Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


~-Alexis Sinclair-~

"I-Is... is there any way I c-can make it up to you?"

Ugh. This brat was seriously annoying.

"... S-sorry, I just... sh-should have been paying more attention, u-um... a-and with these hoverskates I could h-have hurt you!"

"Look, I said I'm fine." Alexis replied, stopping just long enough to speak to the girl. "I've had worse than just getting hit by a little girl." It was the truth, after all. Being a part-time super villain tended to come with risks. Not to mention she had her fair share of crashes with her own little hover boots too. Still this girl was concerned about her. She couldn't say she found that really something she could get upset over.

...gah, sometimes she was just a bit soft.

"Look," She sighed, looking over at the guys in the coats and pointing them out to the girl. "You should probably get out of here too. Those guys look like they're up to no good, so it's probably a good idea for you not to stick around too long." She frowned, turning back down the street, shoving her hands in her jeans pockets. "This place could be a battle zone soon, so unless you wanna get hurt...I suggest you leave."

That was equal parts a threat, and equal parts her actually hoping the girl wasn't around. She seemed like a decent sort, if a bit timid. Hell, she was nice enough to be concerned about her after she was rather mean. Didn't mean she cared a lot, though, because she didn't.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Infichi
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Infichi The Final Villain

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


"You call this 'hero duty'?" he remarks to Kamen on the rooftop in a very displeased growl, "You call beating up regular innocent people, minding their own business in life, 'HERO duty'? You heroes are so full of yourselves these days... it disgusts me."

“Ara?” Kamen Usagi took the time to look around a little bit. “Arara?” He placed his hand on his chest, still looking left and right. “Are you speaking to me? Oh, I'm sorry, I wasn't aware... See I don't remember asking for your opinion so, hearing it just... It shocks me!” He then vigorously flew the rudest finger one can, “So how bout you just... you know.. Keep your opinion to yourself!!!” He growled, putting his hands over his chest.

“Seriously, I'm out here busting my butt for you people, stopping druggies and preventing future crimes.”
He mumbled under his breath, leaning against the wall of the alleyway, how rude could people be? Interjecting in things they know nothing about! He was a hero damn it! He was saving people from these jerks! Drugs are bad and bring problems to the city, these jerks broke the law! The law is the law!

He let out another dejected sigh, “How long is SUPER going to take to get here. There's a sale today you know. Cheap food served cheaper!” He grumbled and mumbled to himself, ignoring the whatever voice that was...

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

-Radon Yazama-

Abandoned Ginmura Neighborhood - South Region

Radon sighs to himself as a sweat drop veers down his head in embarrassment. Was this kid stupid? Or no, maybe stupid is not the best way to describe his behavior. Psychotic and crazy are better terms that describe it. And who the hell was 'Arara' person? An old Ex-Girlfriend of his? Or maybe a dead girlfriend or something. Jeez was this kid annoying as hell. Even more annoying then the crying E-Class baby that managed to walk into Radon's territory. Then again, he did poke his eyes out anyways, and that was his first hero kill pathetically. But enough thinking around, this piece of trash needs to be properly disposed of. He growls annoyingly as he jumps off the roof and lands behind him with a muffled thump.

"You really are quite pathetic," he continues as he stand casually and mysteriously in the middle of the alley, "When I think of a real hero, I always think of them as wise mentors or powerful warriors, all ripe in their maturity, not a young, hot-tempered, and impatient boy as yourself. Gimmura must be desperate these days, even taking nutjobs like yourself in. *Sigh* It's saddening really..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by deanmachin
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Raineh Daze@Lmpkio@Xiphonic

When Radical X makes contact to the crocodile mans back he was shocked to find out that nothing happened. With his fist still out stretched he blinked in confusion "That has never happened, how could that attack fail him?!" he thought and then he remembered that crocodiles have strong scales. Suddenly the crocodile man hit him making him fly back a few feat he then hears from a shout form the armored hero "Oi! Thanks for the assist, but this ain't your fight mate! This creature is outta your league, I have everything under control here!" The missiles hit the crocodile man causing a explosion. Radical X had to cover is eyes to avoid the sudden bright light and shrapnel.

