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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Vasarius Aetearan
--Killer of Shades--

Concept: A cunning and vicious survivor, Vasarius came from a family that one might call "worthless and broken." His mother both the abused and an abuser, showing to him only weakness when he needed anything, but, and the women of his life serving similar roles, one might say that Vasarius was fated to be isolated. Now a wandering Hunter of beasts, be they men, mer, or true monsters, Vasarius has been through far more than a rough upbringing--not to mention an unfortunate chain of romances, each ending in their own tragedy. Having gained quite the reputation in Olias and lands beyond, Vasarius is something of a figure of infamy, standing above common Hunters as example to what a man can achieve when truly driven. However, much to the chagrin of more noble souls, Vasarius is not exactly the image of honor and valor, but instead is a crass, ill-spirited man with a grudge against the world, and a distrust of practically anything and everything with a modicum of sentience.

However, despite his personality, Vasarius is rather intimidating, with his dark clad armor, one remaining eye, and stature of six(6) feet and five(5) inches. While his key talents are a mixture of a keen memory and strong resilient body, Vasarius has nonetheless dipped his hand into the art of magic. However, much to the chagrin of those mages who know of him, the hunter has twisted it to his ends, perverting it from an art and turning it into a mere instrument to be played for his benefit. Through this it is revealed that Vasarius' Sway is quite considerable, covering a maximum of 10 meters in a sphere around his person. However, his true strength comes from his Élan, which has taken most of his Sway due to his continued use of Augmentation magic on his physical form. As a result his body is suffused with mana even when at rest, mana which he can influence on an instinctual level to impart himself with greatly enhanced physical capabilities.

While his ranged magical capabilities could not be said to be higher than the 3rd Order(Tier), his ability to physically augment his own person, objects--given time--and even others could be said to be at least of the 5th Order(Tier). Perhaps second most notable of his talents is his ability to work spells inside of things within his radius, though the effect is far stronger when imparted via physical contact. In essence, this ability allows him to enchant objects by altering them on a surface level. While he does not do so often, the Hunter is just as capable of altering things at their root, so as to permanently change their nature.

Equipment: Carrying only what he must, Vasarius often wears his signature armor, though not with his helm donned oft times. This armor has been influenced by the Hunter's magical talents, making it far more durable than it ought to be as well as quite flexible, doing little to restrict his range of movement. However, as a result of his tampering with the core structure of the metal it has become heavier, gaining mass due to the mana that has solidified within it, becoming an essential part of its make-up. Nonetheless, due mostly to his physical prowess, Vasarius more often than not shrugs off the weight of his armor, moving almost as if unimpeded.

Aside from his armor, Vasarius carries a fair amount of miscellaneous ingredients, which he uses for poisons or to damage more complicated beings such as demons and fae. Additionally he possesses a horse which carries implements for travel and sustenance as well as the occasional trophy. It should be noted that despite his relative infamy, Vasarius is not wealthy by any stretch of the imagination, as he has the tendency of spending his coin on brief escapades, gambling, or drink in alternating order. The rest goes towards the upkeep of his equipment most times.

Last and perhaps most notable of his belongings is his spear, which is his Implement. The item holds its own symbolic meaning, initially leading people to believe that Vasarius is entirely single-minded in nature. However, when it is revealed that the spear is composed of mana-infused metal as well as some technology straight from Vaemia, its symbolic meaning becomes somewhat more muddled. Regardless, the weapon's abilities are relatively simple. It cuts and it pierces, but not just flesh as the weapon can shear through mana as well, parting it along the path of its movement and pulling it inwards as it passes. The weapon is durable, infused repeatedly with mana over years of continuous usage, and taken care of quite regularly by its owner. The weapon, as his implement, strengthens his workings of magic in the realms of the physical world. Conversely its mechanical components reveal a complexity to these actions, thus subverting the spear's general meaning of directness, allowing for more complex and nuanced workings to be achieved with its use. Last among its notable properties is the spear's ability to retract into just its handle, though the bladed segments remain visible. Vasarius calls the weapon Dhaerym.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

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Yōki, Kōunora

Theme I /|\Theme II /|\ Theme III



Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Title: ~[TRAD]~ The Razing of Ash and Dust
Number: 31981
Date: Aug 19, 2013 at 8:40 PM

That which was lost
The Old Continent: Echria'el

"That which is...will not."

