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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Awww, how cute. Ayumi loved shy people. They were the opposite of her and were almost always sweet. "That so?" she said, disappointed as the girl started to leave. However, she turned back to Ayumi and Ayumi smiled kindly at her. "Haha, of course not~ I just met Robert here as well!" she said, pointing her thumb over at Robert but stopping once she realized that was considered rude to some people. "Oh! They're with me too by the way!" she pointed towards Sai and Alex, giving them a wave to let them know she was going to be over there soon. "They're nice people so don’t be so nervous!” She said, throwing her a sweet smile.

“Anyways, I think I might be making them wait too long~” with a chuckle as she started to walk backwards again with her 2 hands clasped together and behind her back. “So, what high school are you going to?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by caliban22
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caliban22 King of the badgers

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Hina looked at the others of the group
"um...I...I'm Hinata, it is nice to meet all of you...I'm starting as a junior at Arctane tomorrow."
she said in a shaky voice, Hina was using all her will power to not run away and hide.
"If you don't mind me asking...What school will you be attending?" she asked as she followed Ayumi over to her friends.
I don't really know what to talk about...Never saw a point to keep up with fashion...
she thought as she stuck close Ayumi
What do normal people talk about? Idiot! isn't it like talking to your mom? just be like that? Oh you mean say a few words until its clear I disappointed her again and then leave to go be alone in my room?
She thought as she looked at the others. They looked alright, lot better then that tall guy from near the park at least.
Hina, get it together!... Look just be nice, talk about Dogs...music...Anything before they find out your duller then a dish towel!
" Um are you all from around here?" she asked meekly
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Yuukawa smiled and nodded. "She is." he could tell that he was an innocent kid that had perhaps been through a lot. He was just about to respond and say okay to taking photos of the fireworks but was startled by the sudden movements of Gentree. Yuukawa allowed himself to get dragged along to the field. They walked around and found a nice spot to sit down and see the fireworks. Yuukawa could see the people getting ready for the fireworks. There were some playing around, some couples flirting, groups getting drunk, and the like. It was all very lively. A nice change of pace for Yuukawa. "I wonder when they're going to start." he said, turning to Gentree.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by rocklee
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rocklee i dont need you

Banned Seen 8 yrs ago

Gentree snapped pictures of the different people around them, the girls, the boys, the children, the old, the drunks, the dogs...
he looked his pictures and set them down on Yuukawa's lap. "I wonder when they're going to start." Gentree looked over
"they take a really long time sometimes..so in the mean while tell me about yourself.... Gentree sighed, maybe this elder could be his new friend in high school..being a freshman was rumored to be awful so..he could use all the help he could get..."i hardly know you and all and the fact im not mugged or dead means your a good person haha"

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by nichinichisou
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

So many new people...it seemed like Ayumi's purpose for being at the festival was becoming friends with absolutely everyone who was alone. At the end of the festival, every fucking emo in town would be talking to her. It made Saori a bit uncomfortable, even though there was absolutely no hint that she was on the outside. She didn't like being surrounded by, like, 5 different strangers. Maybe one or two at a time, and that's it. It seemed weird, considering the job she wanted to go after, but she didn't want to become a famous musician to make friends with everyone, you know. Actually, most things this evening made Saori feel off for some reason. She didn't know why, and she didn't care why it was happening. She just wanted something to help her cool off, like...a dunk tank! That's pretty much perfect! But were there any at the festival?

She looked around for a bit before seeing one in the distance. Not too many people were around out, so that meant no lines! She paid her money to throw a ball and threw one, hitting the target almost perfectly on her first try. "That was really easy." She said, and took her small prize. It was an old Kabuki mask. Nothing of value, didn't look too spectacular, so she decided to give it to Ayuumi or Alex or whoever else Ayumi had talked to this evening.

Once she came back from the dunk tank, she saw that Ayumi was talking to yet another person. It was some guy who looked like he was new here, like pretty much everyone else that she had met today. Except this time, he went in for a hug and Ayumi hugged her. Casually hugged a stranger.

"Well, uh, I'm getting kinda bored." She said softly to Alex. Maybe she would leave. Actually, yes, she would definitely leave. It'd be best if nothing stopped her-

"um...I...I'm Hinata, it is nice to meet all of you...I'm starting as a junior at Arctane tomorrow."

FUCK you, Hinata. Dumb piece of human garbage. Saori smiled and said "Hi," to the shy girl. "I'm Saori."

"If you don't mind me asking...What school will you be attending?"

The school everyone else in this festival was going to, apparently. "I'm also starting as a junior at Arctane!" C'mon, human garbage, just one more question...

" Um are you all from around here?"
Saori reached for her phone and went to the ringtone screen. "Yeah! Just turn around and look alllllllllllll the way over to the right!" She said to make Hinata turn around, before pressing one of the ringtones. "Hey, mom! Oh, what's that? You need me at the house right now? Aww, but I'm with my friends! Okay, I'll be there right...now." And on now, she ran faster than fucking Kirikou to wherever she could go.

She saw a redheaded girl getting off a bike. She had seen those styles of bikes before, but couldn't put her finger on what type it actually was. Didn't matter, though. She escaped from the snuggle pile. She felt kinda bad for leaving then, but eh. She might as well interact with someone else, one on one, without a billion other strangers in the group like she wanted to now. Except...she saw her blow a puff of smoke into the air. Should she say something? No, that'd be weird and end up to her being questioned, and she didn't want to talk about her father right now. Sai didn't want to see the girl basically slowly kill herself, but she stood at about a 4 feet distance away from the smoking girl, and introduced herself.

"Hi, my name is Saori Oka. That's a cool bike you got there. By the way, what's your name?"

Hopefully, this will go well.

@sakurasan @caliban22 @Dmessenger @Draconequis
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Meria nodded at the girl and look towards the boy. Quiet? Hm. She didn't mind quiet people. They were better than loud ones most of the times. Well, I suppose it depends. She didn't really smile but turned back to the girl. "Yeah. Oh, had I not introduced myself? My name is Meria. Meria Veredoux." she said, smiling a bit towards the two. Meria wasn't really used to this. Meeting random people. But, she dug her own grave once she decided to speak to them and what was she to do now? Even if she was a bit nervous, she would have to suck it up. Leaving abrubtly would be rude and they seem to want company. She looked towards the both of them and smiled. "Shall we head over there then?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by jaybreezy
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jaybreezy Your Local Scumbag

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Andrew was standing alone, realizing Dominic had went off elsewhere. He eventually shrugged and went back to him. I really zoned out deep... Andre thought to himself. He never really zones out that much to where he doesn't know what is going on. He then found Dominic and noticed he was with Ayumi. He's with Ayumi again...? His mind wandered as he just stood there with a smirk on his face. He was zoning out. Again.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 13 days ago

"Well. I grew up in foreign countries. So, I can see that my...behavior has made you a little uncomfortable. I mean, I'm still getting used to the customs here. Things like not hugging someone is definitely new to me. So, what I'm trying to say is I apologize for my behavior." Robert said awkwardly.