The armored hero yells "Mate! There's a villain to the south end of the beach, not more then 20 meters away! Take care of that villain and I'll take care of this bloody brute!" Still somewhat sulking that his punch did not work he agrees and turns his attention to the woman swinging her swords. Suddenly another woman launched her hair and intercepted the attack. He knew that he had to react quickly and he leaped towards the sword wielding woman shifting the weight in a his fist to make it make it heavy and to knock her to the ground.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Infichi
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Infichi The Final Villain

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


"You really are quite pathetic," he continues as he stand casually and mysteriously in the middle of the alley, "When I think of a real hero, I always think of them as wise mentors or powerful warriors, all ripe in their maturity, not a young, hot-tempered, and impatient boy as yourself. Gimmura must be desperate these days, even taking nutjobs like yourself in. *Sigh* It's saddening really..."

“Look here pal.” Kamen Usagi tossed the bat over his shoulder and turned around. “You can think whatever you want about hero's. You know what I am?” He slammed his free hand on his chest. “I'm the guy who beats up the scum of this town. I'm the guy who scrapes the bottom of the barrel! I don't fight monsters or demons, I fight the crime that hurts the people!” He thrust his hand to the side, swiping the air. “I don't fight crime because I'm honorable or any of that crap!”

He placed his thumb against his chest. “I'm the guy here to do what needs to be done! To protect the little guy! You think what you want about these people! But these men spend their money on drugs! I'm here to beat sense into them! Make sure they don't do that again!” He lowered his hand. “I'm the guy here that's willing to teach the painful lessons. The real lessons you got me!”

He cracked his neck and shoulders, left and right. “So, you got a problem with me, you settle it like a man you hear me!”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

-Radon Yazama-

Abandoned Ginmura Neighborhood - South Region

Another bored sigh emits from Radon's mouth. Boy was he just like the rest of them. If only he knew what "monster" he really is.

"Every hero says that..." Radon replies boringly as he slowly walks towards him, "But never mind these people you've senselessly beaten up, I'm here because of the ruckus you created. You've woke me up from my little nap and intruded through my residence. So I'm pretty grouchy right now. However, I'm feeling kinda generous today. So I'm giving you one chance to mosey on outta here~"

He then takes off his face mask and reveals a mouth full with sharp, animalistic teeth.

"Or I'll eat your FUCKING face off." he finishes with a hiss and a lick of his chops.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Infichi
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Infichi The Final Villain

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


"Or I'll eat your FUCKING face off." he finishes with a hiss and a lick of his chops.

Kamen Usagi gently put his bat into the mouth of the demon like creature before him. “Oi. Shut up a minute, I'm getting a phone call.” He used his free hand to answer his phone, “Yeah, the hell you mean you can't find the place!? I told you exactly where it is!” He grumbled, “Where are you then!?” He shook his head, “That's two entire blocks away! The hell is this! I thought SUPER was sending quality here! No... Stop... No don't cry... STOP CRYING I SAID!” He groaned. “Alright. Just get here.” He let out a deep sigh, “Now that's over with. I'm outta here in a few minutes. Put up with it for a bit and I'll be out of your hair and you can go off and ruin some higher up hero's day or something. Till then I've gotta bust my ass doing minor deeds just to keep from being fired yah get me!?”

He shook his head and removed his bat from the creatures mouth... sheesh people were rude now-a-days and who the heck did this guy think he was? Kamen Usagi was like... Twice the man he was, maybe even ten times! Hell he was basically the best thing to walk this side of the street... the heck was that demon man talking about... tch..

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

-Radon Yazama-

Abandoned Ginmura Neighborhood - South Region

Radon's blood was already beginning to rapidly boil. What kind of a senseless nobjob is this guy anyways? It's not like he has seen heroes trying to be brave against him or having them screaming for their lives, but this guy... this guy is just being annoying. Like an airhorn waking up someone from its deep sleep. Without further ado, as soon as Kamen removed his bat from Radon's mouth, he grabs the bat from him and yanks it with surprising strength, throwing it away several meters behind him. He wasn't going to let this punk make a fool out of him.

"Then you've surely come to the wrong place for that shit!" he growls angrily as his eyes turn a glowing venomous yellow as he grabs the boy's collar, "You've got quite the balls to deny my request, but all thats going to do is put you in deeper shit."

"For now your certainly not going to leave this place ALIVE!"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Infichi
Avatar of Infichi

Infichi The Final Villain

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


"Then you've surely come to the wrong place for that shit!" he growls angrily as his eyes turn a glowing venomous yellow as he grabs the boy's collar, "You've got quite the balls to deny my request, but all thats going to do is put you in deeper shit."

"For now your certainly not going to leave this place ALIVE!"

