Welcome back, Athalia students, to the new and improved facilities in Oasari's own Pavella! With the recent attacks from... unforeseen forces, the school and surviving students have relocated to a safer haven where Marcus, the perp, has seemed to stop his endless attacks on the school. Since then,
Maria, Carmen, Brako, and Criston have all worked tirelessly to get Athalia back on its feet, using whatever funds Oasari's people were willing to give them (a lot) to build the school from the ground up.
Today is orientation and all of the students, returning or otherwise, are seated and ready to hear from the famous Maria Cross.
I'm Rose. And I'm DP.
...Welcome to the OP.
So...it's been 5 years since the first Academy was destroyed. This RP ignores anything that happened in the Lavanya "subset" as we're calling it. That RP can still continue should people wish it to, but this RP hopes to bring life back to the world/universe. Vets are welcome as usual and select new people are welcome as well. You must be invited to join this RP, we apologize, but ye. Loyalty over quantity, my friends. Nature of the beast, I suppose. If you desperately want to join, talk to the GM or co-GM to get things started and things can roll from there... or not. Depends on you.
I'm just going to put the rest of these in a hider...
Right... rules.
I would tag people, however I'm on the shared account and can't remember how to spell peeps usernames so I'll leave that to my co-GM or NK to do. Lol.
Uhh... Ye.
123, go.
GM: HylianRose
co-GM: Driving Park
co-GM: Maria