Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Infichi
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Infichi The Final Villain

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Somewhere in the depths of the underground, where the sewage flows into long forgotten rusted out tunnels. The bricks moistened and mossy with the rot of long forgotten years. Amidst the rats crawling around seeking what little food they can find and the roaches that happily munch on the carcasses of the dying and sick. Exists a small, ever so small, crack… somewhere in the long miles of corroded stone work. Behind this crack is a workplace, one of disreputable men.

The entire area reeks of rotting flesh, the unique scent to that of man. If it weren’t bad enough with just that, the odor of mold and mildew lingers in the air so powerfully you can taste it upon your tongue when you speak. Here in this hole that exists behind the crack in a long series of endless winding abandoned tunnels… is the lair of a man most foul. His face obscured by a surgical mask, whether to block out the stench of the rotting flesh that fills the room; or to simply keep what semblance of sanitation there exists in this place, remains to be seen.

The mans fingers work diligently as he scribbles and scribbles on a few scrap of paper, strewn about a desk filled with his books and assorted nick-knacks. The man scribbles down formulas, alchemical in nature and he scribbles them quickly. He writes with the passion of a man on fire and his eyes never leave the gaze of his page. They never touch upon the man, sitting in a cage mere feet from him. They don’t look upon the mans face, beaten and dirty. Mouth bound with old cloth from who knows where and his eyes hidden behind a thick blind.

No they don’t look upon the man’s naked form or his matted hair. They keep their gaze locked upon the paper, scribble and scribble that forms. He never speaks a word, he has no need for this… caged beast to hear his thoughts aloud. Once his mad scribblings are done, the man, dressed in the outfit of a scientist working with harsh chemicals, moves to the next phase of his plan.

He retrieves a small piece of chalk he had hidden in his coat pocket, lord knows where he got It from. The man’s hands were on a mission, working at a diligent pace, reproducing the circle he’d scribbled on the paper. Once more he did it with a fiery passion, he was a man on a mission and this mission, well… The auto-mail resting in the corner gave hint to that.

With circle done, he dragged the naked man from his cage and carefully tossed a few of the auto-mail limbs onto his body. He groaned and grunted, but they were ignored, this was science after all.. in a way at least. The scientist, if one could call him that, moved his hands to the outer circle. With a strong press, lightning began to erupt all around, coursing over the circle, the man, and the auto-mail.

It crackled and hissed as the man’s body began to mold and fuse into the metal parts. The doctor, if you can say he was, said nothing; he merely watched wide eyed and in wonder. Once the screams had ended, he let out a sigh, he said nothing: he walked over to his papers and simply threw them away. Another failure, another mess to clean up…


The Fuhrer was content with sitting as his desk this afternoon. It was quite the lovely day out, the sun was rising nicely over the city and he could see all of the people bustling about. His coffee was fresh and warm as well, a little cream and an extra lump of sugar. His assistant knew he kept sugar cubes in his desk and decided to give in to his little joys, giving him extra sugar in his cup. It was his favorite moment of the day, peaceful and serene. There were little things that had bothered him as of late, being Fuhrer meant being the ruler. He had to be sure the entire country was running smoothly and, minus a few uprisings here and there, things were looking well.

That was until, the report came in… As he sat there, enjoying his daily ritual, HE, came in. The doors erupted as though a bomb had blown them, a scraggly, weak, pole of a man bust in with his chest heaving. His breath was like that of an asthmatic in the midst of an attack, hacking and wheezing. “Fuhrer...” The man could barely speak and the Fuhrer honestly had no time for this.

He let out a sigh, stroking his near ash white beard as he turned around. “Yes, yes... what is it now?” The bean-pole man brushed back his black hair and stood at attention. “Fuhrer Sir!” The man was like a frightened kitten, his entire body shaking as though he was to be shot at any moment. “Yes? Go on.” The Fuhrer’s eyes narrowed on the man, they were a deep stony brown and lead to his reputation as being like such, a stone.

“C...C...Captain Falkner repor-” He was cut off, “Enough with the damned formalities, You are wasting my time. Spit it out or remove yourself from my presence!” The little kitten swallowed hard, the Fuhrer could swear he heard it from where he sat. “A man was found… Near South City. His body was… Mangled, interwoven between auto-mail...”

The Fuhrer didn’t react in the way the Falkner expected, he let out a sigh, exasperated and prolonged. “Very well, send some men to investigate and get the reports they come in with.” Falkner nodded and quickly dashed out of the office. “And Captain.” The man stopped midway, “Y...Yes?” His lips trembled as he turned around. “Close the door.” Falkner nodded, “Y...Yes Fuhrer.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Infichi
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Infichi The Final Villain

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The sound of heavy footsteps echoed on the cobblestone streets. The shadowy image of a fairly tall man could be seen, cast by the streetlights onto the dark stone. The moon was hidden tonight, possibly because even the gods above didn’t wish to see what was going to happen. No one was on the streets this night, perhaps because the town was near abandoned, only a handful of people left… This was a town where people began to vanish at such a degree that they just up and moved away…. Why stay when you are bound to be killed?

But tonight would be different, Tonight there was someone here to help them… maybe. The man was dressed in the official attire of the state alchemist. His left arm coated in a thick glove with alchemical circles and runes inscribed all along it. His chin was thick and hefty with stubble, brown unkempt hair falling all over his face. The smoke of his cigarette trailing into the night sky as he looks on with his dull brown eyes.

