@Fallenreaper: How many times will we have to go over this? 
<Snipped quote by Dedonus>
So the time line is:
- Demon Invasion (1 month ago)
- Cowl's Riots ( 1 week + a couple days ago)
- Umrbaxis Fight (2 days after Cowl's Riots)
- Pax Metahumana kick off with tv announcements (~36-48 hours ago)
- Pacis Metahumanae domes form in key cities (a couple hours - 4 max)
And let me make this straight again. There have been no explosions in the key cities, at least not as a result of the devices. Archangel has made surgical strikes against some of the devices after they had been activated. Sure, those devices destroyed by Archangel "exploded", but not as a result of the device itself. Honestly, I'm not quite sure what are the exact details of the "surgical strikes".
Well, likely about a dozen times more so might want to keep this handy, because honestly... I have about 100s of things in other rps to keep track of because my co-GMs memories are worse than mine. Literally, I have to keep track of pads (4+), GM information (6+ docs worth/several NPCS in Blood alone), organize about 12+ player plots including those I'm involved with, and that's not counting RL stuff. In addition, I've not been directly involved with the plotline so I haven't been able to fully keep up as much as I wanted to since my reading' been limited. I'm still on the last Audrey and War Pulse collab you had if that helps give you an idea how behind on the IC I am right now.
As for the explosion thing, I was typing too fast and my iphone replaced a word with explosions and I didn't realize it.
Also, at least I'm being absolutely sure rather than making assumptions and end up writing myself into a corner I can't get out of. Also showing respect to what the players have established within the IC rather than doing my own thing and winging because I'm far too lazy to attempt to clear my own lacking knowledge up.
SO... :P
Add on: Also, thanks for correcting my thoughts. I did honestly try to seek the information out myself but I couldn't find much information over the official timeline.