Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Chulance
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Heroes Villains

Since the dawn of time people have fathomed of having abilities beyond those of regular mortals and idealized those who did such as the mythological Greek gods. Gifts such as the ability to fly, wield strength greater then other men, and other such talents that allow you to control the world around you are things many of us which to have. However what if some of us actually did have those abilities? It turns out however that people with abilities do exist and they have been living among us. For nearly the entirety of human history these people now commonly known as Evolved humans or Evo's for short have been in hiding. However thanks to one girl Claire Bennet with the power of regeneration jumping off a ferris wheel on live TV, they are now exposed living in the open.

Two years have passed since the fateful day that Evo's were exposed to the general population. The World reacted to the emergence of these people in various ways some holding their arms open to accept Evo's as their fellow citizens others fearing them and believing them to be a threat to the stability of society. In recent times the growing number of violent incidents involving Evo's have grown leading the general population to becoming increasingly paranoid and fearful of people with abilities. Finally this culminated in the United States, and several other nations passing rules and regulations to monitor and control the Evo population. Dark days are ahead of those with powers, and now they must fight for survival in a world that's turned against them.

1. This is a RP with super powers so my only rule is try to keep things reasonable, and everyone rp fairly.
2. You can have as many characters as you can keep up with/have a profile for, NPC's don't require one obviously.
3. Try to stay active, and if something comes up try to give me a heads up if possible.
4. This is a casual RP so try to at least have a paragraph or two per post.
5. This is set in the real world so try to keep things somewhat realistic.
6. If you want to play/reserve a cannon character from Heroes PM me to see if they already have a preplanned role in the RP or something.
7. I have no qualms with you picking the same power as another player or something but to be fair if you want a power someone already has you need to get permission from whoever already has the power.
8. Most important of ALL, Have Fun! :)

Evo Human CS
Image (Real Picture only please)
Quote: ( What phrase would you use to describe yourself, or what do you consider your motto)
Religion: (What do they believe in)
Occupation: (What's their job)
Ability: (Put N/A if there human obviously)
Personality: (How does your character act)
Background: (Their story)

Human CS
Image (Real picture only please.)
Quote: ( What phrase would you use to describe yourself, or what do you consider your motto)
Religion: (What do they believe in)
Occupation: (What's their job)
Personality: (How does your character act)
Background: (Their story)

Other Information Relevant to the Plot

Level System – The United States Government and others worked together to create a system to rank the level of power various Evo’s can utilize.

Class 1 – Minor abilities that can do little to effect the world around them, and only really effect the user like glowing in the dark or x ray vision. Akin to regular humans with special talents.

Class 2 – The next level up on the list, people with minor abilities that can be used in a variety of ways. These can include powers of manipulating technology, Flight, and healing.

Class 3 – Moving on up in the scale, these are Evo’s with powers that can be used in combat and to effect others around them. These can range from super strength, telekinesis, manipulating elements, and energy blasts.

Class 4 – These are Evo’s with dangerous abilities with few limitations, and can have wide reaching effects on others and the areas around them. These are dangerous abilities such as the power to manipulate nuclear radiation, the weather and even affecting gravity.

Class 5 – The top of the line and most powerful Evo’s of all time. Usually Evo’s that have access to multiple powers, or a power that can have multiple effects. Have significant control of the world around them, and are incredibly powerful and require the help of other Evo’s or significant technology to be brought down.


Evolved Human Registration Act- Passed in March 2012 and approved by several figures of authority. The law was initially passed in the United States Government, and shortly afterwards in several other countries, The United Nations even meets to discuss this. The law requires evolved humans to submit and register to the Government’s database and be monitored, and have scheduled monthly meetings with a evo probation officer. They are given restrictions in where they can and cannot go(ex near schools, government buildings, ect), and are also assigned curfews which depends on their ability and occupation. The following is a restated version of all the laws those must follow under the Evo Registration Act which may differ based on what country the Evo is in.

