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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

"Well...it says she has a home. A rather famous one of I say so. It says she's been living there for about three years now. She'll have to stay overnight so we can check her vitals and in the morning we'll see what happens, she's running a fever right now as well. Nurse Ada? Bring a bowl with cool water and towels if you don't mind." Nurse Gina turned away from her screen and focused on her patient, Sylvia looked so small nestled in the two blankets they'd wrap her in. Her cheeks were flushed with fever and her muscles tense even in sleep, she hadn't much stirred since they placed her in bed.

The fracture was another matter as well, it had been treated and had healed nicely. The deeper matter was that she wouldn't be able to walk on it for a long period. She'd have to either wear a vast or boot for at least two weeks and keep off her feet ubless absolutely necessary.

"Does she have school? A job?" Nurse Saunders asked, her head tilted and sky-blue eyes curious. Returning her attention to the screen of the heart monitor, Nurse Gina allow herself to relax.

She'd heal just fine, she was a young woman after all. @Briza
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Briza
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Young or not, Father Seraphim was very worried about the girl, "A famous one?" He seemed to be stretching for some conversation to get to know the young lady, "I will have to ask for your pardon--my son and I just moved into town. We are not too familiar with the place," his Russian accent seemed have gotten a hold of him as he was a bit nervous to introduce himself as such a naïve and under educated man. He could say that being a priest had expanded his horizon, but in some ways--it had limited his growth in other areas of knowledge and expertise.

"She goes to Darcy University with me. We have the same Western Civilization and English classes," Aleksandr spoke gravely, trying to sound some what presentable in his gloomy atmosphere, "I think she words at some café--I can't remember the name," he really had not bothered to remember the name after Jamie and Sylv had taken such a clique liking to each other. He couldn't blame them, but he was not the most positive human being in the world, "Urban Café, maybe..." he trailed off. His memory hit him like a lightning bolt--the way the monster inside of him would. He'd forget everything and suddenly out of nowhere a trigger would set chemicals in his brain alight.

Father Seraphim studied his son, watching him as he spoke. It had been a while since Aleksandr had helped him outside the altar. It was a refreshing feeling. He felt the urge to hug his son, but the feeling dissipated quickly as he remembered the circumstances. If anything, he wanted his happy son back, but that part of his son had died a long time ago. Enough about Aleksy, this girl made need our help.

Aleksandr doubted she would be able to work under her condition. She could probably take care of herself, but there would be no income for several weeks... He bit down on his teeth, thinking of Sylv and his first encounter with her. She really should mind her own business as his father should really mind his own. It was not as if his father and he could pick up the tab. Aleksandr could recall living off of Lentil beans for a good two years as a child. It was an impression that he did not want to repeat, but he knew his father too well. At least, if they did choose to support Sylv, the offsetting wouldn't be two years, but at most six weeks.@Arista
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

"It's a bookstore that doubles as a home. It's name is currently being changed so I can't give that information away. I'll have to call the University and tell them she won't be able to attend for a few weeks until her ankle heals. If your willing to stay, we have spare rooms that double as bedrooms for patients parents, someone will guide you there if you'd like." Nurse Gina finishes with a glance at Sylvia as she slept. She had other patients to see and someone would be here to check on her as the night progresses.

Gina rises from her stool and brings the clipboard with her as she leaves the room and heads down the hallway. Her eyes darting down to the words that fill the otherwise blank sheet, a sigh leaving her lips as she enters the next room of her comatose patient. Placing Sylvia's clipboard down and reaching up for the ponytail had around her wrist. Tying her hair up and shifting her gaze to the beeping monitor, she picks up the clipboard st the end of the bed and scans the previous notes.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Briza
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Aleksandr's gaze watched Nurse Gina's, as it gazed at the beeping monitor. He wasn't too excited about Nurse Gina's offer, but he knew his father would make a positive response to staying. He braced himself.

