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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: Paradise 'Par' Rapids

Age: 19


Starting Faction:The Guild of Free and Fair Trade

Skills: Par is good at negotiation and bargaining, but is best when operating technology both low and high. He can jury-rig vehicles, retrofit ships with advanced weaponry, and disarm explosives. Basically, anything to do with tech that isn't hacking or programming, Par can do well. Not merely that, but Par is also physically agile, able to run and move fast, as well as being moderately stealthy.

However, he does have flaws; Par does not have the strength and endurance for a prolonged engagement, nor the ability to handle weapons heavier than a sniper rifle, and when chased, can only outrace the enemy for a few minutes until he is forced to slow down. Basically, someone not fit for close combat.

Standard Equipment: Laser Pistol, Laser Sniper Rifle, Combat Knife, Omni-Tool, Repair Kit, First Aid Kit, Grenades, Money.

Bio: The son of Arthur and Miranda Rapids, the founders and current heads of the Guild of Free and Fair Trade, Par was born in safety and peace, but it was clear that he was not meant to grow 'soft' in safety and peace, and that while he would be taken care of, he was expected to give back to those who raised him, and do so honestly, as soon as possible. And, so, as soon as he can walk, Par began learning, not just academics, but also practical technology and the art of bargaining. Because of this, he was heading out on trading journeys with his parents and uncles by the age of 13, although he was still closely watched. At the age of 16, he was piloting his own ship, and two years later, he led his first expedition.

Now, at 19, Par is one of the Fleet Admirals of the Guild of Free and Fair Trade, and the designated heir to the Guild as a whole. However, his uncles have begun to complain that while Par's expeditions were bringing home enough profit to cover their costs, the boy himself was doing more than defend against the Sphinx Domination; he was actively sponsoring, even leading, various assaults on Sphinx assets and holdings, and was also arguing that the Guild needed to take a more active role in unifying the Sector, a thought that was anathema even to Par's parents, who, although good people, still hated the idea of losing profit in a bloody war. Par would, when confronted with such views, reply that:

"The Sphinx Domination is a threat to everyone who lives in the sector. They want to enslave us all, deprive us of our technology, and put us under their jackboot. They have to be destroyed, and we can do it. If we don't, there will be no profit in the long run, because then we won't exist, not as we are."

Even when people refused to listen, even when people didn't want to listen, Par continued on anyway, supporting mercenaries, smugglers, adventurers, anyone who can fight against the Sphinx, and even trying to reconcile with the other factions that contested control of the Eliza Sector...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: Alan Anderson

Age: 35

Appearance: Alan Anderson is a black-haired, blue-eyed, and square-jawed man with a tall, commanding presence, and a facial set and nose that make him look regal. His build is well-muscled, not to the extent of a bodybuilder, but closer to that of a soldier, one with a lot of experience. Outside of battle, he prefers a black-and-white business suit, and in war, his face is obscured by his Power Armor (think Mass Effect, not Fallout), which in turn is immaculately clean, as well as painted in bright purple colors.

Starting Faction: Sphinx Domination

Skills: Alan Anderson is a brawler first and foremost, with immense strength and endurance only amplified by his armor. Able to hit fast, run fast, and dodge fast, he is also proficient in a wide variety of weapons both heavy and light, but prefers the former. However, he is also moderately skilled in military strategy and tactics, and also above average in charisma. However, his main weakness is that his charisma is limited to his own troops and those close to him, and he has a talent for uniting people against him, not a good long-term trait.

Standard Equipment: Power Armor, First Aid Kit, Assault Rifle, Shotgun, Combat Sword, Combat Knife, Grenades, Omni-Tool, Money.

Bio: Alan Anderson was born to the Royal Family of the Sphinx Domination, as the firstborn son and thus the heir to the throne. Lacking nothing in life, Alan learned to enjoy abusing his inferiors - mostly slaves and lesser nobles - from early on, and at the age of 15 to 16, had already fathered illegitimate children via unfortunate high-born ladies and low-born slaves. He also made sure that his younger brothers and sisters all met 'accidents', or were sent off to futile expeditions against the other factions, in order to ensure that he became the sole Emperor of the Sphinx Domination once he killed his parents as well. After he had done so, he began to prepare for the conquest of the rest of the Eliza Sector, only to find that he didn't have the strength to do so...yet.

