Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ProPro
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ProPro Pierce the Heavens with your spoon!

Member Seen 4 mos ago


The year is 2250. Humanity has begun spreading across the stars, colonizing other worlds. Many have been well populated and act independently. One of those worlds is New Earth, and that’s where you live. Life on New Earth was blissfully peaceful, fun, and idyllic for most. The planet is bristling with plentiful resources, many of which humanity had never had available back on earth before. Scientists and entrepreneurs studied these new elements and substances, tried to make something useful out of them, but progress was ultimately very slow. That is, until Galatec.

Galatec is an intergalactic mega corporation and superpower with means and methods beyond the scope of even most galactic empires. Upon arrival, Galatec proved themselves to be an amiable lot. They offered a treaty to all of humanity on New Earth, one which gave them the rights to mine and process materials from the planet, and in exchange Galatec would provide their wondrous products and technology for everyone to enjoy. It was the best of partnerships. Especially for Galatec.

The corporation took over swiftly, weaseling their way into all aspects of government through silver tongues and golden dollars. In a matter of months the entire infrastructure of New Earth depended entirely on them, but their work was far from over. The products that flooded the market were specifically designed to pacify and brainwash humanity into becoming their willing slaves. Food and water were treated with chemicals to make humans more susceptible to brainwashing. The media became a propaganda machine glorifying Galatec, whilst crushing the ideals of free will. Even the very lights themselves were designed to project a wavelength that pacifies people, preventing the strong willed from wanting to fight back. By the end of their first year, Galatec had become a totalitarian regime on New Earth, and humanity had become their willing slaves, toiling every day to harvest their own resources for the greedy overlords.

But there is one thing Galatec did not count on, one detail they could not have predicted: The indomitable will of the human spirit. Approximately .5% of the population, for one reason or another, prove to be immune to the methods of pacification utilized by Galatec. They retain their free will, their independence, and their sense of right and wrong. If is from this small pool of people that a rogue agent of Galatec, one individual who is not satisfied with the cold, heartless corporation, organizes a resistance. Armed with the confiscated technology of warriors from other planets Galatec has subjugated, this small resistance will fight back against tyranny and slavery. They are the Power Rangers Strike Force!


Humanity’s lords and masters, at least on New Earth. While the human race is safe on other worlds, here they live under the complete and total oppression of Galatec. The mega corporate superpower has conquered hundreds of inhabited worlds across multiple galaxies, and they are hungry for more. Galatec’s primary method of conquest is not to take what they want by force, but to bargain and argue their way into a position of power where they can make their subjects reliant on them. That is not to say that Galatec does not have a standing military force, quite the contrary. All the races that they have enslaved serve some purpose. Enter the Githkin.

The Githkin are the primary face of Galatec to New Earth humans. When a human being usually thinks of Galatec, the Githkin is what comes to mind. They are very wrong. Githkin are not representatives of Galatec, and in fact are slaves in an even worse position than humans. Taken over centuries ago, the Githkin were found to be convenient warriors that could be mass produced. As such, Galatec is able to maintain order amongst the few pockets of resistance by cloning these soldiers in tubes at a single facility in New Angel Grove. Reaching maturity in just under three days and fully educated (that education being how to fight, and how to say “work harder!”) They make up the bulk of Galatec troops on New Earth, and are considered to be legendary warriors, but gene splicing and mass cloning have, er, left their minds in a rather sad state. That is to say they’re, more often than not, dumber than a sack of wet socks. At least the wet socks will have a germ colony, an actual society that builds together. Githkin? Not so much.

Of course, the Githkin are just there to maintain order by hitting things that need to be hit. They can’t actually delegate anything. That’s what supervisors are for.

The middle management of Galatec is made up primarily of individuals from races that Galatec has enslaved, but proved to be loyal and useful enough to be promoted into full class citizens. Supervisors can be any race from any planet, so long as they believe in the purity of the almighty Galatoken (the currency used by Galatec, redeemable only in certified Galatec stores and subsidiaries). Most are not capable combatants; after all, they’re businessmen and white collar officials, not soldiers. Still, some are surprisingly capable in a fight. Or the most part though, these are the guys responsible for making sure the trains run on time, the checkbooks are balanced, and production remains at peak efficiency.