"Very well," Father Seraphim looked at his son, who seemed to be a bit uncomfortable, stiff and upheld by the wall, "We will stay in the spare rooms, but really--my son and I can share a bed--we don't need much," Father Seraphim lifted his hands slightly in the air as he spoke. He knew it was not necessary for them to stay; however, he felt it was the polite thing to do considering the poor girl's parents had just been arrested. She would want someone when she awakens. Or, so he thought, anyhow.

Aleksandr re-clenched his fists, with his folded arms. He let out a small sigh. Sharing beds with his father--why would his father even suggest such a thing? They were both grown men. Fuck you, Dad. Fuck you. He thought about all the books he could read right under his father's nose, and that sudden need to do something more rebellious than read lewd literature. His eyes darted at the sleeping Sylv. She smelled so vulnerable. @Arista
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

Waking up in the middle of the night wasn't new, she'd been having problems sleeping through the night since she'd moved out. What was new this time however, was the pain that rippled through her body. The chemical smell of hospital told her that she was still there, gritting her teeth at the pain she focused on slowing her heart rate. The monitor was beeping loudly and she knew from experience that keeping calm kept the nurses away. Shifting to her left, she froze when white-hot agony flared up from her ankle to her thigh. Her ankle was in a cast from what she could feel, the IV felt weird as it shifted with the small flex she gave her hand.

The pain meds must have worn off. Great. Now the question is: Should I endure this until the morning? Or call for a nurse and get babied? She never liked being here, it set her on edge and made her skin crawl with the need to move. Gingerly shifting until she could see the edge of her bed, she judged the distance with a frown etched across her features. It wasn't far but with her leg throbbing as it was and her head feeling like lead, she doubted she could stand for more then a second. Leaning back into the middle of her bed, she snuggles into her warm sheets and tries to calm the twitching of her fingers. The monitors beeps filling the silence as Sylvia scans the darkened room, her tense form relaxing slightly.

She remembered through the fuzziness that a nurse had come in and had led both Aleksandr and a man she didn't know, away and that the latter seemed uncomfortable. She didn't want to be here and with each beep of the machine, she wanted to leave quicker. Laying her head back and allowing her heavy eyes to close, she focuses on ignoring the pain. She probably wasn't going to sleep anyway, the familiar tingle of flight ran along her arms and neck. Releasing a long breath, she begins to count in her mind, switching to Latin when she reaches ten. @Briza
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Briza
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

The moon could be seen through the blinds of the window. Aleksandr was turned over on his side, facing the window and away from his sleeping father. He felt embarrassed that his father had requested a single bed. He had actually stayed in the same bed with his father or several nights after his mother had past away. The sound of his father's snoring reminded him of that time. It wasn't a comforting sound, it just reminded him as to why his mother's death was all the worst.

He pulled the thin sheet over his head to block out the moonlight and covered his ears so he wouldn't hear the sound of his father's snores. He had taken his shirt and pants off for the night, and felt a bit bare. His father was sleeping in his cassock like a good modest man. Aleksandr couldn't say much about being a good modest man...

He thought about Sylv, but his thought about her weren't cleanly or pure. He pushed the sheets from his body and slipped out the bed. He wasn't sleeping tonight without using the bathroom first. He wasn't expecting to be sleeping in a hospital; there was an excuse. There was no way he was praying himself to sleep tonight. He wasn't a pious fool. He knew what the truth was--and it wasn't God. @Arista
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

Swallowing and shifting slightly, Sylvia paused when another flare of pain from both her head and ankle rippled through her body. She'd counted to thirty, then seventy, and even backwards and still she couldn't block out the nervous-energy that filled her stomach. Hell she wasn't even hungry, she just wanted to move without feeling pain. Flexing her non-IV hand, Sylvia huffed out an annoyed huff before laying back down. Truth be told this wasn't the first time she'd found herself to on edge to sleep, the first time she'd slept at her new place had been hell. She woke up curled Ina corner with random books spread around her bare feet, she'd placed them back bafore beginning her day. Fingers twitching amongst the sheers, Sylvia wrinkled her nose in exasperation before closing her eyes.

