Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MikkishtheLeprechaun
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The Character Creation System:
So I made this system to prevent overpowered characters from being made. There are three different types of skills: Magic, Non-Magic Combat, and Support Skills. These are the useful abilities of your characters. You get 10 points to spend with Magic skills, 10 points to spend on Non-Magic Combat, and 10 to spend on Support Skills. Magic skill points effect how skilled you are with certain forms of magic, so say you have 1 point in blood magic, then you know very little and cant boil enemies blood, control people, or make people bleed out of all their orifices. The most you can do at 1 point here is slow blood clotting slightly or give someone a nose bleed. With Non-Magic Combat and Support Skills, its the same as far as skill points. Non-Magical Combat is how proficient you are with your fists or certain weapons. Support Skills are skills that are not combat related and might help the party during the rp in ways like getting into a locked up building, getting confidential info, making money, or otherwise. Let me give an example of what your characters starting skills might look like:
Telepathy: 1
Psionics (Pyrokinesis): 5
Healing: 4
Non-Magic Combat:
Hand to Hand (MMA): 3
Clubs: 4
Guns (Rifles): 3
Support Skills:
Infiltration: 2
Guitar: 5
Hacking: 3
Notice how with certain skills I put another word parenthesese. This is because there are different variants of these skills. For psionics, there is pyrokinesis, telekinesis, cyrokinesis, hydrokinesis, and others. For hand to hand there are various different fighting styles and martial arts. For guns, there are rifles, shotguns, handguns, and machine guns. These are only examples of skills, and are not the only skills you may have. After you create your character, your character will need to train, study, or get experience with a skill to earn more points for it. Lets say you get into a lot of fist fights. Eventually your hand to hand will rise by one point. You may put any skills for each you can think of, so long as they match the description I gave for each in the first paragraph. The skill cap at the beginning is 30, but will raise as the plot advances.

Basic CS Template

CS Template:
Appearance: (I like a good diversity of different characters. Part of the canon though is that being a mage in and of itself burns a lot of calories, so your character should either be really thin or a mix of thin and lean, but no fat or ultra buff characters plz.)
Personality: (Doesn't have to be long and complex, just give a general idea.)
Non-Magical Combat:
Support Skills:
History: (Optional)
Notable Items: (Any items your character has that are significant)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MikkishtheLeprechaun
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Joseph "Mikkish" Callahan
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Appearance: Light blonde hair, thick and long enough to reach the neck. Eyes are dark and green. Long scar on his left cheek. Very light tan. Borderline emaciated body with a little defined muscle thrown in at 6 feet tall. Normally dresses in dark jeans and a nice shirt. He is confident, so always has his back straight and his head up. Has a charismatic, but bastardly smile.

Personality: Selfish, careless, and a bit rude at times. With his friends, however, he will just try and help them out, though at times his help may not be so much appreciated. He loves doing things that interest him, but can also be considered lazy in that he wants the quick, easy solution to most things. He has little to no respect for any authority, and doesn't really think too much before charging into trouble.

Physical Buffing: 7
Pyrokinesis: 1
Healing: 2
Non-Magical Combat:
MMA: 7
Clubs: 1
Knives: 1
Guns: 1
Support Skills:
Charisma: 5
Sneak: 3
Mechanics: 2

History: Mikkish' was found as a 13 year old boy with no memories or records of his birth anywhere. He was laying injured on the ground when he was born, in a shack that looked like it had burned down, yet he himself had few actual injuries, save for a concussion and loss of memory.

He was adopted by a drug dealer, who he lived with and had to work with at times until he left at age 18. Then, living on his own, struggling to make ends meet with his crap low paying job, Mikkish found a book mysteriously hidden away in the attic of a townhouse he rented with several others. Well, it seemed like something out of a supernatural horror, as it was written in Sumerian and had strange symbols drawn on some pages. but that just made Mikkish want to translate it even more.

The more he translated, the more like some fantasy crap the book seemed, but strange things began happening to him. He was able to manipulate some of the flames in his lighter or matches, and he found himself being able to lift heavier and heavier things, despite that he began to lose weight at a concerning pace (well, he wasn't too concerned. He is careless and doesn't really think about important things like his health XD). He started to see similarities between what he saw from himself in real life...and the "spells" detailed in the translations of the book.