Turning to walk with Ayumi, he walked next to her as she met up with some more new people. He kept quiet, for the time being, not introducing himself right away. Instead, he gave the people Ayumi introduced him to a small nod and a quick smile before turning back to Ayumi.

"So. Fireworks eh? This could be fun. However, we have any kind of plans after?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Draconequis
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Draconequis i am a banana

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


It was taking a long time for the fireworks to start, and Mell was getting slightly annoyed. She flicked some cigarette ash to the side, watching as a couple cuddled with each other under a blanket. She snorted and rolled her eyes, leaning slightly onto her left leg. Damnit. She'd been trying to quit smoking. Smoking had been what gave her mother cancer in the first place. Mell hadn't smoked all day though, so she was doing better than she usually would. She closed her eyes, sighing a plume of smoke.

And then a random girl approached her. A cute little thing, a couple of inches shorter than Mell with slightly tan skin, hazel eyes, and just like every other Japanese person in this place, jet black hair. Clearly this was a girl who valued her appearance, wearing a traditional Yakuta and... was that orange blush? Mell surveyed the girl closely, one eyebrow raising slightly as she saw the girl's eyes linger on her cigarette disapprovingly.

"Thanks." Mell stated cooly, flicking her eyes towards her bike, then back towards the girl. "I'm Mell." She took a last drag of the cigarette, blowing the smoke away from the girl and then dropping the cigarette in the grass, stomping it out with her boot. Mell was polite about her smoking, not wanting to spread it on to people who were not addicted. She squinted at the girl again. "I think I've seen you around before. You live around here?" She asked. "Maybe we went to the same school or something when we were kids." She gave the cigarette another foot stomp. "So you are one of the few single ladies here. Nice to know i'm not the only one." She gestured to the overly sweet couples around the area, wrinkling her face. "Wish they'd just go get a room. Unnecessary displays of public affection."

She stared at Saori for a moment longer, adjusting her helmet under her arm. "Nice to meet you, by the way." A small smile danced across her face which somehow managed to be intimidating and charismatic at the same time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Goof, huh?" Chris said.

"Yeah, a goof! Bao teased back as she helped him up and listened to him insist on not having a snack. Bao just shook her head gently back and forth. She was a determined one and rarely took no for an answer if she really wanted to do something. Even if it meant breaking some rules a long the way. Looking from booth to booth she spotted some popcorn and figured that was an easy enough for the two of them to share and enjoy before the fireworks would start. "Popcorn okay? she asked, pointing her hand towards the booth where she saw the sign and large bags of popcorn hanging from. "I'll pay for it, my mom gave me some money for today. she continued, wrapping her slender fingers around Chris' hand as she began leading him towards the booth. Leaving him no chance to answer her previously posed question.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by jaybreezy
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jaybreezy Your Local Scumbag

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Chris wanted her to save her money. He didn't think he was all that special to have a snack bought for him. "Aw c'mon Bao...you don't have to waste your money on me.", Chris said softly. He had a light blush on his face as she asked if he'd wanted popcorn. He really did want to have popcorn, but didn't want her to have to buy it. He just smiled and nodded, knowing he wouldn't win this fight. "Well if you really want to...I guess you-". Chris stopped mid sentence as he felt Bao take hold of his hand. His blush deepened and he looked at their joined hands. He was filled with joy, although he didn't know if this was friendly of flirty. He continued to speak. "I guess you can." he finished.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Chris x Bao

Bao ignored all of what Chris had to say. She knew that he would be a gentleman and wouldn't want her to pay for anything. He was out of luck. As they reached the small line, Bao gave his hand a small friendly squeeze before letting go, the same hand sliding into the pocket of her jeans and grabbing out a bit of the money her mom had given to her earlier that day. "You sure you don't want anything? she asked, looking towards him.

Chris sighed, but smiled quickly after. He wasn't used to having things bought for him. Mainly because he'd never been with people willing to pay. Chris laughed a bit as he felt the squeeze, smirking as she let go. "I mean if you wanna paaaaay...", Chris said, trying not to laugh. He was so happy he had Bao to hang out with. Who knew what would happen if he was all alone during the fesitval?

"I do. Bao said confidently as she handed the vendor the correct amount of money and grabbed a bag of popcorn off the rack. It wasn't much but it'd cover her grumbling stomach until she could go home and grab some real food. "Well you can have some of mine and if you see something you want, you let me know and I'll spoil you." She stuck her tongue out, before placing a small handful of the buttery treat into her mouth. It wasn't very lady like but she was just having fun. She tilted the bag over to Chris, spilling a few of the kernals onto the ground below them. Her hips shifted gently as she balanced her self onto her back leg. Soon they would need to find a good spot to see the fireworks from.

"I like popcorn. It's one of my favorite things to eat." Chris said, his voice soft. He looked at the bag and smiled as his stomach growled at him, begging for some popcorn. He listened as Bao spoke nodding in agreement to her offer to spoil him some more. He laughed as he saw her put a handful of popcorn into her mouth, finding it cute regardless of how unladylike it was. He then watched the kernals fall, stepping on a few of them like a child. Chris then took a small handful himself, using his other hand to eat the popcorn one by one. Chris watched as her hips moved, not really sure what she was doing. He smiled and then looked at the sky, noticing it was getting darker out.

"Where do you think we should sit?" Bao asked, her dark eyes scanning over the crowd as they kind of congregated around certain areas to view the sky from. "I suppose anywhere will be a good view, besides maybe behind a building or tree." she joked, as she jiggled the small bag of popcorn a bit to shake up the good and buttery pieces to the top.

Chris shrugged, really having no idea. He looked around, looking for a nice and open spot to view the fireworks. He laughed at her remark and snorted laughing, causing him to gasp and laugh even harder. He then caught himself and attempted to speak. "Maybe on top of a building or tree?" Chris suggested. He was holding in a laugh, still thinking about how odd his snort sounded when he laughed.