She began to hum a tune she hadn't played in years, her fingers stilling as they played the 'notes'. Her shoulders relaxed as her head shifted to the side, her soft humming filling the oppressive silence of the room. The song was short but another began just as the first one ended, the tightness in her stomach fading as the comforting melody filled the air. She felt a smile tug her lips up, it'd been awhile since she'd hummed any of her old practiced music, she missed it.

She nodded firmly to herself as the second sing song came to an end. She'd find her old instrument and play it like old times. Another song began and she allowed herself to follow its rhythm and tempo. @Briza
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Briza
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Aleksandr stood in the bathroom, staring at the toilet. He wasn't really one for porn, although he did read some interesting literature. He was extremely fascinated with the story Lolita. Usually, Aleksandr used his imagination... It was easier than having an addiction to technology, which he wasn't quite opposed. Sharing a computer with his father had also found itself to be quite tedious in hiding things--and magazines were never sufficient. He preferred more innocent, classy looking females. It was for such a reason he chose his imagination and literature.

He looked at the bathroom wall, staring at the cold tiles on the wall, "Fuck," he whispered--realizing nothing was putting him to sleep at his rate. He let out a sigh, which turned into a yawn. He was tired, but he was also wide awake, "Just... fuck," he muttered in a whisper, again.

He left the bathroom, turning the light off and closing the door.

He noticed his father had stopped snoring. He shook his head lightly, his wavy hair shaking in process.

"No toilet flush...?" his fathers voice broke the silence.

Aleksandr paused his movements. His eyes tried to soak up the little light that was in the room. He wasn't sure why his father was so observant during the strangest of times, "I was holding my scepter of passion in a vein attempt to drown any pious flowers still blossoming in the thorny valley of my soul..."

"You're blessed tomorrow isn't Sunday. I wouldn't let you help me at the chalice. Go wash your hands."

Aleksandr felt slightly tongue in cheek. Admitting to his father seemed to have become easier with the break of time. However, with each admitting confession came a price of sharp but dull words from his father. He heard the sound of his father role over in the bed. Aleksandr continued standing for several minutes until he heard snoring, again. A relief smiled on his face. @Arista

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

A hiss escaped her lips when a gentle shake jerked her awake. Eyes blinking to the take in the brightness that filled her room, Sylvia glanced at her waker.

"Good morning Ms. Wyeth. I'm here to give you your painkillers and breakfast." The nurse offered with a smile, Sylvia narrowed her eyes and turned her head away. She wasn't in the mood for overly-peppy people today, the sudden heat that filled her had a sigh escaping her lips. The soft sounds of footsteps fading from her room, had tired eyes closing once more, she didn't even know when she'd fallen asleep, all that it felt like ten minutes.

"You lol happy." Sylvia shrugged at the voice and kept her eyes closed, the feel of the fabric bring lifted from her feet had her tensing. "I just want to check tout see how it is. Your fever has passed but your heart is still beating much to fast." Nurse Gina stated as hee long fingers gently moved Sylvia's casted foot from one side to another, the soft hisses cutting her exam short a few twists in. Sylvia blinked and found the nurse sitting in a spiny chair with a clipboard open, she sighed and focused on the older woman.

Best cooperate so I can leave. The smell of food drew her attention to the left, her nose wrinkled when sunlight bathed her face in brightnesss. Her shoulders relaxed when shutters were pulled closed and the sunlight cut off, Sylvia blinked and tilted her head.

