Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Saten Ruiko, Conablum Labs

Saten was ready to fight, no two ways about it. Of course she had wondered if they would move to a more suitable arena, but was nonetheless prepared for immediate hostilities as Cyano announced as such. She could handle this, she was sure of it. It would definitely be easier than fighting Eto, that was for sure.

Admittedly she wasn't ready for the sheer speed that Cynao could move at, matching what she had heard that Accelerator could do when he wasn't holding back. she acted quickly, activating her Aero Hand on her shoes to propel herself backwards and out of range of the uppercut before lashing out with her own air powered kick, foot directed upwards in a powerful blow from a force that she was fairly certain could move even cars at a rapid clip.

But before she could go further, she watched in confusion as Cyano's accomplices intervened, punting her through the opened portal before their fight could go on. It would be obvious that Ruiko was taken off guard by what had just happened though, and she certainly didn't know why it had. It wasn't as if one of them was in danger of losing.

"Saten Ruiko," she replied with a hint of sullenness as she moved to enter the portal, not refusing the invitation now that her anger had been suddenly cut off due to the abrupt termination of the fight. That had been unexpected, and for the moment she had returned to a slightly calmer place, if only out of confusion and nothing else. She certainly still had suspicion in spades.

Ba'al and Teal'c, Alliance of Conquerors Base, Arcadia-1

Landing, the Tel'tak would deposit an honor guard of Jaffa with helmets activated, holding on to staff weapons in a careully regimented and coordinated formation. For what they might lack in combat power they could certainly be intimidating, and that was used to good effect as Teal'c preceded Ba'al onto the landing field, taking a position off to the side as he eyed the Conquerors and the soldiers present with a calm and nigh emotionless gaze. He was making plans, predictions, ready to act should they come to blows.

Ba'al stepped out then, confident in the fact that he was safe from harm. His fleet would protect him, and he had plenty of surprises otherwise. Expecting assassination might be a bit much, but one could never be too careful when dealing with the Goa'uld, or outsiders for that matter.

"Hello," Ba'al replied with a smug grin as he looked over the assembled persons, a strange double tint to his voice as if two people were speaking at once. "And you must be the Conquerors that this alliance is named after. A pleasure to meet you in person. You are certainly quite the.....colorful, bunch."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Absolis
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Absolis Quiet king

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At this point, Nova's words only angered Absolis. A mistake? Mistakes were one thing. Mistakes were normal. But mistakes didn't kill 4 million people. If this was his "mistake" then someone like him didn't belong in the multiverse.

"No. I'll give you it, maybe it was a mistake. But if that's what your mistakes bring. Go home."

Absolis slid his sword back into its sheath, before unclipping the sheath. With his sword, it would be slightly awkward, but it would dampen the lethality of his sword. It was doubtful he would just give up the multiverse without a fight.

"If your mistakes kill the equivalent of an entire civilization, then you don't belong anywhere but your own universe. So I'll ask you. Go home."

Absolis would shake Aces hand off of his back. He wouldn't speak to Ace, but at this point Ace would be able to gather just what had happened. This Nova wasn't a good person, he was genocidal. No doubt he would be able to gather that Nova had caused the deaths of 4 million people

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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It seemed that Absolis was determined to engage in this foolish venture. Nova sighed, as he looked down at the conflicted warrior. He could tell that there would be no reasoning with him. He could not return home, even if he wished to, for the universe he had called home was now overrun by the spawn of Chaos and the Tyranid. It would be impossible, even for him, to reclaim it at this point. Even more importantly, however, he had a responsibility to this new world, and those he had previously chosen to take under his wing. He would not abandon his allies nor his cause as long as he drew breath.

After a moment of contemplation, Nova simply shook his head. "I have no inention of leaving, but neither do I wish to fight you. We both know that drawing your blade would be useless against me. Walk out the door, and we shall leave one another on good terms. But if you draw your weapon against me, I will be forced to restrain you." In a world like this, no threat could be allowed to exist. A single dissident could spread dissorder and chaos, which could bring entire empires crumbling down. Should Absolis merely leave, this could be considered a mere falling out. But should the warrior draw his blade, Nova would be forced to see him as an enemy, a threat to his Empire. And while he did not wish to harm Absolis, he would not accept any threats.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SgtEasy
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Banha Akiyama

Conablum Labs

@Flamelord @Savato @Absolis @Pirouette

Banha couldn't understand women. Ruiko had seemed so set to go as far away as he could from the Labs but now she was accepting their invitation? What the hell? He shook his head and let out a small frustrated sigh before looking at the marines. "Most of you boys stay here, your presence isn't needed. Two of your best comes with me." Not waiting for any response, he walked towards the portal and stopped in front of it. He looked behind him and the marines to form behin him. He stepped into the banquet, gently putting a hand on Ruiko's shoulder and whispering in her ear. "Ruiko-san, I advise you not to go ahead like that. We still do not trust these people and I want you to handle them like varren. Be polite and bargain but keep them at a distance. I don't trust these people any more than I can throw them."