Normally this would be a welcomed sight to the town, a state alchemist walking the streets… But this man had the look of one who had lost the will to live. What use could he be to the townspeople? What was the mayor thinking calling for such an alchemist, one who wasn’t even known… One who no one recognized. Perhaps, this was because this alchemist didn’t seek fame… didn’t wish to be known. He was the Squid Alchemist; Jason Gold.

But it wasn’t his appearance that worried the townspeople most, it was… the singing. “Hush… little baby… Don’t say a word… Papa’s gonna buy you… a Mockingbird...” He sung it in a low raspy voice, as though he was trying to be quiet… Perhaps even as though he was singing to someone that no one else could see.. It sounded like a lullaby you’d sing to a sleeping child.

“Are you sure this will be safe?” One of the villagers whispered, watching the alchemist move through the streets. “I don’t know...” The other responded, both hidden by the curtains of the their home. The alchemist kept his head to the ground, looking at each of his steps, counting them as beats to the song. He didn’t know exactly where he was going or what he needed to do here, aside from figure out whose kidnapping everyone…

“Maybe it’s human alchemy...”
Jason thought to himself, his eyes never leaving the ground, no sign of life in his eyes...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by deanmachin
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

A door flung open as two thieves came storming out of a store holding bags containing so much money that the bags were barely full enough to contain them. One thief looked at the other with a large grin "Hehehe To easy!" Celebrations were cut short as the sound of whistles coming from the distance they knew that was the military behind them trying to stop them. They ran trying their best to flee from the oncoming military members. They duck behind an alleyway thinking they could use this to elude the soldiers when they suddenly find them selves flying in random directions as what felt like an explosion had just happened near them. Hearing only ringing in their ears they see a man with silver hair holding up his hand which had five rings, the hand is in the position as though some one had just snapped their fingers; In his other hand contained a beer which he was drinking. Red faced the man looked at the two thieve "Don't you know it's stupid to be... to rob a store in Central?!" He was clearly intoxicated "This is the damn capitol of the military!" He takes another drink of his beer, "you might as well have tried to rob the F@#king capitol building!"

This was pointless as neither man could hear him do to the ringing in their ears. "You're not gonna stop us asshole!" one thief says as he pulls out a knife charging the silver haired man. This did not faze him in the slightest, the silver haired man just snapped his fingers again this time at the feet of the thief charging him. This cause the thief to comically ragdoll away from him. The soldiers finally caught up the thieves give up and are arrested. One of the soldiers walks up to the Silver haired man "Thank you for your assistance Platinum Alchemist sir!" Tydus just stared at him for a moment and said "yeah okay at ease will ya, you're making me uncomfortable." Tydus drinks his beer again and walks back to the bar he exited from, somewhat confused the solider walked the 2 men to their jail cells.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Infichi
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Infichi The Final Villain

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Jason stood on a dark corner, the streetlight above him cracked and worn. He let out a sigh as he watched the last bit of ash fall from his cigarette. His eyes didn’t take themselves from the lowered gaze, not once did he bother to look up. The townspeople paid him no heed by this time, they all figured he was some kind of fraud, eventually central would send a real alchemist to aid them. “Hush little baby...” He sang in his low tone, ignoring the whispers from all around the town. He could almost taste the gossip in the air. “Don’t say a word...” His eyes finally looked up from their downcast position.

You see, Jason didn’t look down because of any singular reason… He had many reasons he looked down. He looked down because that’s how he counted the number of feet he’s walked. He looked down because that’s how you determine if you are on the right trail, if you can find dropped items or blood splatter for example. He looked down because he didn’t wish to look people in the eye, because he remembers. He looked down simply because he remembers… Every detail he sees, he remembers. He doesn’t want to remember them, to remember the look on their faces.

He didn’t need to remember them, just the man he was after. Now he was where he needed to be, he found the location of where the missing people had been taken. It was an old church, long since abandoned, possibly during the war with Ishbal those many years ago. “Papa’s gonna buy you a mocking bird...” Jason sang, slowly taking his long stride steps to the church grounds. “And if that mocking bird don’t sing...” He pulled another cigarette from his golden holster, the image of a young man and woman tucked inside with the cigarettes and matches.

“Then papa’s going to buy you a diamond ring.” He struck the match and brought the yellow flame to the tip of his cigarette, letting the flame spread and take deep puffs, smoking billowing from his mouth. “And if that diamond ring turns to brass...” He swiped his hand through the air, putting out the flame of the match and tossing it down the mossy cobblestone below. “Papa’s going to buy you a looking glass...”
His black boots clunked against the stone, stomping down the weeds that had grown up between the cracks. “And if that looking glass gets broke...” The state Alchemist pressed his hand against the rotting wooden doors of the church. The force slowly pushing them open with the creaks and cracks of twisted metal. “Papa’s gonna buy you a stuffed billy goat...” His foot steps creaked on the old wooden floor, he could feel it give and sway as he walked across it, looking for signs of the captor.

Beneath the floor boards though was a different story, the rotted chambers of the priests now being used for the sick desires of a demented man. Blood everywhere, but that wasn’t the important part, it was the bones strewn about like last weeks clothing. The psycho was unaware that anyone had stumbled upon his roost and was still happily preparing his next victim. “Fufufufufu….” He laughed, his thick bony fingers contouring around a dull rusted knife.

“Don’t worry my dear… Things will be over soon...” His hair was long and thinning, covering his head like a mass of spiderweb. His blue eyes sunken into his skull, serving to make his crooked nose look all the bigger. This was was a known serial killer, he’d been on centrals radar for nearly twenty years now, but they’d been unable to find him. He was no alchemist, in fact he is a former soldier for the military… He was top of his field in interrogation until he went too far and was discharged….

