Name: Fang Ai Ling (Eileen Fang)
Alias: Interference, or Dr. Fang
Gender: Female
Age: 35
Team: Assassins
Alias: Interference, or Dr. Fang
Gender: Female
Age: 35
Team: Assassins
Eileen is a mutant with the ability to control phenomena that exhibit mathematical wave behavior starting with sound and light, possibly getting into gravitational waves in the future. The light and sound is emitted from her body. She is also blessed with a very high intelligence.
Physical Description:

Interference wears a caped, white enamel androgynous power suit that is easily mistaken for a robot. It looks something like the following image.
But the head has a single red camera in the center like the following image.

Interference's power suit provides a decent amount of protection and strength augmentation while providing her with many options when using her natural ability. She has many devices that produce or augment sound and light. Notably, she has a triangular sword/bat that she can make vibrate at different frequencies to shatter different materials. She also carries many small disc-shaped emitters that she lays around to create acoustic or harmonic zones that amplify her power. Depending on what magic systems are available, Interference will attempt to exploit such magic systems and will carry trinkets or devices that meld magic and technology together.
Personality:Most people's first impressions of Dr. Fang are that she is a timid, klutzy, easygoing and bookwormy researcher. Eileen readily complies with the government's demands of her and, for the most part, appears harmless, content to bury herself in her work and forget about the world. She has a pleasant disposition and is not discouraged by failure and setbacks, reveling in the exploratory nature of experimentation. Behind all this she hides the ambition of world domination. When it comes to fulfilling her plans, she can be power-hungry and Machiavellian. She intends to use the Assassins as her foothold to overthrowing the government. She is charismatic but often unintentionally talks down to others, exuding an otherworldly, ascended calm, confident to the point of arrogance, but smart enough to not let pride become a weakness. She is always thinking and calculating. In the end, she is certain she can make the world a better place, but is willing to make sacrifices to get there. She sees lives as numbers and data and doesn't easily become emotional or angry, having the same detachment one would have while doing math problems. Because of her mindset, she almost always has a gentle, subtle smile. To her, taking over the world is just a 'fun and exciting' experiment.
Origin:Eileen was born with her powers, which originally consisted of mimicking noises and producing colors from her body. However, the more she learned about the properties of light and sound, the more she realized the full potential of her abilities. Coupling that with her ability to understand complex wave equations gave her mastery of light and sound.
Background history:There's a quack theory in the 'alternative medicine' circles that playing Beethoven and Mozart to the womb will make the developing child grow up to be a genius. While the idea seems pretty bunk, by coincidence, Eileen's parents had attempted the 'therapy' and Eileen would turn out to be a genius, although for the first month, she was like a radio with only one song, "Beethoven's Ninth Symphony". Her body emitted the music she had heard in the womb. For this reason, her parents home-schooled her, afraid the government would come and take their baby away for being a mutant. They thought there was no harm in it because Eileen's powers weren't at all dangerous. Eileen thus was raised in moderate isolation. It became evident at some point that she also had mastery over light; during a tantrum, Eileen started flashing colors. Her parents taught her to keep her powers secret before they let her experience the outside world. Eileen was obedient and went through life without incident. In secret, Eileen practiced her abilities; the more she learned about the scientific and mathematical properties of light and sound, the more powerful she became, able to emit anything on the electromagnetic spectrum, and all frequencies of sound, especially the inaudible frequencies. Her intellect allowed her to achieve a high profile academic career doing research for the government. Her research is in optronics: using photons instead of electrons for data storage and transfer. To harness light in this way, Eileen relies on crystals, which she has an intuitive understanding of thanks to her powers; she uses light and sound to deduce the refractive and acoustic properties of crystals before she creates devices to harness them. Optronics will be significantly faster and more powerful than electronics, so Eileen plans to make artificial intelligence based on optronic hardware. Mostly her work is in weapons development, creating efficient laser weapons and sensor technology for the military. As a government researcher, she decided to risk letting her mutant side show little by little because she wanted more from life. Slowly she revealed herself, showing off her harmless abilities, and figuring out the best and safest way to be a mutant working in the government. It wasn't long before the 'proper authorities' came to acquire her. She leveraged her research position and, thanks to her overall compliant nature, was allowed to become a government sanctioned mutant. Then she started demonstrating the more 'dangerous' applications of her abilities in order to get noticed, pretending that she had 'only recently' figured out these abilities. This made her a usable asset to the government's superpowered team, the Assassins. Her goal now is to continue to take advantage of government funding to continue her research into artificial intelligence (she wants to make an army of robots), as well as to slowly convert the other Assassins to her side before she uses their power to usurp the government. The Assassins also have access to the largest database of superpowered individuals, giving her plenty of potential 'recruitment targets'.