"Here we are. I'll go and see what else needs to be done. Have a good day." The nurse offered before leaving the room, Sylvia glanced down at the tray of food and wrinkled her nose once more. @Briza
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Briza
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

The sunlight glared through the windowsill, piercing Aleksandr in the eyes. He squinted a bit, trying to turn over and ignore the light that was bleeding through the undrawn curtains. The remnant smells of his father's cassock was aloft. Aleksandr opened his eyes at the smell, seeing that the bed was vacant. He looked around the room, spotting his father in front of a makeshift icon stand, muttering some prayers to the abyss of nothingness that Aleksandr could see. He pulled the sheets over his face, trying to blot out the sun and the sudden attention of his father's prayers "I..." his father talked a bit louder, "I know you're awake, Aleksy. There's no use being slothful."

"Aren't you praying, Papa?" His voice sounded a bit whiny as he spoke.

"I just finished, my Aleksy," his voice was smooth like syrup when he spoke, coming out of the trance of prayer rituals and pomp.

"Oh..." Aleksandr let out a painful sigh, shifting in the bed, trying to grasp a more comfortable position and ignore his father.

"Shall you freshen up before we head to the cafeteria for breakfast?" His father stood up from kneeling on his knees. He was still grasping his prayer rope, as if anticipating Aleksandr to reject his offer.

Aleksandr pushed the white, sterile covers from his face, "Should I be gluttonous and accept your offer or should I be a nervous wreck and destroy my whole metabolism by skipping several more meals?" His hand brushed over his face in contemplation. His voice was weak and stark when he spoke. A total seriousness was in his tone.

"I'm sure Sylvia has been bothered by the nurses. They never let their patients sleep."

Aleksandr slowly ripped himself from the bed, "Can I just be ordained a Sub-Deacon already and get it over with?" He walked over to a chair by the window, where he had folded his clothes and began putting on his jeans and shirt. After putting clothes on he slipped on his shoes.

"Today is Tuesday, you should probably get something more substantial like eggs--"

"Why?" Aleksandr cut him off.

"Because, you haven't eaten much lately."

"I'm not really... hungry." @Arista
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

Her patience was something she liked to think was limitless, however after the sixth probing by a needle, Sylvia was about to burst. She'd remained still and quite as Nurse Gina told her co-workers to take blood, she'd gritted her teeth and allowed the warm hands and soft voices to fill her mind. She regretted it as another needle pierced her skin, a hiss escaping her clenched teeth.

"Last one, promise." The soft voice came from her right, Sylvia shifted her head and raised a single silent brow. Nurse Gina huffed softly and flexed the fingers that held the pen she'd been using to take notes with, Sylvia leaned hee head back against her pillows. It was routine to check the blood for any lingering substance, she knew that much from her medical books. She just didn't know it was such a pain. The feel of the needle being pulled free had Sylvia tensing before relaxing, Nurse Gina took the proffered vile and offered a smile. The nurse left just as the others had and soon the silence from that morning filled the air.

The heart monitor had been taken out, her IV following and she could now curl on her side once more. Tired eyes focused on the blank walls as the scratch of own across paper filled the silence. Nose wrinkling in distaste, Sylvia gland at the full tray before shifting her gaze away. Her stomach felt full and just looking at the eggs, toast and muffin was more then enough to have her gagging.

"I'll help you up so you can use the bathroom and brush your teeth. I suggest eating at least the muffin so you don't get too dizzy." Sylvia huffed softly and slowly sat up and moving gingerly until her good foot hung mid-air. Nurse Gina mover forward and wheeling the wheelchair forward, gestured for Sylvia to sit down. Eye twitching, she sits down and allows the older woman to guide her to the adjoining bathroom.

Terrific. She hisses in her mind as she reluctantly resigns herself to a long day.@Briza
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Briza
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

The cafeteria smelt like a mixture of cleaning chemicals and food. The buzz of the atmosphere was ringing in Aleksandr's ears. The noise level was making him uncomfortable. In fact, he was starting to wonder if he would ever feel comfortable in this town.

As Father Seraphim and Aleksandr went through the cafeteria line Father Seraphim spoke briefly to Aleksandr, "I had the strangest dream last night, Aleksy. I dr--."

