Ari Amari
Basic Information
| Name |
Ari Amari
| Date of Birth |
Recalls Vesuvius erupting as a young child, so roughly 2000 years old? Give or take a few years. As for now, he’s taken on May 2nd as his birthday. He always enjoyed Spring.
| Gender |
| Sexuality |
| Occupation |
He’s had a lot of jobs in the past; Soldier, Assassin (Sshhh), Historian, Pilot... but now he’s settled down with Ghost Writing. Not just books, but some movie scripts, some songs – he likes it. It’s all anonymous, it’s well paid, and he doesn’t get drawn into the limelight. Ari likes to control when he’s being looked at and when he isn’t, after all.
| In-Depth Appearance |
As is common for most Sphinxes, they stop ageing around the 20 year mark; as such, Ari has looked to be in his mid-twenties for several centuries, and has used that eternal youth to his great advantage. His Egyptian heritage – having not actually been born in the Old Lands but in Roman Italy - makes itself known in his skin tone and bone structure; skin the colour of a creamy caramel; dark, thickly curled hair (usually worn in some cropped style); and a somewhat square jawed face, Ari has a look that certainly can draw the eye, or be ignored completely. He’s very good at blending in or standing out, whenever the occasion arises.
One curious thing about him are his eyes, and how far they stand out against his tanned skin – a light, almost shining blue, set beneath two dark brows and setting off his high cheekbones most marvellously. Oh, and his dimples. You can see them for miles.
Standing at 5’9 (a tall height among humans in Ancient Rome; he’s considerably shorter compared to others now. He can’t decide if that’s a good thing or not) with a wiry, well-toned frame, he doesn’t have much in the way of immediate muscles. He doesn’t need them – his strength comes from his spirit.
The skin on his body is not quite as flawless as one his face; after living through two World Wars, two Cold Wars, three (or was it four?) civil wars, and various other skirmishes that were all as pointless and exciting as each other, it’s quite the miracle that he’s still alive with all four limbs intact. Three bullet wounds can be found, two on his left shoulder, right next to one another, and one on his right shin; a crisscross of sword slashes on the right of his torso; even a bite mark on his wrist from where a Vampire had foolishly assumed he was food. Two thin, white lines can be found running down his back, parallel to one another; the scars are faded, but still obvious. They had been from his first - and hopefully last – time he had unfurled his wings. The pain was sickening.
As with most Sphinxes, Ari has the ability to usher forth more monstrous qualities – eyes can turn an almost glowing red at will, making it a stark contrast from his pure blue eyes; nails can lengthen into black, wickedly sharp claws; and his teeth become fangs. At this point, he’ll probably look more like a Werewolf than a Sphinx – but wait, there’s more! Pupils will become slits, giving him a distinctly more cat like look. His jaw will dislocate with a jarring crack, and the teeth will lengthen further into jagged fangs – the jaw is capable of opening wide enough to consume a whole human head in one bite.
As for Ari’s clothing style, it can usually be described as casual. Naturally, if he’s going somewhere fancy he’ll bust out a suit or something, but he much prefers more casual clothes. Jeans are preferred over trousers, just as tees and sweaters are favoured over button up shirts. He does enjoy his hoodies – something about having your head and ears all covered up is supremely comforting.
As is normal for some living in London, Ari has picked up the traditional English accent – the stereotypical, suave kind that you hear from the likes of Tom Hiddleston, the one that gets American girls weeping over the fact that they don’t have a “super-cute British Boyfriend”. All he’ll say to those girls, is that they obviously haven’t heard a boy from Liverpool talk. That’s a far better gauge of what many English accents are like rather than his own.
One curious thing about him are his eyes, and how far they stand out against his tanned skin – a light, almost shining blue, set beneath two dark brows and setting off his high cheekbones most marvellously. Oh, and his dimples. You can see them for miles.
Standing at 5’9 (a tall height among humans in Ancient Rome; he’s considerably shorter compared to others now. He can’t decide if that’s a good thing or not) with a wiry, well-toned frame, he doesn’t have much in the way of immediate muscles. He doesn’t need them – his strength comes from his spirit.