Now… Jason finds himself moving in on his location...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

Member Seen 2 mos ago

She trembled, her tied self wriggling to struggle out of her bonds. It was unbearable. The stench of death, the strewn bones all around. The rusted knife, the ugly breath of the broken, monstrous shell of a man. She let out a little yelp, as the guy waved the knife in front of her. But it seemed as if it couldn't escape.

"Now, my dear, why don't we take it nice and gently..." The serial killer, the scum of Amestris grinned, as he worked his way with the knife, ripping the clothes of the woman, delicatedly. He was awarded a vision of brown, while frantic red eyes darted in every direction. "A rare bird, you are, Ishvalan girl. Still, I would have more palatable targets than you... scarred as you are in the waist. But I cannot be that much of a picky eater." The madmen said with a singsong voice. "It's hard to get prey these days for old me... with the nosy State Alchemists and the Military always lurking about..."

And the woman stopped trembling, her gaze becoming cloudy and unfocused. "So, giving up, my dear? Good, good." Her sight rolled upwards, a signal of her being fed up with everything. Life was full of calamities, after all.

And then, she clapped.

"Huh?" The serial killer looked curious at the binds of her hands. Crackling, the binds were disolving. Alchemy! He thought to himself, as his eyes went wide, and quickly reacting, he tried to plunge a knife into the woman's chest, to prevent whatever she was doing. However, he soon lost equilibrium, as a powerful leg sweep from the woman made him tumble sideways. How she can move like that being bound!? The ex-military cursed as he saw she clapping a second time, freeing her feet for the second time. Letting out a battle cry he grabbed the knife and once again lunged against her. Two feet stopped his chest, putting her neck out of his arm's reach, and propelled the demented man backwards as she sprung into a fighting stance.

"Who...are you..." The killer said. No answer was given, except that she clapped a third time, grabbing a bronze chandellier who somehow had survived the decay of the place, shifting into a crude mask. "No..." He blanched, recognizing the mask of the rumours of alleways.

"The hunter becomes the hunted." Wraith added, capitalizing the shock of the serial killer. "A worm like you needs to be crushed, no matter my enmity with the Amestrian. You killed countless people, and defiled an temple. And you must pay the price."

"Crazy Ishvalan bitch! Bring it on!" The military man spat, regaining his wits somehow and adquiring a fighting stance, before trying to circle his opponent. Wraith tilted her head, and picked an improvised weapon, a delicate femur of one of her victims. She looked at it thoughtfully. Bones made really poor weapons.

Bones do have a high content in Calcium though. And Oxygen aswell. Wraith took mental note of it, as she clapped her hands once more, and transmuted the inert bone of the victim. Poetic Justice as its finest! The old man, thinking she had dropped her guard, lunged once more.

Wraith swung once, the bone disintegrating into white dust as she did so. Colliding with the man's face. And then it begun to hiss, melt and burn. Quicklime began to eat half of the man's face as he howled in pain, and clutching his face he staggered back.

"AAAAAH! GOD!!" He said, his body beginning to shake with the unbearable pain of chemical burns. He tumbled once, and his instincts triggered, making him panic. He began to run away, towards the exit. "NO, GET AWAY FROM ME, PLEASE! HELP! MERCY!" He yelled, panicked.

"Was this was you wanted me to scream? Like all your other victims?" The Ishvalan avenger said in a somber voice as she took a brisk pace, following him. "Don't worry my dear... Things will be all over soon." she spat back at the assasin, as she transmuted once again. A large spear came forth bursting from the ground, impaling her target from the back to front, his chest exploding into a bloody shower.

It was then when Wraith noticed the person with the State Alchemist attire.

"Damn. I am cursed by Ishvala after all". She chastised herself, having become so fixated on making the assasin pay for his crimes that she had neglected her surroundings a bit.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Infichi
Avatar of Infichi

Infichi The Final Villain

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


State Alchemist Jason Gold wandered the top of the ruined church, his eyes scanning every inch of the rotting structure. There he found one of the confessionals was slightly askew. As he walked to it, he could hear the laughing of a madman just barely… Light as it was, as though it were a whisper in his ear. With this, he decided to move the Confessional out of his way, the rotting wood screeching as it scratched against the wooden floor.

The confessional gave way fairly easily, Jason could feel the wood wanting to splinter in his hands as he moved it. Though this still was of no concern to him, this was just another way to pass the time. He watch as the steps leading down became illuminated at the bottom, the shadows giving way to flashes of light and crackling noises… “Alchemy...” Jason’s pupils shifted a little, as though a bit of life had returned. He marched down the steps, the soft burning lamps downstairs giving him an idea of the depth he would need to travel.

Though when he reached the bottom, he was paid witness to something he didn’t expect and once more his pupils returned to their natural state… She was an Ishvalan woman, nothing special here, perhaps she was some kind of alchemist… But that wasn’t important, his pray was already downed and impaled with a spear. “I’ll be taking him.” Jason murmured ignoring the young woman, not as though he cared much as to what happened here. He’d simply state he used alchemy to kill the man.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Wraith tensed, piercing red eyes beneath the mask assessing the newcomer, as she kept a fighting stance ready, her steps slow and methodical, circling the State Alchemist. Ever since her ordeal, all sorts of military had claimed to try and subdue her in the name of justice, for getting rid of the scum that had been Albert. And each time, they were felled. The blood on her hands just kept growing and growing.