Then, he was approached by a set of mysterious figures, part of an organization, nay, a force, that wanted to extend their influence into the Sector. If the Sphinx Domination gave his support to them, they would grant the Emperor technological power that he cannot even imagine.

When Alan responded that the entire point of the Sphinx Domination was that it was supposed to free Humanity from dependence on High Technology, the mysterious figures asked:

"Do you really believe that?" before promising him pleasure as well. That was when Alan resolved to listen, and what he heard was...enticing.

And so he resolved to aid these mysterious figures, for he knew this in his heart: that all ideals were useless except for Power and Pleasure, which are the only truths of life...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by LHG100
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LHG100 Irreverent and Salty!

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Hawlin
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Hawlin The Jaded

Member Seen 26 days ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Alexander Cavel
Age: 73
Appearance: Tall, with dark boots that reach to his knees and an over-covering outfit with black pants that covers his almost full body armor, which in turn covers his patchwork of old, scarred skin. He always wears gloves similar to the design of his boots. His face is a little young looking for what is age really is, but the age does show; nobody could mistake him for being younger than late 40's (and he looked that same way for people some 30 years ago as well). The most distinctive feature of his face are his blue eyes; from a distance they look normal, but up close one can see many sparkles of white inside that the more technologically literate would take as obvious indications of artificial eyes.
(Imagine the boots to be a little more... modern, with a similar gist but less clank-y, armor to be more modern and less peel-y as well, and trim a bit of the neck thing off the outfit and stick the proper gloves in there. Although come to think of it, perhaps the ideal gloves are in between the two types? Gah, this is why I hate using internet pictures :P)
Starting Faction: The Society of Steel
Skills: He's been around long enough to have some very set ways, something that the advancing nature of his faction has never been able to undo. Early on he was inspired enough to rise up the ranks and smart enough to move into leadership positions; these days he has a skeptical and has not a little pessimistic outlook on things. He'll help anyone who is against the Sphinx if there's enough in for him and he sees success as likely with a minimum of damage to his nation (or, more likely, himself), but at the end of the day he is his own agent with a faction to run, and a faction he will do everything to protect the many secrets of. And oh yes, he does keep secrets.
Standard Equipment: Very durable external light-plate armor under his normal clothes, including particularly strong boots and gloves; his eyes can be considered equipment due to their scanning capabilities; and a phaseblade of his own design.
Bio: Alexander Cavel was born into a special breeding program by the Human Federation designed to produce a generation of enhanced intelligence humans. His generation was supposed to be the "stepping stone" to another that would serve as the final stage of the government's attempts to create biologically superior humans in physical and mental areas. He spent his early life in a lab, first being loaded with knowledge, modified DNA and physical enhancements, and then being set loose on the project's network systems to scan the code for errors while his sperm was collected to create the next generation. Alexander was very good at the job, and in fact found one error that was pinned as part of the cause of future issues.

The second generation proved a complete disaster, and resulted in the whole project being terminated and him being thrown to the streets of an unknown world.

He made a comeback when he joined the government in its last years of existence again, this time working as a technical field agent; while others busted open rebel facilities, he busted their computers. Before the government fell apart completely and he severed all connection, he was doing the infiltration (or assault) in addition to the hacking, thanks to a special procedure he underwent that gave him a light-titanium bone structure; an immediate advantage over almost anyone around him. He was additionally involved in several top secret government projects that, should they have been completed in time, could have turned the tide of the chaos.