The skin on his body is not quite as flawless as one his face; after living through two World Wars, two Cold Wars, three (or was it four?) civil wars, and various other skirmishes that were all as pointless and exciting as each other, it’s quite the miracle that he’s still alive with all four limbs intact. Three bullet wounds can be found, two on his left shoulder, right next to one another, and one on his right shin; a crisscross of sword slashes on the right of his torso; even a bite mark on his wrist from where a Vampire had foolishly assumed he was food. Two thin, white lines can be found running down his back, parallel to one another; the scars are faded, but still obvious. They had been from his first - and hopefully last – time he had unfurled his wings. The pain was sickening.
As with most Sphinxes, Ari has the ability to usher forth more monstrous qualities – eyes can turn an almost glowing red at will, making it a stark contrast from his pure blue eyes; nails can lengthen into black, wickedly sharp claws; and his teeth become fangs. At this point, he’ll probably look more like a Werewolf than a Sphinx – but wait, there’s more! Pupils will become slits, giving him a distinctly more cat like look. His jaw will dislocate with a jarring crack, and the teeth will lengthen further into jagged fangs – the jaw is capable of opening wide enough to consume a whole human head in one bite.
As for Ari’s clothing style, it can usually be described as casual. Naturally, if he’s going somewhere fancy he’ll bust out a suit or something, but he much prefers more casual clothes. Jeans are preferred over trousers, just as tees and sweaters are favoured over button up shirts. He does enjoy his hoodies – something about having your head and ears all covered up is supremely comforting.
As is normal for some living in London, Ari has picked up the traditional English accent – the stereotypical, suave kind that you hear from the likes of Tom Hiddleston, the one that gets American girls weeping over the fact that they don’t have a “super-cute British Boyfriend”. All he’ll say to those girls, is that they obviously haven’t heard a boy from Liverpool talk. That’s a far better gauge of what many English accents are like rather than his own.

Who Am I?
| Personality |
♦ Creative ♦ Witty ♦ Laidback ♦ Insecure ♦
When regarding Ari, you wouldn’t assume he was one to be easily cowed by anything, really. He easily portrays that happy-go-lucky, confident type of air around him... but there’s plenty for him to worry about. He worries that he hasn’t lived a full life, that he’s wasted so many years just killing people; he worries that he’s never going to have children or find a permanent lover, and surely that isn’t going to aid his dying race? He worries that he’ll be found out, that a Coven of witches will hunt him down to extract all that is useful of him and kill him, because it’s happened before, surely it’ll happen again? As such, he can be quite insecure at times, and that can have a knock-on effect to his work and his life.
However, when not feeling any kind of negative emotion pressing on top of him, Ari is quite the amicable and mischievous fellow to be around. As obvious by his chosen career of this era, he’s quite creative – and it shows itself in a large manner of ways. His writing, his jokes, even his furniture. There’s gotta be a meaning behind stuff, y’know? For Ari, the meaning can be as simple as “I thought it looked pretty rad on my bedroom wall”, to “I wrote this in memory of that guy I shot and then ate during the civil war (I forgot which one). He tasted great, but the pellets were a real bitch to keep spitting out.”. Wittiness is one of his favourite forms of creativity – why rely on silly insults like “Your Mother is a pox-ridden wench” or “Your Dad’s on the dole”, when you can just baffle their brains with clever sass? As such, he can be quite laid-back in his insults. Your foe often gets more and more riled to see you perfectly unruffled; and calmness can always have a comical air about it in whatever situation you’re in.
However, when not feeling any kind of negative emotion pressing on top of him, Ari is quite the amicable and mischievous fellow to be around. As obvious by his chosen career of this era, he’s quite creative – and it shows itself in a large manner of ways. His writing, his jokes, even his furniture. There’s gotta be a meaning behind stuff, y’know? For Ari, the meaning can be as simple as “I thought it looked pretty rad on my bedroom wall”, to “I wrote this in memory of that guy I shot and then ate during the civil war (I forgot which one). He tasted great, but the pellets were a real bitch to keep spitting out.”. Wittiness is one of his favourite forms of creativity – why rely on silly insults like “Your Mother is a pox-ridden wench” or “Your Dad’s on the dole”, when you can just baffle their brains with clever sass? As such, he can be quite laid-back in his insults. Your foe often gets more and more riled to see you perfectly unruffled; and calmness can always have a comical air about it in whatever situation you’re in.
| Likes & Dislikes |
✔ Jam Roly-Poly and Custard; You Brits may not have much, but GOOD GODS YOU NAILED PUDDINGS
✔ Dancing; Sweetheart, I practically invented the Tango. Well... I did it before it was cool. The bloody South Americans stole it off me, all right?
