Ayana Efia Attah of the Silver Crowns

“It’s not the load that breaks you down, it’s the way you carry it.” - Lena HorneAyana Efia Attah
Nickname: Ay.
Birth date and age: March 21st, 33.
Sexuality: Open.
In Depth Appearance:Ayana has always been a thing of beauty. Her skin like the color of dirt after a fresh rainfall, fingers calloused, a few scars scattered across the dark expanse, some visible, others hidden beneath clothes; her eyes akin to the color of a starless night sky, their shape that of an almond, surrounded by dark eyelashes that thin out towards the inside corner of her eyes; her hair rather the color of fresh dirt, a lighter brown than that of her skin, big and bouncy, curly and unruly, never laying down unless wet, soft and clean to the touch; high cheekbones, soft plush lips, thin eyebrows, rounded chin, straight, slightly wide nose; body built like an athlete's, lean and strong, standing at 5'9 with long, muscled legs, barely visible abs, and nicely toned arms. Ayana takes care of herself, keeping her nails trimmed and neat, skin soft (besides fingers from years of labor) and smooth, teeth straight and pearly white; always smelling of Earthy tones, dirt and pine and fresh rain.
Personality:• Trustworthy • Fiercely Loyal • Protective •
Do not let Ayana's pretty face fool you; Ayana is a fighter. The pack is her life, her family, and to cross any one of her fellow pack members, especially her Alpha, is a sure fire way to get her attention, and it is attention you do not want. Ayana is level-headed, calculating, cunning, and she does not let anger or fear get in her way. She speaks up when she thinks something needs to be said, never holding back, and can be seen as bluntly honest; yet, she is motherly, listening to any family member's problem and comforting them in a soothing and sweet manner; she is protective of her family, and is always a shoulder to lean on. She never turns her back on her family and is loyal beyond any measure. She looks to the bright side of things; always tries to keep everyone happy and their spirits lifted with her quick wit and humor; tries to be the voice of reason if it is needed. She is a hard worker, always going above and beyond for her pack. She is wise beyond her years, very insightful and is often the one to go to when seeking advice; she is weary of strangers and usually sticks to her pack, comfortable with them, and does not venture away from them often, so she can be considered socially awkward when faced with a stranger; her heart is big, and she feels much empathy for other creatures, always being sure to give thanks after kills before feasting; she is very much one with nature and is most comfortable and at home there, preferring to live among the trees and dirt rather than humans and concrete.
Likes:- The Silver Crowns.
- Nature.
- Productivity (including being productive).
- Being active.
- Deepening the connections/bonds between her pack and herself.
Dislikes:- Anyone/thing that brings harm/chaos to the pack.
- Vampires.
- Anyone who goes against her Alpha.
- Killing (though when having to do it, she does not complain and is still efficient in the task).
- Strangers.
Fears:- Losing anyone within the pack.
- Being disowned by the pack (an irrational fear since she is such a good asset).
- Becoming the omega of the pack (an old fear).
- The fall of the pack.
Biography: Ayana was, surprisingly, born to another pack, one that lived in the southwest of Maine. A pack with African descent and a large and long history filled with pain and many deaths, Ayana's first pack was small, and she was born to the Omegas of the pack, thrusting her automatically into the lowest of the low. From a very young age, Ayana learned the labors of hard work and how harsh the world could be; instead of this turning her into a closed off, angry being, she became a more kind and positive being from it, something her parents were proud of. When she wasn't even a teenager yet, a group of rouge vampires attacked her pack. Chaos ensued and Ayana barely got away with her life; she ran and ran, a young pup confused and lost, presuming her whole pack were slaughtered. She kept moving, like her mother had told her to do, and only got herself more lost and scared. She had known her pack's lands well, however small they had been, but she had fled from them in a panic and gotten herself hopelessly lost. On the verge of dying, barely able to hunt and fend for herself, she stumbled upon the Silver Crowns; they were weary to take her in but since she was just a pup, and harmless, one of the older females stepped up and took her under her "paw." From then on, Ayana became a pack member of the Silver Crowns. Of course, it hadn't been that easy; she had to prove herself loyal to the pack and once she was a bit older, she performed each task thrust upon her admirably, and efficiently, and earned her place in the pack.
She didn't stop proving herself from there, always doing more than asked, always making sure she had food to bring home, always working her tail off to keep her spot in the pack, to show the ones weary of her she wanted to be here, she appreciated being taken in. Of course, she missed her old pack and her parents, but she had accepted it, and moved on the best she could. She grew up to be a great asset to the pack, never failing to do her best work, and to be a good person to each member. She wasn't stupid and she had noticed that the Alpha at the time was not best utilizing his pack; though, she stayed in her place, because the one time she had spoken up and pointed out that an alarming amount of food was being wasted, she had gotten in trouble for "speaking out of place." The pack was not as tightly knit as Ayana believed it could be, and it had been hard for her to hold her tongue, but she had, for she hoped a change would come.
When Reinor became Alpha, Ayana had no trouble embracing the change, easily shifting loyalty to him, relieved to have someone new in charge, hopeful they would do a much better job. And that he did. Ayana had never been happier to belong to the Silver Crowns, she was proud to call herself a pack member, and she never ceased her hard work, which was done much easier with a close pack and every asset being utilized. Ayana looks up to her Alpha and admires him greatly, always going above and beyond for him, and her pack; she never doubted that Reinor couldn't best the ones who dare and try to take the title from him; for all his years as Alpha, she has been very happy with it, and knows he has many more years to come as Alpha, as does she as a pack member.
Opinion on your Pack as well as the others.The Silver Crowns: "They are my family; I will follow my Alpha's word until death. Mercy on anyone who crosses us wrongly."
The Morakai: "I hope they stay away and do not cross us, for it will be a regret on their part. Vile creatures... if I did not care for my pack so, I would seek them out and kill them all myself, for that would be the only time killing would come easy to me."
Night’s Shadows: "They seem to not have as much control as The Morakai; the same stands, however, that if they cross us, I will not hesitant to have their blood coat my claws."
Position/Role in Pack: Member of the Silver Crowns.
Other:It seems she is holding a torch for the Alpha and that was not done on purpose, it just wrote itself! lol. (By the way, could not think of a song. If I really need one, I can look around some.)