“Your breath stinks.” Kamen usagi remarks as the beast like man grabbed his color. “I'll remind you to back off. I told you, I've gotta wait a few minutes.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “I ain't leavin here till I prove I did my hero thing. You get me? There's agents on the way here, kill me or don't.” He stared the monster down, though he couldn't see Usagi's eyes, what with the mask and all being in the way. “I'm not afraid to die buddy, But I wanna know what happens when SUPER gets word you kill a hero. I might be dead, But i'll be damned if you get away with it.”

His fists clenched tightly, his blood was boiling. He was strong, yeah, very strong by standards of the average guy, three hundred pounds was no problem for him. But this guy, clearly he was on a different level, at least B rank for sure. There wasn't much he could do here, he had to buy some time at least. Let super get here and get these guys out of the way. “I ain't budging. Till SUPER gets here. Deal with it.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Poke
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Poke Unreliable

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Valence Vaillant

Port District

For a time, the attack on the port was going swimmingly for Valence. The robots had begun to take the materials from the warehouses. They would systematically drag out the crates, open them to look for any desirable supplies, and would proceed to load them into the poorly-painted submarine before repeating the process anew. At this rate, things were going to finish up very soon; the citizens had fled, the robots were functioning properly, and there was nobody to interrupt his plans. At least, that’s what he had thought.

In the distance, he could see a figure flying towards the port at a high speed.

“What the—?” His question was cut off by a shout.


The figure came crashing down onto the port, cleaving one of Valence’s robots with an energy blade of blue. The robot had been cut into two; the two halves dropping to the ground with an audible clang.

The figure was a girl. An armoured girl. An armoured girl with an energy blade. Valence didn’t recognize this one. Was she a hero of some sort? He didn’t know. The girl proceeded to lecture him on what he was doing.

“... Stealing... is wrong!”

“... So?” Valence replied.

“Who exactly are you, anyway? You can’t lecture me - the MACHINE GOD!” Valence continued, stomping on the ground as he did so.

With that, Valence pressed the touchpad of the Universal Manipulator™ again, commanding two of the other footsoldier robots to approach the girl. One wielded an energy axe, the other wielded a spear with an energy tip. They stopped a few metres in front of her, and would be prompted to attack if she came too close.

“Identify yourself.” Valence said, pointing at the armoured girl.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Xiphonic
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Xiphonic TSLH

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@deanmachin@Raineh Daze

Not only did the other guy just shrug her off, but now some chick with hair was trying to stop her! The hair come how managed to resist and block an attack from the razor sharp blade. She was about to use her other hand to grab a rune when the other hero came at her with a punch. "Sheesh, you heros! All I wanted to do was fight someone and destroy some pesky phones...but now both of you want to go? The more the merrier!" It took a few moments to come up with a strategy. She did a half twist and slammed the pommel of her free sword into the puncher's fist, sending him flying off directly at the hairy woman. She then dropped the entangled blade down with speed to get it free. After this whole maneuver, she took a giant leap back to get some distance.

Irene had done a similar feat back when she defeated the previous Grand Master. The man in his armor was well over 500 lbs ,(he was American) and Irene had managed to deflect several swings from him going all out. The hair presented a a problem she rarely encountered, it wasn't cut by her sword. Irene went back to what she was going to do before the other attacker came in. Irene sheathed a blade and reached into her bag of Runes, pulling out one that was glowing red. She touched the Rune to the edge of the Blades, causing the cutting edges to start glowing red. 'Perhaps a fire would be to effect against that hair.' She thought as she readied for another attack.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 1 hr ago

The Beach

CrocoKill roared with irritation when it realized its water blast failed to pierce the armored hero, when its attention returned from the annoyance who had struck it in the back. Now long past words, it hunched forward again and lunged forward, tossing sand up as it bounded across the beach.

Only to be greeted with explosions, as multiple missiles struck it directly as it lunged for its target. The force sent the beast tumbling backwards, vanishing into a cloud of smoke as it did. For a few moments, it was hard to see what had happened. But then, as the smoke cleared, it was obvious that the explosions had managed to do some damage. Scales had blown apart, revealing tender, bleeding flesh and burned patches. CrocoKill lunged back to its feet, eyes wild with rage.