✔ Game of Thrones; It’s been too long since I’ve seen carnage like this. They really nailed the war scenes.
✔ Cats, in all shapes and sizes; If I could, I’d adopt a tiger and have it live in the flat with me. I think that’d annoy the neighbours though.
✔ Christmas; I don’t know how I survived winters without it. Presents, alcohol, food and decorations? PERFECT.
✔ Backrubs; Ooohhh yeah, right between the shoulder blades, that’s the spot.
✔ Parkourl; A fun past-time I picked up a few years ago. They have places where you can practice it now! With crash mats and everything! It works wonders for when I have too much energy to do anything productive. Cats do like to climb, after all.
✔ Raves; Ah – one of the better things about the 90’s. I do miss that atmosphere, with the music, the dancing, and the drugs. I make do now with modern nightclubs and modern drugs – cocaine does just as well as ecstasy, I’ve found.
✔ Various Vices; Oh, I’ve dabbled in a few. I remember when Opium became very popular – always gave me a rotten headache though. As of now, I drink, smoke occasionally, and enjoy a few lines of the white powder now and then. Oh, and the sex is fantastic. Since I've come to this little borough I've encountered so many different bodies.
✘ Dogs; Honestly, there’s a part of me that wished I liked them, because they’re just so adorable. But as soon as I get near one, instinct kicks in and suddenly I’m hissing at a snarling Terrier in the middle of the road.
✘ Belly rubs; Touch my belly, I bite your hand off. Capeche?
✘ Morons; If there’s one thing that rubs me the wrong way, it’s people acting ignorant on purpose. It’s even worse when these people are in positions of power.
✘ Backaches; With all the hours I spend hunched at that desk, my spine needs cracking a lot. Also, parkour is not kind to the back muscles.
✘ Gin; There’s not many forms of alcohol I won’t drink, but good God, gin must have come straight from the teat of Anubis himself. I’d rather drink floor polish – there’s not much different in the taste anyway.
✘ Insomnia; When my worries really set in, I don’t get much in the way of sleep. It wouldn’t be so bad, but I can’t concentrate on much during these times. It’s a waste of my hours, really.
✘ Witches; I don’t trust them, not after what happened with my parents. I’m not really one to hold grudges, but I hears stories even now of Sphinxes dying at the hands of those meddlesome creatures.
✔ Dancing; Sweetheart, I practically invented the Tango. Well... I did it before it was cool. The bloody South Americans stole it off me, all right?
✔ Game of Thrones; It’s been too long since I’ve seen carnage like this. They really nailed the war scenes.
✔ Cats, in all shapes and sizes; If I could, I’d adopt a tiger and have it live in the flat with me. I think that’d annoy the neighbours though.
✔ Christmas; I don’t know how I survived winters without it. Presents, alcohol, food and decorations? PERFECT.
✔ Backrubs; Ooohhh yeah, right between the shoulder blades, that’s the spot.
✔ Parkourl; A fun past-time I picked up a few years ago. They have places where you can practice it now! With crash mats and everything! It works wonders for when I have too much energy to do anything productive. Cats do like to climb, after all.
✔ Raves; Ah – one of the better things about the 90’s. I do miss that atmosphere, with the music, the dancing, and the drugs. I make do now with modern nightclubs and modern drugs – cocaine does just as well as ecstasy, I’ve found.
✔ Various Vices; Oh, I’ve dabbled in a few. I remember when Opium became very popular – always gave me a rotten headache though. As of now, I drink, smoke occasionally, and enjoy a few lines of the white powder now and then. Oh, and the sex is fantastic. Since I've come to this little borough I've encountered so many different bodies.
✘ Dogs; Honestly, there’s a part of me that wished I liked them, because they’re just so adorable. But as soon as I get near one, instinct kicks in and suddenly I’m hissing at a snarling Terrier in the middle of the road.
✘ Belly rubs; Touch my belly, I bite your hand off. Capeche?
✘ Morons; If there’s one thing that rubs me the wrong way, it’s people acting ignorant on purpose. It’s even worse when these people are in positions of power.
✘ Backaches; With all the hours I spend hunched at that desk, my spine needs cracking a lot. Also, parkour is not kind to the back muscles.
✘ Gin; There’s not many forms of alcohol I won’t drink, but good God, gin must have come straight from the teat of Anubis himself. I’d rather drink floor polish – there’s not much different in the taste anyway.
✘ Insomnia; When my worries really set in, I don’t get much in the way of sleep. It wouldn’t be so bad, but I can’t concentrate on much during these times. It’s a waste of my hours, really.
✘ Witches; I don’t trust them, not after what happened with my parents. I’m not really one to hold grudges, but I hears stories even now of Sphinxes dying at the hands of those meddlesome creatures.

| History |
Born sometime in the first few decades of the first century; he’s not sure of the date, but recalls seeing Vesuvius erupt, which was fun to watch. (Sarcasm; even for a man-eating Sphinx it was terrifying. Well, he was a kid at the time.) Additionally, he remembers his parents being killed when he was around his teen years; hunted by a coven of witches who wanted their blood. Bastards.
The rest of his history is as it would be for anyone as old as he is – seen a lot of shit, done a lot of shit. He’s seen Empires rise and fall, religions dashed to peaces or revered far enough to begin wars over; oh, and the wars. Humans are nothing without their conflict, it would seem. Even as the modern world began to take over, the wars still existed – except in more broad senses. Condemn a man for his preferred lover, his religion, his skin, his job – a common thing to be found, and despite the lack of battles, it still remains a war. And Ari has become sick of wars.
Obviously the two that remain freshest in his mind are the World Wars – the Great War, as it was called, was thrilling to him. Bloodshed, bodies to be eaten, the obvious advantage he had over the Huns. He even stumbled across a few good friends; famous authors by the name of Lewis and Tolkien. Casual racism from the pair regardless, they made the trenches easier. It was here he was shot for the first time.
The Second World War wasn’t half as easy as the First. He didn’t think much worse would happen, but when the Allies finally retook Europe and he saw the Camps, he saw how wrong he was. It was at this point in Ari’s life that he began to realise that there was more than just killing and eating humans. Keeping in contact with his old friends via letter (He couldn’t let them see him; as humans, they’d be instantly curious as to how he hadn’t aged a day from the war), they opened him up to the possibility of writing. However, it took several decades for him to take on board that advice.
He instead began focusing on other things – skills that will be of use for him. Visiting many different countries to learn languages, art styles, cultures; he opened himself up to how diverse the humans really were. Ari learned how to fly, how to speak and write several languages, even attempted cooking (Not a fantastic venture, as many blown up ovens will show). However, the taste of killing was still tempting to him, causing him to venture out and... “lease” himself to certain individuals. Remember Jimmy Hoffa? Yeah, that guy gave Ari indigestion.
Nowadays, Ari is far more easy-going to the human race. He’ll occasionally kill someone here or there, but as morals have seemingly caught up to him, they’re rarely innocent. Usually scumbags that he finds in the street or something. He much prefers regular food these days – pork is an extremely good substitute. He did take up his old – and now, sadly, dead – friends’ suggestion, and Ghost-writes for a good number of different famous celebrities, musicians, play-writes and directors. He also recently got into parkour, as running and climbing through urban settings has always been an enjoyable pastime for him – it’s only just now that it isn’t seen as crazy, however.
The rest of his history is as it would be for anyone as old as he is – seen a lot of shit, done a lot of shit. He’s seen Empires rise and fall, religions dashed to peaces or revered far enough to begin wars over; oh, and the wars. Humans are nothing without their conflict, it would seem. Even as the modern world began to take over, the wars still existed – except in more broad senses. Condemn a man for his preferred lover, his religion, his skin, his job – a common thing to be found, and despite the lack of battles, it still remains a war. And Ari has become sick of wars.
Obviously the two that remain freshest in his mind are the World Wars – the Great War, as it was called, was thrilling to him. Bloodshed, bodies to be eaten, the obvious advantage he had over the Huns. He even stumbled across a few good friends; famous authors by the name of Lewis and Tolkien. Casual racism from the pair regardless, they made the trenches easier. It was here he was shot for the first time.