He then walked up to the assorted table of weirdos and psychopaths and bowed. "I am Supreme Grand Leader Banha Akiyama and escort of Madam Ruiko Saten" he gestured for the diplomat to come forward and continued "and we are here as extension of Nova himself, leader of the Imperium. Our orders are to negotiate and make an alliance with your faction." He grabbed a familiar bottle of alcohol from the table, taking his helmet off and raised it. "But for now, we should celebrate this meeting with this amazing banquet of yours. To peace and prosperity through the universe, shall our alliance destroy our combined Enemy and vanquish them from this realm." He raised the bottle higher and discreetly pretended to drink from it. Tensions were high and he wanted to put negotiations later, when the tension wasn't thick enough to cut with a knife. And drunk diplomats usually made mistakes, he would have to warn Ruiko later.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

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@thewizardguy @Absolis
Listening from behind the main entrance to the throne room, two creatures, one human, and one reptillian, listen in on the argument growing...and decide, now would be the time to enter into the room. Malikai, the Head of the Guard marches in behind Darven, both of them seeming displeased, immensely.
"The death of four million people? Nova, Abolis, what on earth has happened? What could of caused that level of death and destruction?" Darven asks. Malikai simply stares at Nova, and growls, once having been turned to nothing more than a small, cute chibi, harmless, save for his over-exaggerated bite, and his oddly accurate aim with a blaster rifle. "I'd say, it'd have to do with you, Nova...." Malikai growls, his disdain worn on his sleeves. However, in this disdain, fear hides....a fear, Nova could easily pick up on.
"Malikai, behave....." Darven orders, and Malikai tenses up, before nodding. Fear, of not only him it seems.
".....I demand an explanation....now, from both of you. What happened to cost that many lives?" Darven asks, again, hoping to keep everyone on track.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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Ace was a little cautious. He wasn't sure he wanted to be here if these two men decided to exchange blows. If Nova was truly genocidal, he wasn't exactly someone that Ace wanted to work for. Then again, he himself had a hand in genocide. He had helped one universe wipe out a highly aggressive, incurable virus that would have killed everyone had it not been stopped. This was after coming from a parallel universe in which the virus had succeeded. Sometimes Genocide was necessary. It was a shit, it wasn't fun or enjoyable, but if it was necessary, then it was necessary. He hated thinking like that. He always tried to save everyone if possible. But sometimes it wasn't possible.

"I have seen people pull some pretty smeggy moves in my time." Ace said. "As hard to believe as it is, I've done a few myself, but sometimes people have to make the smeggy moves for the betterment of everyone." He then turned to Nova. "Alright, I'll get straight on your job, but first, I want a quick chat with Plates, here." he said, putting his hand on the mans shoulder. "Come on, we'll go get a beer and have a chat about what's going on. If that's alright, with you, Nova?" he asked.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Savato
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Finally, they were cooperating. It was quite clear that the Imperium was indeed disorganized and highly crippled since they lost most of their forces after that initial conflict. Eto wouldn't hesitate to use this to her advantage. As they both entered with Ruiko being the ballsy one of the team, the ghoul gestured Muffet to get in as well before they departed Conablum labs that would be swarmed with ADVENT and Outward Forces at this point. The portal would close behind them and Nova would feel his connection with his soldiers severely weakened as he could not form a Terminal to enter another point in Arcadia nor did simply teleporting manage to resonate with the Artificial Gate of Sun the Quincies formulated.

Inside, Banha and Ruiko could take their respective seats where they'd have a name tag set specifically. They'd be sitting next to Starscream and facing each other as the former was at the very end of the table. The Ethereal, R-By and Nathaniel were already seated while Cyano was kicked inside the room and was brought to sit next to Eto who would take the other extreme of the table.

The Yakuza decided to calm the tensions, but Eto didn't feel any of that. To her, everything was calm and under control and such an attempt was unnecessary, but appreciated nonetheless. She'd smile at the alien leader before taking her own seat.

"Yeah, yeah. The thing is, this Banquet wasn't setup for you good people, but for our friend Cyano who recently joined our ranks. We found it appropriate to celebrate the integration so, I raise a glass to you, Cyano."

She'd claim as she raised her glass just filled with some red substance brought by a waiter on the instant. The Ethereal performed the practice as well and the rest were encouraged to do the same before sipping on their respective glasses. Now that this was done, Eto noticed Biollante and Bambietta were missing, as well as many new seats being formed without her being aware. Hopefully Muffet could get enough food done if they were going to get others.

"Alright, now that it's done, I don't agree with letting precious time pass as we engage in trivial activities. We're discussing business now, and I believe we've offered an adequate climate for that."

As appetizers, Ruiko and Banha would have Foie Gras with slices of bread and Caesar Salad on the side. Starscream had a cube of steel containing Energon the Ghouls had harvested during their stay in Cybertron. The Ethreal got ... Matter. R-By and Nathaniel got the Foie Gras stuff and Cyano got a bunch of fries. As for Eto, well, she didn't have anything yet. He special diet made her save her appetite for the main course only. She did however enjoy the drink she had, asking for more over and over.