-Must submit, and register into the Evo database system and carry an Evo identification card.
-Have scheduled weekly to monthly meetings with an Evo Probation officer. The frequency of the meetings depends on various factors such as the Evo's class, history ect.
-Evo’s must submit to being registered by the Government.
-Evo’s are given various restrictions in where they can and cannot go(ex schools, government buildings)
- Evo’s are assigned curfews based on their ability, class, history, criminal history, and such. Ex a Class 3 might have a curfew of 10PM with no prior criminal history, while a class 2 with a couple misdemeanors might have to go home straight after work.
-Evo’s must submit to mandatory tests for drugs legal and illegal.
-Evo’s class 2 and above are banned from consuming any form of alcoholic beverage ever as well as banned from purchasing alcohol.
-Any crime an Evo commits that will gain 2x as harsh a punishment as a regular citizen, due to their ability making them a more dangerous offender.
-Evo’s are banned from leaving their country without permission from both countries and must ride in a secure cell and be transported by government officials in the Evo vehicle, which the Government oversees.
-Evo’s are not allowed to use their ability unless approved by the Government or in a life threatening situation; otherwise they are sentenced to a couple days/weeks + imprisonment.
-Must maintain a job at all times, and only allowed two weeks to remain jobless before arrested, not sentenced to jail but a halfway house for jobless Evo’s.
-Certain Evo’s (Usually Class 2-3+) are banned from procreating, and those who choose so will have a forced abortion, and detainment. In the instance that an Evo birth is approved they will be monitored by the Gov from birth, and only one Evo child is allowed and must be raised by at least one normal parent.
-Evo’s have their internet history, and cell phone calls/texts monitored by the Government if they are registered.
-Evo’s are banned from certain occupations or otherwise restricted including those in law enforcement, law(the court), politics, ect.
-Evo’s are not allowed to raise normal children, even if they have another normal parent, but a normal parent is required to be present in an Evo marriage if the kid they are raising is an Evo.
-Evo's class 2 and above are not allowed to marry without approval from the Government, and typically only marriages to normals are approved.
-The Government is allowed to at any time seize any property or money in the possession of an Evo if they feel the Evo is going against their country.

In the United States, and most if not all countries some form of this registration act is in place. The Consequence for violating these laws are severe, and offenders will not be tolerated. Being an unregistered Evo in the United States is an automatic felony with a punishment of up to 5 years in prison. Also while only Evo's are logged into the Government database and subject to monitoring and other restrictions on their freedom, all American citizens must submit to a blood test, and whether or not there are an EVO is put on their I.D.

Quantum Industries - Quantum Industries or just Quantum for short is an extremely influential and powerful international technology/security company established in early 2011. They are a highly successful company with some of the world’s brightest minds and are responsible for the development of the blood testing technology which made them rich. They have the world's most dangerous and well equipped private militia. They offer their services to countries and individuals with a wide range of services from protection from a dangerous enemy or providing armed forces for covert black ops missions that the buyer cannot engage in themselves for the sake of their reputation ex some U.S Law Enforcement agency wants someone dead but in order to protect their own members hires Quantum. Little is known about the origins of this mysterious and powerful organization only that it's founders include politicians, wealthy businessmen, celebrities, and even some of the world's most intelligent scientists. Their goal is to provide security/aid for anyone who can afford it and developing ground breaking technology that can benefit the world as well as their pockets. However beyond the facade lies a more sinister operation to control, monitor, and eliminate Evo's across the globe. Unlike many of the world's governments they have no one to keep them in check, no one throw morality at them, they only have one goal to deal with the Evolved Human population at all costs. Lastly unlike many of the world's governments they have no qualms with recruiting and working with Evo's to accomplish their goals.

Timeline of Events

December 7, 2010 - Claire Bennet jumps off a ferris wheel and recovers after hitting the ground, revealing the Evo population to the world.

January 2011 - The U.S Government and various other world governments begin working on dealing with ways to handle the Evolved human situation.

February 2011 - Quantum Industries a powerful technology and security company is opened.

March 2011 - More and more Evo's are revealing themselves to the world, and various people are voicing their opinions on what should be done about the situation.

September 2011 - A major break through when Quantum Industries develops the blood testing technology which can be used to determine if someone is an Evo or normal, and makes large amounts of money selling this technology to the U.S Government.

January 2012 - Increasing amounts of violent incidents involving Evo's have lead to a growing sense of fear in the U.S and other populations across the globe, blood testing is made mandatory by the U.S Government. Rumors of an Evo Registration Act are growing and many want this act to be passed.

February 2012 - The President is dealing with pressure from Congress to pass to approve the Evo Registration Act, and dealing with accusations of being an Evo sympathizer.

March 2012 - The Evo Registration Act is passed in the United States, and shortly afterwards the Department of Homeland Security opens up an Evo Division to handle all Evo affairs, and be in charge of enforcing the registration act in the United States.

August 2012 - The Evo Registration Act is going strong, and almost every other country has adopted a similar version to this around the world. In the second week of August in Los Angeles an entire high school is wiped out, flattened into nothing and nearly everyone in the building is killed as a result. This tragedy has led to a massive increase in anti Evo hysteria in America, and lead to the Government becoming far more harsh in their treatment of the Evo Population.

September 2012 - This is where the RP picks up, a month after the school was wiped out, and the world at large has cracked down on Evo's, and many citizens themselves have taken up arms against Evo's believing the government to not be doing enough to help them. The 2012 Presidential Election is coming up, and many Americans are looking for a strong leader who will be tough on Evo's and who has a solution to deal with the Evo issue once and for all.

Reserved Powers (Reservations can only be held 2-3 days after that if you have no CS posted there up for grabs)

Pryokinesis(Dirty Dan)
Telepathy, Mutation, Empathy(FunnyGuy)
Water & Ice Manipulation (Mike the Blood wolf)
Atmokinesis (Damo021)
Power Replication(Elemental bending type) (Mr Allen J)
Paper Manipulation (Mr Allen J)
Energy Manipulation (Chulance)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ThatsWhatSheSaid
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Same as before :)...working on another character (fake ID guy) and will hopefully post him later today.

