𝘣𝘦𝘡𝘡𝘦𝘳 𝘡𝘩𝘒𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘢.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by icmasticc
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icmasticc Chaotic Order

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@agentmanatee - The first one much more so than the second one. Heavy armor, to me, is armor covering all parts of the body at the least. The second seems more like light armor.

@Rockette - *Grabs shotgun* GET OFF MY LA-- Oh, ahem, I mean welcome to my RP new person I've definitely never met before!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rockette
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Rockette 𝘣𝘦𝘡𝘡𝘦𝘳 𝘡𝘩𝘒𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘢.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Rockette - *Grabs shotgun* GET OFF MY LA-- Oh, ahem, I mean welcome to my RP new person I've definitely never met before!

Don't even pretend, you're beyond excited I'm here!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by icmasticc
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icmasticc Chaotic Order

Member Seen 1 yr ago

<Snipped quote by icmasticc>

Don't even pretend, you're beyond excited I'm here!

... I-I mean... Yeah, yeah, I'm kidding, of course I'm excited lol. It's always great when you know some people.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Oh Rockette is here? Sure to be a fun time now.

Though now I think you're stalking me.

Or is it the other way around >.>
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rockette
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Rockette 𝘣𝘦𝘡𝘡𝘦𝘳 𝘡𝘩𝘒𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘢.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Oh Rockette is here? Sure to be a fun time now.

Though now I think you're stalking me.

Or is it the other way around >.>

Let's just say it's both. c;
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Noelle
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Noelle Not an Avocado

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I'm committing, but it's 1 am here. I doubt my tired mind would create a strong character at this hour. I'll post tomorrow afternoon or evening. Hope that's not too terribly late.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by icmasticc
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icmasticc Chaotic Order

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I'm committing, but it's 1 am here. I doubt my tired mind would create a strong character at this hour. I'll post tomorrow afternoon or evening. Hope that's not too terribly late.

That's fine Noelle. My own character will also be coming tomorrow haha. We're in the same timezone too, you've just confirmed.
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