"You know what we have to offer. And I'd give this for free, but as you've made it clear before, we're not quite an alliance yet. Tsk tsk. I'm afraid you'll have to show us that you're serious."

With that said, she'd reveal a form of chip clamped between her index and major finger. Made from the same technology Cyano used, hacking it remotely would be impossible without having physical contact with it. On the other hand, using psychic forces to cheese into it would prove to be overwhelmingly difficult with the Ethereal so close to it. There weren't many options for the Imperium crew other than listening.

"But let's not rush this either. We're not that much in a hurry. Tell me, what do you think you have would be worth this intel? The identity and various information on their leader, PLUS bits and pieces on an elite squad. Just make sure to not insult me."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Absolis
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Absolis Quiet king

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Absolis Rivard

Ace had again put his hand on Absolis' shoulder. Which was quite annoying. However this time he noticed it was probably to calm him down a bit. So this time he would let him. Darven had also walked in, but considering that the man had been following him before hand Absolis wasn't quite in the mood to explain anything to him. Ace could bring him along if he wanted to though.

Of course, beyond that there would be no point in trying to fight nova. Not yet at least, and most certainly not here. But he still wanted Nova to go. Perhaps it would be best to get Saber or Kolon working on it? Either way.

"Fine then. I'll walk out. After, I finish talking with this man. He's offered, so I'm obliged to accept"

Absolis would then turn and walk out of the room, assuming no one stopped him. On his way out he would pass beside darven. He wouldn't be quite upset with him, but it was clear Absolis didn't trust the man.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

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@Absolis @mattmanganon
Darven nods, and walks alongside Abolis, pulling out a odd push pen like device, one that almost looked like an eppi-pen, or a small syringe like device used to administer insulin. He looked to Abolis, and at the small needle. ".....Is what you said...true? Did...did he truly.....cause a world's destruction?" Darven asks, as his mind raced with thoughts of the fall of his own world. The horror it had been, to great to describe with mere words. The deep folds of his mind were stained with the memories...he could feel them, the dying thrashes, the death gurgle of an entire world, gasping for life, when there was none left to be found. What was in that pen? It was a creation of Darven's....a living toxin, a virus. But not one that killed...this virus mutated, changed that which it infected. Great and terrible is the weapon that cuts on its own...Darven had made this as a fail-safe, if he needed to kill someone of far greater power than him...and if he had heard the truth, a being like Nova, who had caused the death of an entire world.....he would be the one to feel the sting of this needle.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@supertinyking @Absolis

Ace nodded as he walked out with Absolis "Alright, I just arrived and I need the low-down on what is going on?" he asked. He wasn't entirely sure that he trusted Nova, but he had a feeling about people and his feeling said that Nova would do terrible things if they were to create the best outcome of the universe. As they walked past Darven. He saw the thing he had in his hands and all sorts of alarm-bells went off. It was almost a sixth sense that all Rimmers possessed, the sense of impending danger. Even that sniveling maggot of a Rimmer he had met in his first jump had used this sense... Granted, it was mainly used to devise the best ways of cowering under a computer desk to avoid said danger, but still, even he possessed it. He looked Darven in the eye as they passed, it was a look that told him not to make trouble, because he wouldn't like the outcome.

Indeed, he would dislike the outcome intensely.

--Arcadia 1--

At the same time that they passed each other, A band of Chaos Space Marines were camped, trying to figure out where they were... Or more importantly, where the blood to shed in the name of the Blood God was. It was at this point that, in a flash of blue light, a great Daemonic being with huge red wings and brilliant golden armour, covered in blood and gore appeared. The Chaos Space Marines looked at him with awe. "KHORNE SENDS US HIS FAVOURED CHAMPION!!!" yelled one of the Champions. "TRULY THE BLOOD GOD IS WITH US, PLEASE, ORDER US TO SLAUGHTER!!!" he laughed to the daemon. Angron looked the champion up and down... Red armour... Brass trimming... The symbol of his most hated enemy right next to... His own World Eaters symbol.

"What do you think you are doing?" asked Angron. "Why do you wear his symbol?! WHY DO YOU GIVE HIM PRAISE?!?!?!?" Angron screamed before lashing out with Gorefather and decapitating the Champion, the others immediately went into a frenzy, rushing Angron. Their Chainaxes snarled and ground with the amount of rust on them. "TRAITORS!!! ALL TRAITORS WILL DIE!!! KHORNE WILL DIE WITH GOREFATHER BURRIED IN HIS HEART!!!" Angron roared, easily cutting his way through the pathetic chosen of the Blood God. The battle was short and by the end, Angron stood with little left of the mindless fools but the red smears that Angron had left them. It was then that Angron had stopped to take account of what had happened.

"Kharn?" he called. This wasn't the planet they had been on. It was odd... Different... He disliked it intensely. "KHARN!!!" he roared, he had had little patience before Khorne had transformed him into this misshapen monstrosity. "ANSWER ME!!!!" the words erupted from his throat like a volcano exploding. He beat his great wings and rocketted into the sky as he went to search for his second-in-command. He needed answers and Kharn was usually the one to have them.
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