The Second World War wasn’t half as easy as the First. He didn’t think much worse would happen, but when the Allies finally retook Europe and he saw the Camps, he saw how wrong he was. It was at this point in Ari’s life that he began to realise that there was more than just killing and eating humans. Keeping in contact with his old friends via letter (He couldn’t let them see him; as humans, they’d be instantly curious as to how he hadn’t aged a day from the war), they opened him up to the possibility of writing. However, it took several decades for him to take on board that advice.
He instead began focusing on other things – skills that will be of use for him. Visiting many different countries to learn languages, art styles, cultures; he opened himself up to how diverse the humans really were. Ari learned how to fly, how to speak and write several languages, even attempted cooking (Not a fantastic venture, as many blown up ovens will show). However, the taste of killing was still tempting to him, causing him to venture out and... “lease” himself to certain individuals. Remember Jimmy Hoffa? Yeah, that guy gave Ari indigestion.
Nowadays, Ari is far more easy-going to the human race. He’ll occasionally kill someone here or there, but as morals have seemingly caught up to him, they’re rarely innocent. Usually scumbags that he finds in the street or something. He much prefers regular food these days – pork is an extremely good substitute. He did take up his old – and now, sadly, dead – friends’ suggestion, and Ghost-writes for a good number of different famous celebrities, musicians, play-writes and directors. He also recently got into parkour, as running and climbing through urban settings has always been an enjoyable pastime for him – it’s only just now that it isn’t seen as crazy, however.
| Family |
Probably has a few siblings and extended family running around Egypt; he’s never been one for family reunions.

| Strengths |
- Worldly – having lived for so long, he’s tasted many cultures and has amassed plenty of knowledge. As such, he’s aware of multiple art forms, languages, and music’s.
- Amicable – Ari is usually very friendly, which is obvious to see when you first meet him. It’s quite easy for him to de-stress a situation with a quick smile and
- PARKOUR CHAMPION OF THIS WORLD – Not really. He’s just incredibly good at climbing, leaping, running, things like that. You ever played Mirror’s Edge? Yeah, that’s him.
| Weaknesses |
- Healing factor? What healing factor? – Sphinxes do not have much in the way of durability, when compared to some of the other supernatural races. A bullet or knife to the chest is very likely to kill him. So that’s fun.
- Insecurities – Sometimes he can get bad enough that he isn’t even willing to go outside. He can get very “crazy cat lady” at times like this.
- Despite no longer seeing humans as just food, still considers the race to be very caveman like compared to the Other species (Witches included, the barbarians!). As such, he can sometimes be quite patronising when talking to humans.
The Other
| Theme Song |
New Perspective – Panic! At the Disco
” There's a haze above my TV
That changes everything I see
And maybe if I continue watching
I'll lose the traits that worry me
Can we fast-forward 'til you go down on me?
Stop there and let me correct it
I wanna live a life from a new perspective.”
” There's a haze above my TV
That changes everything I see
And maybe if I continue watching
I'll lose the traits that worry me
Can we fast-forward 'til you go down on me?
Stop there and let me correct it
I wanna live a life from a new perspective.”
| House Number |
Avalon Point – 1224 Lake Street
| Extra Information |
Can speak Aramaic, Ancient Greek, Latin, Spanish, and Egyptian. Oh, and some rusty hieroglyphics too. His Parents insisted, after all.
Has a hella big crush on Brendan Urie.
Owns three cats: Apollo, Artemis, and Ra. Why? Well, the first two are twins; one which won’t shut up singing yowling, the other keeps hunting mice and bringing shit back to the flat. The latter because... well, Ra was a bird-headed God and he appreciates the irony.
Has a hella big crush on Brendan Urie.
Owns three cats: Apollo, Artemis, and Ra. Why? Well, the first two are twins; one which won’t shut up singing yowling, the other keeps hunting mice and bringing shit back to the flat. The latter because... well, Ra was a bird-headed God and he appreciates the irony.
Ari Amari

Blake Preston
"Who? Oh, the one on YouTube. Yes, I don’t see why she’s so popular; it’s good, I suppose, that she’s letting the rest of the humans know more about us Others. Hate breeds from ignorance, after all."
Sweet little thing, thinks she knows everything there is to know about the Supernatural. Her very eyes would melt in their sockets if she witnessed the monsters of my childhood.
Daniel Belson
"The fucker thinks it’s funny to offer me a Martini every time I come in – Gin and Olives, WHICH ARSEHOLE INVENTED THAT?!"
