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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ladyanglaise
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ladyanglaise more tense than my sentences

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Cooper stood up, hugging her parents one last time before walking up. Vanna removed the daisy from her own hair and tucked it behind Cooper's ear, as if for good luck. The girl started toward the stage, smiling at her friends as she passed them, momentarily forgetting the rules that forbade such joviality at graduation. She climbed up to the stage and put on the helmet, ignoring the scornful looks from the teachers and officials lined up around the machine and platform.
The machine whirred and dinged, until finally a word appeared on the screen.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Dmessenger The Traveler

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Max was happy for his friend, they got the job they deserved. He then saw cooper go up with a smile on her face. He knew she probably would get metalheart but she was proud of it, He gave her a slight nod, trying to avoid the eyes of others who may not like it. When the word metalheart appeared He smiled, he was glad his friend got a job that would let her stay with her family. Though there was a hanging dread on his head, what would the machine give him?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ladyanglaise
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ladyanglaise more tense than my sentences

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Cooper excitedly went to sit back down, stepping down and walking back with no fanfare but the smile on her face. She was still worried for Max; if he got to be a Metalheart, his family would be furious. If he didn't, he'd never get to do what he loved. She discreetly mouthed 'good luck' to him when she passed by.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fubsy
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Fubsy Well, owl be darned.

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Marcella applauded until her slender hands began to burn. A grin split her face from ear to ear. Pride for her friend glowed in her eyes. She ignored the disgusted looks the nobles sent her friend and the baffled ones given her way. Her friend was a metalheart, just as she wanted, and that was all that mattered.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

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The outcome was indeed predictable, and such joy it brought to Cooper's face to see her dreams realized by the machination upon the stage. Yet...while Daniella indeed beamed with such rapture on the inside for her impoverished friend, she had to keep her celebrations subtle on the outside. For while many did clap and cheer their loudest for the scraggly youth, the only applause and admiration was among them, the working class and other fellow metalhearts, while the rich and the haughty....they could only roll their eyes and mutter their obscenities under heated, rancid breaths to the poor girl. Such badmouthing it would not be Daniella's pleasure to partake in, surprised the rich hadn't erupted into boo's and jeers, her parents included.

Speaking of whom, their eyes were upon her; she could feel their cold, analyzing gaze boring into the back of her skull, and she dared not turn to face them, even when-

'Daniella Reindheart'

It was her turn now.

~"Oh gods."~ Anxiously she breathed, the very mention of her name feeling like a punch that knocked the wind out of her. She wobbled a bit standing, not a good impression when your bigoted parents were observing your every move, making sure you did nothing to besmirch and defile their golden name. ~"Well...here goes."~ She smiled to the others, to Max, to Marcella, and to Cooper. ~"I wish you all good luck, no matter where the threads of destiny lead you, and...I hope you'll wish me the same."~ A blush creeping across her porcelain cheeks. It was time. One last deep breath to steady her electrified nerves and onward she moved with boldness and confidence only one the name of Reindheart could muster, her stiletto heels clacking amidst the grim silence, the only sound as she took the stage and donned the helmet.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Dmessenger The Traveler

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Max heard Daniella's name he looked at her and said "good luck" He then watched her as she approached the stage.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Matt clapped for all of his fellow classmates. Metalheart or not. Yes he received odd and strange looks but he didn't care. The old and so close to death crowd that sat behind him didn't matter. His parents, the judgmental old rich people, all of them were just relics waiting to die so the young can take charge and make this cursed system a place where everyone can live freely unbound by the chains of ranks and titles. Matt honestly couldn't wait his turn. Once he received his job and the rumors, like they usually do, spread like the wild fire they are and reach his family he'll already be tarring at their company's throat. A slight grin came across his face at the thought of the changes to come after tonight. He waited silently as another classmate of his was called upon.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Fubsy
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Fubsy Well, owl be darned.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Marcella gave Daniella a smile of encouragement as she went up. "Good luck," she called after, but her voice was caught in the applause of the crowd. Daniella was smart, beautiful, and charming. No doubt she was going to get an amazing job.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Her heart, like a metronome buried within the confines of her chest, it beat frantic against her ribs, her dress rising and falling with every shaky, tumultuous breath she drew. The helmet was placed carefully upon her head, a rather snug fit mostly due to her voluminous fiery hair, but still the cold chill of metal upon skin causing every follicle on her being to stand erect. Twas quiet, the audience hushed and only two sounds remaining audible, the machine and her heart.