Market District

For a few moments, Reika looked on in confusion as the other girl mentioned how there were shady people around. After a pause, the smallish redheaded girl turned to look around, and her eyes fell on... oh. There were a bunch of guys, right near the bank. And... wow, as she looked at them more, she realized there were definitely some weird, angular shapes under their coats. Like they had something on under there. Reika took a deep breath. It didn't take a genius to figure out what was about to happen. They were hiding some kind of weaponry under those coats, and they were planning on using it to rob the bank. Take people's hard-earned money, hurt people in the name of greed...

She clenched one fist, then turned swiftly to the other girl.

"Don't worry!" she said trying to sound as confident as she could, "I'm sure it's all going to be okay!"

With that, she turned on her heel... and hovered quickly to the nearest alleyway she could. She couldn't let anyone see what she was about to do... she still had to keep her identity secret! Not all superheroes did, but.. she couldn't handle it if people started asking her questions or anything...

Port District

Kiko stood firm, remaining at attention even as her eyes fell on the pair of robots approaching her. They were more knight robots, and... Kiko didn't feel guilty, not as she reminded herself that they were just, well... they were automatons. They were more like a tractor then her. Which was a shame! But it also meant that, well, she didn't need to worry about cutting them in half or anything, like she did that first one. Kiko stood at the ready, eyes travelling from the robots to the man who was controlling them. Well... boy who was controlling them. Her blue energy blade hummed as she held her mind up, sliding her foot to the side. She could fly over them and try to detain the supercriminal directly, too...

"My name is Machine Doll Kiko!" Kiko introduced herself, as prompted, jerking her thumb towards her chest. Regardless of the path she took, she was pursuing justice! Whatever these supplies were, they were probably really important to the people they were going to! And people could have gotten hurt! All kinds of really bad things could have happened, and could still happen! So this was an important duty of justice, there was no doubt about it. "And I'm a hero!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

-Ellis Newman-

The Beach

This brute was strong, but he surely wasn't invincible. The mech's scan indicate that the beast had lost a few scales here and there and is already revealing bleeding flesh and burnt patches. Must not forget that he's also seriously pissed off as it lunged back to its feet, eyes wild with rage. Ellis has to be careful now, for he suspects that the adrenaline pumping through him will create even more trouble. He has to finish this quick, without the use of anymore missiles. Weather it would charge or not, the mech would simply stand its ground, balancing out it's weight and raises its hands in front of him. The repulsor palms begin to glow as the plasma begins to warm up. He was going to unleash a charged beam of energy that should be able to knock or stun the monster for a long while so that the stronger heroes can come and pick him up. All he needs is just a few measly moments to let it charge up and then will unleash his payload right at the beast.

-Radon Yazama-

Abandoned Ginmura Neighborhood - South Region

“I'll remind you to back off. I told you, I've gotta wait a few minutes. I ain't leavin here till I prove I did my hero thing. You get me? There's agents on the way here, kill me or don't. I'm not afraid to die buddy, But I wanna know what happens when SUPER gets word you kill a hero. I might be dead, But i'll be damned if you get away with it.

“I ain't budging. Till SUPER gets here. Deal with it.”

Oh Kamen. Didn't your mama tell you not to talk back to those far stronger then you? That kept up rage only made Radon's adrenaline levels spike up into ultimate overdrive. He may look like a simple boy, but he's much more then that. That... is when his glorious transformation begins.

"Do you know how many heroes I've killed ever since I've moved here?" he answers in the beginning of a psychotic ramble.

Still gripping onto the poor bunny-masked "hero", Radon began to transform, starting with his skin growing a purplish-hue, as well as grow up to seven feet tall. In addition, his muscles began to be more prominent, providing an extra deal of strength. His hands and feet became slightly larger, only to have claws replace the already sharpened nails.

"I've killed SEVEN of you measly fucks! You may think I'm just a simple poor man, but oh, oh no, I'm much more then that."

He began to sprout wings from his back, those being very reminiscent of a dragon's, including a long diamond-tipped tail that whipped around furiously.

"I am the work of a horrifying mutation gone wrong and I breathe terror into the hearts of heroes! And yet you think you can get away with seeing THIS transformation?! I don't think I'll let you!" he continues, his voice becoming much more distorted and madly infused with psychotic influence.

And worst of all, his face became much more monstrous, with glowing yellow eyes, with a sharpened chin and skull, as well as having hideous and terrifying looking teeth. A devilish laugh begins to emit from his maw as his long-sharp tongue begins to flicker wildly, while already lifting the boy off the ground by the throat.


