Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
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INERTIA A.K.A. Tia Clark Cambria

Age 24
Offensive power is Molecular Speed Manipulation
Defensive power is Phase
Enhanced power is Regeneration
In and Out of Space flight

Bio: Inertia has been working for the League under the guidance of Wicked who runs the agency for the worlds governments. She has been assigned to head up the new league HQ.
Cambria is the daughter of a Green Lantern and can fly anywhere in and out of space without needing extra gear.

Wicked Flame

Wicked Flame A.K.A Wicked runs the Agency that oversees the HQ's and the supers. They are ALL her responsibility. She is also TIa's aunt and the temporary leader whenever Tia is not there or hurt. Wicked is very aggressive unlike her niece and she does not tolerate disrespect. She is highly emotional, volatile and in the rare occassions that she cries her tears are made of fire. She has funny issues about it.

Wicked is an angel sent by the creator to be a guardian to the human race.

Wicked Flame is deceased and has been reincarnated by the creator as Wicked Frost.

Wicked Frost

Wicked Frost appears to be a woman in her late 20's.

Her powers are
Power Negation and force fields
Absolute healer- can heal anyone from anything including herself, Can remove curses, hexes and diseases

Wicked is an angel and because of this she has fully functional wings and can fly as a result. She also has angel telepathy. This allows her to speak to angels via her mind but no one else. She is Kronus' wife and Shiver's mother. Aunt to Coheed/Omega and Cambria/Inertia.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

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Kain Dressel

Age 19
Offensive power is Metal manipulation
Defensive power is Sturdy body
Enhanced power is Heightened senses

Bio: Kain was recruited when his wrap sheet became too large for the cops to deal with. A wayward teen he filled his time directing his youthful angst against society in all manners of minor misdemeanours and felonies.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 The Abmin

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Blop


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Grant Finley: AKA The Hammer

Grant Finley: Soldier #34366609 A.K.A The Hammer

Age 23
Offensive Power: Claws, retractable, well mostly. They darken and point sharply at indestructible tips. While otherwise being stubby they only extend further outward willfully in times of danger.
Defensive Power: Super Strength
Enhanced Power: Enhanced Agility

Bio: Grant Finley led a normal life growing up in Jefferson City, Missouri. Normal parents, normal friends, normal habits. He'd hit 6 foot tall by freshman year. Tall like his old man and just as fit. 180 pounds stuck tightly on his body with defined muscle. He'd never worked out a day in his life, but his shirts were always struggling to contain his arms and chest. Brown hair, brown eyes, and a farmboy tan, he was a plain looking guy who liked nice company and good music.

In high school his athleticism seemed to know no bounds. By senior year his biggest problem was finding time to win state champion at wrestling and carry the school football team to another perfect season. The "Olympian To Be!"; the "All American Champion"; "The Record Setter" was known by every small town paper in the county and took notice round all the schools in the United States. Strength and agility to match, Grant impressed every college in the nation, full ride scholarships were offered to him and his future as a famous athlete seemed inevitable. Grant's brown haired mop head mugshot was getting famous all up to his first year of College. A state University to stay close to his parents. He was a good, christian raised country boy and didn't need a flashy named college education from somewhere he'd never been to take him away from his family. However, unbeknownst to him, Grant would not be staying near his family long, and his small town paper headline titles were changing to something very different.

He'd soon be known to the US Marine Corps as Soldier #34366609 AKA "The Hammer"

College proved to be very difficult for Grant. He'd focused little on his education, as one my expect. After failing every course at the end of his first semester Grant was banned from competing in the school's sports. Losing his ability to play meant losing his scholarships. In 6 short months he'd gone from athletic prodigy to college dropout. There seemed nowhere he could go without admitting to everyone he was completely without an education. Grant found his was to the military where he thought he could at least do right by his strength and help people in need. War was hell.

Grant detested the fighting. His power, which seemed to have been getting stronger every day since, made him a useful asset on the front. He hammered through the enemy lines earning himself a sickening nickname. Uncle Sam called him "The Hammer." He felt more like the nails. Grant found he could grow his fingernails to sharpened daggers strong enough to cut into steel! Thickened armor plating on vehicles; tough barricaded roadblocks; and bunkered down fox holes couldn't withstand the might of US Marine Corps newest weapon of war: The Hammer! After weeks of winning countless battles, Grant and his fellow marines came to a true realization; Grant was not a normal country boy. He was something more.