And then, he murmured, looking at the impaled waste of human life. She narrowed her eyes. Why wasn't him taking action? Had he never heard of her? What was his purpose on looking at the fallen man? And then it dawned on her. His eyes... His eyes were dead. Much like people she had seen before, all fellow Ishvalans whose hopes and dreams had been crushed before their eyes. She lowered her stance, not intending to follow up and fell the Amestrian military dog, but kept wary of possible surprise attacks. Her eyes darted to her surroundings, and then the man, as she slowly but surely kept marching towards the exit.

"You're dead inside, State Alchemist. How fitting." She sneered, as she took her way out. "May Ishvala receive your sinful souls and offer you mercy." She added, before finally taking her leave into the plaza.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by deanmachin
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Central: Midnight
Tydus walks home from the bar drunk and sad. There was a woman hitting on him at the bar, but he wasn't interested. Even after all these years the image of his wife dead on the ground was still burned into his mind. He stumbled to his apartment; when he opened the door his apartment seemed empty despite it being fully furnished but this feeling would only add to his depression. He walked to his study and sat at his desk papers askewed. He looked over at the other end of his desk and he see's a picture of him and his wife on their wedding day and expired train tickets below the picture. That was going to be for their honeymoon, he could not afford the tickets at the time, but he finally managed to scrape up the money and was going to show her the day she had died. He knew he couldn't give up, but it didn't stop him from being depressed. Then again he could be this depressed because he is drunk. He eyes grew heavy and his head slowly dropped on to his desk. This would be his bed for the night.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Infichi
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Infichi The Final Villain

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

“Dead inside?” Jason spoke aloud as the woman marched up the steps. “You could say that.” His hands wrapped around the shoulders of the freshly made corpse, pulled and tugging on his coat to free him from the spear he’d been impaled on. The body gave a slick schlop sound as it pulled from the spear, Jason let a deep sigh out, the body had fallen onto his feet and gotten blood on his shoes. “Sigh...” He looked down at the corpse and shook his head, “Why do I have to do this kind of work.” He wasn’t interested in these random serials.

He looked around the old basement, he could see the bones of the other victims littering the sacred floor. His eyes wandered though, searching for anything he might be able to use… That’s when it caught his eye, an old shroud for some god. Did it matter what god? No.. Because in the eyes of Jason Gold, there was no god. He walked slowly over to the shroud, clapping hands together and placing his glove upon it. Ink poured out into an alchemical circle, his hand still touching causes the circle to light up and spark… soon the material warps and transforms into that of a body bag.

He pulled the dead psycho over to the bag and stuffed him down, the sound of the plastic crumpling as he is put into it. Once finished, he zipped it up… This was going to be a pain. He cracked his neck and lifted the bag up, dragging it behind him and heading towards the nearest phone booth. The path was long and draining, the state alchemist kept his eyes down upon the cobblestone street and paid no heed to the peoples murmurs.

Within a few moments he found the phone-booth he’d been looking for. After digging for a few loose coins in his pocket, finding mostly lint and his wallet however, he decided to look around… Not many people were looking his way… that was good. He grabbed a few pebbles and placed them in a circle, once more the ink poured from his glove and formed a circle… this time turning the pebbles into a few coins. No one would report him for this, as they didn’t see what happened.

With his new ill-gotten coins, he begins to make his phone-call. Somewhere, on the other end of the line, was Central… Though it was quite late at night. “Hnng?” One of the majors was still at work luckily… though he was doing nothing but paperwork… He watched the phone ring, his green eyes slowly re-adjusting as he’d been awoken from an impromptu nap. He let his hand rub against his scalp, ruffling his short blond hair. “Ok Ok, I get it phone.” He grumbled, picking up the nagging device. “Major North, Central command, Can I help you?”

Jason shook his head, it was about time he answered, “This is State Alchemist, Jason Gold, I’ve captured the target.” Major North began to rub the bridge of his nose with his free hand. “Oh god it’s him...” “I heard you major.” “AH!?” He realized he’d spoke aloud now… “Ahahah, Well How are you today Jason?” His laugh was nervous, trying to overcome the embarrassment he just felt. “I’m fine Major, Are you doing well? You sound tired.” Jason tried to put on a happy air, but he really didn’t feel like speaking right now.

“Yes, yes, I’m doing fine, Just fell asleep doing some paper work.” Once more the major laughed a bit nervous, “Are you coming in then?” Jason nodded, despite the major not being able to see him. “Yes I’ll be coming in, I’ll get a train in the morning. Please prepare something fitting, the criminal is… very dead.” Jason remarked, looking back at the body bag. “Oh… Did you?” The soldiers lip trembled a bit, “No, He was dead when I found him.” “That’s… a relief. Alright, we need you to come in anyway so this is pretty convenient.”

Jason blinked a bit, surprised that they needed him to come in. “What’s going on?” He asked, “I can’t really say much, they are keeping it pretty hush hush right now. But it looks like something big is going down and they are calling in some of the more… extravagant alchemists.” He coughed a bit, “You don’t have to sugar coat it Major. They’re calling in the alchemists with more extreme research. Such as those hunting rogue alchemists perhaps?” The major sighed and nodded, again despite the other end not being able to see it. “And from what I’ve seen… I can’t confirm anything yet… But they are calling in those researching the events from fifty years ago as well.”