"I don't particularly want to hear your dream, Papa," Aleksandr muttered harshly at his father, "Besides, you shouldn't trust dreams..." he looked away from his father, trying to gain control of his rage. He really didn't want to be stuck having a petty feel good conversation with his father. He had already been forced to sleep in the hospital with his father's musty cassock. He let out a sigh, "I'm just going to go find us a table," he scoffed at his father, wanting and needing to get under his father's skin. He could already feel his father's presence rising with impatience. There wasn't a chance his father was going to lose his cool in the hospital, in front of an audience--especially, while dressed as a priest.

Father Seraphim closed his eyes as Aleksandr walked away from him. The thought that something more was bothering his son. He thought about Sylvia Wyeth. There was something peculiar about Aleksandr's reaction with her, but his mind dared not wander any further down that path. He opened his eyes and turned his attention back to the line. Without much hesitation he picked some mixed fruit from the line and grabbed two waters, one for him and one for Aleksandr. He paid at the cash register.

Looking around, he saw Aleksandr sitting at a table by himself.

Approaching with his tray, he placed the tray on the table, "I grabbed a water for you," he spoke slightly grimly--obviously disappointed in how his son's behavior has escalated to some absurd level of sarcasm.

"It's not like I have to do any of this for you," Aleksandr stared at the water in front of him.

"It's why I am eternally thankful for your mercy, Aleksy..." he made a grimaced frown on his face, "I think you should be a little bit more selfless and think of Sylvia. That poor girl's life has been negatively affected by drugs. I just," he paused for some ominous control, "I just want you to see what drugs can do..."

"Is that it? Is that all you wanted to show me?" Aleksandr's voice was steady and even. It was clear that his stoicism was starting to provide a shield for his anger. Sometimes, he wished he had over dosed--but, no, that was nearly impossible.

The two men sat in silence as Father Seraphim ate his food. Aleksandr made no remark that his father had forgotten to pray before his meal. There was some strange victory in the sensation of seeing his father's spiritual life fade away.

"Shall we make a visit with Sylvia? She really may need our help, Aleksy...," he said in a precautious voice, disappointed that his son had taken such a selfish route. He knew his son struggled and was a struggler, but he also knew that there were people who had far different and perhaps even more difficult struggles than he did.

"I suppose so," Aleksandr tucked his hands into the pockets of his jeans as they walked down the corridors of the hospital. The crisp air was tingling against his skin. A small nervous reaction struck Aleksandr in the back of his head as he remembered her scent. It seemed different, again--but better than before, not that it was ever not lovely. His heart fluttered a bit, almost excited to see her, but a frown was kept on his face.

As they got closer, her scent got stronger. @Arista
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

"No." Her voice was harsh and laced with anger. The nurse before her shrinked back, the second raised a brow. They had entered the moment Nurse Gina had left to attend to other patients as well as check on her blood work. The first was a small, plump woman with short brown hair and bright brown eyes. The second was rather tall with straight blonde hair and blue eyes, Sylvia narrowed her eyes when the first one spoke once more.

"Really Sylvia-" She was just asking for a verbal lashing. "-We just need to do a check of your ankle and injection wound." Teeth gritting and fingers twitching against the sheets that were pooled around her waist, Sylvia forced a breath through her lips.

"Nurse Gina said I would be left alone. No more poking or questions until my results came back." Her voice had gone soft, the second nurse flinched and ducked further behind the older woman like a shield. A snort came from ruby lips and the older nurse crossed her arms and rolled her eyes.

"I don't care what your results are, this isn't the first time right?" Her voice had taken a sweet tone, a look grin spreading across her lips. The second nurse gasped and took a hold of the others arm, her eyes nervously darting around the room.

"Ester! That's not very nice-" The woman scoffed and with a wave of her hand, dismissed the half-hearted scolding.