When the fighting slowed, and the war had been somewhat won. The league of nations came to the US Armed Forces with a proposal for their weapon. Assign him to their league of other superheroes, station him in their newest HQ base in California, and he can serve the world while maintaining a loyalty to the US. The reassignment was swift and Soldier #34366609 was discharged with a medal of honor. Grant was moved to a superhero Headquarters lead by Tia Clark.

Just a good, christian raised country boy who wanted to help people. Trained for combat and run a trial by fire. Awarded a medal of honor. Grant stepped off the plane outside the San Francisco airport. Cabs buzzed around him. The gold star medal shined in his hand. With a scowl Grant crushed it in his fist and let it fall between his boot and the gutter. A black SUV pulled up alongside him and took him to the compound.

Grant Finley: AKA The Hammer
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by RaeoftheLight
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RaeoftheLight Piscean Devil

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

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Visi-Play AKA Miles Bronson

Age: 24

Offensive- Force Beam (Optic)
Defensive- Invisibility
Enhanced- X-Ray Vision

Bio: Miles grew up in a military family but was considered a problem child being that his family was always moving and his parents were away most of the time. Throughout his youth, hanging with the wrong crowd, Miles was usually in trouble until, his uncle, who is a cop, caught his nephew in the act of violence and place him in the back of his car where Miles powers activated. Miles using an optic blast, broke loose but had not real control over his powers until a connection that his uncle had, took Miles in to teach him control and to make a change in his life for the better or....he could stay locked up in a government facility until the day he die....of course, he took the former. (May add more later or change this)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Taytay
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Taytay Sleepy

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Gyro-AKA Brian Michelson

Age: 18

Offensive- Gravity control
Defensive- Flight
Enhanced- Enhanced Agility

Bio: Brian found his powers when he started high school. He grew up in a average house hold with two parents that were never home. While in school he would push the limits of his abilities by playing pranks on others. He would make them float off the ground and weigh to much to move. When he learned more about what he could do he started to get into some mischief by doing bigger pranks. When one of his jokes went wrong, it ended up with some girl in the hospital in critical condition, and no one knew it was him. The guilt ate at him and drove him to drop his grades and almost flunk out of school. He knew he had to repent so he started with helping those in need, whether it be stopping a bully to stopping robbers, Brian would use his powers for only good. He was picked up after being noticed by the government, and taken to the HQ to be trained properly.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

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No longer attached to the Agency

Jessica Robin Winchester
AGE : 17
SEX : Female
OFFENSIVE : Magnetism
ENHANCMENT : Spatial Awareness

BIO : Jessie/Drifter is the only child of Major Amelia Winchester father unknown.

Born three months after her mother's return from a two year assignment to the International Space Station Jessica strangely has no shared DNA with any of her mother's male crew members. This has lead some to speculate she is the result of an artificial insemination experiment carried out by either UKSA or a joint UKSA/NASA but neither government has any records of such an experiment.

Jess's birth was the cause of her mother's early retirement from the RAF and suspicion of collusion with unknown entities which resulted in her suicide when Jessica was 5 years old.

Taken into custody an made a ward of the state the tragic Orphan might have simply faded into obscurity had she not begun to display unusual abilities around her 10th birthday. Once more the young girl found herself at the center of curiosity and speculation as she was whisked away from public view and sent to a facility in the Falkland islands.

For the first three years Jessie cooperated her handlers then like most adolescents she began to rebel against restrictive authority both actual and perceived. Her rebellion began as simple refusal to cooperate with experiments and schooling which frustrated the scientists and her handlers; little did they know that they'd look back fondly on those days.

By her 15th birthday Jessica had enough of her unjust confinement where she felt alone and isolated by her condition. Using her abilities which her handlers had spent years defining then training she escaped the island and was spotted on a beach in Rio two weeks later but disappeared before she could be brought back. It was a full 6 months before Jessica was finally discovered again and this time convinced to at least cooperate high Her Majesty's government.