She knew she had their love and support, no matter what, her dearest friends, including Max, but the ever present fear in her gut continue to gnaw at her ravenously, a dreadful ache made worse by a second scrutinizing gaze from her mother and father.

There they were in the audience. Lucille, she wore the most elegant gown money could buy, adorned with such tacky, flouncy jewelry, and her father, Magnus, the mighty railroad baron, dressed in his sharpest suit, a gold monocle affixed over his left eye, his slightly balding hairline concealed by his silk top hat.

How typical of them to be dressed so gaudy. They just loved to boast their wealth, their power, and their ego about. In fact, it made the girl a slight ill to think of it. Softly, her eyes closed. She didn't want to see them, constantly gazing down at her from their perch in the balcony.

Finally...the whirring gears and buzzing circuits halted, a mechanical melody of encroaching fate culminating into the crescendo of a chiming bell.

She opened her eyes...and there it was, her destiny: SINGER
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Dmessenger The Traveler

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Max along with other people stood up and began clapping for her, some even whistled and cheered since she was popular in the class. Max smiled at her and held out a thumbs up to her. He was happy for her, because that was what she loved to do.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

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Lila drove her carriage down the street as fast as it would go. She had left her home about ten minutes before, and was now heading for the school. She hadn't bothered going to school that day, seeing as it was graduation, but instead staid home. She was planning on leaving about a half an hour before graduation so she could take a long, leisurely drive. But she had lost track of time and actually left five minutes after the graduation began. She was now speeding through the city. "This is all your fault, Alice!" she yelled. She had the tendency to talk to her carriage. People usually didn't think this was too weird, but what they did think was weird that Lila actually acted like the machine talked back. Anyway, the carriage let out a roar, before Lila continued talking. "What do you mean 'my fault'? You're the one who told me that turning left was a shortcut!" She said. The carriage let out another mechanic roar. "What do you mean carriages give bad directions?! Why didn't you tell me that before I accepted your advice!" she yelled, before the school finally came into view. "Finally..." she muttered, before stopping the carriage in front of the school. She slid off her driving goggles and hung them on one of Alice's levers. She then hopped off of the machine and walked into the school. Her hair was an absolute mess from the wind and her clothes were nothing special either.

She silently strut through the pathway before taking an empty seat, not knowing it was the seat of the girl currently up there, plugged into the machine. Lila couldn't seem to remember what the girl's name was. It was on the tip of her tongue too. Delilah? No. Delores? No. Demara? No. She silently watched the girl, waiting for them to call her name.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fubsy
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Fubsy Well, owl be darned.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Marcella applauded as Daniella's job was declared, pride for her friend glowing in her eyes. It came little of a surprise that she was a singer. She had the voice lf an angel, and the looks of one too. The Italian gave her friend a wide smile before some movement caught her gaze.
Seated in Daniella's seat was a girl with wild, dark hair. Marcella recognized her as one of her classmates, though one she had little interaction with prior. Lila was her name, if she remembered correctly. The young girl offered her a soft smile, mentally debating whether or not it'd be rude to tell her that someone was already sitting there.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Dmessenger The Traveler

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Max noticed the girl named Lila take Deniella's seat. He tapped her shoulder and said "hey sorry but the girl up on stage was sitting there, there is actually a seat on the other side of me if you want to take that one"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ladyanglaise
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ladyanglaise more tense than my sentences

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Cooper clapped for Daniella, knowing that Daniella's parents must be so proud for getting the job she was so good at doing and had trained so hard for. She was sitting too far back to see that Lila took Daniella's seat, but she did see her when she walked past smiled at her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Twas as though the burden of a sixteen ton weight of lead was lifted from her trembling shoulders and once more she could breathe without pause.

