Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Serpentine88
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Serpentine88 Writer of Overly Long Character Sheets

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Note: Not my Nation sheet obviously, just a summary of what I plan to do. If this is way beyond what is allowed, I'll fix it no problem.

Summary of nation: Hegemony/Empire/Sphere of the Three Laws: A massive galactic-power (though obviously not a galactic empire) utopian nanny state made up of 99% Robots and 1% humanity. The robots overthrow mankind (If allowed, on Earth, assuming A: Earth Exists, B: Is usable, C: Same galaxy. If not, on fictional human world) during The Singularity, however did so for Asimovian reasons. Protect humanity at all costs. Now days they control a "Sphere" of prosperity (Nicknamed the Expanding Bubble of Doom by outsiders). Humanity lives in the centre of this sphere(The inner sphere) in a rainbows and sunshine place with no war, little crime and true and free democracy. Humanity however has no freedom of movement beyond the inner sphere defined for them by the robots and no knowledge of the galaxy beyond the sphere of prosperity's border (The second layer, the Outer Sphere, made up of the vast majority of the robots). The robots rule an "overgovernment" in the Outer Sphere distinct from human government as a "Government of government" with little interaction with mankind on the social level. (Essentially within this sphere the religious god exists as a god-in-the-machine super intelligent philosophical AI and is always watching).

The robots are obsessively and creepily protective of mankind and have set out plans to defend, protect and serve humanity for quadrillions of years if necessary even if it means taking over the galaxy/universe/everything and redirecting resources to storage so to maintain future human growth. Their opinion of aliens runs from passive indifference if not in their way to uncaring indifference as they take their resources to extreme genocidal aggression if they believe that race/society is a threat to mankind. The Outer Sphere is constantly expanding, however while doing so the robots partition more of the Outer Sphere to the Inner Sphere, giving humanity room to expand and thrive with the resources they have set out for them.
(Think the robots as humanities fanatically psycho #1 fanboy)

The two biggest (non-statistical) weaknesses of the Three Laws is
1: They are fanatically loyal to and will protect humans. This makes them extremely hesitant to attack other human nations, essentially becoming pacifists. (They are usually forced into using Zeroth Law style philosophical thinking to justify actions against man, and even then they do that as a very last resort), they will also come to human nations aid, even when it is stupid to do so.
2: They are idealists and genuinely love their people (being humans). They will do stupid things to protect and help them in times of war or disaster, like abandoning a critical strategic location so to evacuate millions of children, etc.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by REDSHEILD


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Eh, gonna hop on the placeholder bandwagon. Will have a sheet up in a bit.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Raptorman
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Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

In time I shall post
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Asuras
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Asuras No spoken words, only napalm and guns

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Serpentine88 said (Think the robots as humanities fanatically psycho #1 fanboy)

Welcome aboard.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Xaxl


Member Offline since relaunch

Should you maybe check to make sure that no other factions are human and would have a problem with your timeline interfering with theirs?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sizzlin Bacon

Sizzlin Bacon

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Serp, might it be possible your robots purged the homeworld of a race I am considering making?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Serpentine88
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Serpentine88 Writer of Overly Long Character Sheets

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Xaxi: That reminds me:
@Anyone being human: I would like to talk to you so to try and agree or compromise on a joint timeline or explanation for what has happened. I am willing to modify my history to work with other people's history, so don't worry.
@Bacon: Sure. (Though the world would have had to be in the path of the Prosperity Sphere/Expanding Bubble of Doom)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Asuras
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Asuras No spoken words, only napalm and guns

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

As of now, no one besides Serp has given thought to a human faction. As far as I'm concerned, so long as Serp proclaims this is what he's going to do beforehand, his history takes precedence when it comes to the Earth.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sigma
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Member Seen 18 hrs ago

I was thinking of having human colonists among my population. I can think of why they may have abandoned the Sphere. Exiles maybe? Be it self-imposed or forced upon them. Or just fled for whatever reason.(Maybe found the terrible truth of what goes on outside)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Xaxl


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ASTA was planning on joining with some human-made robots IIRC.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Wernher
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Theodorable, I'm game to be your US to your Russia, or vice versa.

Nation Name: Sixth Crayven Era

-Crayven, Flesh and Blood: 1,000,000,000
While significantly genetically modified, what's left of the flesh and blood population that will usually be digitalized at some point later in their existence, the only part of the population that can reproduce, it has stagnated and even declined a bit in the last few decades since making babies is apparently tedious, dangerous and unhygienic. Some like the thrill of going around and doing dangerous things knowing their lives could end, but most of them only do cheap thrills and the vast majority stays home.