When the League was formed it was discovered that the UK had a secret research project to study humans they'd designated Meta sapiens and their prime specimen was codenamed Drifter (Jessica)
Under international agreement the United Kingdom had signed the treaty of Baltimore which forbade the militarization of Meta types and Jessica was declared an attempt at violation. Then after diplomatic pressure was applied the people at project Morgana which had been formed to study Jessie released their charge to join the other heros in San Francisco.

Excited but understandably nervous Jessie was flown to the city on the bay and released after she was presented with a uniform made of experimental materials and access to the pension owed her by the government.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Name: Michael Watts, "Mike" by close friends. "Omega" by the rest.

Age: 24

Sex: Male

Offensive Power: Telekinesis

Defensive Power: Super Strength

Enhanced Power: Enhanced Regeneration

Unlocked Ability (Wicked Frost): Tactical Analysis (cite at powerlisting.wikia.com) Michael is still not very used to this ability and will have some dull moments. The alien creature that had taken over his body had a lot of range with this ability. Using it to deceive, scheme, and be charismatic while doing so. It's more of a mindset than an ability that one can use at will.

Appearance: Michael stands at about 6 feet and weighs 210 lbs. It's apparent that his strength doesn't just come from his power of super strength, but also with how he's conditioned his body. His complexion reveals his Black American Heritage that has been mixed in with Latin roots. Michael owns a pair of dark brown eyes and jet black hair. Michael usually wears dark or black clothing when in civilian attire, matching his subdued outfit when he's out saving lives. It is a tight black ballistic weaved suit that covers him from neck to ankles, black sporting sneakers, black ballistic gloves. He never hides his mug though.

Bio: Due to his ability, Michael was an outcast early on in his life. In time, he used his power for his own personal gain. Michael used his talents as sort of a gun for hire. As long as the pay was great, Michael partimitated in theft, robbery, bounty hunting, and even assassination. Because his motivation was the dollar, the government basically bought him out for their own gain, rather than spending money trying to cage him up. Michael now finds himself on a team of others with varying backgrounds. Will he integrate, or will he just keep things strictly business?
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

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Oops! Sorry
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

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You posted this in with the CS sheets, lol

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lunar
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Lunar The Skull

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Name: Izzy

Age 19

Sex: Female

Offensive power: claws. Can create claws anywhere and any size on her body and are made of metal or bone and are nearly indestructible.

Defensive power: armored skin. Can create armor and limbs such as arms or tails out of almost indescribable bones and enhance muscles tissue, and they can be any size. But they aren't like skeletons they actually look like the limbs just made of bones.

Enhanced power: Super speed.


Bio: izy never really hurt anyone nor even talked to anyone for that matter, she mainly keep to herself. Izy purposely got put in this group, she surprised even herself when she did this. Maybe it was because she just wanted to be with people of her own kind or maybe she wanted friends. she's still not sure why.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

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Sound Wave/James Coleman
Age 18
-Sonic Wave: His body is in constant vibration and therefor allows him to release hyper sonic waves from it, which can cause effects similiar to sonic booms and earthquakes, but on a much smaller scale. These waves can shatter glass and crack concrete and damage the human body internally
-Super Speed: can reach a top speed of mach 2.5 while running and can hit mach 3 while flying thanks to more space to move in the air.

Bio: James Coleman was your average American kid who had his dreams of being an all star football player and making his way into the hall of fame. During his high school years, James performed excellent on his football team and his dreams of getting the pros seemed like certainty, but tragedy did make his life more difficult. His father was killed during a robbery at a convenience store and with his father's death James' dreams of making his dad proud to watch him in the pros vanished and his skills faltered. He decided to take a break from football for a while and focused a bit more on his studies.

Things however would change drastically again when his latent superhuman abilities would activate and he found himself with incredible powers. At first he was unsure of himself with what to do with these abilities and did not use them. But one day he happened to come across a group of thugs harassing a homeless man and that reminded him of his dad's death. That was when James' decided to use his powers for good and put an end to the thugs' harassment. With a new purpose in life, James fashioned himself a football themed costume and took on the name Sound Wave and began his hero work as well as studying into the functions of his powers. His acts of heroics didn't make him wait too long before he became noticed by the government and was asked join as an official state funded superhero.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by alexfangtalon
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

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Age 22


She is Wicked and Kronus' daughter. She looks at Tia as her big sister since they were raised together. Shiver looks a lot like her father. Shiver is very easy to please but she does have an attitude. She is an angel and thusly has angel telepathy (between angels only) and wings that allow her to fly.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

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Retired (From conspiracy)/ Free Agent

Rey "Glitch" Weaver

AGE: 26
SEX: Male


~ Technopathy: usually through touch to initiate control over technological object(s). Initiating control over an object without touching it can be done but can cause exhaustion with extended use.
~ Superhuman intuitive talent at inventing (Enhancement)

Rey grew up in a broken home to a drug and alcohol addicted mother who used to abuse him through his youth. When his powers awakened at the age of 8, from when he wanted to watch his favorite cartoon even though his mother was hogging the tv, keeping him from his entertainment, a thought, wanting to watch his favorite show in a marathon, he told and made his tv switch to what he wanted, over powering the remote and the cord being unplugged. after learning his ability from various incidents, Rey ended up using it to his advantage. Using petty crime, robbing and emptying out ATMs, changing computer records and going as far as to hack the pentagon codes on a dare, he was found out and sent to either serve time in prison or be used for the government's benefit for mankind. Not being a hero but yet be of use behind the scenes, Rey have managed to invent a few devices and weapons that the HQ uses today.

ADDED INFO: Rey is the rival of the Human Military's Science Division's Head Scientist: Fabian Kane

~ Rey created a nano tech he calls Nani

~ Rey's best lab assistant is his super computer program named Raya

Raya(No longer functioning)

Age: body- a few days old / image- looks 23

Sex: female Model

- nano tech reconstruct

- superhuman physical attributes

- Energy blasts

- Artificial intelligence, learning systems

Raya originally was a natural-language user interface computer system that assisted Rey. She was downloaded into a physical body and combined with Rey's prototype nano tech called Nani. With this body, she's capable of combat training and similar to Rey, hack into other systems. She is a learning machine and is willing to become as "human" as possible. Hopefully her curiosity will not get her into trouble.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

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No longer attached to the Agency

Dr. Amelia Evergreen

AGE : ? N/A
SEX : Female

External : Regenerative Healing
{Range : touch}{Effect : using this ability Evergreen is able to heal all wounds including loss of limbs, cure diseases and toxins but cannot cure genetic problems}
Internal : Regenerative Healing
Enhancement : Perfect Physique {Effect : because of her Regenerative powers Evergreen is at the peak of human physical condition which puts her on par with Olympic athletes and overall surpassing their physical abilities but doesn't grant their skills.}


Amelia's past is shrouded in mystery her age and origin unknown and she never speaks of them.

First coming to attention of the United Kingdom's Academy of science 80 years ago as a faith healer of Extraordinary power she was briefly contacted before disappearing into obscurity.

Her next appearance was discovered by the OSS in 1945
At a field hospital that had hastily erected near a concentration camp. She was doing all she could to help those so abused by the former regime but found malnutrition another foe that she'd never best. The agent who saw her tried to detain her for questioning only to have her sky dive over the English coast without a parachute.

Her next sighting was in the Indo China theater healing the refugees in a small camp where they quarantined the worst cases. This time MI6 was ready for her or so they thought when she overpowered 6 trained agents in unarmed combat. Again she made her escape from a plane in flight this time about 700 nautical miles from Guam.

Then about 15 years ago she simply presented herself to Canadian authorities saying her name was Amelia Evergreen and requested asylum from persecution and pursuit. The Canadian government used the opportunity to gently recruit her services as a research doctor and she was accepted.

The formation of the League required cooperation from allied governments and as one of Canada's supers Amelia was asked to aid the starting HQ in San Francisco for 6 months to a year

She and her abilities are considered top secret as knowledge of her existence and abilities can cause public disruption as hordes of sick and injured seek her talent. It is for this reason for her self sequestration while serving in the HQ
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Overlord24
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Overlord24 The Aspiring Author

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Name: Avary Muse
Age: 13
Offensive: Telekinesis
Defensive: Phase
Enhanced: Super speed
Bio: Avary was a masked hero from his home town, being able to run at immense speeds, walk/run through walls, and move things with his mind, when the order came for the rounding up of all superhumans, Avary was one of the last to be captured, but he didn't go without a fight, so he is constantly under extreme watch.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SheriffLlama
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SheriffLlama In Trench I'm Not Alone