And this, my friends, leads us into the highest echelons of Galatec power on New Earth: Regional Management.

The Villains

The base of operations and primary headquarters for the regional branch of Galatec is in the capital city of New Angel Grove. It is there that the regional manager dictates all of the behind the scenes major changes and decisions that affect the planet and how it is run/harvested. The regional manager is the same alien that spearheaded the initial treaty which allowed the company to come into power and take all free will from humanity. However, it should be known that the regional manager is not the head of Galatec, just the head on New Earth, and even then the regional manager is required to go through corporate red tape every once in awhile, just to make sure all the t’s are crossed and the i’s dotted. That said, the regional manager’s power base is not inconsiderable. In fact, it is vast. They are just limited in how they are allowed to utilize this power. After all, the manager has to meet certain expectations with the company as a whole. No action can cause too big of a hit to the profit margins, or the dreaded Board of Directors may make a house call…

Assisting the regional manager are two generals. They don’t actually have to be generals. In fact, they probably aren’t generals at all. Maybe one is head of accounting and the other is head of IT? Or maybe one of them is security manager? Or an actual general in charge of the Githkin soldiers? I don’t know. Why don’t I know? Well that’s because you haven’t made them yet. The two “generals” are the closest advisors to the regional manager. Their specific job functions are entirely up to the players, but they are the two that the RM keeps closest. Also they are total badasses. Seriously, they will kick anyone’s ass up and down the street. How are they so strong? How should I know, you haven’t made them yet! Why do you keep asking me these questions?

The regional manager and his (or her!) two generals make up the power trio that dominate New Earth, the propaganda and brainwashing machine the heroes have to fight against. But why are the rangers fighting them? What are they fighting for? The answer is simple. They are fighting for…

The People

The vast majority of humanity is enslaved, and has been for the better part of a decade now. While there is a lifestyle outside of 24/7 working for a totalitarian regime, that lifestyle is provided entirely to ensure the continued cooperation and pacifism of the people. Restaurants and entertainment does exist, but just like everything else produced by Galatec, it’s been modified in such a way as to encourage continued loyalty and patronage to their control. Most everything that could influence people to think otherwise has been confiscated and destroyed, including merchandise and stories relating to those great heroes of legend, the warriors that always appear to stand up and fight against evil: the Power Rangers. At this point, most people don’t even realize how badly they have it, that they’re slaves and not free citizens. Toiling in mine shafts for 10 hours shifts and working assembly lines without days off are considered not just normal, but their duty. As such, the rangers will have to fight an uphill battle, as the citizens they seek to liberate will, often times, not want to be liberated. Some small pockets of resistance may offer their support, but just as many may call out their would be heroes as terrorists. It is very sad, but it is for this reason that things will be extremely difficult for…

Our Heroes

The Mentor and Assistant

For one reason or another, someone within Galatec does not like what is going on. He (or she!) finds themselves disillusioned with the goings on, with the subjugation and enslavement of multiple planets and peoples. This person is a middle manager of the New Earth Regional Department of Technological Development, where they were studying the morphers and weapons of just another group they had to stamp out in order to solidify their rule someplace else. Inspired, this individual fixes up the morphers and, with the help from their assistant (personal secretary? Robot buddy? Talking dog? YOU decide!), seeks out five overbearing and overemotional humans (no, not teenagers!) to take up the fight against Galatec for the survival of the human race. Working on the inside, this mentor will pick up all manner of information that is useful in their battle for freedom, such as supply lines to hit, command centers to take out, macguffins and powerups to collect, and more!

The Rangers

Five teenagers with attitude (ok, ages accepted anywhere from 16-25, but still) that just so happen to be in the .5% of the population immune to Galatec’s mental conditioning and chosen by the mentor figure to fight for freedom and justice. For one reason or another, these five youths will be in the right place at the right time (did the mentor pull some strings behind the scenes to allow this to happen? maybe!) in the mining colony of Red Rocks. Why they were there may vary depending on each individual (mining slave? An individual that showed exceptional skill and loyalty to Galatec being allowed special training? Already a freedom fighter?), but one thing is certain. If they hadn’t been there, the people of New Earth would be doomed, for it is here that they meet with their mentor for the first time. It becomes their mission to create an uprising, become the insurgency, and strike back against their corporate overlords. They become the Power Rangers Strike Force!

Rangers come in five flavors: red, blue, green, yellow, and pink/violet (player’s choice). Each will come with their own set of abilities and weapons, as detailed in a further section below. There are no gender limitations to colors, so feel free to make that female red ranger, or that male pink. It’s all good.

The Morphers

The Rangers’ morphers, known as Photon Morphers, once belonged to a powerful group of Power Rangers that lived on and protected the people of the second moon of Rigel IV, just one more casualty of Galatec. The morphers were sent to New Earth for study, whereupon the rangers’ mentor hatched a plan.

The photon morphers are bound by the wrist, and channel the power of light and solar energy to function. The basic design is in the shape of a rectangular box, with what appears to be a small solar panel fashioned around the outer layer (this is, in actuality, a highly advanced energy collector made from the people of Rigel IV). Situated on the face right in the center is a translucent, spherical gem (the photon resonator) which channels the energy collected by the morpher. Finally, a small black panel sits center of the front, outward from the wrist. It’s from here that the magic happens, and the magic words are, “Strike Force, flash forward!”

Once the morphing call has been made, the photon morpher roars to life, brightening in a blinding light, which is focused through the photon resonator gem, and the energy is poured forth from the panel on front, a high-tech light emitter. The ranger form solidifies from a hard light hologram emitted by the morpher, then wraps around the ranger, completing the transformation!

“Striker Red engaged! Power Rangers Strike Force!” Cue dramatic back explosion.

Ranger Forms

The specific details of the ranger suit design will be left up to player interpretation, but they do follow a general design. The suit itself is segmented between black (a looser fabric) and the ranger’s color (thicker armored sections). Running through the colored armor are strips of what appears to be neon lights, shining brightly. The helmet is of a similar design to those used by the SPD rangers. Sleek and streamlined, with a large black visor (shaped however as determined by the player). Instead of a silver mouth design, the Strike Force helmets have another neon, albeit one that’s a little more dull than normal.

The ranger suits start with two modes. The first is combat mode, described as above. The second, infiltration mode, dulls the neons of the suit, as well as the overall color, to a dark gray version. As the name implies, this is useful for infiltrating and sneaking past security. However, weapons and powers are offline in infiltration mode.

Abilities and Weapons

Each Ranger is equipped with a number of abilities and weapons, some of which come standard, some of which are unique to their color. First, we’ll cover what comes standard, then move into what makes each color special.


What power ranger is complete without a blaster by their side? No power ranger, that’s who! This high tech laser gun fires small but impressive shots of concentrated energy, color coded no less, to take down the enemy from mid-range. Not too shabby.

Energy Shields:

On the offhand of each ranger suit is a hard light projector that produces a small energy shield, about a foot and a half in diameter. Useful for blocking long range attacks, and not too shabby in a brawl if you know how to use it. It’s not indestructible, but it’ll handle more than most attacks. Just keep in mind how much it actually covers!

Primary Weapons:

Attached to the main hand of each ranger suit is a second holographic projector which creates a weapon made of hard light, just like the shield. What weapon is it? Whatever you want! It's not a morphing weapon, don't get me wrong. Once you choose, there's no going back. Sword? Bigass hammer? Energy bow? Spring-loaded boxing glove? Anything works!

Color Based Powers: Each ranger will have a unique power, based on some aspect of light, as follows.
Red- The red ranger possesses the ability to fire beams of concentrated heat energy via hands and feet. This heat is enough to burn through solid rock when concentrated over time and can be utilized in combat through quick strikes.
Yellow- The yellow ranger possesses the power of SOLAR FLARE! Excellent support is provided by burning brighter than the sun, blinding everyone and everything in the immediate vicinity, with the exception of other rangers. Those helmets are good for more than preventing concussions.
Green- The green ranger controls perhaps the most whimsical power of the group, that or mirages. By bending light, the green ranger creates silent holograms that look as real as the genuine article. Good luck finding the real green ranger, bad guys!
Blue- Ever hear of some guy named Captain America? The blue ranger sure has! Blue has the unique ability to detach their shield without it fizzling out of existence without the emitter to support it. They also have a greater manipulation of their shield, being able to expand its size (maximum size of a riot shield) or change its shape. Blue’s helmet also comes equipped with an advanced targeting system, allowing for impossible angles and throws!
Pink/Violet- The pink/violet ranger lays claim to the power that has the least combat usage, but has tremendous value in support. This ranger can see into the entirety of the electromagnetic spectrum. Not only the normal color spectrum humans are normally capable of seeing, but uv light, infrared, x-rays, radio waves, all of it! There's nothing this ranger cannot see!