“This will be an interesting group then.” Jason stated, “I’ll be coming in.” “Alright Jason, take care of yourself, see you tomorrow.” “I’ll see you tomorrow Major.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by deanmachin
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

5 AM Central Headquarters-
This morning was the early shift for Lieutenant Colonel Majors, Not that he was a Major, but his name was Majors… He’d heard it a lot when he was a Major… Major Majors they would say, incessantly. He was pleased to be promoted just so he no longer had to hear that name, it was near driving him insane. But today, He walked in proud, slicking back his wild copper colored hair. He was given the most lucrative of assignments, the missing persons cases involving human transmutation. “You got this Marcus! You’re on the way to full fledged colonel if you can nail this crook!” He sat down at his desk, adjusting his papers and pens.

Alright now I just need to make the call and chugga chugga woo woo I’m off onto the road of Colonel!” He moved his little toy train about his desk as he spoke. As he docked his train next to his phone, he picked up the receiver and dialed away, happily, “Let’s see let’s see~ I gotta call a… silverheart? Never heard of him.” He shrugged, letting it ring and ring. “Dododo….” The phone rang as Tydus was sleeping, Tydus grunted and without moving his head he reached for the phone to answer it. "Ugh... Ahoy Hoy..." he responded still half asleep.

Ah, Hello Tydus! This is Lieutenant Colonel Majors! Not Major, but Majors it’s my name.” He coughed a bit, “I’m calling on behalf of Central you see, We’re calling in a few select alchemists to help handle a bit of a problem we’re having and I was hoping you could perhaps make it in!” "... What?" he responded still not coherent. “Ah..Haha… Early for some of us huh?” He laughed nervously, feeling a bit worried about his promotion now… “Yes, Ahem, I am Lieutenant Colonel Majors. Not Major, But Majors Is my name.” He nearly sighed, “I am calling, Once more, On behalf of Central… We’re bringing in special alchemists to handle a problem we’re having… And We were calling in hopes that you could make it in! Today...

"Sorry Major you just woke me up" He leans up and takes a deep yawn. "When do you need me to come in?" He gets up to get a glass of water. “Ah, Yes, It’s Lieutenant Colonel actually. Not Major, my name is Majors...” He rubbed the back of his head. “We’d prefer you come in soon as you can… If you can get uh… Prepared that is. Though I believe the full briefing will be done at 9am we have a few things we need to, ask you first.” "Yeah sorry about that." Tydus says while the sink fills his glass. He grabs a couple of aspirin and uses his ring to chill the water. "Can you send a escort to my apartment? I am a little hung over from last night." He places the pills in his mouth and swallows them.

“Uh… Well We’re just at Central, You should be able to walk in no problems Jayce!” He laughed a little, was this guy being serious? Oh man why did he get stuck on this job… his promotion is fleeting fast. "The names Tydus." He says still not entirely awake "Yeah alright, maybe the walk will sober me up." He takes another drink of water "I'll be down there soon." He grabs his coat and walks towards the capitol building.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Infichi
Avatar of Infichi

Infichi The Final Villain

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Central Headquarters- 6AM

“I Heard they called in a few state alchemists for a briefing.” A few soldiers had gathered in the break room, “Yeah from what I hear, it’s something to do with those mutilations.”This man was Captain Fallgrid, He has a long upstanding career of military family, He recently took to shaving his head a she believes it makes him look more, strong and debonair to the ladies.

“I don’t doubt that for a second, I think it’s possibly the return of the serial case from half a century ago.” This was First Lieutenant Hedgenson, He was once slim and trim, but his wife has been feeding him so well he’s packed the pounds on and become quite the chunky hubby in the past years.

“Aren’t you guys the least bit worried about what this means!?” And This was Major Mc’daniel, She’s quite the shy and timid creature, holding the rank of Major only due to her also being an alchemist herself. She is typically worried about everything and anything her little mind can work up.

“Hahaha! You worry too much Major!” This brings us back to the first man to speak,Second Lieutenant Falsem, His demeanor never really changed, always the kind of man to run head first into problems…. Or be the first to create them.

“This is very serious Falsem!” Major Mc’daniel stomped her foot as she spoke, “I… I… I might get called in….” She quickly found herself in the corner, hands cupped over her head. “I don’t… I don’t wanna go! It’s scary! Scary! I just want to do my research! I just wanted to research flowers!” Tears formed in her eyes as she bit down on her jacket and pulled.

“Major, You’re not getting called in.” Captain Fallgrid sighed and rubbed the back of his head. “You don’t know that Fallgrid! I could be! And then what!? What will I do!!! I might… I might…-” She was cut off by the Second Lieutenant, “I heard that Jason Gold will be coming in today.”

“Hm? You mean the downer?” First Lieutenant Hedgenson spoke, “Yup. I think they’re bringing in at least two other guys too, The Platinum Alchemist and the Card alchemist to boot.”

“Oh? I thought Platty was studying the philosophers stone.” Fallgrid quipped, “Yeah, that’s what I thought to. So why are they calling him in?”

“ENOUGH.” The man that stepped in, his tone was quite commanding.. The others in the room immediately stood at attention. “Brigadier General Xeres! Sorry sir!” Xeres commanded a… strange respect from the others, though it is believed he was only promoted as a means of showing tolerance towards his people… Xeres was Half Ishvalan.

“Sigh, There you people go creating rumors and wreaking havoc in my district. You know I have to clean this mess up right?” The others nod, “Sir! Yes sir! Sorry Sir!” He blinked a bit, a bead of sweat falling down the back of his head. “S...Stop with the formalities… please….”

“S...sorry Desmond...” Mc’Daniel hung her head down. “Yeah, Sorry Des.” Hedgenson chuckled a bit. “It’s fine, all of you, back to your posts!” The group nods and takes off… But Desmond’s hand shoots up to catch the Second Lieutenant before he could leave. “Second Lieutenant Zavier Falsem. A word.” Desmond Xeres red eyes glared the man down.