"In their last moments, people show you who they really are. So in a way, I know your friends better than you ever did."

Name: Johanna Phillips
Age: 25 years old
Gender: female
Height: 5.5 feet
Weight: 117lbs
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Nationality: Australian
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Religion: Atheist
Occupation: Quantum agent
Ability: Telekinesis - The power to manipulate objects/matter with the mind.
Personality: One word - sociopath. Although at times she may seem joyful and carefree she can be suspected to sudden and violent moods swings without warning. Even though she communicates and most of the time acts at an adult level, mentally she is still a child (I.e Throwing tantrums). Being a sociopath she is incapable of empathising with others and doesn't feel remorse nor guilt for any of her actions. Although at times she may come across as being caring she most definitely isn't, it's merely an act to get what she wants. Johanna generally views others as "toys" or even "pets" who are only there for her personal amusement or to be used for her own benefits. She really seems to enjoy her job and isn't hesitant to do whatever it takes to get the job done even if it means throwing some of her own comrades in the firing line...and at times she has even toyed with her own life. Killing comes easily and often done for the pure pleasure of it, annoyance, negative mood, boredom or for just no real reason at all (i.e. If someone looks at her funny). She has quite a foul mouth on her and is not afraid to voice her opinions or views of others.

Background: Born in Australia, Johanna became an orphan at a very young age. Her parents were out in the town one night celebrating their fifth wedding anniversary when they never returned home. At first they were reported as missing but a week later her parents bodies show up mutilated in the front yard of their family home. Unfortunately for Johanna she was the one who found the bodies. The images of her parents lifeless bodies still haunts her dreams many nights. Because her parents never established a will stating who will receive custody of Johanna if they die she was take away by child services and placed in an orphanage.

Being a small scared young girl she immediately found herself on the bottom of the food chain. The constant teasing, bullying and the fact that they never found her parents killer caused her to become severely depressed to the point she would just lay silently on her mattress not bothering to even get up to eat or drink. Finally what seemed like an eternity to her she was adopted by a young loving couple..so she had thought.

At first glanced everything seemed pleasant but as the days passed the couples true colours appeared. They had some serious marital issues and even though they were constantly bickering with one another the physical abuse was all direct at Johanna. She was abused throughout her teenage years and like bullying that took place in the orphanage she just took it on, like it was normal.

Then one day she decides to invite a boy over when her adoptive parents were out for dinner. Any visitors were heavily forbidden but she couldn't resist he was the first real friend she had ever had. To her and the boy's misfortune her adoptive parents come home early. Johanna was ready to take the usual beating however her adoptive parents had other ideas of punishment that night. Her adoptive father forced himself onto her whilst his wife constrained the boy to watch. That's when she broke. Her ability awakens with no control, just pure rage. All the emotion she subdued for all those years was finally being released. The result ends with the bloody death of her adoptive parents. After realising what she had done Johanna begs the boy to keep quiet but he's so afraid by what he had witnessed he calls the cops. She tries to spot him but in her confused and frightened state she ends up levitating the boy above the dining room table. Hearing the boy cry out for help she panics and her concentration drops causing the boy to simultaneously drop. On his way down he ends up knocking his head hard on the corner of the table. Before she can check whether his still breathing the authorities arrive. Seeing the horrific scene in front of them they immediately arrest her and take her to county jail.

Johanna spends a couple of nights in county jail before a group of mysterious men in black suits arrive. She is released into their custody, taken to America with all charges dropped. She thought maybe her luck had finally changed. She could start fresh. Free...but little did she know, she was being recruited.

At first they trained her to be protection against the other evolved. They ran multiple test and pushed her constantly to her limits. Then suddenly out of the blue their agenda changed and instead of being a defence she was now being trained into a weapon. They attempted to institutionalise her, but her mind proved to be too unstable for the results they wanted. However, her power was far too valuable to be just terminated.

Johanna now serves Quantum with the mission of exterminating her targets...EVOS.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Chulance
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Hey! Glad you rejoined the RP this time around of course the lovely Johanna is approved once again.

I can't wait for your fake I.D guy as well. Anyway feel free to post her in the character tab whenever you want. I'm gonna work on my CS's too.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 31 min ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Chulance
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Whew Hooo glad you posted your characters Nallore, both of them are increadibly awesome I love em glad to have Elena and the Senator on board.

Also great to have a founder of Quantum in the RP as well, anyway both approved, post em in the character tab.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 31 min ago

Yay cant wait to start. :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Shit... sorry posted them in the character page first -facedeks- I'm an idiot, I know, loll
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shard
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Working on my character right now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Chulance
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Yay cant wait to start. :)

Same I'm real excited this time around, we've got the details of the plot ironed out and it seems like it's gonna be good fun.