Bao raised her eyebrows when the snort escaped from Chris' mouth. God damn it was cute, but sounded hilarious. She covered her mouth as she laughed, trying not to spill out the popcorn she had just placed in her mouth. Swallowing, she responded- "Tree sounds good, let's try for that." Letting him grab another handful if he'd like, Bao decided to start moving from infront of the popcorn vendor and towards one of the large and in bloom cherry blossom trees that flowered the festival grounds.

Chris looked at Bao again, nodding at her suggestion. Chris' heartbeat then got faster, realizing that he had never climbed a tree before. He wasn't too athletic and he could barely do ten push ups. He gulped and smiled nervously, not wanting to look like a fool when he climbed. Chris followed Bao, trying to figure out how he'd approach the tree. As they stood in front of a pretty nice tree, he took a deep breath and looked up the tree. He looked at Bao, awaiting her next move.

Looking towards Chris, Bao noticed the nervous gaze he sometimes gave. She had seen it in his eyes a few times ever since knowing him. A soft smile crawled across her lips, "Hold my popcorn!" she exclaimed, handing Chris the popcorn as she reached for the lowest branch she could reach and using her leg to push herself off the ground and upwards. Her many years of dance had given her fairly athletic build and strong legs. She turned back to him, before getting to high up. "Think you can manage?" she asked, in a teasing tone. She turned back to the tree, trying to find a spot for the two of them that could support their weight as well as give them a good view of the night sky.

Chris looked as Bao handed him the popcorn. He held it close, taking one last handful before wiping his hands on the back of his pants. He watched as Bao escalated the tree with some ease. He knew he was going to be put on the spot. This was a chance to impress her. He then laughed at her challenge. "I got this." he lied, although his voice was full of confidence. False confidence that is. Being pretty tall, Chris jumped up. He held a branch with his free arm. With the arm that had the popcorn, he put the popcorn bag in his mouth. He was careful not to spill the treat. Chris struggled to do a pull up and get up the first brance, but he did this rather easily. Chris took a bit longer than Bao, but eventually got up the tree. He then stood on a branch, one below Bao. He lost his footing and moved his foot. He made a slight noise of surprise as he felt his foot move off the branch. He tried to catch himself, but failed. He moved in a way that he fell onto the branch and straddled it. He obviously hurt a quite delicate area. He yelped in pain, the popcorn falling from his mouth. He reacted fast enough to grab the bag, thankfully.

Bao turned her head fast with her mouth agape when she heard Chris let out a noise that sounded in shock. It was only seconds after that, the accident happened. Watching wide eyed and mouth still open. Bao was speechless. However, she did yell, "
as it slipped from Chris' mouth. With grace though, he caught it as he sat straddled and in pain on the branch below her. "Oh Chris.." she cooed, making her way back down as she tried not to crack up. She felt bad that he had gotten hurt, but she couldn't help but find the situation a bit comical. "I hope you are okay, that sounded like it hu-" she started before being interrupted by a large explosion behind them. The first firework shot into the sky starting the show. "hurt" she finished, before she turned her body so she sat in front of him straddled on the branch looking into the sky. Leaning her back against his chest, she let out a sigh. This definitely was a great day, and a good indication of how their school year was going to.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Meria and the 2 siblings, Alex and Kiley

“Sure, let’s go.” Kiley was super happy that they found someone who might be a friend. She just hoped Alex would warm up to Meria sooner rather than later. Other than faculty and some other students in the dorms she and Alex haven’t met anyone. Alex has just been in his own head this whole time and just following his sister around, not caring about the new girl.

Meria nodded and started to lead the way to the fireworks. She noticed that the boy did not talk whatsoever. But, Meria wasn’t that good at starting conversations for no reason so there wasn’t anything she could do there. She smiled brightly when they got to the field. It was beautiful. She turned to them, her smile toned down a bit. “Well, let’s find a spot to sit.”

When they got there Kiley and Alex were both amazed at the beauty of the scene. Looking around the field it was difficult to find somewhere to sit. “There are already so many people. I can’t see anywhere to sit.” Alex continued looking until he saw a leafless tree and noticed no one really sitting near it, “Let’s sit there.” He said while pointing at the pitiful tree.

She smiled and headed over to the tree. “Excuse me” was repeated more than once towards people laying down already with a picnic blanket out. She finally got over to the place and sat her stuff down. “I’m going to go get some drinks. Do you guys want anything?” She asked. There were a lot of different drinks. Hot chocolate, coffee, beer, smoothies, etc. Meria had her mind set on a nice cup of tea. She smiled a bit at them as she waited for their response.

“I can come with you. Kinda difficult to carry three drinks. Alex what do you want.”

“Oh, I’m not thirsty. I just feel like staring at the sky.”

“Okay. See you in a bit.” While walking to the stands Kiley decided to get to know Meria some more, “So what brought you to Arctane?” While they went to get drinks Alex just laid back and relaxed. It wasn’t as crazy as he thought it would be. Sure he could hear some guys off to the side over dramatically crying because a girl rejected them, but it wasn’t too bad. He could get use to living here. He even thought he might be friends with Meria at some point if he could bring himself to speak to her.

Meria looked over to Kiley and nodded when she suggested coming with. “My parents I suppose.” She said simply. Not much of a response. “You?” She added, not wanting to make the girl feel awkward. Meria got over to the tea booth and raised her finger “One oolong tea please.” She then took out her wallet. Oh… I only have $50 bills. She handed him a 50 and the man broke it, giving her back $47. She smiled and put the money back in her wallet. I really need to start carrying around less money. All she had were 50’s and a few 100’s. Crap. “Thank you.” Meria said, taking the tea and looking towards Kiley.

“Same for Alex and I really. Our parents wanted us to get a good cultured education so they sent us here.” When they got to the booth Kiley said, “Oh, I’ll get the same thing as her.” Turning to Meria, “I still don’t know much about the different things to do here or what the differences between most of the food and drinks are. Alex does though. He really has always loved the Japanese culture.” She pulled out her purse and produced enough money to pay for the tea. “So, how much do you like it here?”

She nodded. Meria took a sip out of her tea and looked up at the girl. “Hmmm~ I personally like Japanese food better. My mom is Japanese and she loved to teach me about their culture and whatnot.” She took another sip and continued to speak afterwards. “I like it. It’s definitely new for me but it is a nice change. Cute neighborhood.” She says, speaking softly as they start to make their way back.

“Yeah, it seems so much nicer then back home. I hope that we get the same homeroom. It would make things a lot easier.” When they got back to their spot Alex had climbed up onto the tree and was laying on a limb looking at the sky. “Alex what are you doing up there?”

“I can see better from here and it’s really quite comfortable. What time did the fireworks start again?”

She looked up at the boy once they got there. God, how do I do that in this kimono? Meria really wanted to get a better view of the fireworks. Meria had done martial arts as well as gymnastics so she kicked off her sandals, reaching her hands up on a lower branch and pulling herself up as if she was doing a pull up. She then let herself loosen her grip, taking a seat on a more stable branch. “You’re right.” She said quietly, a smile on her face as she looked up at the sky. Her eyes glowed as she looked up at the starry sky. This would be great to draw but… I feel like just admiring it right now.

Kiley just sat at the bottom of the tree and looked at the two up there, *Those two are more alike than they probably even realize.*

A voice can be heard in the distance. A woman’s voice but you won’t see who it is.
“The fire works are about to begin!!”

Clapping can be heard throughout the entire place. It’s as if everyone in the neighborhood is gathered here.


Now people begin to count down along with the woman. A lot of others popping open bottles of alcohol and drinking.

A flare goes up.


The fireworks are beautiful, practically everyone in the neighborhood can see it. Even if you’re not at the festival. Even if you’re not in the field you can still see the enchanting fireworks as they go up. The loud noises heard throughout the neighborhood.

Meria’s face lights up at the sight of the fireworks. Now this was something worthwhile. For the first time, she smiled brightly, leaning forward on the branch and a few “oooh” and “aaah”’s coming out of her mouth as the lights shone.

Alex looked up into the night sky watching as the soaring things exploded into light and colors. It was magnificent. It was always amazing to see something explode, but fireworks were the best kind of explosion. Kiley watched with amazement while finishing her tea. She could already tell she was gonna love it here. They finished their first Japanese festival in the best way they could have. She already couldn’t wait for the next one.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rocklee
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rocklee i dont need you

Banned Seen 8 yrs ago

Gentree snapped the pictures. Feeling a sad sense of nostalgia from the sight of bright lights in the sky. He looked on to yuukawa who was watching in awe. He smiled and went back to taking pictures. After this he would have to leave his new found friend..The thought scared him to the bone..being alone again..no..he could'nt stand it. He decided not to ruin the moment with his dread and enjoyed the bliss of the fireworks..he could cry..he felt like crying..Its been too long..

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by nichinichisou
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Saori Oka & Mellia Hanesworth.

It seemed like Mell noticed Sai looking at the cigarette, and stomped it out. This made Sai more comfortable here, so she decided to talk. "Yeah, I live around here." She said. "We might have. Your name rings a bell. Maybe you've just seen me on the streets somewhere," She did spend a lot of time outside because her mother wasn't home often, so that was definitely a possibility. "There's a chance that we went to the same school though!" She heard Mell talk about the couples and kicked a rock. "Uh, yeah...Nice to meet you, too!"

Mell folded her arms, gazing up at the sky, bringing her hand up to rub the bridge of her nose. Honestly, the idea of seeing Saori on the streets was even more likely than going to primary school with her. Mell was out a lot.. working with her dad, drinking and being social with his friends.. getting business deals as he'd taught her. "So.. what are you doing here. Come here with anyone?" she asked, shaking her head slightly to clear her mind. "You headed up to that fancy Arctane School too?" She watched the rock skitter away, wishing that it would have just gone a bit further and conked one of the snuggling couples in the back of the head.

"I did come here with someone..." She said, thinking of what that group was doing now that she had left them. The hugger was probably hitting on Ayumi or something, and the shy girl and Alex were confused on what she had done. That's what she thought. They were probably doing the exact opposite. "But, uh..." How would she word this? She was thinking it over in her head before deciding on one way. "I kinda left them. My friend was talking to way too many random people and I was uncomfortable, is how I would put it. She's probably inviting every single person who was alone for even a millisecond over to their sleepover or whatever." Sai sighed, and kicked another, smaller rock over to some other group. "I'm going to Arctane, yeah. I'm switching schools from my last one. Are you here for the fireworks or something else?

Mell raised an eyebrow as Saori spoke of leaving her friend. "Inviting everyone to her sleepover if she's just met them? No offense to your friend, but sounds like she's not the brightest cookie in the tool shed." She purposefully mixed together three different sayings, a low chuckle coming from her chest. "I was always taught inviting random people to my house was not allowed unless i knew them really well. Whoever it is might try and kill you." She fingered the small scar on her elbow absently."I'm here for fireworks. I wasn't going to come at all if not for them. I like how they feel, i guess. Not really the type for Yukatas and whatever else normal girls do. Actually, i'm planning on going out to drink after this, if you wanted to join."

Saori chuckled when Mell brought up the sleepover. "I was just kidding about that. She's the smartest person I know when it comes to electronics, but far from the smartest person about everything else." She thought about the random guy who hugged her. He might have killed her if it was't the festival. Maybe if they were in a large crowd and people weren't paying attention like complete idiots. "I like the fireworks. They're probably the best thing here. I wouldn't mind going out for a drink or two after the festival. I need some time to relax."

Mell smirked. "Well, then i guess i'd be the opposite of your friend. Unless you count video games as being good at electronics." she chuckled at her joke. "It's alright though. I just pretend like i know what i'm doing and no one asks questions." She snorted. "What about you? Any good at electronics? Or are you smarter about other things?" Mell smiled. "You like beer? Or are you more into fruit drinks." Mell herself wasn't the biggest fan of beer, though she did have a thing for gin and tonic.. and really enjoyed taking shots of peppermint schnapps if she decided to sneak into a bar using her fake ID.

"I'm almost the opposite of her too, in that regard. The only reason we met was because we work at the same place. I'm no good with electronics. I suck at it. Video games, too. I'm much smarter about music. I sing some and play the electric guitar with a band. Maybe that's where you know me from?" She asked. That would actually be much more common than seeing her on the streets, because Saori does that more than she's actually out and on the streets. "Beer is one of my least favorite alcoholic drinks. I'm more of a martini fan, myself." She smiled. This was actually a fun talk. It was much different from what she had been expecting, so it was pretty worth it. "Oh, and I'm in the singing concert. If you haven't heard me before, there's a small chance that you will today." She heard a sound and looked behind her. There were a lot of people going towards one place. The fireworks must have been starting. "Looks like the star of the show is going to start soon. Wanna head over there?"