"Please, Sabrina, you can tell. I'm only speaking the truth. She's not the first addict I've seen in my years." Sylvia was extremely glad the heart monitor had been removed, she was certain with how hard and fast her heart was pounding right then, she'd have a whole army of nurses invading her room. It wasn't the first time someone assumed she did drugs on her kwn, the 'injections' never truly faded from her skin, they just dulled until they blended in with the rest. She always bruised easily and with how frequent the 'lessons' had been during that time, she sometimes wondered how she wasn't found out sooner.

"Keep your mouth shut before I really loose my temper you pint-sized elf. You don't know me and what I went through as a kid, so don't assume something when you don't know the facts." Her voice remained even and quiet, however by the widening in both sets of eyes, she knew her message had hit home. The sound of the door opening had her narrowed gaze shifting to the left, Nurse Gina stepped in and paused to glance up from her clipboard.

"Alright I have your re- oh Sabrina, Ester...what are you doing here?" Sylvia gripped her sheets tightly as neither answered. Both had paled and seemed frozen to the spot, Nurse Gina raised a brow before moving to her chair.

Absolute silence filled the air.

Ah, drama...how I love you. @Briza
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Briza
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

The door to Sylv's hospital room was open. It appeared as if there was more than one nurse occupying the room. Aleksandr tensed, feeling a bit worried that something more may have happened to Sylv while they were gone... Not that they had a true duty to look over her. The hospital should be responsible enough for taking care of her, right?

Father Seraphim had assessed the situation more quickly than Aleksandr had. He picked up his pace and found himself standing in front of Aleksandr, "What seems to be going on here?" He knew he could trust Nurse Gina, but the other two seemed to be humming and grumbling about something or another--they had a strange vibe. Father Seraphim knew he had a duty to take care of Sylv and was ready to step in a vouch for her. Father Seraphim realized that Sylv may not be able to live on her own and was willing to open up their humble home for her. Aleksandr could sleep on the couch. He also was aware that she may decline living with two males. If anything, he would try to suppliment her with some cash. He hadn't gone over his plan with Aleksandr, but as head of the household, he really did not need to relay everything to Aleksandr.

The hypocrisy of the situation was that he expected to know everything about Aleksandr, but he never expected to tell Aleksandr everything--it was a fear of worrying his son. There needed to be a stable rock in Aleksandr's life. He took being a hypocrite instead of a nervous wreck. However, Father Seraphim's nerves were beginning to burst at the seams with the way that Aleksandr treated him. It was suspected that Aleksandr already knew that his father was a mess, just waiting for his father to finally break and... go away....

Aleksandr said nothing as he listened to his father speak. He folded his arms, standing behind his dad, acting as some false reinforcement if needed. @Arista
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

Four sets of eyes shifted to the newcomers, Sylvia blinking when she spots Aleksandr behind an older man. The two nurses frown before focusing their attention on their co-worker, smiles tugging their lips up.

"Nothing Gina, we just came to check on Sylvia's injuries-"

"-Sylv." Sylvia interrupted with a glare aimed at both, her patience near snapping. Narrowed brown shift to her and if possible, narrow rent further. Nurse Ester losses her smile before forcing it back, Sabrina lowers her head and shuffles a step away from her co-worker.

"I told her that no one would check her after the blood test was done. Did they not stop questioning you after you told them this?" Releasing a breath and ignoring the heated gaze on the side of her face, she nods and watches as a frown tugs down petal-pink lips.

"We just wanted to make sure hadn't-" Sylvia hissed at the soft tone and directed her words towards the only adult she trusted at the moment.

"They assumed I took another dose while no one was here." The silence that followed was broken only by the soft sniffles coming from Nurse Sabrina. Nurse Gina rose and pointed to the door with an expressionless face, Nurse Sabrina seemed to understand for she quickly darted out of the room and down the corridor.

"Now, Ester." She stated with a jerk of her chin, Sylvia laid her head back against her pillow and sighed softly.

