Roxelana ‘Roxie’ Cacciatore
◆ 23 ◆ October 11th ◆5’11”◆ Guardian ◆ A P P E A R A N C ERoxelana is the prime and proper expectation of somebody that grew up in the upper echelons of high society where money and power come in great amounts. Elegant is the word that is mostly easily used to describe the girl as her body seems to flow together cohesively with each lithe muscle moving in concentrated tandem with one another. Her pale skin below is a subtle patchwork of light scars that run up and down her body produced in her training with her father long ago as the rapiers clashed until blood was drawn. The muscles were earned not bestowed upon her and the time she spends focused on personal fitness primarily in relation to the heavy training regime she runs through every day primarily focused on deadly efficiency. This mixture of fine tuned femininity and deadly efficiency speaks volumes of the duality of the girl.
Her attire is generally of darker shades mostly blacks consisting of standard attires of zip-up sweatshirts, loose fitting tee shirts beneath, tightly fitting pants and some impressive looking combat boots.
◆ I D E O L O G YIn a perfect world those fighting for the safety of the world are heroes. They fight for courageous causes and for the betterment of humanity. They value human life and they follow strict moral codes that keep them down the straight and narrow. In a perfect world knights in shining armor are not just relegated to fairy tales. Libra is far from a perfect world and it’s knights are far from galant paladins of virtue. Roxie is something akin to a blunt instrument than a hero that once set upon a task will complete it no matter the cost. Moral codes hold no sway and are as easy to pick up and drop as cards. This strong conviction results in a savage ruthlessness of a whirling dervish with no qualms of taking lives and burning down the bridges that lay behind her. Each task completed with a deadly combination of precision focus and seemingly suicidal fearlessness.
This brutal exterior is juxtaposed against a sense of charm and sophistication that is carried with each step of her feet. A sweet and considerate voice thrown off by the dead eyes of a well tuned killing machine. For in the end society, friends, and even close allies serve the same purpose as a well used tool; they are means to an end upon which goals are met. The honey like sweetness can quickly turn bitter into something much more akin to coarse and callous contempt. A cynic who is able to wear the mask of an optimist in order to fulfil an agenda.
This outright rejection of the standard fare of heroic virtue is matched only by a deeply set pathological rejection of authority based on unresolved childhood issues. These outside visage of cold and brutal efficiency is brought down inwardly by repressed personal issues of insecurity, abandonment among others. Friends and family are concepts that are now strangely foreign as even those she draws in close are held at an icy distance in the end. In her own mind she slipped too far already and can only proceed to go deeper all the while plagued by the fading fragment of her morality as the face in the mirror looking back at her seems strange and alien.
◆ B A C K G R O U N DRoxelana Cacciatore was born into the lonely and snow covered world of Valeheist. Valehesit stands alone nestled deep into the foreboding and treacherous Rajim Mountain range nestled within northern Suji. Valeheist a land plentiful in resources prospered greatly due to its trade contracts with the mighty and powerful. This lonely city-state surrounded by soaring crags and peaks held a deep secret that lay beneath a facade of prosperity and upper class sophistication. Bound in blood and tradition the people of Valeheist did what many would consider unthinkable or lead to damnation, built upon the long dead corpse of a great Eidolon the people of Valeheist studied the creature, study which lead to insane dreams of power and conquest leading them to not live in coexistent with the spirits that surround them but rather harness their power into a sort of forced enslavement similar to the use of Aggressors to fuel their industry and progress.
The leader of this vile and dark place was the Regent of Valeheist, a man seemingly turned immortal by his harnessing the spirit's power. Those in Valeheist knew him as the Undying lord, a messiah like figure that brought them great prosperity and prestige even as the world around them burned Roxelana knew the Undying Lord as father. She was born to his wife rather than one of the many whores that he had occasional dalliances with time and again and so was treated with all the respect and privilege that came with such a position. She grew up in the great castle like fortress that served as the center of the city, a series of towering spires dark as the void that stretched high into the sky and dominated the skyline of Valeheist.
It soon became apparent that Roxelana much like her father had a queer aptitude towards attracting spirits and harnessing their powers, the only of the regents children to have such. Due to this the girl was treated as special rather than having a tutor like her other siblings, Roxelana was taught personally by her father to groom her into becoming a suitable heir to take over Valeheist from him when the time was right. He taught her everything from culture and etiquette to more important things like combat and treachery through this he ingrained his bitter and jaded worldview into his young daughter teaching her to only care about success and getting the job done.
It was around this time that a great darkness began to fall over Valeheist something which threatened to consume all those within. A corruption very much similar to the Stigma caused by the Mordhem but this was artificially caused by the people of Valeheist on rampant greed towards their seemingly endless ascent towards godhood. Man became nothing more than mindless husks and soon masses of these terrible human abominations slammed against the doors of the Valeheist Castle. It was here that Roxelana’s father made a deal with those in a far away place in exchange for secrets and power his daughter was given safe passage and a place at Oakridge. She was ushered through the teleporter just as the beasts outside had broken through the door. After that all communication from the lonely city grew silent becoming nothing more than a cold dead corpse laying in the snow. The fate of Roxelana’s father remaining unknown to this day.
Roxelana was eleven years old when she arrived at Oakridge. Because of the girls mysterious origins she naturally drew others to her. Only for them to drift away as they found her as cold as the mountain home that she once knew. From that point onward she vowed to continue the dreams of her father, to return to Valeheist and raise it back to the pinnacle of civilization it once was. But first she needed to become stronger, much much stronger.
◆ W A R F A R ERoxie’s weapon style revolves around brutally elegant simplicity and she carries a trick weapon to match that style. In its standard appearance it as an elegant rapier with a underslung shotgun barrel jutting from its hilt used in combination Roxie slams the blade into her opponents before blasting them at close range. Though for situations that require more finesse or long range solutions the barrel extends and it becomes a sturdy rifle with the rapier blade now serving as a bayonet of sorts.
◇Mrak [ Dark ] [ -Imperil ] [ -Pain] The spirits seem to burst forth from the veins in the girl's arm with a tremendous fury. Tendril in appearance black as pitch they circle about the girl's arm and upon a swift gesture they lash out from the arm lashing about an opponent and encircling them opening them up to attacks most viscous indeed. These spirits value savagery and fear.
◇Toride [ Holy ] [ +Protect ] [ +Shell] The spirits appear as a burst of fierce light coming down from the heavens upon slamming into Roxie or an ally bestowing a translucent sheen of glowing particles about protecting them that harden into a sparkling crystalline shield upon impact protecting them from incoming damage feeding upon convictions most strong indeed nearly bordering on zealousness and dogma.
◇Sundara [ Dark ] [ -Meltdown ] [ -Curse ] [ -Terror ] [ -Nightmare ][ +Vampire] These spirits are most vile indeed responding to the most simplistic and primordial of emotions fear. They take the very fears and self doubts which drive young Roxie forward and channel them into a great destructive force. Veins go black as the void of oblivion and the eyes themselves cloud over with darkness and from an outstretch palm as torrent of dark energy is released at an opponent blasting them with necrotic energy. But upon use the darkness lingers upon Roxie opening her up to attacks of a more righteous sort.
◆ A S P E K T S◇ Ravager
◇ Synergist
◇ Saboteur
◇ Sentinel