“Sure, Brigadier General.” He smirked “Let’s talk.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by deanmachin
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Central Headquarters: 6:05 Am.

Tydus walked into the break room looking as bad as he felt.He poured himself a cup o coffee and added 2 lumps of sugar. "Sigh..." he looks into his mug only to see his reflection in the dark brew. "I am not ready for today..." He takes a drink out of his mug and begins to feel a bit better. Hoping to wake him self up quickly he begins to chug the coffee as quickly as he can, burning the mouth in the process. Definitely awake Tydus waves his hand over his tongue quickly in hopes that he can cool down his mouth. It was not a smart move but it reminded him of his grandfather. His grandfather once told him to do it as a quick way of waking up one morning, his grandfather was the only person in his family he actually admired. He was kind he also taught him alchemy, morals, fencing, discipline and he taught him to always aim for his dreams.

Tydus heard he had died a few years back, but didn't want to show his face in front of his family. That was also around the time he started his testing for State Alchemist, he hoped his grandfather would have forgive him if he knew what he was doing and why but he never got the chance to do so. "Well I think I've wallowed in self pity enough for a morning. I better get to the Majors office." He began his walk knowing today will probably be a good day, as long s he can get in a nap later.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Central Ciy, Home to the Amestris Army and capital of the entire country. In the midst of the new chaos and the recently discovered bodies that had been cropping up over the past few evenings. Orders were to be issued out to Soldiers and a few state alchemists as well. Specifically those already investigating the mangled machine like bodies. With this in mind, Colonel Carl Mayhew was ordered to dispatch those he felt... fit the bill so to speak. Mayhew took a deep breath and rubbed the back of his head a he stared down at the phone. "I don't really want to do this." He thought to himself, adjusting his glasses and taking a deep breath.

Carl was a very kind mind, the images of his sister coating his desk helped him be so... It grounded him, reminded him that the military was there for her sake. With that, he picked up the phone and dialed the only number he hoped he'd have to dial today... "Come on Jayce... Pick up the phone..." Carl twisted the cord of the phone between his finger,, "Come on, come on... I know you're there."

Meanwhile, in a dimly room located somewhere in West Amestris, a single amber light illuminated a round wooden table. A card game was being played on it, each player with a small glass of alcohol by them and a hand each. The players took turn revealing there hands, and at the very end, a young man in a top hat revealed his. It was a perfect blackjack. "I don't get it." Someone commented. "There's no way you can win that many times in a row! You're cheating, Jayce!" He accussed. The man merely shook his head as he gathered the poker chips. "My friend, there is no basis to accuse me of. You can check me over thrice, and you won't find any tricks up my sleeve. Those, I save for my enemies." He replied. Jayce had played his friends like fiddles. Jayce took a sip of his whiskey before the phone began to ring. "Now, if you'll excuse me for a moment..." Jayce said, departing from the table. He walked over and picked up the phone. "Jayce Karuta, State Alchemist." He greeted to whoever was on the other side.

"Jayce, This is Colonel Mayhew, I need you to come in." Carl let out a sigh, "We've found another body... It's pretty bad. You're investigating it so we decided to give you the call. The Fuhrer wants you to go to, hold on..." He tucked the phone under his chin as he searched his desk for the piece of paper with the information on it. "Ah, here it is, Amber Town. There's been cases of multiple missing persons and a body showed up near the sewers."

"Ah, Colonel Mayhew! How are you? How are the kids?" Was Jayce's first response. It seemed that Mayhew had another lead to Jayce's assignment, and his mood immediately changed. "I understand, sir. I'll be heading out immediately sir. Should I report to Central Command for a full briefing, Colonel?" Jayce asked. Perhaps there was another alchemist who was being assigned to the case. [b]"Also, are there any other state alchemists who I can collaborate with. I understand you said "multiple missing persons", correct? I don't want to take my chances on a risky mission, sir. Bad gambling, you see."[b] He added.

"Yeah yeah, don't worry, get to Central and we'll get you briefed on everything you need to know." He looked down at the report, "From what i can tell so far, there is... This is going to be a top secret mission alright? Don't... don't go getting too deep alright? I'll explain more once your here and feel free to bring in a few people you think you can trust..." He puased for a moment, looking a picture of two little boys resting on his desk... "My boys are fine by the way Jayce... Thank you for asking." He didn't let the smile show in his voice, but he was grinning. "Anyways, get to central! We'll brief you once here!"

Jayce smiled at the Colonel's reply. "Yes, sir!" the Card Alchemist replied. Jayce put down the phone, and went back to the table. "All right, folks! Duty calls! Please get out of my house or I will make you get out!" He joked as he gathered the cards and polker chips. "Seriously though, you guys need to leave." He added. Jayce let his friends out of his house and began to gather his things. His "special" deck of cards, his journal, a pen and his bag of sweets. Jayce changed his clothes into a standard alchemist uniform, and changed his hat to a blue tophat as to match the attire. With that, Jayce set off, catching the first train to Amestris Central. Time for the next chapter of his research.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Infichi
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Infichi The Final Villain

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The first train of the morning, it was quite the awkward ride for Jason… he entered the train without a single look to any of the other passengers, blue plastic bag dragging behind him. There were murmurs, lots of murmurs, without looking… without needing to look; he could feel them, the eyes staring at him as though they were watching an inmate of death row being lead to his death. The look of a people scared, frightened… was it the military uniform he wore? He only wore it because he was informed it was the official dress of a state alchemist… Was it the body bag he was carrying with him? That wasn’t really important… As a member of the Amestris military was he not allowed the freedom to carry this bag where he pleased? As he pleased?