And then he issues a terrifying, ear-piercing screech as he throws Kamen away from the alleyway exit. He looms ominously over the boy as he prepares to finish this foolish and utterly pitiful excuse for a hero. He's going to regret talking back to the one they call "Terror-Wing"!

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Great Sogeking
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Great Sogeking King of Snipers

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

7:00 AM

Hiroshi woke up on the dot, half a second too late to stop his alarm from blaring in his ear. “That’s rare,” he thought to himself and pulled himself out of bed to turn it off. He knew staying up an extra ten minutes to finish reading a chapter of The Journeys of Hershel Bennington might affect him… But it was so worth it. Nobody likes being cliff-hung, and damn if he was going to wait until the next night to be see how the plot twist would pay off. With that off his mind, he started getting ready to meet the day.

8:00 AM

Since there wasn’t any school today, Hiroshi was free to laze the morning away… Not. This specific time block was for reviewing his English notes and practicing foreign language, but he felt confident that he could juggle some superpower training with it. Keeping your mind sharp and being able to multitask was important when you were an esper, right? The hour passed by with nothing particularly noteworthy happening. Except his sister popping into his room to tell him she was leaving for work. Her sudden intrusion broke his concentration and he accidentally dropped a heavy textbook on his foot.

9:00 AM

With the entire family out to work by now, it was only right that Hiroshi leave to fulfill his duties as well. Y’know, after the pain in his foot subsided. Once that was over with, he left and locked up the house all gussied up as Psycho Spiral! Evil beware!

…Even as somewhat low-key a costume as this was, he still couldn’t help but shake how ridiculous he felt parading around as a “hero of justice.” Good thing he wasn’t required to really act the part. For now, he was just focused on finding something to help to get this part of his day over with. He’s come to learn that it wasn’t always easy finding something he could manage, even a pet stuck up in a tree was hard for him to locate for whatever reason, so he planned a good chunk of his day around being a hero.

The Afternoon - Market District

Lo and behold, not even a single possible crime or even a minor inconvenience presented itself to Hiroshi in the hours he’s been out. It was a load of crap! But he’s learned to just suck up the crap instead of freaking out over it. …Er, to just deal with it, that is. He figured it was about time to eat lunch, so he dropped by the Market District for a simple boxed lunch.

God, Meiko Mart was always packed on sale days. He really should have paid more attention to the market ads… Gah, stupid stupid stupid. Oh well, he’s already here and the deals they have today are way better than any of the other corner stores. Might as well try and squeeeeeeeeze through the shoppers… Is what he’d do if he hadn’t noticed the more than conspicuous coats by the bank. The gears in Hiroshi’s head turned…

Suspicious long coat + Strange angular shapes + BANK = ____

“Hey, hey, HEY!

Hiroshi started marching towards his daily quota these clearly up-to-no-good crooks aiming to rob the bank at a brisk pace. “You must think everyone’s blinder than a bat to not see what you’re all up to! I’m a hero, and I wanna see what you’re hiding under those coats of yours!” This was probably a very reckless move from the young hero, but in his defense he was A) very hungry right now and B) now very desperate to fill his quota before it got too late. The last thing he needed was some other hero swooping in to handle this before he could, so...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Alice Marlowe

Nonchalantly, Alice took a bite of the ice-cream. Good stuff, too; she'd have to remember to come back here and try some more of the flavours in the future. Of course, that required not being splattered all over the pavement by a fellow hero. the hair that had just been attacking Irene more or less 'rolled' back, forming a thick cushion that would either slow Radical X or otherwise direct him harmlessly over her shoulder and towards the beach itself.

The detective-styled hero made no aggressive moves towards the villain as she continued to savour the minty snack, though from the lengthening cloud behind her, Alice would have something coming soon. For now, she simply continued to watch, her response to the fire being to fish around in a pocket for a packet of cigarettes.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~-Alexis Sinclair-~

-Market District-

Alexis simply looked at the girl. Her confidence was...kind of annoying to be honest, but she simply sighed and waved her off, turning back around and ignoring anything else she might say. Well, that was that then. She quickly made her way back home, glad to have no more interruptions. She quickly opened the door to her rather small apartment. She didn't need it to be big. It had enough room for her gaming rig, storage to keep her stuff and everything a home needed. Honestly, she was pretty sure she got a good deal on the place.

