Aikawa Miye

Standing at around 5'6', Miye is pretty tall for a Japanese woman but not much. She is a beauty with striking red eyes that tend to draw people in and a sweet smile. F cups which she usually hides. Miye has long, very long white hair that is splendidly wavy and flows gently behind her. Her nails are usually properly manicured due to her "mother" not wanting her to look non-presentable since it would ruin her name. She has fair white skin that would make you think of snow white. Her lips have a natural pink tint to them and she does have scars which she covers with makeup daily. Mostly on her arms.
Born into a rich home due to her father’s successful business, Miye was a somewhat happy child in the eyes of people around her. She tried her best to always seem quanlifiable as the daughter of someone as respected as her father and overworked herself often. They lived in a small town, housed inside of a tower which held her bedroom at the top floor.
Her father wasn’t home often but always seemed to be doing things to raise his image towards the people around him. Always, always, without a care in the world about the people in his home. Miye would make him father’s day presents and he wouldn’t accept it if it didn’t look like actual artwork. He pushed her everyday to be someone great, teaching her many things that she usually held no interest in.
The only thing that interested her about him was his military past. He would teach her self defense at times and hired a teacher that didn’t care about the word “child abuse.” He hit her often but used excuses for it and treated her worse if she actually told her parents. They wouldn’t believe her and after a while, she stopped caring as well as feeling the pain. It felt just like an ice cube was being pressed against her but nothing else. The feeling of “pain” was distant to her. This was when she was at age 10. Mature for her age.
Her mother was much kinder. A fortune teller that was far too good. Living in a small town, people didn’t like how she knew things about them without even being introduced. She had a little fortune telling stall in the town where they sold goods and such. The bad thing was that… she only got bad stuff to tell. “Your husband will soon figure out that you’re not just having sex with him.” Or “The drugs aren’t in a good hiding spot.” And the latter. Things that people didn’t want others knowing. And what do you do when someone knows too much? Threats and jokes.
Her mother attempted to shield her from the real world as much as she could. But like mother, like daughter, she would deny everything bad that happened around her. “It’ll all be alright. You can’t do anything about it. OK?” And pat her on her head. Even when she got bullied, at first Miye told her and her mother had a worried expression on her face before going into a panic attack and asking why she felt the need to lie. So. She stopped. She figured out that her mother was afraid of the truth.
Just like she was. She told her that she tripped. Everyday. And her mother would smile and call her “A silly clumsy girl.”
Miye’s hatred for her father grew when she found out that her father was a womanizer and hurt her mother. He had anger issues so whenever something bad happened at work, he would blame it on her mother and hit her. Continuously. Miye couldn’t do anything but cower into a hole in her room and cry, hoping it would stop. Whenever it was over, she would run to her mother only to see that she was smiling. Her mother would ask her why she looked so sad every time. “Sweets. This is what love is. It’s okay, okay?” She would say, a sweet tone as she pat her head.
Disgusting. Her father occasionally turned to Miye to abuse but the part that hurt the most was his verbal abuse. Her mother’s as well. Even without harsh words, her mother’s kindness was like a sickness. Horrible and untreatable.
Her mother was killed when she was 11. Three people with torches came to her fortune stall, demanding that she tell her where she got her information. They were in trouble with the police and were on the run. She knew. Somehow she knew to stay away from them. Whenever they came near, she would turn the other way and tell her daughter not to go around them. Soon, they realized this. Their attempt was to simply get some words out of her but in the end, they strangled her and her father happened to walk in.
This was bad for him. Very bad. It was bad for his reputation. His wife getting mixed up with the yakuza or whatever wasn’t good at all. He attacked them but left once they threatened to stab him. The fucking coward. During this time, her mother also slipped away, running to the tower and locking her daughter in her room. All Miye could do was watch as three men came into the home and pulled her mother out as she screamed. They called her a “witch” and burned her. It was horrifying. Miye screamed at the top of her lungs as she banged on the wall. After a while, she finally got the door open only to see that her mother was dead and yet.
Still smiling. Miye was disgusted once again. She didn’t like this. They had even cut her wrists mercilessly. Why was she still SMILING?! “I did this for my love. It’s alright. You’ll find love too one day.” Was her last words before she finally went into a deep slumber. Miye began to laugh hysterically as the blood fell onto her.
The three people that had killed her mother were found. By Miye. They were attempting to leave the town as fast as they could but greed came over them. They broke into her home and Miye was already outside of the tower at this time. She came back home to see the door open and broken glass. They were inside and Miye didn’t like this. She killed them mercilessly after struggling for a bit at first. After all, it was her first time killing anyone. Luckily it wasn’t that much of a difficult feat and she was able to strangle one and stab the other two to death.
She threw her mother’s body into a nearby well and forgot about her mother’s death. As of now, to her, her mother went missing when she was 11 years old. Her father and mother both went missing and abandoned her. That’s her sweetened version of why they are nowhere to be found.
The town may have been small but they figured out when a young master was without a home and was walking down the street with blood all over her dress for god knows how long. She was taken into foster care and adopted by a woman who mostly did it for the money. She’s rarely home but she
is in fact rich. Adopting the poor soul that was left without a home after her well knows father disappeared did wonderfully for her reputation. Her “mother” wanted her to learn how to play the violin and she was a prodigy. Apparently. All she could hear was a high pitched scream. Her actual mother played the violin. Beautifully in fact. Every night before she went to sleep, she would play it to her and Miye would remember where she placed her fingers. A happy song even though there was absolutely nothing for her to be happy about. She only went to that town to be with her father who liked how easy her mother was.
At 12 years old, she started going to school. However, school wasn’t much fun for her. Bullied daily by people that were jealous of her home as well as her beauty yet creeped out by her peculiar bright red eyes. Miye hated it and often cried. A crybaby is what she was when she was younger. However, one day, when they were stomping on her long hair as she cried and covered her head. They called her names and tugged at her hair at the same time, ripping her uniform. Demons.
But there was an angel. Honoka. A girl in her class who had horrid scars on her. She was another bullying victim but whenever she got near, Miye would feel like she was going to break. It was because of her mother’s death but she didn’t know that. Even if she wanted to help her, fear stopped her. Not fear from the bully but fear from what she couldn’t remember.
The young girl helped her, getting the bullies to go away somehow. She wasn’t really watching what was happening. It was all fast and she couldn’t tell if there was violence involved or not. All she saw was an angel help her before turning around to face her. Miye was a crying mess as she bent over to face her.
"Look, I don't know who you are, where you've been, or what you come from, but what I know is that in front of me is a beautiful Blossom waiting to bloom. Forget what others say, you're life is yours, and you're perfect just the way you are."
Miye’s eyes twinkled as she heard the kindest words to come out of anyone’s mouth that was aimed towards her. An angel. She really was an angel. