Note: The glasses are actually an accessory to look nerdier. She doesn't have any sight impairment.
"Learning from humans is not shameful, one can learn many things from observing nature."
Name:Hana Kurosawa, M.D.
Age: 24
Height & Weight:166cm & Mind your own business.
Sexuality:Bisexual, with a dash of Zoophilic (if you consider humans as zoophilia, anyway)
CCG Rating: B~ (The CCG can't figure her out for their own good. Way too careful and erratic, with zero confirmed kills. Could potentially skyrocket to S, or SS even).
CCG Title: Honeybee
Kagune: Her Ukaku Kagune actually resembles a pair of crystaline, insectoid wings, with jagged edges. Like most Ukaku, she can use these wings to shoot a shower of detached crystallized shards on targets. Compared to other types ghoul claws, it's very prone to break and chip away with use, and while she can wield it in close combat to cut targets with its razor sharp edges, it can't parry many blows in a quick succession.
However, Hana can actually partially manifest her kagune, in order to produce crystallized shards which can be wielded as easy to manufacture, easy to throw away scalpels. These kagune daggers can be easily concealed and produced and are versatile tools in addition to weapons that can cut ghoul flesh easily.
RC Type: Ukaku
Special Quirk: Eidetic Memory: Hana has the uncanny ability of being able to assimilate knowledge by just witnessing or reading it once, thus making her learning curve insanely fast regarding matters. Hana didn't just conquer the barrier of literacy among ghouls, she
steamrolled through it once she had gained a solid base thanks to her mentor. She mostly uses this ability to further her scientific knowledge, by devouring books and data like some ghouls devour tender infants, with special focus on medicine, for the forensic perks of easy access to corpses people won't miss, and in order to help other ghouls to heal.
It is this precise trait why Hana is so hard to grasp for the CCG. She often is able to crosscheck her information and sniff out CCG investigators and presence far quicker than most ghouls and act low-key.
Personality: Hana is a firm believer of predatorial mimicry, and as such, she displays a sweet and coy attitude, always eager to please everyone around her. She also downplays her own skill and intelligence, and even calls herself in third person in a belitting manner. A coward in most direct confrontations, Hana would rather flee than fight, and humilliate herself rather than escalate the violence.
However, when the honey doesn't cut it, and people actually threaten or hinder her advances above an acceptable threshold, Hana proves to be quite the cunning bitch, taking a leaf out of the Art of War. She will respond to threats throughoutly and often in deceptive, ruthless ways. From kidnapping, to poisoning, and even goading the CCG to capture rival ghouls.
Hana believes in some sort of ecosystem balance between humans and ghouls, and as such she won't attack underdeveloped prey like children, and will sometimes tag and personally dispose of the rotten apples of the human basket. She also is a self-confessed lover of human literature and science, and she also indulges in quick, sporadic relationships with humans.
Backstory: Most tragic stories about Ghoul orphans either involve faction wars or the CCG. In the case of Hana, it was just a freak car accident. There was no tension, no drama, no against. One day she was a lovely spry ghoul child, and the next day she had exited a car who was set aflame after dropping down a cliff, panicked, cold and relentlessly calling for help.
But no one came. Hana resigned herself to the fate. She learned quickly. there was no returning from that much damage and fire. They were dead. Life in itself was a fragile thing. That much, the child understood. Tumbling and wandering, she ended up congregating with a bunch of other kids. All orphans, and ghouls aswell. Safety in numbers. Upon being found by the old man, and after some time of hesitation, as she was at first untrusting of someone who would pick a bunch of lil' human chompers out of mere kindness, she was among the first to fall in line. She understood, that just like a parent cared for children, some ghouls cared for other ghouls at an species level, and she answered the old man's altruism with a healthy dose of her own, using her intellect to learn quickly and become a dependable older sister to others, in order to make the whole effort be more efficient.
However, to all things came an end, and when the old man suddenly disappeared, the group fell apart like a house of cards. Even though she advocated for sticking together, she eventually conceded in parting ways with the others. She quickly formulated a new route, a new life plan. She would use her memory and top notch academic skill to pursue a medical education (as the car accident still painfully reminded that even if ghouls were more durable than humans, their lives could also be extinguished easily).
But first, she needed a new sponsor... and while she was growing up quite nicely, she didn't think seducing a rich old man would be a viable possibility, because of the sheer low odds. However, an equally low odd happened before her eyes. A washed up backalley doctor, being assaulted by Yakuza.
Food, and sponsor in one neat package. Althought the medic had to be calmed at first, seeing as the teenager girl had just eaten a couple of yakuza in front of his eyes, he seemed to cave in to reason. He would teach her, a ghoul, medicine and higher education, in exchange for a little protection from both the mafia and fellow ghouls.
It worked for a time. Her double life did not take an excessive toll, she was getting good at this. She could even pretend to take a stroll into the 1st ward for bibliography without being caught. At worst, a wild goose chase where Investigators were always one step too behind, and laying down for a while.
But the doctor eventually died. Because sometimes, heart attacks kill people, not just ghouls. And Hana felt for the first time lonely and homesick. She then wondered what had happened with her colleagues...
Other: She currently has a backalley clinic in which she treats humans and ghouls alike. Those humans who aren't going to make it end up as food. She has acquaintances in the 1st ward, and sometimes takes a stroll right under the nose of the CCG there. She keeps a cadre of "bed friends" both human and ghoul.