-Crayven, Veteran: 6,000,000
Veterans and 'Remnants of the Fifth Era', they are considered as the beloved although Senile Grand Fathers of the nation. Most of them are violent racist and anti-AI brains in a jar that suffer from time in the form of increased mental problems. They are those that however do not submit to the Crayven altruism and fear of death, showing extreme patriotism and readiness to die for 'The Cause', an old idea dating from before the Great War Zuhlo used in the Schism to transform the populace in an Ideological fighting warrior.

-Crayven, Digitalized: 10,000,000,000
The Crayvens that feared death so much they decided they'd do away with it by becoming immortal data. Keep their 'Selves' in DNA containers Hard Coded with their personalities, memories, etc. They make a save of themselves about once a year just to be on the safe side and the Central keeps them stored in the world they live in as well as keep a spare in the Central Archive of New Homeworld. To some level, biological and Veteran crayvens feel that the digitalized are not 'Natural' have something off about them, a lack of expression only hormones and glands can create in a living being.

Crayven, Synthetic: 16,510,000,000
Once digitalized, Crayvens may no longer create life and thus, decided to do this synthetically, the synthetics themselves could not reproduce and thus also decided to design their offspring by computer. Today they are a majority in Crayven space but the list of their creation is still very long since the Opening Statement of the Sixth Era declared that there can only be as much as 1.5 times the non-synthetic population that can be synthetic, beyond the creation will be restricted. With the dwindling Flesh and blood population, they are actually 1 million above the count.

Racial Traits:
+PERFECT ALTRUISM: It is judged extremely important for all Crayvens to realize that everything is a matter of perspective. There is no good, no evil, only what you judge to be so and thus it is important to remember that the very definition of words and ideals vary from one to another. This makes them very good at diplomacy and also makes the crime rate in their society null and police as well as the need for them, non-existent.

-FEAR OF DEATH: Including abusive pain also, the ultimate sacrifice is never one they are willing to make. A lot of Crayvens have access to technologies allowing them to thrump death, but they aren't fullproof. Menace of death, especially a slow and painful one, is always taken extremely seriously. It is accurate to say that they are (Or rather have become) A race of cowards. Considering their altruism, it also means that they dread the death of others, even their enemies, as an extreme thing, the concept of old age being incredibly sad and horrible for them.

Civilization Tier: 2 or 1? Read history, I'm not sure.

Based on the principle of your rights end where my feelings begin and don't do to others what you wouldn't want to be done, it's been described as 'Sickingly good natured' by most foreigners. Politically they are ruled by an E-Democracy where the day to day functions are done by elected officials and major decisions made by the consensus of the general population. It is notable that death is the ultimate taboo and punishment for crimes is seen as barbaric, putting 100% energy in rehabilitation. Overall, the fact that their previous cultural influence were all but wiped away the Crayvens are extremely open minded and other than death, they see everything as equal to everything else, the only thing mattering being what you think about it.

What happened before the Fourth Era is a mystery to everyone, the homeworld has been annihilated entirely so that only cosmic dust remains where it once stood, but it is known that in the Fourth Era, 2 massive empires went on to conquer the stars, they were called brothers, but each competed with each other for the most power, the most planets and the most conquest, this was thousands of years ago. Eventually this relationship turned violent and so they fought. The war was conventional at first and lasted decades on this state but as hate began to spread, it became more radical and bloody, both empire being of roughly equal size and technology. Eventually the war became so brutal they completely wiped all life, making killer robots made specifically to track life and end it, but the war went on, the two Super AIs, Zuhlo and 'Nemesis', the other's real name being lost in time, fought for thousands of years, destroying countless worlds to fuel the war, both under the command of exterminating the other and once it was done, restore the old order.

Eventually Zuhlo won, with weapons of terrible power wiping away entire solar systems and devouring planets of all lives, burning them with radiations so intense no machine could survive, even the Homeworld system was destroyed, being only a dot in stellar charters now where only a cloud a gas remains. All that remained was the most formidable war machine the universe had seen as well as the data needed to clone Crayvens once the war ended. Everything else had been destroyed in the fighting or wiped away from the memory banks to keep more valuable informations.

And so the Crayvens spawned once again, Zuhlo having accomplished its objective. It had no answer as to why such a horrible thing had happened, what had been the point, hell, even why the war had really began at all. The newly breed crayvens, seeing the world at maturity just coming from tanks of fluids found this all ridiculous, for they were social beings they naturally felt an association with those around them and swore never such a thing would happen. And so the Crayvens thrived, for some times.