Mell raised an eyebrow. "Singing, eh? When i was a kid, my mom forced me to play the piano. Said it would be a 'stimulating activity' or something. Classical music.. Vivaldi, Mozart, Ragtime. I hated every second of it. But now i actually appreciate what she did for me... because i have an ear for music. And because of her.. i found what i really liked.. which was drums." she laughed. "Never been in a band or anything fancy like that. Probably wouldn't be good enough." She raised an eyebrow. "You know.. maybe.. i've been to a couple of band concerts recently." She thought for a moment, smirking as the girl said something about Martinis, Mell was about to respond when there was a sound and people started moving. "Yeah. Lets go." She stated.

They reached the fence as a female voice started screeching across the field.
“The fire works are about to begin!!”

Mell rolled her eyes as people started to clap. As if fireworks were something to applaud. How annoying.

the voice screeched again.


with three, people started chiming in.. and with the sound of beer tabs clicking, it was almost like this was a New Years celebration or something.

a flare lit up the darkened skies.


Mell felt the crack of the first firework reverberating in her chest and closed her eyes, the orange and pink lighting up her face. She opened her eyes by the time the third one popped, watching intently in silence for a moment. Whoever had organized this festival had really gone above and beyond for the fireworks.. the things were notoriously expensive, and this was even color coordinated and seemed to have a sort of rhythm, as if it was supposed to go to some kind of song. After watching for another silent moment, Mell spoke. "Looks expensive." she stated.

"It is," Sai said, looking at the fireworks in awe. How they got these fireworks annually, she would never know. The person who runs the festivals had to be filthy rich. "But I'm sure you already knew that." She had experienced these fireworks for 13 years, and she was still surprised at how beautiful they were. Every single year it was like they got better. Either they were more in sync or they just got better fireworks, but it didn't really matter which one it was. It went on for about 3-4 minutes, and then stopped. "Well, that was-" She started, and was interrupted by the people in the field clapping. It was annoyingly loud, and she groaned when it stopped. "Well, that was amazing. Like it is every year. I think I have to go over to the singing concert place now. See you around, Mell!"

Mell watched as the last of the fireworks exploded from the ground, nodding her head as they finished. Then she flinched as people started clapping, watching as Saori rolled her eyes and groaned. As the clapping died down, the girl was able to actually speak.

"Neat. Maybe i'll come by and watch you play for a bit." she offered. "Should be interesting considering-" she paused as the peal of her ringtone echoed through the field. "Ah.. hold on, sorry I gotta grab this. It's my brother." She slid her finger to answer the call. "What?" her expression hardened. "What?? You IDIOT!" her face grew positively frightening as she spoke. "Goddamnit, you couldn't keep your shit together for an hour, now could you. I'll be there in fifteen minutes." She hung up rather violently, giving an exasperated grunt. "Sorry, guess we will have to save those drinks for another time. My brother needs me to be his knight in shining armor or something annoying. We will have to meet up for drinks another time. See you at school tomorrow."

She jammed her helmet on her head, untying her windbreaker from around her waist and shoving it over her arms roughly. "Don't get mobbed by any of your groupies." She teased before sprinting down the hill, vaulting onto her bike and starting it, shooting off into the night.

"Huh," Saori sighed. "Well, there goes my plans." She said, and began walking towards her next destination. She heard her phone ring this time, and the call was actually from her mother. "Hi, mom. Yes, the fireworks happened. They just ended." She walked and talked with her mother. Once she sings her song, she can go home and not care about anything until tomorrow. Sounds like a plan, she thought, while walking and talking. Not a very fun plan, but a plan nonetheless.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Pretty much flirtatious foreign Robert and oblivious Ayumi

Sorry about the bad coding and crap. Sorry that i'm not sorry.

Ayumi smiled at Robert. “Haha, it’s fine, it’s fine, I figured that was the case.” After, her voice went a bit more serious but still teasing. “However, be careful since Japanese are not a big fan of physical contact… Well, not all. Just a lot. Haha, take Sai for example. Don’t touch her without permission. I saw someone do it once and she seemed like she tried to suppress it but she looked pissed.” Ayumi spoke before throwing him a bright smile. “I’m an exception I guess~” with that, she flipped back around and introduced him to the others. Ayumi frowned when Sai declared that she had to leave. “Awww… Bye!” She said, waving her off as she ran.

After this? Shiiiiiiiiit. Tomorrow those people expect me to- She cut off thoughts about her work. “Hmmm~ I was honestly going to just go home and drink but whatever, i’m up for anything!” She said with a laugh. Oops. Ayumi thought about Robert being a foreigner. Do they not drink much since it’s well, against the law for underages to drink in foreign countries? <---

“Well, I mean, we drink. However, underage drinking is still illegal. But I do, indeed, partake. So that’s not a problem at all…” Robert said. He looked at Ayumi and thought about the hug he gave her earlier. “I mean, I didn’t mean to overstep my boundaries with the hug. But it is just my normal behavior.” He said, taking a bite of his candy bar. There was two other people around him and Ayumi now. A male, named Alexander he thinks and a girl named Hinata. In any case, Robert doesn’t mind meeting new people, he needs more friends after all. Ayumi is nice and all, but...there is just something about her. He doesn’t know if it is intriguing him, or just off-putting in general.

“Oh, that’s just because Sai. I didn’t mind it.” She said with a smile. Well, more than not mind, the older folks in the neighborhood usually gave Ayumi a hug when they saw her.

Turning back to Ayumi, who spoke to him before the other two can respond. “Sai? Who is Sai? He doesn’t sound too friendly at all. I mean, who would decline a hug?”

“Sai? She’s my friend who.. Err.. yeah, she just took off” Ayumi knew Sai for a while and no matter how good she tried hiding it, she knew that was a fake smile and a fake phone call that she had just received. “You’ll see her at school. Sweet girl.” She said, before she heard one of the assassin’s creed theme songs and quickly took out her phone. She put up a finger apologetically and answered the phone. Shit.

“I suppose. She just doesn’t sound all that nice to me, I mean, to turn down a hug? That is not nice at all.” He said. When Ayumi received her phone call, he smiled and gave her a small nod, letting her know that he is fine with her going and picking up the call. (Kay, i’m done with that.)