Ortuis, The Lost.

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The Razing of Ash and Dust

"That which is…will not.”

Ortuis, The Lost

Words spoken from the mouth of a person who was once a man, “That which is…will not” is a phrase that has resounded continuously through the ears of men. It is here on this planet of Echri -where many a tragedy has tormented and struck the people- that FINALLY a chance for true change can emerge into the world.

The promises of a new continent are many but only so much can be expected from the planet of Echri. Ravaged oh so often by disasters of unexplainable origin, Echri’s people have lost most hope and with no gods or religion left there is nowhere left to turn but to the next generation and to the same individuals who may or may not have brought about the cataclysm’s in question.

Now considered an ancient, Ortuis, The Lost, is being sought out for advice as it is said that all the tragedies of Echri have been witnessed by his weathered, tired soul. However it is not in Ortuis that salvation or hope will be found, but rather in the youthful eyes of today’s generation. You are this new generation, try and make it last.

Additional Plot information

As shown on the map of the New Continent, Jshitan Echri, your players will start either upon the settler's ship, or on the shore of their destination. The ship is in sight of the shore and is soon to drop anchor and allow its occupants to disembark and travel to shore. I will act as their guide and as the world around them, while you the settlers will be tasked with making new lives for your characters, with all the challenges that entails in a new and dangerous land. The goal will likely be to set up a settlement, obtain food, and become familiar with the land and its inhabitants, be they the flora and fauna, or the Viikin and any other races that may, or may not, reside there.

While I will help to progress the plot by providing interesting options and literal guidance via the many NPCs at my disposal, it will be impossible for me to drive the plot entirely by myself. After all, this is a Roleplay, not a novel. As such, have fun, feel free to ask me any questions, and enjoy the hope brought about through the new continent!

Should you the player decide to play a non-human character, please do ask any clarifying questions that you may have in regards to their society and/or abilities. This way the base information remains very accessible, and we can forge a community through lore and character discussion! Furthermore, I'm entirely open to the creation of additional races for you to play and I do love to see non-humanoid species. Should you wish to do the aforementioned please contact me and we can work it out together!

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Echria’el-The Old Continent.

Jshitan Echri-The 2nd Continent

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Known Sentient Races


- All character applications are posted in this thread.
- No god-modding. Don’t go around and controlling other people’s characters, that’s just annoying.
- No instant death. Actually links to the previous rule, since it requires that you control another character to kill it. Another player-controlled character can only die if the RPers agree beforehand.
- Kissing, hugging and such is allowed, and so is mating to a certain extent – but do NOT go around and describe the entire act of mating. If anything, make a time-skip from when the act begins to when it ends. We don’t want any vulgarities here. Take it to PMs if you really need to type it out.
- You may have only two characters, but you can create and control as many NPCs as you want, although you should remain aware that these are NPCs, not your personal characters. This rule is subject to change later on.
- While there are no direct limits on how powerful your character may be, please refrain from being completely invincible. Remember, there are others playing here too. If your character is too politically or personally powerful, I reserve the right to require you to change the character or outright deny it.
- Posting is not allowed until I have approved your character.
- Each IC post should maintain a decent length and should offer at least some development for your character or the plot. The current minimum length of IC posts is two proper paragraphs, but I retain the right to change this at any time. Exceptions can be made as quality over quantity is the name of the game
- If you are unable to post for a longer period of time (more than two days, for instance) tell us first.
- A maximum of six posts can be written by two players taking turns at posting without anyone else posting in-between is allowed (that is, three posts per player). If two days pass without input from anyone else posting, this maximum is reset. After another two days another six posts are allowed, and so forth ( hopefully such long periods of inactivity will be avoided).
- People are allowed to create and use races other than those mentioned, however, they will have to discuss such with me. Additionally, I will bluntly make it known that I have intentionally not added things like elves, dwarves, or the other classic fantasy races and i do not intend to do so. If you have something unique to contribute to the races, go ahead and propose such!