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Name: Erin Dawson (AKA "Pixie")
Sex: Female
Age: 17


Offensive - Telepathy (She can only do this if she focuses and makes eye contact. Sunglasses/Masks/Hoods prevent her from making eye contact and render this power useless)
Defensive - Armored Skin (This only means that bullets won't penetrate her skin, but they still hurt like crap)
Enhanced - Enhanced Agility (She's very fast, and is a master of Krav Maga, Kung Fu, and Kendo, allowing her to dispatch non-superpowered enemies with ease)


- "Pixie" Costume: She wears a hard-leather crimson, sleeveless dress that touches the middle of her thigh, under which she wears black leggings. She wears mid-calf boots that match her dress. Her arms are bare from elbow to shoulder, but she wears black elbow-length gloves. She wears a black tube-scarf that acts as a mask to conceal her face up to her nose. She rides a Yamaha FZ to get to missions

- Physical Description: She has long red hair, pale skin, and pretty blue eyes. Despite her outward, quirky, and enormous spirit, she stands at a whopping 4'11" and weighs a grand maximum of 95 pounds. Despite her size (or lack thereof), she can take down bad guys while they laugh at her adorable appearance.


Bio: Erin grew up with her adopted brother, who was about 15 years older than her. The family she was adopted into had no problem with money, so she was free to be herself and not worry about money. She started taking "Kung Fu" lessons at 8, but like most kids, she didn't really take it seriously. However, when she discovered her powers at age 12, she began training to one day become a superhero.


Name: Roman Jaeger - AKA "Velocity"
Gender: Male
Age: 26

Offensive Power: Electrokinesis (He can generate it and he can throw bolts of lightning while running)
Defensive Power: Super-Strength (He can lift about 40 Tons)
Enhancing Power: Super-Speed (He can run at Mach 10, ten times the speed of sounds, if he highly exerts all of his strength. At a regular-pace while using his super-speed, he runs at about Mach 2

Roman is the son of Abel Jaeger, a German-American professional fighter. He became a very skilled fighter by the age of 18, trained by his skilled father. His mother supported the two of them, but always feared what their sport might bring. When a mob boss who had money on against Abel Jaeger's fights, he tried to scare the man to lose. When they confronted them in a power-plant, Abel and Roman fought back. Roman was thrown into against an electric turbine, and they shot him. The bullet went through his stomach, and hit the turbine behind him, causing it to malfunction and send thousands upon thousands of volts into his body. Roman's father was killed, but he woke up a week later with his super powers
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Demigoddess parents are Elric and Bellare.

She weilds two very unique swords that have the power to kill with only the tiniest of cuts. The swords are curved and adorned with gems from the mountain of Olympus itself.
God power=can shimmer between dimensions
Enyo's powers are:

Mind blast = Instant temporary devastation that renders the victim practically helpless) equivalent to the worst migraine you've ever had times 4) If she puts all power into it she can actually break major blood vessels in your brain and render you a vegetable or dead.
Super Speed
Super strength

Skills: Enyo has been trained to war since she was born. She fights like no other. She rivals Ares in hand to hand combat. She has crazy acrobatic skills and although she is incredibly resilient she is unlikely to die. She wears arm bands that allow her to call on Zeus or her mother at Mount Olympus for help with healing or advice. As a demigoddess she is immune to anti meta devices and weapons. Her father was a god from another realm as she is only half of an Olympian goddess she is considered a demi instead of a full even though she is technically a full goddess. Enyo has a secret past with Loki Lauffey.

Timeless looks about 28

Death- can take away life and can give it back
Rules the shadows and demons in hell
Can create and manipulate force fields
God power=can shimmer between dimensions
Hades is a little crazy. He also doesn't do anything unless he gets something in return. He is personable enough but is not without his faults.

Bellare AKA Bellona
Goddess, immortal looks about 25
Goddess of war, Married to Elric consort to Ares after Elric vanished
Mother of Enyo.
God power=can shimmer between dimensions
Super Speed
Super strength
Extreme agility including Extreme precision=never misses her target

handling all weapons no matter what they are
hand to hand combat

Protective of her children, considers Shiver hers at least partly because she raised her for two and a half years.
The only warrior to have ever beaten Ares in a fight.
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