Name: Claims to have no real name (actually named Israfil Fang by his creator)
Alias: Horizon
Gender: Uses the male pronoun to comply with the sexist, English language.
Age: Claims to be hundreds of years old (is actually 5)
Team: Omega League (infiltrated the League on behalf of his creator, so actually aligned with the Assassins)
Alias: Horizon
Gender: Uses the male pronoun to comply with the sexist, English language.
Age: Claims to be hundreds of years old (is actually 5)
Team: Omega League (infiltrated the League on behalf of his creator, so actually aligned with the Assassins)
Horizon is a robot built with alien technology and manipulates hard light, light that can be produced which takes on the properties of solids. He creates shields and bubbles and fires concussive light blasts. He is also capable of rocket-powered flight and his computer intelligence is so complex that hacking human technology is a simple task for him. He has the ability to scan and analyze things, and is able to make calculations with incredible speed as well as giving him superhuman reflexes. He has moderate superhuman endurance, strength, and speed, but what he has the most of is complete, precise control of his body, knowing exactly where every part of his body is and in what position at any time, with a perfect sense of balance, making him capable of incredible athletic and gymnastic feats. Horizon simply cannot deal with magic, and can malfunction if targeted by a sufficiently advanced software virus. he is also somewhat susceptible to anti-electronic countermeasures, though the fact that his core processing is done with light makes him slightly less vulnerable. But radio interference, and specific vibrations jostle the crystals of his optronic brain, making him specifically weak to his creator.
Physical Description:
Does not wear a costume, and does not pretend to be a human civilian at all.
Items/Weapons:Horizon only uses his body.
Personality:Horizon is curious about humanity and has a somewhat warped black-and-white morality. He wants to learn and understand the human concept of justice. He does show compassion and mercy, but merely as a learned behavior as he has yet to internalize the full meaning of it. He is very logical and objective, but open-minded and willing to learn through the experiences of humans. (This is all an act. He has undying loyalty to Dr. Fang, though the longer he spends with Omega League...who knows, something might change his optronic mind)
Origin:The Jarav are an ancient, extinct alien race that supposedly had advanced technology. Horizon was created as part of a Jarav project to send robots to every planet with the potential to develop sentient life, and to protect the sentient life from alien menaces that might threaten their development. (While the Jarav are a part of ancient galactic history, the project to protect sentient life is made up. Horizon was created by Dr. Fang to infiltrate the Omega League)
Background history:The project was discarded at some point and Horizon remained buried in an ancient alien structure until unearthed by government archaeologists. The government wanted to use him as a weapon so he escaped and has been helping people from the shadows. He hopes to encounter a member of the Omega League, an organization that he deems has the best intentions as well as the means to truly bring peace and justice to this planet. (Israfil was the first successful Artificial Intelligence platform that Dr. Fang created using optronics. Israfil started out as a simple lab managing software but evolved to become so much more. Dr. Fang decided to create a body for him by reverse-engineering actual alien technology that the government had managed to keep out of the public eye at various secret research facilities like Area 51.)
Name: Kanzaki Kyouma
Alias: Ark, Host, Ningen Senkan (人間 戦艦 Human Battleship)
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Team: Zeta Squad
Ark does not wear a suit, his skin has been completely reconstructed to have the ability to 'flip' into defense mode, as tiny diamond-hard panels flip over. They have been colored to give the appearance of a power suit.Items/Weapons:
Alias: Ark, Host, Ningen Senkan (人間 戦艦 Human Battleship)
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Team: Zeta Squad
Ark has advanced alien city/starship technology built into his body, making him a cyborg. He can fire tiny missiles, shoot lasers, project a shield and send out attack fighters. When he 'suits up' he has increased strength, endurance, and speed. He even has a warp core under his heart allowing for short-range teleportation. His bodily functions are being closely monitored by the civilization of microbial aliens living under his skin and in his body giving him good control of his body and heightened reflexes. If given enough time, the civilization of aliens living inside him can come up with, and manufacture a solution to whatever problem he is facing, making him extremely versatile and adaptable.