"But Gina I-" Between one blink and another, Sylvia's eyes widened when Nurse Ester was dragged from the room. Eyes closing as a pounding began at her temples, Sylvia focused for a moment on breathing. Her forearm burned and her ankle was throbbing with each furious beat of her heart.

Having a panic attack wouldn't help her, she told herself as she tried to remember the old methods she'd been taught. The constricting of her lungs lessened and her body relaxed as silence filled her room. A soft sigh and the sound of the spiny chair squeaking under someone's weight had Sylvia's eyes opening once more.

"Let's see how your doing before getting down to where your going to stay while your healing." She ibly nodded tiredly and shifted her head to the side so Nurse Gina could check the bandages that were wrapped around her forearm until it reached her shoulder. @Briza
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Briza
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Father Seraphim was not always accustomed to being ignored, especially in a hospital setting. Aleksandr saw the slightly flick of his father's wrist, the prayer rope dropped from his arm and into his hand. The priest was praying for patience, again. Aleksandr awkwardly took a step forward, so he could better get a grasp of what was happening in the room. In his previous position he seemed more of in the shadows of his father's cowardice. His head peaked in the room, further than where his father was standing.

"Nurse Gina," Father Seraphim spoke. His voice was smooth and calm, "Is everything alright?" He glanced at Sylvia, unaware that she had no idea who he was. It was an unfortunate social gaff--his father was unaware of how to deal with drugs and the like. Aleksandr had recognized the confusion on her face right as she peered at them. He clenched his right fist--as he had done the night before. He was missing school for this, but he didn't appreciate the higher education, anyways. It's what got Origen excommunicated. Not that Aleksandr had a fondness for sainthood. However, excuses were excuses...

What classes were he missing today? He did not even remember. Perhaps, though, he should relay any information to the professors that he shared with Sylv--or was that privat information in which he should not partake?

Unclenching his fist, Aleksandr folded his arms. The two "side nurses" seemed to be nothing but trouble. They smelled like trouble. The last thing Sylv needed was trouble, which was why he was keeping his distance from her. He didn't want to cause her harm...

He half way quivered from the dry, cold air of the hospital. His clothes weren't particularly fresh. And the need to make a lasting impression on Sylv was strong. She smelled so lovely through the sickness hazing the hospital.

"Is there anything my son and I may do to be of service?" Father Seraphim slightly rose his voice, hoping to not be ignored this next time. Aleksandr caught the faintest hint of anger in his father's voice, but other than the speck--he seemed to be a pleasant man. He knew his father was going to ask Sylv personally later if they could help her. Part of him wanted to be this loyal puppy and guide Sylv through her pain--but the feeling quickly vanished.

It's only a smell, Aleksandr told himself. @Arista

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

Sylvia seemed to shrink at the raised voice, her teeth gritting as a spike of unease and fear settled into the pit of her stomach. A warm hand landed on her cheek and she tensed, a gentle hush filled her ears and the warm breath that ghosted across her skin smelled of coffee.

"I ask kindly Father, that you not raise your voice. My two coworkers merely wished to check on Sylv's injuries without knowing I'd promised hr no more probing would happen. She's fine besides the bruised skin around the injection site and the swelling of her ankle. She won't be able to walk for two weeks, we want it to heal some before we start therapy. Sylv? Do you know these two? They brought you in last night and haven't left." Heavy eyes blinked and her head turned to glance at both. The older man didn't seem familiar, the second one seemed familiar but she couldn't place from where.

"Maybe? The second one seems familiar, I think his name starts with an A." Her voice sounded off to her ears, Nurse Gina gave her a smile before patting her head. She never noticed the needle that the nurse had hidden under her clipboard, a smile spread across her lips as Nurse Gina turned and focused on both men.