Though that didn’t matter to Jason right now, he kept his eyes locked on the floor, putting the body on the bench in front of him. Luckily so far no blood had leaked out, that would be troublesome and a bother really did not care for right now. He had to go to central… He hated going to central, it was a bunch of nonsense in the Squid Alchemists eyes. The people there treated him with contempt, like he was someone to be pitied. He wasn’t to be pitied… His wife was taken from him unfairly, That was not pity he sought, he sought the return of his wife and child!

The anger was boiling inside of him, his eyes never changed never altered, the pupils never growing or shrinking… But his teeth, they clenched together like a vice. He hated having to put his research on hold to handle some pathetic issue of the state! But he had to put that aside for now, he had to let it go… He needed to focus, focus on what was important, his research, his wife… bringing back his daughter, with one deep and lengthy exhale… followed by a drawn out inhale through his nose, he calmed himself.

Removing another cigarette from the warn out holder and lighting it for good measure, he readied himself. He must be mentally prepared for the journey to central, as bad as that sounded… It could be quite the hassle and he didn’t want to get too caught up in the chaos of those nearest the Fuhrer, that might risk his TRUE research being revealed.

--- One Train Ride Later ---

It had taken quite a few hours for the train to reach central, this was the problem with taking one from such a small town. It was nearing ten in the morning and while this wasn't a problem for Alex, he believed that Major North may not take such a kind approach to his tardiness. Jason marched up the steps to central HQ, the base of operations for all State Alchemists and military. Upon entering, he walked down the long halls and ignored the voices of concern and ire about his body bag. He was here to see Major North and nothing would stop his progress, luckily, the Major happened to be walking these same halls.

"Major, I've brought my target."
Jason remarked, holding up the body bag.

"Oh Jesus Jason! You could have warned me you'd be bringing the bag in with you!" North looked away, struggling to get the handkerchief out of his pocket quick enough for his liking... though it quickly found itself locked against his nose and mouth.

"Hehe, Can't stand a little death Major? You joined the military didn't you. Besides, the coroners office is located down below isn't it? That's where the body needs to go." Jason smiled at the Major, one of the few things that seemed genuine about him was his smile. Bright and cheerful, reaching the corners of his eyes it felt like.

"Alright Alright! I get it! This is revenge isn't it!? For saying oh god!" Major North shouted from the safety of his crimson cloth.

"You saw right through me Major."
Jason's smile quickly turned to a sly smirk.

"Just... get rid of it, then get to the briefing room. They should be calling the assembly soon!" North waved Jason away, keeping his hand clasped firmly on his face.

"You got it Major."
The Alchemist walked off, dragging the body behind, his free hand waving a soft goodbye.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Infichi
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Infichi The Final Villain

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

10 AM- The Headquarters of The Military and State Alchemists.
The crackling whirr of the loud speaker snapped the base to attention. With stern and commanding voice, the Fuhrer spoke, “Those who have been called for this meeting, report to meeting hall B. I will be there shortly.” The speaker popped as the speech came to a close. Murmurs spread like wildfire, light whispers and hush voices, creating rumor like bakers make bread.

The only soldiers of importance that would be attending this meeting were as follows, Brigadier General Xeres; the half Ishvalan soldier. Major North; The sometimes too high-strung former special operatives member. Lieutenant Colonel Majors; Though his name is confusing, he was quite the skilled tactician during his more exciting military days. Finally, Colonel Carl Mayhew; A happily married family man with two children and a darling sister.

Then, There would be four alchemists in attendance today… These four men were formidable in their own respects, brought in for their unique researches and talents. The first was Jason Gold, the rogue alchemist hunter and oddly named Squid Alchemist. Next was Tydus Silverheart, the Platinum Alchemist and seeker of the Philosophers stone. Thirdly, Jayce Karuta, The Card Alchemist, researching those monstrous events from fifty years past. Lastly, It was Alrick Fraust, The Weeping Alchemist, Named for the tear shaped birthmark beneath his eye and ability to manipulate water; His research was Investigating the flow of alchemical energies.

The Fuhrer would await for all those to arrive, standing at a podium, a grimace plastered firmly upon his lips.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

Member Seen 2 mos ago

She breathed heavily, pain hammering in her sides. She couldn't bear it. It was tearing her apart. It gave no respite. And the hammering blows of the man's leg kept hitting her dilated waist with a wet sound. It was killing her. Although, her cries and screams were not centered in this fact. For, she wasn't the only in danger because of the merciless assault.

"Albert, you'll kill the baby! Please, in the name of Ishvala! Stop!"

Albert tilted his head. None of his formerly concerned and warm features were present. His face was twisted and contorted like worn leather in the verge of breaking, his eyes wide open with the nasty glint of madness upon him.

"A state alchemist cares not for an Ishvalan nor her halfbreed bastard!"

The nightmare forcefully awoke her, springing back to her feet and panting heavily. A couple of nearby rats squeaked as she pried herself of the rag she had used to sleep, squinting to adjust her sight to the dark, and damp location of the abandoned warehouse. She was back in central, after jumping in a train as stowaway. Her trip had been a waste of place. The rumours had been false. She had expected a secret laboratory of a dastardly alchemist, and instead she had met a wretched buffoon only worth of being squashed because he had fallen prey to his base instincts.