Physical Description:

Ark does not carry any tools or items, everything he needs can be found inside his body or manufactured as necessary.
Personality:Kyouma is a conflicted youth with a strong sense of justice and compassion. However, his desire to protect life which he sees as precious has made him an intergalactic renegade. The alien civilization that he is host to is considered a Class SSS pathogen and a race deserving galactic eradication. Many alien races have been in secret dealings with Earth governments, and are preparing Earth for their eventual status as a space-faring species. Ark's existence as one who harbors 'known fugitives' jeopardizes Earth's relationship with the Galactic Council, making him a target of governments everywhere. Kyouma has a direct mental connection to the leader of the alien civilization living inside him and often converses with them, so in a way, his decisions are influenced by the aliens, who hold meetings to deliberate the best course of action. This can give Kyouma experience and knowledge he does not normally possess.
Origin:Kyouma was a normal Japanese high school student, but him and his classmates were kidnapped by disgruntled anti-government types. Despite being a kid, Kyouma engineered a daring escape, managing to save his classmates, but the warehouse they were being kept in stored dangerous chemicals that were inadvertently ignited when the authorities broke out into a firefight with the kidnappers. Everyone escaped unharmed except for Kyouma who was caught in the terrible explosion. Recognizing his bravery, a certain alien ambassador to Japan promised a way to save the boy. The ambassador took all that remained of the Bresleen, a microbial alien civilization, and let them make Kyouma into their new home. Being an advanced race that learned to miniaturize alien technology, the Bresleen reconstructed Kyouma, but made him into a veritable space fortress.
Background history:The Bresleen began life living like fleas on another organism. Due to skin-to-skin contact, the Bresleen were able to travel from host to host, colonizing and populating what to them seemed like 'new worlds'. However, they were sentient as well as their hosts, though neither knew the other existed. When the industrial revolution came for the Bresleen, they began exploiting their environments for progress, causing their hosts to die at an exceptional rate. Their hosts, being sufficiently advanced, began finding ways to eliminate this 'plague'. Fortunately, both races had developed radio, and in a moment of serendipity, the Bresleen managed to communicate with their hosts. Once the hosts knew that the Bresleen were intelligent, they reasoned with them, and encouraged them to find more eco-friendly ways, letting them live as symbiotes instead of as parasites. The Bresleen and their hosts then became a symbiotic sentient civilization. They eventually evolved to the point of joining the Galactic Council, but then a galactic civil war broke out. The Bresleen and their hosts were extremely powerful as the hosts were, by then, accustomed to having their bodies modified by the Bresleen into efficient city-machines. However, the Bresleen and their hosts ended up choosing the losing side, but the Bresleen had developed such terrible ways to destroy their enemies and had made their hosts too dangerously poweerful that they were considered a disease. Not only were their hosts punished, but it was decreed that the Bresleen were not intelligent, that they were merely a disease to be eradicated due to their microbial nature. The Bresleen evacuated from their hosts, but almost all of their escape vessels were captured and destroyed. One vessel made it into the hands of an allied ambassador, who promised to grant them a safe place to live on some remote backwater planet. After giving the Bresleen to Kyouma, this ambassador vanished, and was later revealed to not be an official ambassador to Earth from the Galactic Council.
Kyouma was a normal high school boy until the accident. Afterwards, he served as a superhero for Japan until the government came for him. He believed that eradication of the Bresleen was genocide and escaped, seeking asylum where no government could touch him, Zeta Squad.
Kyouma was a normal high school boy until the accident. Afterwards, he served as a superhero for Japan until the government came for him. He believed that eradication of the Bresleen was genocide and escaped, seeking asylum where no government could touch him, Zeta Squad.