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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

^Above is depicted the city of Ominar^

The RP will be set in the city of Ominar, a formerly human-run city, which was non-violently taken over by the Prae just a year and a half prior. Now ruled by the regal beings, the Licentia have been driven into the slums, into hiding, or even out of the city entirely. While humans have been largely left to their own devices, they are nonetheless expected to step aside for their new rulers--whether it benefits them or not. With news traveling fast in this age ruled by magic and technology, a wave of unrest has made its way through Medius. With knowledge of the Prae’s unfair treatment to the citizens of Ominar, the murmurs of war have begun. In response, or perhaps preparation for further action, the Prae have, as of 6 months ago, begun releasing propaganda regarding the Licentia, calling them parasites and murderers, whilst using one of their prominent figures, a certain eximius as their scapegoat--though with good reason.

So it is that a small band of dissenters begin to gather, not content to simply protest against the Prae’s imposed order. Many of you will be among them and by and large, you believe it’s high time you do something about the state of affairs, whether the Prae like it or not.
Starting Off

For those who joined at the beginning or down the line, this is where I joyfully get to tell you WELCOME to MA! Furthermore, if you're wondering where to start ICly once you've got your character(s) figured out, then look no further. Should you be joining as this begins, then you will more likely than not be a part of the forming resistance in Ominar and as such your introductory post should detail your character heading to the first official meeting of the resistance. Your characters might know each other already from previous protests or they could've heard of the resistance from a friend and so decided to show up, your choice.

Now, on the off chance that you're joining later down the line or with a character that is not part of the resistance, well, either work with the other players and see who wants to have a run in with your character, or failing that come to Ganryu and I, we'll help you find your way. Regardless, we hope you enjoy your stay, but enough of that, let's get on to the RP!

Ⱦhe World


So far as any of the races are aware, no being is capable of the manipulation of time, and while space can be manipulated to some degree, it is not something that is typically done easily by any race. However, aside from this, magic is capable of a great deal, its limits not being fully understood or known by any of the races as of yet. Still, as with most things, the more complex and more grandiose the scale or purpose of a given spell, the more difficult it is to preform.

In short, don't expect to throw a magical nuke without a whole team of several powerful magi and don't expect to actually bring back the Anima of those who have passed on entirely intact, if at all. If a simple term need be applied to describe magic, it is that the magic of Manifest Anima is of the 'High Fantasy,' sort. Just know, that the greater the power, the greater the responsibility required to wield it.

In terms of tech, the world of Manifest Anima does have things such as nanomachines, minor gravity manip tech, and what is becoming the true advent of body modification (yo cyborgs). While there are global teleportation networks, which are an incredible feat even in this day and age, people do not have personal teleportation devices or the like--in fact none such devices exist, or rather no non-prototype versions exist and trust me, I wouldn't suggest trying those prototypes...that is unless you want to end up merged with a brick wall on a quantum level.

As for weaponry things such as railguns exist, though devices such as laser rifles do not--at least not those that are fueled by entirely scientific/technological means. So don't expect light sabers or plasma weaponry for the most part. Even if they do exist, it's unlikely that most people would be allowed to carry around such dangerous devices. For further clarification, feel free to suggest your idea(s) to your local GM(s) and we'll see what we can do.

Oh yeah and magitech is a thing.

  • It should be noted that this RP will have mature themes. Fade to black will be applicable to sexual situations, but don't expect situations including drugs, gore, or some taboo subjects to garner the same treatment. This is not to say that any of the above will be done in excess, just that they may be done.
  • Combat will be handled on a case-by-case basis, with the GMs proctoring in case issues or disagreements arise. Should you want to script your fight, let the GMs, and your partner(s) know. Make sure all parties are in agreement. A 'scripted fight,' is one wherein the victor is decided before hand.
  • Burning house rule--if you're gone too long and holding things up, expect your character to either be moved aside quietly, or killed to further plot. To avoid the burning house rule, keep us updated, a hiatus can be arranged.
  • If a problem arises for a player in regards to the GM and they feel uncomfortable bringing it up. Go to the other GM for advice. Don't worry, we're perfectly reasonable people and nine times out of ten we'll work through it with you.
  • The GMs have final say on all matters--this does not mean that I cannot be swayed or convinced. Still, if something must be resolved, we will resolve it and that'll be the end of the discussion.
  • Should you lack inspiration or enough material to post, tell someone. Communicate. Talk to your GMs. Worst case scenario, we'll just move your character aside till you can post again.
  • While you may expand on or modify the base format of the character sheet, make sure all necessary sections are included.
  • No OOC drama. Keep it to PMs, and hopefully keep it non-existent. If needed contact a GM for problem resolution.
  • Posts of a paragraph or more; quality over quantity. If you're drawing a blank, don't worry so much.
  • Posting expectations of once, at the very least, every two weeks barring extenuating circumstances.
  • Only accepted characters go in the character tab.
  • Standard Guild rules apply.
  • IC swearing will occur.
What to Expect