Can't wait to see what Elena gets into this time around.

Shit... sorry posted them in the character page first -facedeks- I'm an idiot, I know, loll

Haha It's alright usually I don't like that, but those characters you submitted were pre approved already so it's all good. It's gonna be great to see what Erin and Dean do this time around as the world's a-lot harsher towards Evo's in this incarnation lol.

Working on my character right now.

Great! I can't wait, lol.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Chulance; well you know me hun. You helped me work out my plan for them to a certain point, and I hate to waste an entrance I worked hard on so... Disneyland here we come!! Again... x'D
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Shard
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With super human muscles, Casper’s strength is far beyond that of any ordinary person. While not visible upon Casper's frame, his strength is quite fearful. Due to the fact that Casper's body would break under the sheer pressure of his strength, Casper's power is accompanied by enhanced durability, but only enough to prevent his power from being harmful to himself. As of now it does not effect Casper's exterior frame further than protecting him from lighter bludgeoning.

Casper's strength is on par with ten grown men at all times, greatly enhancing his capabilities such as power and speed.

With enough adrenaline, Casper can infuse his muscles further and gain more strength, however it drains him drastically and leaves him incredibly fatigued once the adrenaline leaves his frame. At this level he could rip a vault door from place but it would leave him tired and useless until he manages a good rest. [/INDENT]

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:
Casper have no defensive powers. His skin is just as vulnerable to blades and bullets as any other’s.

He has no tricks up his sleeve. Casper's power is very straight forward and enhances his physical capabilities but it doesn’t stretch beyond that. He cannot ever lift a truck or toss a car. The latter could be possible if Casper activates his powers further but it would leave him fatigued and drained.

If Casper stays in his 'powered' mode for too long, his body will start hurting and the next day it will feel like he has been through a heavy workout and he’ll be incredibly sore.

“People always look at me and go ‘Hey, lil’ emo shit!’, and then it fades to black. I mean, fuckin’ hell, someone’s gotta’ stand up for me, right? Ugh, we already live in a world where those with power are being treated like shit because everyone else is too small and scared to deal with this little thing called evolution. So, what am I like? I don’t talk much, I really don’t. There isn’t that much to say. I do tend to get lost in thought, though. Yeah, that always happens. People can talk to me and whatever and then I just…phase out. Hey, it’s not my fault! If people were a bit more interestin’, maybe I’d actually freakin’ listen!

Anyways, I get that I’m coming off as some kind of bitter asshole but that’s probably ‘cause I am. When you’ve been so far in bullshit throughout your life that you can barely see the sun, you just stop givin’ a fuck. Believe it or not, I actually do stand up for the little guy, me mostly. Though, I do protect the underdog from a bully if that shit happens around me. I can’t freakin’ stand assholes, can barely stand myself.

‘What’s with the cynical view’, right? Well, believe it or not, being an asshat aside, I can be a really good guy. I stick to myself, treat those who treat me well with respect and knock the living shit out of those who think they can fuck with me. It’s a rather easy principle to live by. Yeah, I get it, I don’t act the way I look. Small, fragile, kinda’ cute according to some…well, that’s what I look like. I don’t eat my vegetables.

If I could summarise myself with three words it would probably be…fuck it, I’ll just summarise myself with a few more sentences. I’m quiet, I stick to myself and I like keeping out of other peoples’ business. Though, I’m also a no-bullshit kinda’ guy and I stand up against inequality. No, not that fucking wallflower, oversensitive safe space bullshit, I stand up against people who try to knock others down and try to make sure that the person I help grow a fuckin’ spine so they can stand up for themselves in the future. We live in an ugly fuckin’ world and no amount of precious bullshit will change that. Either you toughen up, or the world will break ya’, it’s that friggin’ simple. Now, we all need help once in a while. Help is always good and I’m not too proud to accept it, but help is just that, it’s ‘help’. You need to be able to stand up on your on two feet in order to use help in an efficient way because believe me, no one’s gonna’ solve your shit for you.

Alright, since I’m coming off as a hardass, I’ll try to even it out with something else. I love cuddling, alright…? I just do, fuck off. I also like fluffy things and cute animals. Flowers are pretty and I like bubbles and butterflies. Judge me all ya’ want, I stand for what I like! I also like drawing, and I’ve gotten rather good at it, actually. Practice makes perfect, right? Well, there’s that…hmm…oh! I love corny romance, especially the ones with a buncha’ fuckin’ drama in them, you know? Like…like…two people dance around each other forever cause’ they’re too afraid to actually make a move, and then a buncha’ shit happens, right? I’ve tried writing my own stories but hell if I don’t get preoccupied with something else. I think I might have an attention disorder…it’s fuckin’ annoyin’.