Though, being the skeptical and careless asshole he is, he still wouldn't have been convinced of the locations in the book were it not for the acceptance letter from a school he didn't even apply for. In fact, he didn't try for University; it was surprising to anyone who knew him that he even finished high school. Regardless, the thought of University excited him, until he realized the location of this odd school, and the name, was the same name and location mentioned in the book. Then, he HAD to go, which is why he is now on a boat on the way to the school.

Important items: the book and some brass knuckles.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MikkishtheLeprechaun
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Just now occured to me to post the template here
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MikkishtheLeprechaun
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I may be late bringing this up but "human" mage characters only. No vampires, dwarves, orcs, etc. There is a lore reason for this.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Princeofhearts
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Not done as of yet but here's my CS

Finian Callahan

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Personality: He thinks as himself as the smartest, but he's kind heart and could be a bit awkward. He babbles a lot whenever he's nervous or angry, he doesn't like confrontation but when push comes the shove he wouldn't mind a challenge. He is extremely compassionate, and funny, and inspires great affection to those around him.

Water Manipulation: 1
Teleporting: 1
Healing: 8

Non-Magic Combat:
Hand to Hand [Kung Fu]: 5
Bow: 5

Support Skills:
Dancing: 2
Tailor: 2
Hacking: 6

History: (Optional)
Notable Items: (Any items your character has that are significant)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ScienMalefica
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ScienMalefica Someone who's not on on the weekends

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Joseph Arrowsmith
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Appearance: Beneath his formal clothes he wears everywhere Joseph is alarmingly thin due to both eating very little the amount of training he does both physically and magically, changing his body all the time. He stands at 6 feet and often changes his eye colour and hair colour with more simple transformation magic.
Personality: Joseph is quite focused on his study, pouring all of his effort into his physical and magical combat skills. He feels that by having power he'll be able to control his life, and because of that neglects his social health, resulting in him not coming off as very friendly. He is very competitive and tends to get himself into a lot of fights, not so much out of anger so much as wanting to prove his strength to himself.
5 - Transformation (Take on the appearance of other people)
3 - Invisibility
2 - Physical Buff (Speed, strength, etc.)
Non-Magical Combat:
10 - Hand to hand combat (aikido, krav maga)
Support Skills:
10 - Thievery (Lockpicking, pickpocketing etc.)
History: Joseph was born to a teenage mother in juvi who didn't want him, so he was put into the foster system, bouncing between poor abusive families who only wanted him for the money they were getting paid from the government, eating one meal a day, a habit that has stayed with him ever since. Due to his poor upbringing, Joseph learned to steal at an early age, shoplifting, breaking into people's homes and even mugging people a few times, the latter of which landed him in juvi for 6 months at the age of 14.

When he was released, he had a new foster mother, an Iranian war veteran who specifically asked for a child with 'issues'. She trained him physically and taught him about magic, something she was born into knowing about. To exert his frustration Joseph put all his energy day and night into training. At 18, worried he needed more social contact with people he could trust, she sent him here to this school. Joseph agreed, after all, opportunity to train more effectively.
Notable Items: Lockpicking set, one copy of Sun Tzu's 'The Art of War'
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Thundercrash
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Thundercrash The Dimensional Drifter

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Mykaela Doreno

Age: 17

Gender: mentally female

Personality: Most people usually see Mykaela as very lazy. She has a tendency to fall asleep almost anywhere and anytime, and tends to be difficult to rouse. She also eats enormous quantities of food (and usually falls asleep afterwards), even for what most mages would eat. When she does interact with other people, she’s rather sardonic, and doesn’t take much of anything seriously.

However, Mykaela is quite intelligent and devours knowledge with even more voraciousness than she does food. Her “laziness” is essentially a front to lower people’s expectations of her, her dream walker magic developed as a way for her to avoid work in school, and her innate telepathy makes her very sensitive to what other people are feeling. She is very playful with her shapeshifting magic, and so this drives her to learn as much as she can about living creatures in order to make better changes for herself. She is not above scaring people with her transformations as pranks. She loves card games, particularly poker, and is always up for a game.

