
“Oh ho, so you’ve got huge teeth too! Hey, can I call you Big Tooth? Hiya Big Tooth! Anyway, I didn’t really know you’re name… but it’s nice to know you just confirmed it for me. Besides, you totally look like someone fun to hang out with, you know? I bet you’re a smash at parties,”
Tatsu just sighs and growls at the nonsense this little girl was making. In reality this was just a nickname that was given from the ancient god of destruction, but alas one can call it a second name. And in the blink of an eye, Dana just disappeared from her grasp and teleported away, putting some distance between her and the other student who could probably cave her face in without trying. Tatsu was confused for a minute before turning to face her with another student, her eyes squinting in anger. In little time, Dana appeared atop Shinobu’s head.
She spared a moment to look down at the girl, waving with a grin before teleporting the both of them…right in front of Gojira. Stepping down from Shinobu’s head, Dana wrapped an arm around the equally shorter girl as if they were the best of friends.
“Hey Big Tooth, this is my friend Wallflower. She’s just a piece of trash, buuuuuut so am I! That makes us perfect friends! Hey, that makes us Super Trash! Anyway, we should all totally hang out some time or something.”
“Hanh?” The girl’s large eyes narrowed. “When did we become friends? And stop dragging me along with this bullshit, Dana. I have places to be.”
"Don't call me that." the giant woman growls at Dana as she eyes her angrily.
With that, she attempts to walk away from these two idiots, though they might as well follow her anyways. It was just then when Ellie began her announcement, in regards of teams. It went like this:
"Team 1: Juniper, Erisa, Kurenai, Shinobu."
"Team 2: Lloyd, Gil, Marith, Makoto."
"Team 3: Gyuuki, Charles, Tatsu, Charlie."
Wait... someone called out Tatsu? Gojira's real name? The two girls would know as the woman's head cocked directly at where the sound came from. Were they expecting her to come into this match? Regardless... one thing was indeed clear. She has unintentionally made herself at home within the Academy. Another annoyed growl comes from her maw as she is forced to find her teammates.

"So we're doing teams eh?" Lloyd thought to himself, "Too bad James isn't here anymore. Would've loved to bug him some more."
James happened to have been killed during the battle with the giant gunship, as well as Angel and Takastu as well. Lloyd was one of the only survivors of said attack, able to defeat him by simply luring it into a trap, where he blew up a building and made it collapse on it. It was a tough fight, but regardless it was a victory, with he still latching onto the card, King of Pentracles. He then proceeds to find his teammates as well...

Tatsu Hiroshima
“Oh ho, so you’ve got huge teeth too! Hey, can I call you Big Tooth? Hiya Big Tooth! Anyway, I didn’t really know you’re name… but it’s nice to know you just confirmed it for me. Besides, you totally look like someone fun to hang out with, you know? I bet you’re a smash at parties,”
Tatsu just sighs and growls at the nonsense this little girl was making. In reality this was just a nickname that was given from the ancient god of destruction, but alas one can call it a second name. And in the blink of an eye, Dana just disappeared from her grasp and teleported away, putting some distance between her and the other student who could probably cave her face in without trying. Tatsu was confused for a minute before turning to face her with another student, her eyes squinting in anger. In little time, Dana appeared atop Shinobu’s head.
She spared a moment to look down at the girl, waving with a grin before teleporting the both of them…right in front of Gojira. Stepping down from Shinobu’s head, Dana wrapped an arm around the equally shorter girl as if they were the best of friends.
“Hey Big Tooth, this is my friend Wallflower. She’s just a piece of trash, buuuuuut so am I! That makes us perfect friends! Hey, that makes us Super Trash! Anyway, we should all totally hang out some time or something.”
“Hanh?” The girl’s large eyes narrowed. “When did we become friends? And stop dragging me along with this bullshit, Dana. I have places to be.”
"Don't call me that." the giant woman growls at Dana as she eyes her angrily.
With that, she attempts to walk away from these two idiots, though they might as well follow her anyways. It was just then when Ellie began her announcement, in regards of teams. It went like this:
"Team 1: Juniper, Erisa, Kurenai, Shinobu."
"Team 2: Lloyd, Gil, Marith, Makoto."
"Team 3: Gyuuki, Charles, Tatsu, Charlie."
Wait... someone called out Tatsu? Gojira's real name? The two girls would know as the woman's head cocked directly at where the sound came from. Were they expecting her to come into this match? Regardless... one thing was indeed clear. She has unintentionally made herself at home within the Academy. Another annoyed growl comes from her maw as she is forced to find her teammates.
Lloyd Lombardi

"So we're doing teams eh?" Lloyd thought to himself, "Too bad James isn't here anymore. Would've loved to bug him some more."
James happened to have been killed during the battle with the giant gunship, as well as Angel and Takastu as well. Lloyd was one of the only survivors of said attack, able to defeat him by simply luring it into a trap, where he blew up a building and made it collapse on it. It was a tough fight, but regardless it was a victory, with he still latching onto the card, King of Pentracles. He then proceeds to find his teammates as well...