“Helloo~” Ayumi said into the phone with a smile as she turned around “What the fuck are you so happy about? I still haven’t gotten your next 10 chapters.” Ayumi frowned. Fucking dick with a stick up his ass. “Yeah, how are you? I love you too.” She said, pissing him off even more. “Are you almost done?” Ayumi nodded. “Yeah.” the person on the other side sighed before continuing. “How many more chapters?” She looked up and thought about it. “One or two!” She said cheerfully. This would make him smile for sure. “Good. Yume, i’ll call you again tomorrow night to see where you are then, okay? I’m giving you tonight to have fun.” Ayumi smiled and nodded again. “Yep! You got it. Love you~ Bye.” she said, turning the phone off and turning back to the group. Ayumi was pretty glad that she got the night off. “Sorry about that.” She said, sincerely apologizing.

“Hm. What was that about?” He asked. You sounded happy...but a bit too happy if you will. That alone betrays the fact that it was actually a happy conversation. So, if you don’t mind, can you share with me what is going on actually?

Crap. This is what I get for talking too loud. Ayumi smiled, shaking her head. “Nothing, nothing, I can’t impose on you like that.” Ayumi replied kindly. She never told people her problems and wasn’t going to start on the night of the festival. “I think the fireworks are starting in around… 5 to 9 minutes!” She said, a bright smile on her face. She couldn’t wait to see them. They were always so beautiful. (done)<-- This thing. And also, go down. I put up the firework thing so react to that crap.

He turned to Alexander and Hinata, looking at Alexander first. “Well, hello, my name is Robert. You’re...Alexander, right? Nice to meet you.” He said. Turning to Hinata, he said in a softer tone “Hello to you as well, my name is Robert, Nice to meet you as well miss.”

She then turned to Hinata who was of course, taller than her. Dang. These foreigners. I forgot how short I was. She smiled when she heard her ask about if she had been living here for a while. “Yep! I’ve been living around here for a while now. If you ever want to know who someone is, ask me and I might be able to help you.” Ayumi then put a hand up, waving it as if to say no. “Ahaha, i’m not bragging or anything. But anyways, we might end up in the same class if i’m lucky!” She says, a smile on her face. “Where are you from by the way?”

Hina took a deep breath “ I’m from Kuwait, its um… In the middle eastish” she said slightly, unsure of herself. Not many people knew where the country was, it was easier to just say the middle east since most of the time people never cared enough to figure out it was on the persian Gulf. “I was trying to figure out how to get to the school, I didn’t have much time to try and find out how to get there from here...I live near here and I didn’t want to get lost….” she said softly “Sorry if it’s a bother…” she added.

“Kuwait?” Ayumi said. She had read about Kuwait before. For reasons that she probably wouldn’t feel like getting into. Just normal reasons though. Ayumi occasionally has the urge to research about stuff that she doesn’t know. “It’s situated northeast of Saudi Arabia, isn’t it?” She asked with a smile. Ayumi then heard about her not knowing how to get to the school. “Haha, where are ya living right now? Near here?”

Hina nodded “ yes it is…” she was very surprised, no one she had spoken to about Kuwait even knew it was a country. “Oh… Yeah I live just a block away from here with my family… We just moved in….A week ago....” she said softly. It was a lie, Hina and her family had been here for about six months in the area. She had lived near Tokyo in one of the many suburbs, She had only moved here after her parents felt it would be a good for her., The whole time she had never really gone out, the only times she had were when her mother dragged her out.

A voice can be heard in the distance. A woman’s voice but no one can see who it is.
“The fire works are about to begin!!”

Clapping can be heard throughout the entire place. It’s as if everyone in the neighborhood is gathered here.


Ayumi smiled as she automatically started to count down with the group.

She sees a flare goes up.


Ayumi’s eyes went wide as she looked up and saw the fireworks. Ayumi kicked off her shoes and looked at the building that was nearby. A small one and climbing it was possible. Ayumi leaped off the ground, grabbing a pole up above her and swinging once or twice before practically spinning in the air and landing on another as she began balancing herself. She then went on top of the shop building and threw a large smile at the others below before looking back.

As the fireworks went off, Robert looked up with a smile. The bright lights lit up the night sky and made it all the more beautiful. The next thing he noticed was Ayumi. She seemed intent on climbing onto a building. What nonsense. If anyone is going to climb, it would be him. However, standing at just under six feet, he was rather tall and had no problems seeing the fireworks. “Um. Ayumi. Are you sure you want to climb up there? I mean, you can sit on my shoulders...I think it’d be a little be more comfortable…” However, his offer seems have gone unheard as Ayumi kept on climbing. Robert let out a small sigh as he looked at the building Ayumi was scaling. “Hm….” He said to himself. The building did not seem too hard to climb, so Robert went up after her as well.

On his way up, he heard a man seemingly scolding him and Ayumi for climbing the building. Typically, Robert would have stopped in his tracks to see what the man wanted and if he was trespassing. However, stopping as he is scaling a building did not seem like a good idea so he continued. As he reached Ayumi, he noticed that she and the old man seems to be acquaintances. (Sp?) Just insert wherever he would have said crap. Throughout the bottom part.

Soon, the store owner came out, looking up at Ayumi. “Goddamit. You brat.” He said teasingly but he had a naturally grumpy voice to go along with it which made it sound pissed. Ayumi laughed at this. “Hi Mr. Wether's. How's your wife doing with the newborn? She showed me photos the other day. Congratulations!” She said with a bright smile. [b]“Haha, we’re doing great. Well, i'm going to go meet up with them. Don’t care about you jumping around on buildings since you can’t make a hole in the ceiling.”[b] He said with a laugh as he started walking off. “See you!!” She said as they waved. Once he left, Ayumi then stood up straight, pushing her hair out of her way as she looked up at the fireworks. She couldn’t wait for school to start the next day.

As Ayumi and the old man spoke to each other shortly, Robert stood quietly next to her. Looking up at the sky, the fireworks kept going off, the booming sound resonating through the neighborhood. The wind was blowing, and Ayumi was fixing her hair. Somehow, naturally, Robert reached out his arm and wrapped it around Ayumi’s waist, all the while being silent...

Ayumi’s eyes went down as she looked at her waist. “Foreigners do that too? Haha, they sure are different.” She said, looking up at him. She smiled and turned back to the fireworks, not knowing if she was supposed to just accept it or if she was supposed to just be okay with it. “How many different countries have you been to before?” She asked him, turning her head a bit.

