Hey are we stuck on our co-op?
If so allow me to work on it.
Oh, I thought that you weren't finished so I didn't write anything

Hey are we stuck on our co-op?
If so allow me to work on it.
It's safe to say I'm gonna drop, not too good at fluff for early until a plot is established, if the Rain dude wants to take my character to still be his pet that's fine.
Don't blame yourself as a gm tho, I'm just shit at RPing lol. @ClocktowerEchos
(calls out into the void) Update when?
Posted again and once again I'm worried I might have actually fucked up the time line even more, please do tell if I have so I can properly calculate how many times I need to smack my head into the wall for it.
Paging @Gin if he has finished his part of the collab so I can go on writing my own part.
Paging @Keyguyperson to make sure he's still alive and not some drug-induced hallucination.
<Snipped quote by ClocktowerEchos>
Keyguyperson died a week ago from the sheer force of writer's block.
His ghost will try to do something soon.