The Rules

I'm a pretty easy going guy. Friendly, agreeable, yada yada. I'm also extremely passionate and like order. The following rules are to be enforced at all times. I adhere to the three strike rule, so please keep up, m’kay?

  • GM is Zordon. Or the morphing grid. Or whatever you worship as the God of this realm. I am open to discussion, but once I make a final ruling, no more arguing. That includes any passive aggressive “Well it's not what I would have decided, but you're GM” bullcrap. In fact, I'd prefer you insult me to my face than that. Good? Good.
  • This is a more “mature” Power Rangers, but it's not a mature Power Rangers. You can say things like kill, death, slavery, and all the other PC type things, including minor swears. Romance is fine too. However this is to remain PG, got it? Awesome.
  • Normal forum rules apply, as always. No god modding (unless you are GM, which you are not), no power playing, no overstepping your bounds, and no harassing other players. That's my job and I take great pride in it. :)
  • I expect at least about 2 posts a week minimum. This is a fast paced action story, but I know we all live in different time zones and have different events and priorities in life. That said, if something comes up and you can't make that requirement for some reason, tell us in the OOC or at least PM me about it. Communication is key to all things in life, my friends.
  • Unless you're in a quick, fast paced fight scene, I want a full well developed paragraph every post. Your character is a person. They have thoughts and they judge what goes on around them at all times. Even if all they're doing in a particular situation is twiddling their thumbs, make sure we know how they feel. Even if you're in a fight, please do your very best to add details.
  • No spamming in character OR the OOC. Make sure there are at least 3 posts between your last one and your new one. Also, one word/one sentence posts in OOC piss me off. A lot. Double posting is a no-no. We have edit buttons, use them.
  • One character per player. Apologies but there's limited positions and everyone deserves a spot if we can make that happen.
  • Only the character sheet I provide below is to be used. Feel free to alter colors and fonts and other cosmetics like that, but do not alter the content. No other sheets will be accepted.
    This is not first come first serve. Positions are chosen based on the characters I like best and how well I feel the player can work the position. Have a backup character in mind in case you don't get your first choice.
  • Zordon reserves the right to kick any player at any time for any reason. I will not abuse this power, even if I don't like you. :P Usually this will be due to hitting your third strike, or for disappearing without warning. You will be replaced. Be warned.
  • Have fun. I love you. <3

Character Sheet

So you'll notice that there's actually two separate pieces of code here. The first is the base character sheet, which all characters will be using. The second (ranger) is an add-on that will be put right on the end of the main sheet, but only if that character is meant to be a power ranger. Now here's the last, and most important, detail. At the end of each character I need you to write out a sample of how you'll play them, in any situation you want, with at least two paragraphs. Detailed please. This will help me decide who is most appropriate in their roles. :)

Galatec Personnel-
Regional Manager: Charbobylisk - Ruthalia Tro’liant Hert’yas Morphento
General: Stekkman - GD-002-17 Adelram Drax
General: Open

Mentor: ProPro - Joniminum Lorel'ammit Jorgenschmidtl
Assistant: SoleAccord - Samara Morgan
Red Striker: Renny - Michael Sonnen
Blue Striker: TorikRedguard - Tommy Reese
Green Striker: alexfangtalon - Oliver "Ollie" Johnson
Yellow Striker: Stern Algorithm - Clementine Mayweather
Violet Striker: Kouki - Jonah Fallen
Sixth Striker: Unavailable until further notice