Let’s see, something else cuddly and fluffy that I like…hmm…kittens! Hell yeah, kittens…They’re fuckin’ amazing. I love being hugged…but that doesn’t happen very often. Not tryin’ to sound like a downer, just sayin’ it how it is. Yeah, well…that’s it I guess. There’s always more to say but we can’t be here all day, can we? I mean, I need to tell you about my crappy fuckin’ life as well, so let’s just get to that so we can move on. You’ve got better things to do than to listen to me go on and on about myself…I’ve never talked this much in my life…”

“This probably won’t come as a huge ass fuckin’ surprise but I grew up in the ghetto, yeah. No dad, and my mom was heavily into drugs. Yeah, I know, poor friggin’ Casper, right? Fuck that, it just turned out to be this way. No need to cry over spilled milk or however you say it.
I mean, I guess I’ve lived a normal enough life in school n’ shit. No, I haven’t had many friends throughout my life, mostly just one or two that came and went. I pretty much just went with the flow, you know? I never expect anyone to stick around for very long, and they don’t really change that view for me, ya’ know?

So my family, in other words me and my shit faced ma’ spend all of our time tryin’ to scrape by. I’m sure you’ve heard countless stories like this, all sad and whatnot. So, my power actually started showin’ rather recently. I’ve always been a no bullshit kinda’ guy, always stood up for myself and all that crap, but one day when some big ass bully tried to get me acquainted with the floor, I punched him hard enough to send the fucker into the lockers and then some. Fuckin’ hell, we were all surprised. I was called and freak and what have ya’, but I was a bit preoccupied tryin’ to understand what had changed. See I’m a -very- scrawny guy, right? I have this superpower but fuckin’ hell, look at me! I don’t have a single friggin’ muscle on my body. It’s hilarious when people mess with me, they don’t expect this shit, hehe.

There isn’t much to say about my home life. I still live with ma’, she’s still cracked out on the couch most of the time and I’m left cleanin’ up her fuckin’ mess. ‘Course I wanna’ get out, you know? I mean, I want another life but I know that it’s a waste of time walkin’ around with those thoughts, ya’ know? I am where I am and I deal with it. I’d like to think that I’m a decent chef, I guess. I’ve cooked for ma’ and myself for a very long time and I’ve gotten a bit better at it through the years. I’m also a neat freak. Yeah, I know…livin’ in a ghetto and a run down neighbourhood you’d think that I don’t give a shit but you know what? I do, so fuck you. My house has to be friggin’ spotless! I make sure it is.

When I was a kid, well…smaller, mom used to hit me. She’d get drunk or cracked up and then hit me when she got angry. ‘Course, when she sobered up she’d cry her fuckin’ eyes out and hug me n’ all that shit but in the end, none of it really mattered anymore. She doesn’t hit me now, though…mainly because she’s gettin’ old and she’s too tired to even move. Of course I could beat the livin’ daylights outta’ her but what kinda’ swine beats his own ma’? I would never do that.

So, on to other things. Hm, yeah, I’ve had a crush on a few people in school. Though, I’ve never really pursued the feelin’s. I mean, who’s wanna’ be with a freak like me with a cracked up ma’ and poor as shit? Well, fuck if I know but I’m not about to tickle that shark. There was this one boy, though…damn he was handsome. You know, like in the story books, hehe…he had golden blonde hair, sky blue eyes and a smile that could melt a winter night…yeah I like poetry, shut it. His name was Aiden and he was part of the school’s football team. I always used to look at him longingly but you know how these stories usually go in real life…he had a girlfriend. Then again, even if he didn’t, it’s not like I’d make a move…I’m too much of a chicken to do that. Yeah, I think we found the one place I won’t stand tall, it’s in love. I’d like to believe I’m a lion most of the time but in love…yeah, there I’m just a kitten.

Well, something else important that happened to me was that when my power got developed, I had to register that crap. You know, so that government can keep track of me in case I go apeshit...After that little meeting I had with Creg, the bully who tried to beat me up, I was suspended from school for a while, met a buncha' governmental assholes and was put in a special school for freaks. Yeah, that event got me in a shit ton of trouble and I got my ass a warning. Anyways, the school...it's lovely there, really...everyone can blow the shit outta' the place at any given moment, makes us all feel safe.

Do ya’ wanna know anything else? My life’s kinda’ boring. There isn’t much to say, really. Ghetto kid who lives with his ma’, goes to school, tries to slug through life…yup, that’s pretty much it. Are we done? Sweet, I’m gonna’ go and grab some soda now. Alright, cya’ around."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ThatsWhatSheSaid
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

”Are you talking to me?” “No, they are talking to me?” “Are you talking to me?”

