Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheIrishJJ
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@Queentze Sorry if you meant for it to be like that, but a seventeen year old wouldn't go to primary school.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheIrishJJ
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Also, really sorry for not posting a CS, but I have a lot of free time today that I can do it in.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tombprince
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Tombprince Torn from the void between the planes.

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Posting interest, going to think up a couple of ideas and post some CS later today.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tombprince
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Tombprince Torn from the void between the planes.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheIrishJJ
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Here's my CS!

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by yoyohayli
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yoyohayli Child of The Dark Lord

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I've been interested for a while, but this is the first post I've made to show it. I spent all this time trying to sketch my character, so it's still, unfortunately, unfinished! D:

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Athinar
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Athinar Big Stupid. Veteran from Oldguild.

Member Seen 1 yr ago

So I noticed that quite a few abilities pertain to illusions and manipulation of will. Should I quantify the extent of Amam's power, or should I leave it undefined?

I left it undefined for flexibility and story reasons, but since so many people have mind-affecting magic and enhanced strength/physical abilities, should I define my character's abilities clearly?

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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I'm asking myself the same question and I didn't make quantifying statements about Vaughtar for the same reason. I'd feel fine with the idea of specifying more precisely together - if you want ofc.

Additionally, one thing I can offer to everyone who feels uncomfortable with the current situation is to moderately shift Vaughtars focus. In fact, the character is based on a concept I used a long time ago (in another forum and a RP that never really took off) and there is an aspect I haven't introduced in Vaughtars first sketch since I was afraid of overpowering him. It would be some kind of nonlethal, delayed, but pretty insidious dampening magic.

All of these considerations do, ofc, daringly assume that the base concept itself will be able to receive the GM's "OK"-stamp one day ;)
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Tombprince
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Tombprince Torn from the void between the planes.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by shaitarn
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Really sorry, I've been away doing family stuff (that's public holidays for you) and snatching time online when I could.

Anyway, back now, so –
@RaeoftheLight, @Fetzen, @Tombprince, @TheIrishJJ and @yoyohayli. All your characters are fine even if I think one of you is a disturbed person who likes torturing his characters ([cough] Tombprince [cough]) and I now really want to fit giant maggots into this somewhere.

Just a few points about the others:

@fringedWolf fine, but I just thought I should flag up a warning about the UK's gun laws - anyone hoping to get a gun legally has to go through a *lot* of security checks (I assume his background would presumably cover that) and it is not acceptable for a civilian to carry a gun anywhere; draw a gun in public, and the police will be on you like white on rice.

@Will Reiley is okay, but I'm a little cautious about Yorrick who seems a little too powerful. I'd like his ability to push people through portals reduced so all non-humans have to be physically forced through portals and they all have a chance to resist otherwise it's getting a bit too close to godmodding for me to feel comfortable with.

@Queentze I'd like to see a limit on Lar's curse abilities - I assume that after a while the curse will wear off? Again the idea of characters being stuck somewhere/having their heads permanently messed with is too much like godmodding for me to feel relaxed about it. I'm sorry if I seem to be going on about this, but I've seen other RPs fall apart because of things like this.

And since Athinar and Fetzen asked, I'm happy for powers to remain vague (since I agree with you about flexibility and story reasons) so long as the 'no godmodding' rule is adhered to (although if you've spoken to the other guy through PM and you're happy to go though some sort of mindslave plot purely for the fun of it, then by all means go for it).

And yes, I'm aware giving the limits I've specified on other characters I'm a hypocrite. Sorry.

I'm going to keep this up for another 24 hours or so to give myself time to get a character or two up (they'll be fairly background characters I imagine) and try getting an IC up.

If I've forgotten anything, give me a shout.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Will
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Will <|°_°|>

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Yorick already does have to do that with magic users tho, magic users can resist the portals, which I'll extend to non-humans as well.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FringedWolf
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Wow, can't believe I completely blanked on the gun laws there. Now that I've given it some thought I would like him to be a little more Black Market, for those in or in the know of the supernatural community, since its all about Enchanting the weapons. That way the Police could be an extra issue to deal with for my character, why not throw as much crap my way as possible right?

I also don't think my character would carry a gun around with him everywhere, only when he thinks he might be in danger or about to do something dangerous.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DannyFenton123
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DannyFenton123 The Ghostwriter

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Haha, can testify for the gun laws. Somebody my parents knew got caught shoplifting once when they were a kid and are now not allowed to have a gun liscence, which I think is for forever.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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Member Seen 4 days ago

Torturing your own characters is fun! Soo... if you should ever run out of giant maggots, how about.. erm.. whatever my character doesn't like. 'Breaking news' and police choppers (or even choppers with assassins on board ?) for example, or prolonged stay in tiny rooms, or the necessity to transform outside and then waking up half a day later with some... white substance produced by a certain species of birds that is present especially in large cities - let's leave it at that - on his head.

Btw. @shaitarn: Having actually re-read the original concept of Vaughtar instead of only remembering it, I noticed that I've forgotten a important piece of the puzzle: Improved eyesight, including night vision. Without that he would be pretty blindfolded during his preferred time of the day, especially at the higher altitudes he's forced to fly at in modern times I think. So if that doesn't blow up the balance, I'd like to add that to the CS. Sorry for that blunder on my side.

Another small question roaming around in my head is if I could legally assume that he has contact to some kind of local supernatural dealer for special needs like shoes, hats etc.. ? I don't think he can just pay a visit to the next shop and tell the salesperson to take the necessary measurements and to just ignore the things he wants to hide under the clothing he wants to buy.

It took me a while, but I (finally!) found a picture that's a rather good approximation to my imagination. Please ignore the glow in the eyes and the small tusks coming out of the mouth.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RaeoftheLight
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RaeoftheLight Piscean Devil

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I wish America had your gun laws.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

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I wanna join! This looks like fun! Gonna make a character, no idea what though. oh I do! WereCorgi!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by shaitarn
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@FringedWolf Any player wanting to cause their character problems is fine by me! Hmm, perhaps the police could be investigating the homes of one of the dead supernaturals and find one of Ben's guns there and be curious as to what's been done to it. As for carrying a gun in public, just bear the risks in mind (now why are the words 'stop and search' echoing through my mind? >:))

@Fetzen Sure, nightvision makes sense and isn't a problem game balance-wise I don't think. @yoyohayli, if you want to assume Adam has night vision as well, then that's fine. And I imagine we can bring in a shopkeeper who's able to make clothes for the non-human; actually, one of my characters would be perfect for that!

@TheIrishJJ I forgot to ask: when Seamus shifts back from wolf to human, is he wearing the clothing he had on when he first shifted, or does he come back naked?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Finished! Oh and just a heads up, the CS you have posted has two personality slots.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Taytay
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Taytay Sleepy

Member Seen 6 mos ago

@Shaitarn Sorry about that. I never intended to make it seem like he had an op ability. I put a 3 min time limit on that power, and sort of a concentration limit, like if he cannot stay mentally focused or in a stable state the the curse is can be broken.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheIrishJJ
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@shaitarn Well, he'd probably shuffle out of his clothes when he goes into his wolf form, or take them off just before. So probably naked. But if he forgot to take a sock off before he changed, and it stayed on his pay the whole time, and then changed back, the sock would still be on his foot. Basically if it doesn't go off somehow then it can stay on.

@Cuccoruler It'd be amazing if Sven was one of the Queen's corgis. Just saying.
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