  • Interactions with at least semi-realistic cause and effect. If you kill someone, expect there to be an investigation or at least it be on the news.
  • Medium scale in terms of character power, unless you've got good reasons/you prove you can be trusted with more.
  • Posts of a paragraph or more; quality over quantity. If you're drawing a blank, don't worry so much.
  • Posting expectations of once, at the very least, every two weeks barring extenuating circumstances.
  • A GM who is willing to work with you, hear you out, but not break his back to suit your every need.
  • Good communication be it player to player, GM to GM, or GM to player.
  • Some measure of political intrigue.
  • Multiple plotlines if possible.
  • Group world building!
  • Collaboration posts.
  • Some dark themes.
  • Some slice of life.
  • Some combat.
Character Sheet

The way the title section appears below, the existence of hiders for organization, and the sections therein are necessary. Aside from that code your CS how you want, if you want it pretty, but aren't amazing with BBcode, feel free to come to Celaira or myself, we're code wizards I tell ya, wizards!
Skill may vary~

For clarity's sake, Celaira is likely to do her code offsite, because she's a Journeyman wizard. She doesn't mind doing the same for others, in fact I'm sure she'd be thrilled if you asked her to do so. I on the other hand strictly use Guild BBcode, but I'm damned good at it--so there's that.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

z a y e i s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ᴍ ᴀ s ᴛ ᴇ ʀ ᴏ ғ ᴛ ʜ ᴇ ɢ ᴀ ᴍ ᴇ
"Which will it be, your pride...or your life?"
Theme I Theme II

S Z AY E I S A K A ' A E R I A
(Zay-is Ah-kare-ia)

Two-thousand. Male. Licentia. Eximius-Nightwalker.
[ ⊰⊱ ] Ⱥppearance

A shapeshifter by nature, Szayeis' form various from moment to moment, day to day however, there are two forms of note, the first being his favored human guise, which stands at six feet with a lean build and charming facial features. This guise has startling ice blue eyes and tends to wear rather fancy clothing and a hat to top off the outfit--as seen above. Beyond this, there is Szayeis' shadow state, which is an ink-black silhouette with glowing white eyes, and markings that extend up from his hands. This form is anywhere from 5'8 to 7 feet in height and seems to almost absorb light, garbing it in a veil of wispy grey light, interspersed with snaking patterns of shadow throughout. It should be noted that while Szayeis favors male forms, he does not limit himself to them, after all, all nightwalkers are effectively genderless.
[ ⊰⊱ ] io

[ ⊰⊱ ] apabilities

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

a i r y e ll Ҝ a s i o. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .s ᴀ ɴ ɢ ᴜ ι ɴ ᴇ
"I'll let you off easy this time, but don't be surprised if next time things don't end so cleanly."
Theme I Theme II Theme III

(Mare-yell Kos-eo)

Two-hundred-twenty-four. Male. Licenti-human hybrid. Greater Vampire.
[ ⊰⊱ ] Ⱥppearance

Standing at 5'11 and weighing in at roughly 190 lbs, Mairyell has a solid, but lean msuculature with typically purple eyes that emit a subtle glow. His fairly handsome features typically overcast by relatively short brown hair, while the rest of his form is typically garbed in his hunter attire. At his hip he carries one of his three weapons, whilst the others remain hidden within his duster he exudes an air of relaxed confidence, with just the slightest trace of a predatory nature. While not typically out unless required, Mairyell does possess two dark red bat-like wings, composed primarily of blood, with a smattering of grown muscle and bone on rare occasion. When spread, these wings have a rather vast wingspan of roughly twelve or so feet from wing tip to wing tip. Beyond this, the only other notable feature of his body are his teeth, which can mimic those of a normal human, or become reminiscent of canines so as to allow the vampire to feed--not to mention his eyes, which glow more red when his blood manipulation is in use, and more blue when Brisn is in use.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

