Apartment 2AIs everybody's apartment. Everyone's likely to end up there at some point, especially when The Mighty Bean's closed and there's nowhere else to go. Almost everything significant happens here. No one really knows how this came to be, but it probably has something to do with the fact that they've got the comfiest couches anywhere, a gargantuan flat screen TV perfect for movie nights, and a fridge that's always stocked with beer.
1. Open
Evalyn Jones &
Bryant O'ConnorApartment 2BHasn't been quite the same since an old friend turned up on their doorstep two months ago when he was supposed to be in college far, far away at Harvard. No one knows why he's there, and most generally think he's weird. And sometimes downright evil. But they all still adore him, and he gets along terrifyingly well with everyone, too.
Melrose Adams2.
Kazuhiko Ippitsusai.
Didi Sabello.
Apartment 2CAlso known as the cleanest apartment of them all, only because something as small as forgetting to use a coaster is enough to drive anyone of them up the wall. 2C's only slightly smaller than apartment 2A and 2B, but it's enough to fit about two other people inside so it's usually where the others "escape" to when things get a little too crazy at 2A.
Dominic Mason.
Natalya Olsen.