When the government did go into total chaos, he met up with two others who felt the secrets of the government needed to be preserved by capable hands. With the two others he gathered a following of ex-government employees, engineers and others who would help transform his homeworld of Kolban IV, a former government outpost with barely sufficient atmosphere to make do, into a fairly capable industrial powerhouse. The majority of the Society of Steel is now on that planet, as well as a few surrounding moons and space objects. Cavel has made the faction extremely independent and advanced; but the population is low, and the military forces he has command of are only sustained by a mixture of brain-in-jar systems and lesser computer architecture. Still, he holds quite a bit of influence in the sector, although he usually takes a non-active side of conflicts and instead steers the faction in the direction of creating technologies that he must fend off challenges from other factions daily to keep secret. Indeed, he has hated the Sphinx Domination ever since it sent an assassin after him a decade ago (although, to be fair, he never really liked them before that either) who stabbed him in his left shoulder with his own phaseblade; he still feels the effects of the wound to this day, and it is a constant remind of who to never do business with.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by agentmanatee
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agentmanatee Servant of chaos

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gentlemanvaultboy
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Rudolf Pendrick

Age: 50

Appearance: A short, bald, heavyset man with a great big brown busy beard, a big nose, and playful blue eyes. He wears comfortable, loose fitting clothing of bright coloration if he can possible help it. The mans whole aspect brings to mind Santa Claus if he were on vacation.

Starting Faction: Baskerville Security, the name in personal cyber-organic protection. Baskerville, co-founded by Rudolf himself 20 years ago and named for its first product, focuses on the genetic and cybernetic modification of animals for use as personal security devices/pets and the company rose to prominence so quickly that any creature of that type, even those made by imitators and competitors, is referred to as a Baskerville in popular parlance. Though the corporate headquarters is based on New Amsterdam, branch offices can be found on nearly any civilized world to provide troubleshooting and maintenance for a growing Baskerville population. Though many of its products are high end custom jobs for rich clients it has made every effort to keep mass produced Baskeville's affordable to the average citizen.

Skills: It is not a complete exaggeration to say that, with the right tools, Rudolf could take apart any animal and put it back together better than new. The man is an excellent veterinarian, zoologist, and botanist, classically trained by the Gardeners, as well as an animal handler. He can get just about any animal to calm down and obey him, and seems to exert an almost supernatural control over Baskervilles in particular. In addition he is, by necessity, and expert in cybernetics and an extremely capable technician.

Standard Equipment: Rudolf travels with what he considers his masterpiece, a Baskerville the size of a small car he calls Giant Gorg or GG for short. A giant, fiercely loyal, quadrupedal monstrosity that looks like it might have been a puma or something once upon a time, GG is protected by a trifecta of subdermal armor, a sleek armored exoskeleton, and a kinetic shield. From its back sprouts not only two long manipulator tentacles strong enough to squeeze a man in half but a battery of six guns, three on either side, that lie flush to its back until needed which are controlled by the VI. It's great size belies is equally great speed and surprising agility, and its claws and fangs are strong enough to tear through the hull of a spaceship as one unfortunate group of pirates discovered. Like all Baskerville models it features an extra armored head covering with a single visible electronic eye set in the middle.

Bio: Born and raised a Gardener, Rudolf was nevertheless enchanted with the extensive cybernetics employed by the Society of Steel. After years of long and fruitful study he made his way to where he thought he would find the resources combine his passions for genetic and cybernetic enhancement in true mad scientist fashion. New Amsterdam seemed the best place and, after shopping his mad ideas around for a while, he made a friend in a fledgling entrepreneur named Remmy Zaroff. With is help Rudolf was able to find resources, create a working prototype, and attract investors. Later that year the two co-founded founded Baskerville Security with Remmy handling the management of the business while Rudolf focused on research and development. The business exploded and the two ended up creating an entire new industry which Baskerville still leads.

Things haven't been all champagne and caviar, however. As the number of Baskervilles on the market increased violent incidents have also been on the rise, in particular among the black market models assembled by what Rudolf disdainfully refers to as "hobbyists." These incidents have not only weakened the brand name but have raised question about the ethicality of creating Baskervilles at all. More and more Rudolf has been out on his own putting out fires, investigating the growing black market, and recovering abandoned and illegally modded Baskervilles. Remmy dislikes this, but allows it because it's good PR for the company and Rudolf isn't strictly necessary in the lab anymore.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Happy Go Lucky
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Happy Go Lucky Thank god for Jim!

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

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