Name: Alfie Sutherland
Age: 27 years old
Gender: Male
Height: 5’8
Weight: 140lbs
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Religion: Athiest
Occupation: Forging Documents & ID Specialist
Ability: Replication – can instantly and perfectly replicate themselves, others and objects numerous times and is able to maintain control over all copies at one time.
Personality: Alfie is a loner who prefers himself over the company of others. He struggles with being socially awkward something that's a result of his lonely upbringing. He has a lust for gaining information believing that knowledge is power, and has no problem working with anyone so long as it serves his own interest. His main concern is for himself believing that worrying about others is stupid and will only result in you making mistakes including those that are potentially fatal. He is well aware of his status as an Evo but is not scared of the Government believing he'll always be on step ahead of them, and simply seeks to use his ability to earn a living and enjoy the finer things in life.
Background: Alfie didn’t have the easiest life growing up and seemed to have this constant urge to be more than he was and to do more. He had gotten the short stick in life, his parents neglected him as soon as he was born which meant that he was forced to entertain himself throughout his whole life as he had no siblings.

Due to growing up neglected and alone he struggled with social relationships and had a hard time relating to others his age who always seemed to be much happier and sociable then he was. This led to him becoming a loner most of his life, and spending his time getting lost in books and the internet constantly seeking out information to fill the void in his life from being alone.

He never thought things would improve even after graduating high school until his ability manifested and he was able to replicate himself meaning he finally had someone to talk too. He became his one best friend. Alfie quickly found out ways to use this power to his favour and finally got what he felt he deserved out of life. After Claire jumped off the Ferris Wheel and exposed Evo's he realized he was not alone and that there were others out there just like him. At first he sought to find other Evo's to fill the initial void of loneliness that his power had cured but he still somehow longed for that ‘real’ friend.

After a whole lot of failed attempts, he finally realized he actually liked being alone and had grown to become self-sufficient. With the anti Evo sentiment rising across the globe Alfie began to use his powers to make some money. With the nature of his power and his smarts he went into the fake I.D business, and made a killing financially helping Evo's after the Evo Registration Act was passed. His actions attracted the attention of Quantum who sought to recruit him but instead decided to establish a sort of partnership with him offering him protection in exchange for his occasional services.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Chulance
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

@Chulance; well you know me hun. You helped me work out my plan for them to a certain point, and I hate to waste an entrance I worked hard on so... Disneyland here we come!! Again... x'D

Glad to have been of instance to you. Haha so there's gonna be trouble in paradise or well disneyland but that place is so awesome it's close to paradise. I'm getting ready for my intro post, since all my chars are different I'm gonna have to whip up an all new intro post grrr lol.











With super human muscles, Casper’s strength is far beyond that of any ordinary person. While not visible upon Casper's frame, his strength is quite fearful. Due to the fact that Casper's body would break under the sheer pressure of his strength, Casper's power is accompanied by enhanced durability, but only enough to prevent his power from being harmful to himself. As of now it does not effect Casper's exterior frame further than protecting him from lighter bludgeoning.

Casper's strength is on par with ten grown men at all times, greatly enhancing his capabilities such as power and speed.

With enough adrenaline, Casper can infuse his muscles further and gain more strength, however it drains him drastically and leaves him incredibly fatigued once the adrenaline leaves his frame. At this level he could rip a vault door from place but it would leave him tired and useless until he manages a good rest. [/INDENT]

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:
Casper have no defensive powers. His skin is just as vulnerable to blades and bullets as any other’s.

He has no tricks up his sleeve. Casper's power is very straight forward and enhances his physical capabilities but it doesn’t stretch beyond that. He cannot ever lift a truck or toss a car. The latter could be possible if Casper activates his powers further but it would leave him fatigued and drained.

If Casper stays in his 'powered' mode for too long, his body will start hurting and the next day it will feel like he has been through a heavy workout and he’ll be incredibly sore.

“People always look at me and go ‘Hey, lil’ emo shit!’, and then it fades to black. I mean, fuckin’ hell, someone’s gotta’ stand up for me, right? Ugh, we already live in a world where those with power are being treated like shit because everyone else is too small and scared to deal with this little thing called evolution. So, what am I like? I don’t talk much, I really don’t. There isn’t that much to say. I do tend to get lost in thought, though. Yeah, that always happens. People can talk to me and whatever and then I just…phase out. Hey, it’s not my fault! If people were a bit more interestin’, maybe I’d actually freakin’ listen!

Anyways, I get that I’m coming off as some kind of bitter asshole but that’s probably ‘cause I am. When you’ve been so far in bullshit throughout your life that you can barely see the sun, you just stop givin’ a fuck. Believe it or not, I actually do stand up for the little guy, me mostly. Though, I do protect the underdog from a bully if that shit happens around me. I can’t freakin’ stand assholes, can barely stand myself.

‘What’s with the cynical view’, right? Well, believe it or not, being an asshat aside, I can be a really good guy. I stick to myself, treat those who treat me well with respect and knock the living shit out of those who think they can fuck with me. It’s a rather easy principle to live by. Yeah, I get it, I don’t act the way I look. Small, fragile, kinda’ cute according to some…well, that’s what I look like. I don’t eat my vegetables.