Body Buffing: 3
Shapeshifter: 4
Telepathy: 1
Dream walker: 2

Non-Magical Combat:
Krav Maga: 8
Capoeira: 2

Support Skills:
Deception: 6
Dancing: 3
Cooking: 1

Appearance: Because of her shapeshifting abilities, Mykaela could, with enough effort, make herself look like anything or anyone, and she also has a habit of changing things about herself as often as most people change their clothes. However, there are certain traits that serve as a more or less “default form”. She stands at around 5’2”, 110 lbs. She favours compact, slightly muscular body shapes, sharp eyes and shortish hair. Some would also call her pudgy, due to the sheer size of her diet.

History: Mykaela comes from a very wealthy background. Her parents are co-owners of a successful shipping business, and as such tried to raise their daughter to be as cultured as themselves. They were largely unsuccessful; Mykaela proved to be mildly narcoleptic, and spent large portions of the day sleeping. She didn’t care much at all for appearances and was something of a slacker, becoming an embarrassment to her family. The only thing that she seemed to take any interest in at all were the dance and self-defense lessons that her fitness fanatic mother gave her. All other things, however, she preferred to leave to her younger brother and sister. One of the few people who understood the difficulties she had was a cook employed by her family, having lived with narcolepsy himself. It was he who taught her cards, often allowing her to join in the nightly games that some of the employees had, and she became an excellent player with an inscrutable pokerface.

Many things began changing as she grew into a teenager. While sleeping, she began to find herself in the dreams of her family and their servants, and even while awake she was well aware of what others around her were feeling. Additionally, while Mykaela had always loved food, her appetite grew to an almost worrying size, and yet she seemed to gain barely any weight at all.

Things came to a head when she was fifteen; on a particularly cold winter day, after the power had gone out the night before, Mykaela woke up covered in dense brown fur, and her hair had grown well past her feet overnight. Far from disturbed by the change, Mykaela was nearly ecstatic, and set about exploring the extent of her capabilities.

Two years later she received an invitation to attend a school that neither she nor her family had ever heard of, who claimed to be able to “help” her with her powers. Mykaela practically begged to go, and her parents, rather frightened by what she could do, didn’t hesitate in accepting.

Notable Items: necklace holding a shark tooth with an inset sapphire, half-finger sap gloves, pack of playing cards
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Leoven
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Name: Alexandria Prism Morton
Age: 19
Gender: Female

Appearance: Prism stands at 5'5 with a lean body build. Her naturally brown hair had been cut to fall just above her shoulders and is dyed a bright blue with yellow streaks. Her hair color changes nearly every month, depending on her mood. Her pale skin has been littered with different tattoos of various sizes, but the most prominent one is the thread of intertwined rose vines running from the back of her left hand, up her arm, across both shoulder blades and down to the back of her right hand. Her murky green eyes - the color of moss - shines with a somewhay devilish grin when she's about to pull a daredevil act.

Personality: Prism is, in a word, free. She's not the type of person to be bound to the earth by either material things or even interpersonal connections. She tends to do things her own way, which often gets her in more trouble than she can handle. She's a daredevil by nature, and this form of spontainity and recklessness has been the reason of broken bones and semi-healed scars. Prism can also be seen as a bit detached, making her unable to form life long connection with people. For her, nothing lasts so she never makes the effort to forge relationships in the first place. This doesn't mean that people who have been drawn by her very nature haven't tried getting closer to her. They just never succeeded.

Healing: 4
Druidic Magic: 5
Conjuration (Inanimate objects/weapons): 1

Non-Magical Combat:
Guns (Handguns): 3
Knives/Daggers: 5
Hand-to-hand: 2

Support Skills:
Wealth: 4
Charisma: 4
Street-smarts: 2

History: There wasn't one person who mattered that did not know who the Mortons were. At least, that was what Prism's family had always claimed. While boastful, there still rang a certain truth to their statement. After all, who didn't know about the family owned film company that constantly produced Oscar award winning films? Directors, actors, screenwriters... You name it, the Mortons have it. Art seemed to flow as freely in their veins as blood.

Prism wasn't any different. Her art took the form of theater - of acting and charming people. Her parents had thought her to be the next bright star of the family, the one to wear beautiful gowns as she walked down the red carpet on her way to accept her next award. She had done as expected of her and became a child star, raking up a few trophies and awards for herself. Unfortunately, the curse young stars almost always fell under took her as well. No, it wasn't drugs or alcohol that dragged her away from the bright lights of Hollywood. It was magic.