“Um. I mean, we do. However, it is….it’s really only for people we like...and such.” He said, sounding somewhat hesitant. Looking at the fireworks, Robert was more or less silent. When Ayumi asked another question, Robert turned slightly to look at her “Ah. I’ve kind of lost count. The most recent was...Italy. Before that was Greece, there was also China, The U.S. and Spain as well...so you can say a few. Yourself? Ever been out of the country?” He asked, keeping his arm around her waist.

Like? “Huh? Well, you don’t mean romantically though. That’s interesting.” She said at his response. He would have felt embarrassed but she liked people as well and often gave them hugs. Sai for example. So, she figured it was alright. “Italy?? That’s so awesome!” She said excitedly. She read up on it and it sounded like a wonderful place.

“Well, sometimes it can be romantic.” He said, nonchalantly. He heard the excitement in her voice when he mentioned Italy. “I mean, yeah. The things you’ve probably read are generally true when it comes to Italy. The food is different from your typical ‘Italian’ and the gelatos are absolutely delightful. I may have to go back one day, and I can definitely take a trip back there when there are some downtime from school. I think my family still has a house there. Hm...that just gave me an idea. Next time I go back to Italy for a little bit, want to come with me?” He asked.

Out of the country? Ayumi looked at her fingers for a bit when she heard the questions. Her parents never lived long enough to take her out of the country and she wouldn’t want to put that burden on Miye. She was feeling sad but quickly forced herself out of it. Looking up with a laugh she shook her head a little before speaking. “My mom hates planes. Apparently she gets airsickness really fast. So nah, Japan all my life but I love it here so it’s fine.” She said with a laugh. That was a lie. But she was an expert at telling lies. She smiled and turned back to the fireworks.

“Ah well, my previous invitation to you also goes out to your family, should they want to join us.” He said. “Japan is nice, but I believe that one needs to travel and experience different things, or else they end up imagining about it all their lives, don’t you think?” He asked her. (We might have to end it soon, I need to go in like 5 minutes…)

Shit. This guy. Ayumi looked back down at her fingers and looked back up. “My family? Haha, they wouldn’t want to burden you like that when we just met.” Ayumi’s only family was Miye and he wouldn’t like how friendly this guy was. Ayumi saw the last firework go up and released herself from his arms. I hate to lie to people.

Ayumi spun around to face him, smiling. “It’s really fine. Besides, I would hate to leave this place. Maybe later I suppose.” She then looked back up at the starry sky and down. Ayumi started to walk towards the edge of the building. It looked like it was far too high to jump off of. Dangerous even. But Ayumi turned, her heel on the edge as she looked at him. “It was great meeting you Robert!” She frowned as she continued. “I’ve got to get home and do some last minute preparing for school tomorrow. However, we’ll probably see each other tomorrow at school!” She said, a large grin on her face. “Good night!” And with that, she took a step back, looking like one would before they fall to their deaths but of course, she landed perfectly and waved to him as she headed home.
Shit. First of all I need to keep a lid on my mouth. Second of all I need to get working. Ugh. I want a beer.

“To be honest, it would not be that much of a burden at all. I invited all of you so all of you are welcome to join me as my guests…” He said, sensing a small tone of over-enthusiasm in her voice, leading him to think that what she is saying isn’t really true at all. However, this is neither the time nor place to inquire more on that. As the last firework went off, he felt that Ayumi turned slightly to step away from him. “I mean, the offer is always on the table, if you ever decide to take it…” He said. As he looked at her, she was getting closer and closer to the edge of the building. Based on his climb up, he knew that this building is a bit tall to just simply jump off from. As Ayumi said her goodbyes, he knew what was going to happen next. He tried to close the gap between them and reach out a hand to pull her back. However, he was unsuccessful as Ayumi leaped from the building. “WHAT IN THE WORLD WERE YOU…” He exclaimed as she approached the ground. When she landed on her feet, he sighed and shook his head. Waving a goodbye, he decided that he would just ask her about it at school tomorrow. His climb down was tougher, and his walk home was quieter…
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by sakurasan
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sakurasan you don't know how to wash your shoes

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The First Day of School//Time Skip

Ayumi scrambles through her notes. A pencil in her mouth, a red pen in her hair, and a blue pen in her hand. Even if school was about to start, she at least needed to organize her notes and finish up some sentences. Or else Miye would get so pissed and him getting mad usually meant him taking it out on others. Ayumi had her notebook laid out in front of her as well as more than 20 other papers and sticky notes plastered everywhere. She was messy but somehow she knew just where everything went. She loved puzzles after all. Soon, she heard an alarm ring but she couldn’t hear it until it went off after 13 times. Ayumi looked over at the clock. Only to see one thing. It was an hour behind. She was going to get ready to go and get there just on time but looking at it now, she was going to be early. Ayumi groaned, flopping back onto her bed on her back and lifting a paper in her face.

A dark room is nothing but a room when alone. However, do you know just how beautiful it can seem when you’re not alone? When you’re comforted by someone that you trust? No, I suppose you don’t.

An unfamiliar genre. An unfamiliar task. Ayumi sighed as she read it over. It was horrible. All of her stories were. But she’d never say that aloud. She had fans. People that admired her writing for reasons that she would never comprehend. It would be heavily edited later. She sat up and grabbed her bag from a raggedy old chair beside her dining room table. It was an old rocker chair that she had gotten from a thrift shop. Or perhaps simply a small furniture place. As old and raggedy as it was, it had a charm to it that made her buy it almost immediately. She then went to her fridge, pulling out a celery stick and putting another in a plastic bag. Hopefully they wouldn’t have changed the eating is allowed in the morning policy. She then stuffed around 5 different books into her bag carefully, not wanting them to tear. Beside her small bed was a book called “Book of the Prophesying Bird”. It was a splendid book that she favored and couldn’t wait to get the third part.

Looking down, she realized she hadn’t changed and quickly got out her uniform. The skirt was way too short. She put on her black tights under them, pulling up her skirt over that and tugging on it to perhaps make it longer. Her shirt was already on as she put her oversized cardigan over that. Today was her first day of school and for that reason she had actually bothered to brush her hair well. It looked neat and well kept. On the side she had a flower ornament dangling down. A simply yet cute accessory she had gotten from her mother a while back. Something that she only wore on days that she needed luck. Ayumi then began to read, munching on her celery as she left the home, a quick glance back before she departed.