Not quite, there was a State alchemist. She thought to herself, as she shuddered so slightly. She had spared him. His eyes... were dead. Why had she doubted? Her task was not an easy one. Was it because, much like her, said alchemist was living in eternal damnation?

She couldn't afford being merciful a second time. This was central. She could not avoid the main issue and powerhouse any further. The days of smiting just peripheral alchemists had to come to an end. From here on, she would have to face the full wrath of Amestrian military in her crusade.

She breathed deep as she stretched. So many things to do...

---Some Time Later---

"Sergeant! Come here quick!" The guardsman yelled, his rifle unslung and ready. Just when he had found a cozy and nice job guarding the front gate of the Amestrian Central Command, and having got a girlfriend, things had to happen. Was God that cruel?

"What is it, soldier Schwein?" The burly man with the chiseled jaw, and a beard that would make a lumberjack bellowed, the uniform in the verge of ripping as he flexed his chest.

"Sir..." He said, pointed to an open bag. "It just...appeared out of nowhere. Sir."

"My...god." The burly man choked as he picked up the bag, examining its contents. A dead head, tongue drooping saluted him. His visage was contorted, and his eyes wide open. He had a violent death. And furthermore, whomever decapitated him had the sweet time to carve in his forehead the word "TOLL" with a knife. The sergeant recognized the azure eyes, the prominent nose and the balding head with few white strands. The Beastmaster Alchemist. A chimera specialist who had a prominent role in the Ishvalan operation, and now retired to live with his family and grandchildren.

"Who could've done this to old B'?" The soldier chimed in, barely restraining his nervousness.

"That bitch." The sergeant snarled, cursing. "I'll inform our superiors. The Wraith is back in Central. And she's declaring war."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by deanmachin
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Tydus was reporting to Lieutenant Colonel Majors while he was in at headquarters. Suddenly the P.A system starts and a familiar voice boomed over the system "Those who have been called for this meeting, report to meeting hall B. I will be there shortly.". "Sigh..." Tydus didn't want to see the old man, he was at a dead end on his research and he didn't have time for the Führer. "Hey Majors I gotta go I'll talk to you later" He began he walk to hall B to his surprise there were three State Alchemists and four officers present. Lieutenant Colonel Majors was there as well as Brigadier General Xeres He did not know the other two well enough to know their names. Then there was the alchemists; The Card Alchemist, The Squid Alchemist and The Weeping Alchemist. he did not know the Weeping Alchemist well, but he had heard some stories.

he has heard some rumors about the other two, The Squid Alchemist was a quiet and reserved man his primary role in the military was to hunt down rogue alchemists. He had the look in his eyes of a man who has lost something deer to him although Tydus had no idea who, but he could relate; if he did not have a goal, a purpose for his fighting he might have that same look. The Card Alchemist worked with animals and had a tendency for gambling, the part that truly interested Tydus in this man was that the rumors say he knew both Alchemy and alkahestry, not many people knew anything about alkahestry and certainly not both at the same time. He looks at the group for a minute and says "I see they summoned us freaks, nice to meet you all."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 GABAGOOL OVA HERE!!!

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Janus and his partner were siting down on the bench outside their Leader's office waiting to be called in for their next investigation,"Man i wonder what's taking so long im getting a rash on my ass" Janus said letting out a deep breath shaking his head as he relaxed his body looking at the secretary winking at her like the flirt he was.

"The boss is busy...and she is way out of your league" Zoey said to Janus shaking her head too but mostly to the way her partner was acting.Her own eyes staring at the door waiting patiently to be called in.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Infichi
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Infichi The Final Villain

Member Seen 5 yrs ago



“So what are we going to do about this?” A few soldiers had gathered around the box, containing the head of The Beastmaster Alchemist. They murmured and muttered amongst themselves, unsure of where to take this, the Fuhrer was busy and interrupting him right now… It wouldn’t be good. “Don’t worry lads.” Second Lieutenant Falsem snaked his way into the conversation, his arms slithering around the soldiers and a coy smirk smeared across his face. “I’ll handle this little… Incident. Don’t go having a panic attack.” His arms were around the box as quick as they had been around their necks just seconds ago.

“T...Thank you Falsem...” One of them nods, removing his cap and twisting it between his hands… Perhaps it was just him, but he seemed to have an uneasy feeling around the Second Lieutenant; not an uncommon occurrence.

“It’s not a problem at all boys.” Falsem’s smirk never left his face, even as he smiled at the men, waking away with the box. “Not a problem at all...”


Jason hadn’t been paying attention to the ramblings of the latest alchemist to enter the room. He was preoccupied in his own little world, thinking about this and that… His mind often drifted while he sat, if it wasn’t needing his immediate attention. “I wouldn’t call us freaks.” Jason smiled at the young man, “I think we’re just the unique researchers, Platinum Alchemist.” The room was rather… quiet, after all a Brigadier General was present.

“It seems the Fuhrer will still be a few moments, so let’s get along shall we?” His eyes remained near vacant as he continued to smile at the Platinum Alchemist, he’d never been formally introduced to the man, but he knew of his reputation.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by deanmachin
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Unique huh?" he said halfheartedly chuckling "unique is one way to describe the alchemists present." Tydus sits down in a chair closing his eye "man am I tired" he thought to himself as he became comfortable "if I had known i was going to be called in I would have gone to bed early or at least not drink as much." "It seems the Fuhrer will still be a few moments, so let’s get along shall we?" The Squid alchemist said with a somewhat vacant expression. "Oh I meant no offense of course I was just making an observation."
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