If I could summarise myself with three words it would probably be…fuck it, I’ll just summarise myself with a few more sentences. I’m quiet, I stick to myself and I like keeping out of other peoples’ business. Though, I’m also a no-bullshit kinda’ guy and I stand up against inequality. No, not that fucking wallflower, oversensitive safe space bullshit, I stand up against people who try to knock others down and try to make sure that the person I help grow a fuckin’ spine so they can stand up for themselves in the future. We live in an ugly fuckin’ world and no amount of precious bullshit will change that. Either you toughen up, or the world will break ya’, it’s that friggin’ simple. Now, we all need help once in a while. Help is always good and I’m not too proud to accept it, but help is just that, it’s ‘help’. You need to be able to stand up on your on two feet in order to use help in an efficient way because believe me, no one’s gonna’ solve your shit for you.

Alright, since I’m coming off as a hardass, I’ll try to even it out with something else. I love cuddling, alright…? I just do, fuck off. I also like fluffy things and cute animals. Flowers are pretty and I like bubbles and butterflies. Judge me all ya’ want, I stand for what I like! I also like drawing, and I’ve gotten rather good at it, actually. Practice makes perfect, right? Well, there’s that…hmm…oh! I love corny romance, especially the ones with a buncha’ fuckin’ drama in them, you know? Like…like…two people dance around each other forever cause’ they’re too afraid to actually make a move, and then a buncha’ shit happens, right? I’ve tried writing my own stories but hell if I don’t get preoccupied with something else. I think I might have an attention disorder…it’s fuckin’ annoyin’.

Let’s see, something else cuddly and fluffy that I like…hmm…kittens! Hell yeah, kittens…They’re fuckin’ amazing. I love being hugged…but that doesn’t happen very often. Not tryin’ to sound like a downer, just sayin’ it how it is. Yeah, well…that’s it I guess. There’s always more to say but we can’t be here all day, can we? I mean, I need to tell you about my crappy fuckin’ life as well, so let’s just get to that so we can move on. You’ve got better things to do than to listen to me go on and on about myself…I’ve never talked this much in my life…”

“This probably won’t come as a huge ass fuckin’ surprise but I grew up in the ghetto, yeah. No dad, and my mom was heavily into drugs. Yeah, I know, poor friggin’ Casper, right? Fuck that, it just turned out to be this way. No need to cry over spilled milk or however you say it.
I mean, I guess I’ve lived a normal enough life in school n’ shit. No, I haven’t had many friends throughout my life, mostly just one or two that came and went. I pretty much just went with the flow, you know? I never expect anyone to stick around for very long, and they don’t really change that view for me, ya’ know?

So my family, in other words me and my shit faced ma’ spend all of our time tryin’ to scrape by. I’m sure you’ve heard countless stories like this, all sad and whatnot. So, my power actually started showin’ rather recently. I’ve always been a no bullshit kinda’ guy, always stood up for myself and all that crap, but one day when some big ass bully tried to get me acquainted with the floor, I punched him hard enough to send the fucker into the lockers and then some. Fuckin’ hell, we were all surprised. I was called and freak and what have ya’, but I was a bit preoccupied tryin’ to understand what had changed. See I’m a -very- scrawny guy, right? I have this superpower but fuckin’ hell, look at me! I don’t have a single friggin’ muscle on my body. It’s hilarious when people mess with me, they don’t expect this shit, hehe.

There isn’t much to say about my home life. I still live with ma’, she’s still cracked out on the couch most of the time and I’m left cleanin’ up her fuckin’ mess. ‘Course I wanna’ get out, you know? I mean, I want another life but I know that it’s a waste of time walkin’ around with those thoughts, ya’ know? I am where I am and I deal with it. I’d like to think that I’m a decent chef, I guess. I’ve cooked for ma’ and myself for a very long time and I’ve gotten a bit better at it through the years. I’m also a neat freak. Yeah, I know…livin’ in a ghetto and a run down neighbourhood you’d think that I don’t give a shit but you know what? I do, so fuck you. My house has to be friggin’ spotless! I make sure it is.

When I was a kid, well…smaller, mom used to hit me. She’d get drunk or cracked up and then hit me when she got angry. ‘Course, when she sobered up she’d cry her fuckin’ eyes out and hug me n’ all that shit but in the end, none of it really mattered anymore. She doesn’t hit me now, though…mainly because she’s gettin’ old and she’s too tired to even move. Of course I could beat the livin’ daylights outta’ her but what kinda’ swine beats his own ma’? I would never do that.

So, on to other things. Hm, yeah, I’ve had a crush on a few people in school. Though, I’ve never really pursued the feelin’s. I mean, who’s wanna’ be with a freak like me with a cracked up ma’ and poor as shit? Well, fuck if I know but I’m not about to tickle that shark. There was this one boy, though…damn he was handsome. You know, like in the story books, hehe…he had golden blonde hair, sky blue eyes and a smile that could melt a winter night…yeah I like poetry, shut it. His name was Aiden and he was part of the school’s football team. I always used to look at him longingly but you know how these stories usually go in real life…he had a girlfriend. Then again, even if he didn’t, it’s not like I’d make a move…I’m too much of a chicken to do that. Yeah, I think we found the one place I won’t stand tall, it’s in love. I’d like to believe I’m a lion most of the time but in love…yeah, there I’m just a kitten.

