Nicodem Kaminski
Location: Returning to 14 Pratchett Road, Faircourt
Interacting With: Mentions of Opallum @Ebonsquire, Ryan @Write

As the sun rose over Edgetoun, Nicodem Kaminsky rounded the top of Pratchett road and jogged the last few houses to complete his circuit of the borough. He'd been awake for several hours already, starting off with exercises and some blade work before setting off on his run. In his ears, a dull monotone outlined useful phrases in Polish. After he carefully pulled off his running shoes and left them on the porch, he reached down to pause the walkman, gently remove the cassette tape and place it in its plastic case. If he was a little more at home with technology, Nicodem might have invested in a mobile phone to play music, track his time and distance and generally be more efficient than his venerable walkman. But if it ain't broke, don't replace it was one of Nicodem's mottos so he continued using a walkman bought in the 80s and teach-yourself-Polish cassette tapes found in the back of dusty charity shops. Before going to the shower, he dug around in the pockets of the big black coat hanging on the pegs by the door. After a couple of seconds rummaging he retrieved a small, well thumbed notebook and a pen. He'd seen a few things on his run that could do with recording.
On the page titled 'Opallum' with a photo of a young man sitting on the street and looking into the middle distance, he wrote:
"Subject still seems unbothered by cold, despite intervention of Unseelie, further evidence of demonic nature?"
A few pages on, under the heading 'Incident developments', he wrote:
"Unseele winter continues, protest likely to claim lives any day now. Werewolf murdered in captivity, accused of manslaughter (lost control and killed a child) but not tried due to intervention of 'Helsing'. Requires attention and investigation, speak to Ryan."
He'd been running past one of the shops with TVs in the windows when he's seen 'werewolf' and 'murder' in the same sentence on the subtitles and needed to stop immediately to catch himself up with recent events. On the one hand, the werewolf's lack of discipline had cost the life of and child and, in a round about way, himself. There again, murder is murder and the due process is there for a reason. It's just what the current climate didn't need, however, what with everyone's tempers being inflamed by the Unseelie ice and snow. Perhaps he should talk with the two werewolves down at the station, get an inside view on the problem? Nicholas probably won't respond to that too well but Aila might be more receptive, especially as she's gunning for a new job. Talk it over with Ryan, see what he says.
Tucking the book back into the coat pocket, Nicodem went to shower, dress (another dark grey suit with silken tie of creamy green) and then feed the rats. Normally their hutch stood outside in the garden but the cold had driven Nicodem to let them into the house for now. They squeaked happily and devoured the food pellets as soon as they ascertained that he was here to give them food, not take blood. Rats have surprisingly long memories where syringe needles are involved. With the rats fat and happy, he went to the kitchen to see about some breakfast. Truth be told, he probably didn't exactly need it and who knows what Ryan needs, but eating modern food is just so satisfying he was prepared to put in the effort.
Heating up the pan, he selected one of the many packets of gourmet sausages from the fridge and glanced at the label. "Infused with herbs and spices". Huh. If you saw green bits in your sausages back in the old days, you very carefully ate around that bit and then threw it in the fire when the cook wasn't looking. Modern sausages probably don't even contain any sawdust, he mused as he slapped a few into the pan to a satisfying sizzling sound. To add something more to the meal he put on some baked beans and started some toast, as well as putting the tea on. Coffee was just a little too much effort right now and tea just involves dropping the bag in and waiting, much less investment.
When he'd got a good looking plate of beans, sausages and buttered toast, he picked up a mug of tea and walked up the stairs to Ryan's room and gave a light knock.
"Breakfast, your commissionership?" He said, his tone light but with a definite tone of mocking.