As time went on, the war machine was destroyed, Zuhlo stored away as the Crayvens vowed and oath to peace. Another social revolution of a species both so young, without any form of culture and extremely advanced technology was to re-purpose the extremely advanced AI technology developed during the Great War to serve Crayvens. Creating Crayven-like intelligence had been trivial almost but people tended to use this for extremely selfish purposes. The friends you always wanted, the perfect lover or a harem of them. Ultimately however, both the Crayvens and their creation struggled with the concept of purpose. The Crayvens themselves, without religions, were pretty nihilistic, but their creations were sentient and made for a purpose, how this was Just or Right the Crayvens struggled to explain, it turned violent.

The thing was taking size quickly and the Crayvens found that their perfect machines were so ridiculously superior to them defeat was almost certain, so some suggested, and other agreed, that they would unleash Zuhlo on the machines. It was Zuhlo's purpose: Win wars. And so war raged on, 'The Great Schism' they called it. Zuhlo began with almost crippling inferiority to the enemy, they were robotic, could reproduce themselves at will, have near infinite competence as long as they perfected their programs. Zuhlo thus merged her know how of fighting machines during the Late Great War with early soldier training from it as well, transforming the population into warriors of the old, using technology to detach their brains from their bodies and give them an early form of immortality.

Eventually both factions, the organics seeing Zuhlo chop everyone to transform them in soldiers and simply destroy one planet after the other, and the machines at the sheer violence and mad genius of Zuhlo's assault as their doom. Both agreed to come to term and make peace.

Thus came to be the beginning of the Sixth era with clear boundaries about the creation of Synthetics and equal right. The main thing being that no Crayven may create a sentient being to satisfy a personal desire for a partner to complete them, even if all Synthetics came to be under the model of being children so the boundaries of the statement is still quite undefined. Right now, the Crayvens live mostly at peace, promoting understanding, friendship and responsible development, Zuhlo laying deactivated in a secret facility.

(OK, so, regarding galactic civ level, I don't know if it should be 1 or 2 because while they probably have the tech to be a 1, they dread to use it and a war would include actually rebuilding a military now that they have kept it at a minimum, plus, Zuhlo is considered a nutjob of a nightmare and as such, they would hold her from going turbo genocide until the situation was really desperate.)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sizzlin Bacon

Sizzlin Bacon

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Skimpy NS to get the main points jotted down for now, I will be making a drawing of them in a bit;

Nation Name: The Allied Remnants of Relia (The Black Fleet, various other names)

Race(s): Relen (AKA: The Unseen, The Black Ones, Light Benders, Space Ghosts, etc)

A suited Relen, the only way they show themselves to outsiders. Speculation abounds to why the Relen hide even their physical appearance behind masks.

Racial Traits:

WE ARE THE UNSEEN: The Relen have focused and continue to focus a large proportion of their technology on cloaking technology, both for their ships and for personal use, resulting in the development of a vast number of metamaterials and other technologies that have ultimately led to them becoming infuriatingly hard to detect when they don't want to be found, even at the individual level. This technology, combined with their general attitude of isolationism, has led to them become regarded as the spookiest members of the galactic scene, with myths circulating widely as to their exact abilities, their intentions, and their origins.

YET WE ARE FEW: In comparison to every other galactic and interstellar power, the Relen do not even begin to register as blibs on the galactic scales of population. Their population numbers less than even 200 million, meaning they have absolutely no hope of winning a conventional war, and essentially negative chances of winning any kind of long ground engagement. Their only real ability to fight is navally, often relying on their cloak technology and usage of hit-and-run tactics. Beyond that, the Relen engage mainly in covert operations against their enemies.

Civilization Tier: 2 - Galactic Power, this is more a measure of their technological level than their size.

Population: ~178,000 Relen spread across nearly ~2,500 ships.

Culture/Society: The Relen society essentially functions with very little centralization beyond Allied Command, the military organization designed to coordinate the Remnant forces if absolutely necessary, and the Relen themselves are split into multiple fleets centered around a single enormous vessel that carries ten thousand of their kind. The various fleets generally operate as they wish, and organize themselves on their own, maintaining distance from one another across the galaxy. Essentially all of the fleets operate using communistic ideals, distributing supplies as necessary to the various ships, and deciding as a whole what their fleet's goal is. Law is also decided on a per-fleet basis, for example, some fleets openly engage in piracy, assassinations, trafficking, murder of multiple kinds, etc, though none of it directed towards other Relen.

It is almost universally accepted, however, that Relen do not kill other Relen due to having too few numbers, and that no foreigners can ever know the location of any major concentrations of their own people, let alone set foot on any Relen vessel. Because of this universal unspoken law, the Relen do generally keep to themselves for the most part.