Do ya’ wanna know anything else? My life’s kinda’ boring. There isn’t much to say, really. Ghetto kid who lives with his ma’, goes to school, tries to slug through life…yup, that’s pretty much it. Are we done? Sweet, I’m gonna’ go and grab some soda now. Alright, cya’ around."

Perfect I loved the way you did your profile and background it's well done, the first person monologue perspective was very interesting. Anyway feel free to post your character in the character tab, my only recommendation is perhaps you re read the first post of the OOC I noticed your character has a power and is in school but with the laws of the Evo Registration he'd have been forced to register and sent to alternative school for Evo's unless he managed to get his hands on an extremely good fake I.D that could fool the Government. But if he used his power in a public fight it would have been reported by teachers, class-mates ect, anyway take that into consideration but post the character in the character tab.

”Are you talking to me?” “No, they are talking to me?” “Are you talking to me?”

Name: Alfie Sutherland
Age: 27 years old
Gender: Male
Height: 5’8
Weight: 140lbs
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Religion: Athiest
Occupation: Forging Documents & ID Specialist
Ability: Replication – can instantly and perfectly replicate themselves, others and objects numerous times and is able to maintain control over all copies at one time.
Personality: Alfie is a loner who prefers himself over the company of others. He struggles with being socially awkward something that's a result of his lonely upbringing. He has a lust for gaining information believing that knowledge is power, and has no problem working with anyone so long as it serves his own interest. His main concern is for himself believing that worrying about others is stupid and will only result in you making mistakes including those that are potentially fatal. He is well aware of his status as an Evo but is not scared of the Government believing he'll always be on step ahead of them, and simply seeks to use his ability to earn a living and enjoy the finer things in life.
Background: Alfie didn’t have the easiest life growing up and seemed to have this constant urge to be more than he was and to do more. He had gotten the short stick in life, his parents neglected him as soon as he was born which meant that he was forced to entertain himself throughout his whole life as he had no siblings.

Due to growing up neglected and alone he struggled with social relationships and had a hard time relating to others his age who always seemed to be much happier and sociable then he was. This led to him becoming a loner most of his life, and spending his time getting lost in books and the internet constantly seeking out information to fill the void in his life from being alone.

He never thought things would improve even after graduating high school until his ability manifested and he was able to replicate himself meaning he finally had someone to talk too. He became his one best friend. Alfie quickly found out ways to use this power to his favour and finally got what he felt he deserved out of life. After Claire jumped off the Ferris Wheel and exposed Evo's he realized he was not alone and that there were others out there just like him. At first he sought to find other Evo's to fill the initial void of loneliness that his power had cured but he still somehow longed for that ‘real’ friend.

After a whole lot of failed attempts, he finally realized he actually liked being alone and had grown to become self-sufficient. With the anti Evo sentiment rising across the globe Alfie began to use his powers to make some money. With the nature of his power and his smarts he went into the fake I.D business, and made a killing financially helping Evo's after the Evo Registration Act was passed. His actions attracted the attention of Quantum who sought to recruit him but instead decided to establish a sort of partnership with him offering him protection in exchange for his occasional services.

Alfie Sutherland is an awesome character I really like him as well as his power, and backstory, really unique and glad you managed to tie him into Quantum even though he's not an agent.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Chulance
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

@ShardI tried to quote you but for some reason my computer was fucking up and it didn't work out. Any how I commented on your char.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Shard
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@ShardI tried to quote you but for some reason my computer was fucking up and it didn't work out. Any how I commented on your char.

I tried to put it in hiders myself but it doesn't work for some reason...I tried to fix it but there's something preventing it from doing that.

Thanks for liking my character ^^, I'll make some minor edits which puts him in a special school.



I added a few lines which got him sent to a special school.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shard
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Okay, found the problem and fixed it.

Here you go.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Chulance
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

@Shard Shit perfect already approved, now it's approved beyond a shadow of a doubt. Welcome aboard to Heroes Villains glad you joined this rodeo and can't wait to see what Casper brings to the table.

Anyway seems like we've got quite the cast of colorful characters coming along. Once everyone else gets their CS's up I'll go ahead and whip up the first IC post.

In the man while feel free to talk to and collaborate with other Rpers, share opinions, ideas n all that good stuff with others.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shard
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Thanks a lot ^^
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mike the Bloodwolf
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Mike the Bloodwolf Wolf and Dragon Fanatic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Can I preorder the Ability to manipulate water and ice? I will make my profile ether tonight or tomorrow morning
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Chulance
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

@Mike the Bloodwolf

Yeah that's fine I can't wait for your character
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