Unrelated/Miscellaneous- Miscellaneous characters that are not part of the ranger team, or the villains. Random citizens, normal people, resistance fighters, regular Galatec workers, who knows? Just don’t expect to be too important to the story…. Unless you want to earn the right to the coveted 6th ranger slot. ;)
Galatec Sponsored Pop Star: Piercing Light - Marvelous Beloved Love "Mable"
Minor Miner: Wade Wilson - Jackson Trent
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wade Wilson
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Wade Wilson bruh.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sixth Striker: Unavailable until further notice

Unrelated/Miscellaneous- Miscellaneous characters that are not part of the ranger team, or the villains. Random citizens, normal people, resistance fighters, regular Galatec workers, who knows? Just don’t expect to be too important to the story…. Unless you want to earn the right to the coveted 6th ranger slot. ;)

You're just teasing me, aren't you?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Stekkmen
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Stekkmen Head shotted.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

lol i love this.
this is great.

i'm gonna see if i can write something good.

I have one question though: this isn't totally super mature RP, but it is a little bit, so, what would be an appropriate description of "gore" and bodily harm?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ProPro
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ProPro Pierce the Heavens with your spoon!

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@StekkmenMostly standard Power Rangers fare. Sparks and explosions, unless you're a normal human that gets hit by something, in which case there will be blood and injury. That said, there are no circumstances in which this will become "gory."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Stekkmen
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Stekkmen Head shotted.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@StekkmenMostly standard Power Rangers fare. Sparks and explosions, unless you're a normal human that gets hit by something, in which case there will be blood and injury. That said, there are no circumstances in which this will become "gory."

Okay, good. thanks.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kouki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

At the end of each character I need you to write out a sample of how you'll play them, in any situation you want, with at least two paragraphs. Detailed please. This will help me decide who is most appropriate in their roles. :)

For rangers, would it be okay to do our sample as a ranger or should we go everyday life?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

I'm still in this and want to play the Mentor character.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ProPro
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ProPro Pierce the Heavens with your spoon!

Member Seen 4 mos ago

At the end of each character I need you to write out a sample of how you'll play them, in any situation you want, with at least two paragraphs.

@mattmanganon Sounds good. You've got some competition for that role from SoleAccord, so you better bring your A game.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kouki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@ProProWas just making sure, I know you said you were using them to make sure we were right for the part so I wasn't sure if it was okay to actually be the part.....I over think things some times..sorry
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Stekkmen
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Stekkmen Head shotted.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I'd like to be the Pink power range, that ability sounds cool. Does anyone else want that role?

just realized after a google search my character's physical appearance and even name is a lot like a previous Pink power ranger. oh well
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kouki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

“Strike Force, flash forward!”

I missed it earlier but YES!! MY CALL MADE IT IN!!!

I'm surprisingly happy right now!

I also have a question!

Could you please give an example of a detailed paragraph, just so I know exactly what you're expecting from us.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SoleAccord
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SoleAccord #ImSippinTeaInYoHood

Member Seen 4 mos ago

If Matt is active I'll probably let him have the opportunity, because I'm not really down to take someone else's desired role if they have nothing else. I can just go Assistant. I'm really not picky at this point, I could fill anything.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I probably end up finishing my Character tomorrow. I got everything nearly done.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ProPro
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ProPro Pierce the Heavens with your spoon!

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@KoukiAt least 4 sentences, possibly 3 if properly detailed.

@SoleAccordDamn, and here I was getting ready to sell off gladiatorial match tickets. How am I going to pay my rent next month?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SoleAccord
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SoleAccord #ImSippinTeaInYoHood

Member Seen 4 mos ago

It'll pay off in a good Assistant character. I'll work on that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Stekkmen
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Stekkmen Head shotted.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Do the combat suits give the user combat abilities, or do the people have to be heavily trained in combat?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ProPro
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ProPro Pierce the Heavens with your spoon!

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@Stekkmen All rangers become better at fighting once they're morphed, but having combat and martial arts training always makes your situation better.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kouki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@ProProHmmmmm....I may have done too much...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ProPro
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ProPro Pierce the Heavens with your spoon!

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@Kouki In length? Nonsense. You can't have too much during character creation. Unless you're my friend Char. Then you make War and Peace look like a waiting room tabloid. :P
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kouki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

How does it look so far, am I on the right track here?
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