Prism first discovered her affinity for magic when she was the age of seventeen and shooting a commercial for a feminine product. The shoot had her in the middle of a garden and during one of their breaks, Prism found that if she concentrated hard enough she could hear the plants and flowers speak. No, theirs was not the tongue of man. Instead it was something that pierced into her heart and sung within her. She had hidden it at first, knowing even at a young age that such things were considered strange and was frowned upon by most people. No, she held herself back and only pursued her study into the arcane in secret. Eventually, her time was spent inside greenhouses and gardens instead of at acting lessons and shoots like her parents wanted her to. Rumours spread that she had began to be involved with illegal drugs and her parents had fuelled the thought. Bad publicity was still publicity, and there were still plently of people who favoured Prism despite her steadily growing bad image. It didn't help that even before discovering magic, Prism had begun to throw out frilly dresses and replaced them with tank tops and ripped jeans. Foster the image, was what her parents thought. Every family needed a black sheep, after all.

After graduating from high school, Prism received a letter inviting her to a school where she could further train in the magical arts. There was no hesitation to her decision and soon she found herself on a small ship to a mysterious island.

Notable Items:
• An small dagger she had stolen from the set of her father's fantasy series
• A terrarium necklace
• A black beanie from her signature look
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: John Strider
Age: 18
Gender: Male

Personality: John enjoys geeky pastimes. While not a coward or a quitter he is both a bit of a worrywart and a pessimist.
Earth Manipulation: 4
Fire Manipulation: 6
Non-Magical Combat:
Boxing: 3
Ranged weapons (Sling): 7
Support Skills:
Lying: 2
Parkour: 4
Lockpicking: 3
Forgery (handwriting and signatures): 1
History: (Optional)
Notable Items:
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by CrystalApple
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CrystalApple Take a bite, I wont mind~

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oni_
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Oni_ Moment In Flux

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Sera Kennithson
Sera is the kind of person who prefers to stay back and let others do the fighting, preferring instead to win a game of tactics than brute strength. This is very much shown in her magic arsenal, where instead of direct attacks or defense she has stockpiled ways to create pieces to use in her so called “war games”.
Conjuration (Elementals): 6
Alchemy (Golem Creation): 2
Enchanting (Weapon Animation):2
Non-Magical Combat:
Martial Arts (Akido): 5
Small Blades:5
Support Skills:
Running (Mostly Away): 3
Tactics: 7
A prodigal child at tactical thinking Sera’s childhood was consisted at “gentle” pushed down the lines of training to become a world champion at classical games such as chess, draughts and… Ludo to name a few. Chess however was the big one with Sera becoming the local champ at a relatively early age. It was also the only game she ever became a champion at, an old fashioned war game. Nothing really compared to the tactics it involved, not even the tactical RPG’s she had played on occasion.

So how does a chess champion become a magician? A fair question the answer comes from reading a book, someone who plays in tournaments has to travel a lot, and when that person is already a champion it makes sense that they aren’t driving themselves from place to place. As such Sera found herself reading books whenever she travelled, the book that taught her magic however was read at the age of 17. It was entitled “Wars of the summoners” - from said title it seemed to be some kind of fantasy tale. How wrong Sera was, as she read it knowledge was imparted to her, of magic and other planes as well as the secret to summoning creatures.

Two years later, she received a letter to attend a school teaching said magic, who even knows how they found her? The answer was probably magic.
Notable Items:
Two Kitchen Knives, sharpened.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ScienMalefica
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ScienMalefica Someone who's not on on the weekends

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Makoto Guroi



• Telepathy - 10
Non-Magical Combat:

• Knives - 10
Support Skills:

• Persuasion - 6
• Lying - 4
Notable Items:

• Butterfly knife
• Five throwing knives
• Orson Scott Card's Ender's Game
• Orson Scott Card's Ender's Shadow
• Mp3 player (with earphones)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Member Seen 26 days ago

Name: Ian Kincaid

Age: 19

Gender: Male


Personality: Timid, doesn't do well in large groups/crowds.

-Tarot Mage: 10
Non-Magical Combat:
-Firearms: 4
-Affected by Tarot magic: 6
Support Skills:
-Slight of hand: 2
-Affected by Tarot magic: 8
Notable Items: Tarot Deck
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MikkishtheLeprechaun
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Yo guys, this rp is dead but I started another one on writingforums.org

My name is Theapprentice there

And here is a chat room for RPers

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