He seems very nostalgic for one so young. That, and envious. Although I’m well aware it’s in his nature to feel as such, it is curious. What has he, a powerful and immortal demon, got to be envious of others of? Unless it’s mortality that he seeks... strange.
Alistair Queen
"Ohohohohoho! The Queen to Loki’s King, I do believe. He’s alright, I suppose. Excellent arse."
He’s one of the older ones on the block, but rarely shows it. He can be very... what’s the term? “Down with the kids?” No, wait... that phrase stopped being popular in the 90’s...
Mariska Costas
"Oh, now there’s a woman. She has the sweetest essence of my home; the Nymph may leave Greece, but Greece does not leave the Nymph. That much is obvious at the very least in her voice."
Fiery and passionate, just like the nymphs back home were. I wonder if we have ever encountered one another in the past? So many years can blur faces, you see.
Nikita Yankovsky
"Now there’s someone I’d like to slip into bed with. A shame that she lives with Black – the thought alone is off-putting."
You know, most Succubi usually consume the men of all their essence once they’ve had their way with them. Perhaps she’s gone off humans, like me?
Mordred Hame
"Tsk-tsk-tsk. Greed is not an appetising attribute, young one. Haven’t you heard the tale of Kronos? "
There’s nothing appealing to me about the boy, apart from perhaps his looks.
John Taylor
"Now there’s something interesting. I haven’t encountered a Wendigo since the 16th Century; good times. I helped her devour an entire colony of people. Carved our names into trees to commemorate it. The story has gone down in history now, but it seems my tree went missing – hers puzzles everyone to this day with “Croatoan” still etched on it. Hehe."
Ah, I digress. John seems to be a decent fellow, if a little wearisome in his life. I suppose that makes sense, with such a spirit as a Wendigo whispering in your ear all the time.
Eve Lumière
"I never bothered to learn French – Spanish was always far more exciting. However, Eve herself is quite the exciting girl; I do enjoy demons. Especially the Lust ones – they’re always up for a competition."
Ah, Eve. What a refreshingly exquisite example of how a laid-back attitude and bravado mix so well together. A girl truly after my own heart; if it wasn’t for tHE FUCKING GIN.
"What a curious character. He has enough power in him to do whatever he wants – he could kill someone, burn their body away to dust and steal their money to get a place to stay. But it seems he’s quite content just camping outside for now. Huh."
I’d help him out, but after so long on this Earth, I’ve seen how little progress charity makes. Why bother giving a man money if he’s not willing to make it go further?
Andrew Mordekai
"Hmph. If he casts those pitiful little flames towards me, I’ll pull his intestines out from his arse. Fucking witches."
I think I’ve made myself quite clear already.
Suriel White
"Oh, the bloody Catholics just had to get their two cents in, didn’t they? What? They don’t have a God?.... PFFFFTHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA THE HEATHENOUS FOOLS"
Miles Catrose
"Hmm. Never tried Faery before. According to Loki they’re quite the delicacy... both in taste and in bed. I may just have to sample some of his Pixie dust."
He’s very energetic. Only natural, I suppose, for one of his age.
Yukiko Abe
"Bless. She thinks she’s old. Poor little thing – I bet she’s never even fought in a war."
I suppose I can’t patronise her too much; she has arguably done more with her life than I have. Sure, I’ve killed plenty of people, but Yuki has set up her own business – and even gone as far as to adopt a child, in a certain manner. She’s also a dear to have a drink with – although not as old as I, we can still have some nostalgic talks of the past.
"Is there anything quite as melancholy as a wayward spirit without a body? I’ve always wondered if it is just humans that can leave behind their spirits as they pass – I’ll have to ask her if she’s seen any ghouls of a different nature."
In truth, I’ve never actually met her. I should like to, however. A curious insight into the afterlife, ghosts can give. The ones in Rome were rarely very companionable – the Lares could always tell we were Sphinxes.
Faron Romane
"Mhmm. For someone of his very young age, he does so remind me of the 70’s; he’s got that easy-going, spacey vibe about him. Certainly someone to share a bowl – or bed – with in the future. "
I’ve heard he can talk to ghosts. Interesting power – and a potentially overwhelming one, should he not be able to control it. Still, I’d rather he have powers chatting to the dead than raising them. I’ve seen the havoc skeletons and zombies can wreak.