She pulled out a sleek, rectangular black case from under her bed, and set it on the bed. Quickly she threw off her clothes, and opened the case, donning the outfit inside of the box. It took the girl only a few minutes to get dressed in her attire. A white vest, red-gloves and boots, along with a pair of headphones. She pressed a button on the headphones, a clear visor dropping down and obscuring the upper part of her face.

Leaving the room, she activated her boots, and set off back for the market district. Hehe, she hoped she wasn't late to crash the heroes party.

She might actually be upset and cause some damage herself if she did.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by deanmachin
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Raineh Daze

Radical X lands on the ground thanks to the woman with white hair. He winces and blows on his fist; it was in pain since it had just hit metal he had to take the time weigh the situation. He looked up to see the woman with the swords that were now ablaze. He calmly walked walked to the side of the woman with white hair. "Thank you for the help. Do you gotta plan?" He tenses up going into a fighting stance and prepares for the next attack.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Xiphonic
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Xiphonic TSLH

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Raineh Daze@deanmachin

Irene laughed loudly at the amateur being rolled off like he was nothing, not as effective, but still funny. The hairy lady seemed boring and was probably not fun at parties. The two did seem ready to fight though, the thought of the combat got her amped up. Then she noticed the Hairy Lady...charging?...An attack with her white hair. "HEY HAIRY LADY!" She called out in a taunt, getting her opponents riled up was a common tactic she employed. "You ever think of getting a hair cut? I mean, that style, it really just doesn't suit you." Taunting people who were clearly at least on par with you may not be a good idea, but neither was fighting The Blade of Ire!

She then drew a line in the sand, the line was glassed by the heat. She picked up the chunk of glass and began using it to focus light into the eyes of the kid. Irene laughed as she turned her attention to the kid, "I would taunt you about something: your weakness, your dumbness, or maybe even your uselessness...but I am too busy thinking about those crabs behind you!" She focused her illusion ability into making it seem like several crabs were right at his feet. Even a Spider Crab not three meters away from him. She suspected he would freak out and maybe punch the Hairy lady, but it was mostly for a good laugh... and to distract one of the two.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Infichi
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Infichi The Final Villain

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


"Do you know how many heroes I've killed ever since I've moved here? I've killed SEVEN of you measly fucks! You may think I'm just a simple poor man, but oh, oh no, I'm much more then that.I am the work of a horrifying mutation gone wrong and I breathe terror into the hearts of heroes! And yet you think you can get away with seeing THIS transformation?! I don't think I'll let you!Do you know who I am? I'll tell you who I am... for I am TERROR-WING! AND I WILL BE THE LAST THING YOU'LL SEE BEFORE YOUR PATHETIC AND UNTIMELY DEMISE!"

Kamen usagi coughed as he landed on the other end of the alley, "Fuuuu-this day isn't getting any better." He groaned, grabbing the back of his head and letting out a sigh. "You villain types sure do get mad easily don't you. Short fuses and shorter eh... you get my drift." He cracked his neck as he stood back up. "As for your name. Never heard of you, you some kind of transformer or something? I think I heard about a terror-wing toy." As he spoke, he reached for his mask, "But, I don't have time to deal with this crap so." And with that, off went Kamen Usagi's mask, "Uh..." Usagi looked around a bit, "B...Bastard... He ditched me!!" He thought to himself, "Uhm..."

Tak tak tak! Usagi fled the area using all the speed he could muster. "WHY DID YOU DO THAT MASKED SELF!!!" He shouted inside his own mind, though it's not like he'd answer.... "I don't want to be a hero! I don't want to fight a demon! I want to go hooooome!!!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

-Radon Yazama-

Abandoned Ginmura Neighborhood - South Region

Finally Kamen figures out what he has to do. He has to RUN. And run like hell the other way! This is what Radon loves to see, defenseless little hero children running away in total fear and awe from the abomination they had just released. He issues another screech as he takes to the skies and runs after Kamen with surprising speed. He will not get away from his residence, like all the others who had fallen victim as his prey. Once Radon catches up to Kamen, he grabs him with his clawed foot and plunges him face first into the ground. A devilish chuckle is all what he says as he kicks him into a wall. He always likes to play with his prey before killing them. It's much more fun like that.

"You are a pathetic excuse for a hero!" he screeches as his eyes glow, "You're all blabbering talk but alas you take little action! All your big mouth does is get you into utter trouble, while you complain at the outcome you so rightfully created. Now, petty hero, your mouth has talked its way into death, any last words before I shut that mouth up PERMANENTLY?"
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