"I'd like to speak with both of you about where she'll be staying. She'll need medications given out her every few hours and aid with moving around. Looking through her file I found the number for the bookstore her home resides above and will give it a call. As for the medical expenses, that we'll be settled as well so don't fret. Would you mind staying here with her while I go and call? It won't take too long." Nurse Gina rose to her feet and scurried down the hall.

Sylvia curled her fingers into a lose fist and closed her eyes. She opened them and tilted her head into the direction of the two men.

"What are your names?" She asked with a blind of her eyes, she felt oddly relaxed and in a mood to speak. She absently fixed the gown that left her feeling chilly and annoyingly exposed. @Briza
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Briza
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The moment Nurse Gina reprimanded his father gently, a small sensational joy sprout through Aleksandr's emotions. His father getting "in-trouble" gave him a soft wave of calmness. The tips of his lips curled upwards, slowly, before resting back into a melancholy position.

Father Seraphim relaxed his pose at once, feeling the heat of Nurse Gina's voice suffer over him. His face turned slightly pale, not having realized his temper was showing. His thumb rubbed against the black wool in his hand, trying to calm himself down. The last thing he wanted to do was initiate harsh feelings towards anyone in the room. He turned to glance at Aleksandr, searching him for any social queues, but there were none. He then turned back to the face the nurse. He brought his hand up to his face, stroking his facial hair, politely, out of some concern for the situation. His hand rested back at his side, continuing to thumb through his prayer rope. His black cassock swayed a bit as he contemplated what to say next, "Yes, that would be fine, Nurse Gina. Thank you for all the help, I apologize for raising my voice," he spoke to the room as opposed to speaking directly to Nurse Gina.

As the nurse left, Father Seraphim took over, "I am Father Seraphim and this is my son, Aleksy," he smiled at her, keeping his lips together. He motioned towards Aleksandr as he spoke. Aleksandr studied the situation, waving his hand slightly at her before tucking back into a folded position. @Arista
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

Sylvia watched the older male with a blank expression, her hands resting in her lap. She felt slightly...intimidated by the man even if he looked like a regular priest, an old fear the might not leave her. She bowed her head slowly and offered a small smile, one that she knew didn't reach her eyes.

"A pleasure, Father. My name is Sylvia though I'd prefer Sylv, may I ask...why are you here?" She asked with a slight furrowing of her brows. A yawn escaped her lips and a blink had her attention focusing on the familiar face of the other male. Confusion filled her as she thought back to the project that had to do, she sat up straighter and waited for a response to her question. Her unease vanishing as she tired to pull her mind together of the night her mother had visited. She remembered bits and pieces but how she arrived at the hospital eluded her, fingers flexing against the white blanket Sylvia tries to remember.

Nurse Gina placed the phone back on its cradle and rubbed her temples. The line was busy and she'd already called three times. Picking up Sylvia's clipboard and turning on her heel, she made her way back to her patients room. She'd either have to call later or see what could be done as an alternative. @Briza
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Briza
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Father Seraphim let out a small sigh and put his priestly smile on his face. It was a warm smile, but there was also something distant about it. Aleksandr resented the smile, but as the priest's son and right hand man, his father's behavior was annoyingly predictable after a while, "I'm please to meet you, Sylv. My son and I were on our way to Monday night vespers when you stumbled into the street. We nearly hit you. We thought you may have been having some seizure or something," his voice was calm, which also annoyed Aleksandr.

Aleksandr was trying his hardest to keep his composure, tightening his fists as he listened to his father use his homily voice. His father was over using the word "we" as if every action taken was a collective unit for both of them, "We brought you to the hospital...obviously," Aleksandr trailed off, unsure if he should bring up her parents being arrested or not. It might be a bit much to lay on her all at once. There was a part of him that really wanted to just get it over with--she could handle it. He remembered the way she spoke to him when they first met, but another part of him wanted to be gentle to her. She had after all been through a lot.

Aleksandr glanced at his father, wondering if any more words would be spoken about last night. @Arista
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