Nicolas Black
"Despite his hatred of his now second nature, he must be the Wolfiest Wolf to ever Werewolf. As such, I’d like to avoid him – not just for that, but I’m far too close to Loki’s crime enterprise to be caught dead with an unshakeable constable like himself."
You know how I feel about Wolves – fighting like cat and dog, yadda-yadda.
Maggie Spencer-Adyemi
"I find it hard to dislike this one, considering her witch nature. There’s just something so endearing about her love and care for plants; Gaia would love this one."
As far as I know, Sphinx blood doesn’t do much for Herbology, unless you want to make poisons. However, I don’t think alchemy is why she breeds her plants so.
"What a rare creature. I feel we could have a chat about years long past while enjoying some childish, messy finger paints the colours of the rainbow."
Most would find an old soul in a child’s body disconcerting – but I find it fairly endearing.
Katharine Haynes
"She surely shows just how fragile the human psyche can be – it is almost humbling, to see how easily she was broken. And yet, I find myself drawn to pick up the pieces, or at the very least attempt to. They live such short lives – it’s saddening to see a good portion of hers wasted on such emotions."
Eheh. I think she disapproves of my lifestyle. She should try it herself sometime – it may just pick up her mood.
Felix Underwood
"Potentially more troublesome than the fire-witch. She does not do well, traversing to the realm of Anubis. I hope the old Gods punish her for her insolence."
Why do Witches always have to bend the laws of nature? Why?! ARE THE POWERS THE GODS HAVE GIFTED YOU NOT GOOD ENOUGH?!
Elise Callaghan
"Another sweet soul that reminds me of home. For all her silence, her beauty both in looks and music speak more than words ever could utter."
What a tantalising enigma – a Siren who cannot sing. However, I’ve heard her violin, and if she played that to the sailors of old, I know they would crash their ships into the rocks she sat upon all the same, just to get closer to that sweet music. I know I would – however, I think I’d leave a rather nasty taste in her mouth, if she’s the kind to eat her prey.
Claire O'Malley
"Irish, ginger and a witch? Gods above, next you’ll be telling me she has an olive farm."
Barachiel Alexander Eamon
"Now then, this Angel is much more attractive than his Doctor counterpart. Do Angels have sex with us common folk? Or does their God disallow it? Oh... that’s right. They don’t have a God. *begins laughing again* "
Why are these winged fools here to begin with? Are they upset with the hedonistic activities of us in Edgetoun?
Ethan Cooper
"They didn’t make them this good looking back home. Tall, muscular, could probably out hug a bear. I bet he’s on top in his relationship with Daniel."
Playing a dangerous game, being so close to an envy demon. Green is not a colour the Gods favour, and they are not careful when it comes to striking down those who get to big for their boots. He may just get caught in the lightning strike with his demonic lover if he’s not careful.
Alfie Liau
"Blood and chocolate – what a perfectly seductive mix. I’ll have to pay him a visit sometime; Vampires may not like my blood, but something about theirs is wickedly decadent. Ooh, especially with that chocolate. My mouth waters at the thought..."
*still day dreaming about that Vampire Blood and chocolate swirl*
Stefanie Roche
"Ah, Yuki’s little one. How unfair for her human life to be snatched from her before she can enjoy it fully. I do hope she got all the important things like coitus and inebriation out of the way first. It must be far different to experience that as a Vampire."
I hear she’s got a bit of a drinking problem. Perhaps Loki has some sort of drug to help her with that?
Aila Atleo
"A shame, her species. There’s something so temptingly tragic about her – I suppose I’ll just have to admire her from a distance. She may just end up being a muse of mine. After all, with hatred, there is always an underlying sense of either fear, love, or both. What cruel things emotions are."
I’ve heard she’s in the Police force, hoping to better herself in the ranks. An admirable cause, I suppose – I just hope she doesn’t get too close to Loki’s dabbling of misdeeds. I doubt he was merciful even as a human, let alone now as an age-old Vampire.
Conrad Aldhard
"This one may just be as old as I, if not older. However, I think I’ve worn it far better – not that there isn’t something admirable at the cragginess of the fellow. I would have liked to have him by my side in the trenches."