D ranai L lamant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ᴛ ʜ ᴇ ᴘ ʀ ᴏ ғ ᴇ s s ᴏ ʀ
"They say there is bliss in ignorance, but in it I have found only stupidity."
Theme I

(Drah-n-eye La-mant)

Thirty-One. Male. Human. British/American.
[ ⊰⊱ ] Ⱥppearance

Standing at 5'10 and weighing in at around 150 lbs, Dranai is fairly thin, though not overly lanky. Carrying himself with an imperious air as if constantly judging the world, the man has excellent posture and walks with a sense of purpose. His three most defining qualities tend to be listed as his distinctly silver eyes and hair, as well as his nose, which is slightly curved, giving him an almost hawkish appearance from some angles. However, as a result of this and the way he carries himself, Dranai is only average in the looks department--though he more than makes up for it in intelligence. Often overlooked are the golden flecks in his eyes if one looks closely. Only Dranai and his now rather elderly parents know their significance.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Đ risrea aetel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ʜ ᴀ ʀ ᴘ ʏ
Theme I Theme II Theme III

(Drah-n-eye La-mant)

Forty-Three. Female. Licentia. Saeen.
[ ⊰⊱ ] Ⱥppearance

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

"When the goin' gets tough, sometimes you've just gotta...mix it up a little."

Theme I

Let it be known that "Bree," is a nickname.
Thirty to Forty. Male. Human-Prae Hybrid.
[ ⊰⊱ ] Ⱥppearance

Standing at 5'10 and weighing in at 168 lbs, Bree--as he's called--is a well built, but not overly muscled man with a swagger to his step, a smirk often on his lips, and a twinkle in his hazel-brown eyes. Having Prae blood running through his veins due to relation twice removed--making him only a 1/4th Prae--Bree's most striking attribute is his odd eyes, which while appearing mostly brown, seem to glitter and refract light. Aside from his unique eyes and tousled dark brown hair, Bree is fairly average in appearance--though many women might attribute him a sort of roguish charm.

Aside the aforementioned, Bree tends to wear jeans and long, high collared black shirts, with no buttons fastened, giving him a relaxed or even lazy air practically all the time. On assignments he is known--if only as a bold fashion statement and almost-parody of hunters--to wear a Duster, which is black and without the typical straps to hold it in place. Aside this are his relatively normal looking boots, which while reminiscent of "cowboy boots," are far less flashy. This perhaps sums him up well, a man who possesses a classy and infrequently outlandish sense of style. No exception to this is his fairly plain black cowboy hat, which he has given the name Volgaris for some interesting and...sentimental reasons.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

adison ily arperDots
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
"If...if you don't mind, maybe I can help?"
Theme I Theme II Theme III

Twenty-Two. Female. Human. Caucasian.
[ ⊰⊱ ] Ⱥppearance

While she doesn't have an athletic build, Madison is very much in shape and well nourished, and it shows in her hourglass figure and good genetics. She has startling ice blue eyes and naturally purple hair—despite what anyone else says. She's 5'4 and is at a healthy weight for her age and height. She prefers to wear clothes that, while flattering, give her essentially full coverage as she's not the sort to show off, though she does care very much about her appearance. She's the type of girl who, despite her insecurities, doesn't need much make-up to look good. Perhaps one day she'll believe it.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Dusk, Freeway 86, 10 miles west of Ominar, 1 mile from the larger town of Eichan. Scatterings of buildings, businesses such as gas stations, and restaurants abound, parks are present here and there.

Madison is driving her young, 7 year old niece Avery home after a weekend visiting in Ominar.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Wherein one day lies stuff.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

WIP. Everything and Anything below is subject to some form of modification.

Uranaisha, Syu-lerne - Suna no gen'ei

Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

Member Seen 1 mo ago

-snip- Sorry about that, thought I was in the OOC thread. Have this removed by an admin if you want.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

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