Ayumi got to the school after saying hello to around 10 people. Her head in a book as well as a pen tucked in behind her hair as she entered the school building. It was practically deserted other than the teachers and a few other students. Barely any students. Ayumi looked around but couldn’t find the principal to say her hello’s. She walked into the building, seeing the biology teacher, she smiled and waved at Ms. Amiyaka. “Good morning dearie! You’re far too early are you not? Well, I don’t care. I will see you hmm… third period but I do hope you have a good year dearie~” she smiles sweetly as they said their goodbyes and Ayumi walked to her class. There was no one inside except for the homeroom teacher. “Oh! Ayumi! So you were one of my students, hm? Well, I look forward to having you as a student sweetie.” Ms. Waitaka. Ayumi was starting to wonder how many people she knew. But it was a small neighborhood and most people knew each other. The reason she knew Ms. Waitaka was due to the fact that came to the cafe often and they had gotten to know each other there. As well as their often run-into’s at the nearby supermarket. She asked her why she was always the one buying dinner. That worried Ayumi.

“Good morning! I can’t wait for classes to start!” She gave a big smile and watched as her teachers expression went from happy to panicked. “Shoot! I’ve got to go make a few copies! I trust you so just take a seat and wait for the students to come in. I’ll be right back sweetie.” She said as she rushed out the room with a wave. Ayumi’s smile slowly vanished as she sighed and took a seat in the corner. She loved her seat. Plus, it was math class first which meant that she would be receiving easy problems if they actually teach much on the first day. Putting her bag down as she began to tap her finger on the table and sat down. Ayumi looked out the window before she got out her notebook and pulled out a pencil from her pocket. Her pen would be for later use. Ayumi started writing immediately. Her beautiful handwriting as she stopped from time to time to think about what she wanted to write next. A wonderful process that she would never know if she liked or simply did just because but she had a soft smile on her face. A gentle expression. The sun was out and the heat was her face as she took off her cardigan. I wonder who’s going to be in my class.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by rocklee
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rocklee i dont need you

Banned Seen 8 yrs ago

GENTREE woke up perilously at 4:00 am. He hated with a passion, being late for school. he dragged himself out of bed careful not to wake up his mother, and into the bathroom. on the counter was his mother's makeup scattered everywhere. He looked up at the lipstick stained mirror..wow. He washed his face combed his hair and brushed his teeth. Then he threw on his favorite outfit ever.He dressed into his uniform nice and neat. He grabbed his bag and walked along to school. By the time i arrived it was 6.00...uggh a full hour of nothing until school......I sat on the steps and took pictures of random things like trash cans and trees

KIDDO he was still getting beauty sleep he didn't give a damn.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by jaybreezy
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jaybreezy Your Local Scumbag

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Chris woke up relatively early, three hours before school started. Maybe the anticipation and anxiety was getting to him. He sloppily rolled out of bed, hitting the floor face first. He sluggishly pushed himself off the ground and looked at himself in the mirror. He sighed and got his clothes ready for the day. He looked at the school uniforms and scoffed in disgust. He couldn't stand uniforms, let alone forced clothing. He took a shower and tried really hard to look presentable. He fixed is hair into a rather professional look. After he was done grooming himself, he ate breakfast before leaving. He made sure he went the right way this time.

Chris was halfway to school, backpack full, hair combed, and clothes clean and new. He wasn't too hyped for the school year, but he knew he'd have fun. He was very excited to see friends though. He was getting closer to the school, noticing trees and other plants along the path he took. He took a deep breath, enjoying the feel of the cool air. He closed his eyes as he walked, feeling the atmosphere.

Chris finally arrived at the school. His smile was small, but he was pretty happy. He looked around, seeing different social groups scattered around. He saw techy people, athletes, populars, and even the dreaded bullies. He was sure to avoid them. He walked around, looking for somebody to talk to, eventually having no luck. He sat on a bench in the lunch area, looking through his backpack to see if he had everything. He took all his books out, his binder, pencils, and pens. He smiled as he saw he was all set up. He awaited the bell for class to start.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Draconequis
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Draconequis i am a banana

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Arturo was up early, plucking away at his harp. The light angelic tune danced from his fingertips as he leaned into the instrument, enjoying the beautiful music. He'd sound-proofed his apartment when he'd moved in, which allowed him to play freely without disturbing his neighbors. He finished plucking the strings and pressed his hands against them to stop the vibrations, setting the harp back down on the ground. Time to get ready for his new school. He'd finally saved up enough to go to the prestige school, which was certainly going to look good on his transcripts when he applied to college and for a scholarship. He started making breakfast for himself in the tiny kitchen, humming lightly to himself as the harp's music flowed through him. His favorite past time was actually trying to make new pop music translate onto his harp. It was a fun challenge which stimulated his mind. Not only that, but using his harp had managed to get him laid on multiple occasions.

"Dios mío." he cried as he accidentally burnt his hand on the pan. "Soy tan tonto." He chided himself in Spanish, running his hand under lukewarm water to soothe the burn.

A faint meow of a cat was heard, and a tiny black cat leaped up onto the counter, giving Arturo a dewey green-eyed stare. "Ahhh.. good morning Carlita." he brushed behind her ears and the cat leaned into his hand, purring happily. "You are looking beautiful, mi pequeño gatito."

He laughed as she crawled up his sleeve and perched on his back like a scarf. "Ah.. you are all that is right with the world, my sweet." he smiled, turning to the stove and finishing cooking his breakfast.

After eating, he pulled on his school uniform, looking neat, trim and proper as he adjusted his tie. He tied his hair back in a ponytail, enjoying the feeling of his slightly long hair against his back. He made this uniform look good. He winked at himself in the mirror before feeding Carlita and exiting his apartment complex. He had to take a bus to get to school. Public transportation kinda sucked, but he couldn't afford any kind of transportation yet. Besides, the bus was cheaper and more convenient.

Arturo reached the school, admiring the cliques with a broad smile. Well.. he already knew which clique would try and grab him. Likely the jocks due to his height. He wasn't particularly interested in any sports though. Well.. other than swimming that was. He shoved his backpack into the locker aimlessly, grabbing his math books and heading to class. When he got there, there was a girl inside the classroom all alone. She was a pretty thing, with blue eyes, black hair and impressively sized breasts for a girl so tiny. He admired the girl for a moment before perching in the seat next to her.

"Buenos días." he greeted her in Spanish before reverting to Japanese. "That's some fancy handwriting you've got there." he stated, admiring the delicate shapes. His handwriting was not that great.. sometimes the slants on his Hirigana and Katakana were a bit off, and other times he wrote the wrong word entirely. "I guess we are going to be in the same class. I'm Arturo." he finished delicately.

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