I think he originates from the same neighbourhood as Loki – they should get together, talk about their milk-drinking Gods over some mead and elk, or whatever it is those brutish Vikings ate.
Astrid Kitchener
"If I were to describe her in a word, it would be innocent. I used to eat girls like her as a post-intercourse snack. However, those days are behind me... well, the eating part, anyway. I’d hardly be one to deny if she was interested."
Her father’s in the police force, you say? Hm... may have to stay away from this one then.
Michael Harel
"My senses must be deceiving me – there’s no way this one could be an Archangel. No way."
But he’s so... non-Angelic! I don’t even think there’s religious paraphernalia in his store. No, I’ll have to double check that one, he can’t possibly be the same type as those other two Christian nuts.
Loki van Stenberg
"Ah; what can I say about Loki? My best friend, my rival, my party boy. And if I eventually get my way, my occasional lover. I reckon he’d be an absolute beast in bed."
A good friend, but if either of us get caught with our blow, I’ll happily leave him behind. He has some invulnerability – I do not, and I don’t fancy staying in prison long enough for the bloody humans to find that one out. Especially with “Mortals First” sniffing around with their silver stakes and cloves of garlic.
Talia Halbrook
"My darling roommate. A girl like her does well enough for herself to not share rent, just like myself. Obviously in old age we’ve both developed a craving for extended contact with someone else. Curious, how that happens. Apathy only seems to occur in one’s younger years."
Well, all I can say about her is thank goodness she’s a cat person.
Emerson Maddox
"Ah, our neighbourhood Lawyer. I give him a wink and a grin whenever I see him – makes the blood just rush to his face."
I can’t tell if he’s Pro-Other or Anti-Other. A smart – but concerning – choice to make as a Lawyer, I suppose.
Liam Woodsworth
"This is why I disagree with inbreeding. Fair enough, we Sphinxes did it to survive and evolve; but Vampires do not evolve. They die, and then they feed or infect. Spread your ranks through your venom, not your seed."
I wonder what will happen first: He’ll take his own life, or he’ll slowly lose himself to his hunger as he grows. Hopefully the former – the last thing this community needs is a Dhampire going on a blood-fuelled rampage.
Freddie Hughes-Jackson
"Another Witch. This one seems to be rather meek – surprising that he’s even managed a spell properly. However, I’ll be watching him carefully all the same."
Works in a library, as it happens. Very mouse like... but you know what us cats do to mice, yes?
Aiden Phillips
"Thank Heavens for small miracles."
It’s comforting knowing there’s an Other Doctor out there, especially with everyone on edge about the supernatural these days. If I ever should unfurl my wings again – Gods, the thought alone makes me shudder – I know who to go to, to patch me up.
Ryan Croft
"The good Police Commissioner? Hm... I’m not sure how to feel about this one."
Obviously, he has nothing to do with his other winged people. I think I should stay away from him, for the time being. I don’t think getting close to him right now would be a wise thing to do.
Eternity Loveless
"With a name like that, she’ll be loveless for eternity. BURNNNN"
Eheh, I jest. Slightly. Anyway, I don’t know much about her, other than she’s rich, annoying, and likes to cause trouble. Ergo, not worth my time of day. I can cause enough trouble myself without some annoying little faery getting in my way..
Patrick Kershner
"Thank the Gods I don’t work at the Police Station -the stench of dog must be overwhelming in there by now."
I don’t know anything about him, other than he’s a Wolf. The three of them should start a pack of their own, at this rate.
Nicodem Kaminski
"Now there’s a warrior. I have a feeling that we’ve met before somewhere, most likely on a battlefield. I know not if we were allies, or staring down our guns or sabres at one another.."
Another one I should probably avoid; he may have put his killing days behind him, but if one wakens the warrior, you cannot send him back off to sleep. I know that about myself; I wonder if Nicodem is telling himself otherwise.
Anastasia Psomas
"Another rare gem among this world of coal! Oh, the Phoenix is a marvellous beast; but she’s the first I’ve seen in human form. All others have been the traditional birds."
Oh, how I’d love to see her fire rage. It would be an uncontrollable inferno, easily decimating a good portion of London.
James Bright
"Another ghost, yes? Poor boy. I do hope he finds out who killed him."
Hopefully he doesn’t become violent or uncontrollable. Exorcisms can be quite painful, or so I’ve heard.
1x Laugh