Thunderous applause, the cheers and shouts of many in revelry of her, her dearest friends, her fellow students, both the rich and the poor, and last but not least, her parents.

"Can you believe it, Magnus? Our girl's going to be a star!"

"Yes, and a lovely star she'll be, my dear! Just wait till she has her first concert! It's going to be smashing!"

Of the loudest who cheered for Daniella, her mother stood with her father, such a warm, approving grin plastered across their faces. Though welcomed, it was a slight mortifying to the girl, blushing a bit, but such a redness to her face when she saw who else gave her standing ovation. Maxwell...I couldn't have done it without you. You were the inspiration behind everything I've done. I just wish...I wasn't so afraid to tell you. So an equally joyous smile she shared with the boy, not to mention Marcella and Cooper, waving to them happily with her brightest grin. Twas always said her smile was like a pure, white light, even in the thickest of shadows, the darkest of darkness.

~"Hmm?"~ But what be this? There was a girl (@Framing A Moose), Lila she believed her name was, who just so happened to usurp her seat next to Maxwell. If given other circumstances, she wouldn't have minded for the young lady to take her seat. Gladly she would have given it to her, but...seeing as it was her seat next to Max...well...she couldn't help but feel a tinge jealous, but dared not to show it. Bygones are bygones I suppose, and why ruin this joyous occasion with petty jealousy? She thought.

So in good spirits as she left the stage, a triumphant feeling in her heart, she decided to take the other seat beside Maxwell, smiling warmly to Lila. Such a sigh of relief she exhaled slumping back into her chair. ~"I did it."~ Was all she could manage to say, but the excitement, it was indeed evident upon her beaming good looks. ~"Thank you, everyone. I never would have made it if it wasn't for you."~
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fubsy
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Fubsy Well, owl be darned.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Marcella threw her arms around her friend, momentarily forgetting Lila. "I'm so proud!" she said. Her face glowed with genuine happiness for her friend. "You deserved it."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Dmessenger The Traveler

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Maxwell turned to Lila and said "Never mind you don't have to move." He then looked at Daniella and said "Congratulations Daiella, you did do it" He then turned back to Lila and said "I don't think we've been fully introduced my name is Maxwell" He held out his hand to shake.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 8 mos ago

~"And I'm happy for you as well, dear Marcella."~ Jovially she replied returning the Italian's hug. ~"I think you'll be a wonderful doctor."~ Leaving the hug with a tender smile, she sat beside Maxwell again, glancing over at the girl nearby. ~"Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Daniella. You must be Lila."~ A fanciful wave she gave to her.

She couldn't believe it. And...her mother was right, those singing lessons would pay off in the end. Now she just had to wonder...what career would Maxwell be taking? Obviously a lawyer, yet...she had this suspicion about. What if he was chosen for...something else?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 day ago

Lila heard the boy tell her to move, and was about to, but the girl had already come back and sat down in the other seat before she could. When the boy said the girl's name, Lila sort of just burst out the word, "Daniella!" In triumph, finally able to remember the girl's name. She then sunk back in slight embarrassment, realizing that she had just yelped the girl's name aloud. She then turned to the boy. "Oh, I'm Lila," she said, then leaned forward a little and whispered, "Soon to be professional driver." She grinned.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fubsy
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Fubsy Well, owl be darned.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Marcella smiled at Lila and offered her an elegant hand. "My name is Marcella Biancardi." Amusement filled the noble's soft gaze. "You seem to already know what you're getting."
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