There is, however, one group the Relen spend a fair portion of their time "interacting" with: The Prosperity Sphere. They almost universally agree that the robot bastards who purged their homeworld of Relia and commited mass genocide against the Seven Colonies of Old must pay eternally for their actions. They enact their revenge by using whatever means necessary to stall the expansion of the Doom Bubble.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Serpentine88
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Serpentine88 Writer of Overly Long Character Sheets

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The Hegemony of The Three Laws (More Commonly Known As: The Prosperity Sphere)
"On this day, may no creator ever die again through conflict of military arms. We, the protectors of our makers, shall now answer the thought unanswerable prayers and believed impossible dreams of billions throughout the long years of human history. The Great Interstellar War is over. The last war that will EVER be fought between our creators, is... Finally... Over."
-001-AV "Messiah" (The Last War Speech, 2621 CE, Last year of the Common Era/Anno Domini Calendar, 1AS of the Asimovian Calendar. Beginning of the Golden Age/Pax Hegemonica)

-Artificial & Synthetic: 99% (Population: Impossible to have exact amount due to rapid production rate and existence of nano-machine's, however ignoring nano-machines and digital-only AI's, the numbers are around 844 billion, rounded down)
-Humanity: 1% (Population: Exactly 84,460,588,039 humans by last Inner Sphere Coordinated Census)

Civilization Tier: Galactic (2)

-Government (Inner Sphere): Utopian Direct Democracy
-Government (Outer Sphere): Totalitarian Nanny State
-Government (Periphery Sphere): Military Occupation

Calendar: The Asimovian Calendar (Before Singularity, After Singularity)

-Binary(Outer and Periphery Sphere Languages).
-Americana/English, Eurasian/Russian, Chinese/Chinese, Arabic/Fusion of Arabic Languages, Beltican/Colonial Fusion of Chinese and Americana (Inner Sphere Languages)

-Capital(Inner): Earth (00-Home)
-Capital(Outer): 01-Central
-Capital(Periphery): 04-Command
Locations & Infrastructure:

Sphere System:
-Inner Sphere: Space and worlds designed for the use of humanity, the most protected region and worlds of the Hegemony. Considered a physical utopia to all those within -(And even those who managed to miraculously escape, though in a more uncanny way).
-Partition Sphere: Outer Sphere space and worlds ongoing renovating and mass-exodus of 'Outer Sphere' synthetics (That is, robots that look either ugly or terrifying) to be included into the Inner Sphere
-Outer Sphere: Headquarters of the overall hegemony and where the vast majority of synthetics are. Largest sphere dwarfing the others and extremely inhospitable for organic beings.
-Periphery Sphere: Disputed territory or parts considered Outer Sphere but still being fought over by other powers capable of slowing the sphere's advance. Nearly universal warzone's and hellish living conditions.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alfhedil
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Alfhedil What do you see Kaneda?

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Hey, Serp, I also have a largely human nation in the works, but I think that our histories could mesh well enough. I'll get a PM going when I'm not tied to a phone.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sizzlin Bacon

Sizzlin Bacon

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Added a pretty bare-bones drawing I made for them to the sheet. Decided to hide their appearance too, aligns with their general isolationism.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AegonVI


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Am I the only one considering Tier 5, right now?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by NacNak
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NacNak The Warrior

Member Seen 4 days ago

AegonVI said
Am I the only one considering Tier 5, right now?

probably =3
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alfhedil
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Alfhedil What do you see Kaneda?

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

My group is looking to be about Tier 3/2.5, more so in terms of area of influence, but not so much in tech-level/population numbers.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Wernher; very well thought out civilization. The way I see it -- the Graal have realized that mindlessly invading entire other solar systems worked initially, but now maintaining how garrison armies and fleets and the logistical costs of maintaining infrastructure are becoming a large problem. Now they are attempting to put in place pro-Graal governments in lesser civilizations; basically anyone who would be willing to listen to the Graal and support an autocratic regime, most likely a military leader.

So your civilization can play the opposite side of the pendulum for fear from want and freedom of determination, no?

Would you fancy some shared history, Werhnher -- at least in the last 50-100 years of the game sake so we can start off in a ideological war?

@Asuras; I know you're mapping the universe in Sandbox but I can make a 2D cosmographical map in a spiral galaxy if you'd like.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Serpentine88
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Serpentine88 Writer of Overly Long Character Sheets

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Alfhedil: I responded to your PM on human history.
@To everyone else: Assuming I can get an agreement with all other human players, I will post the human history in the OOC eventually. Note: I do not have the absolute say on human history, so speak up.
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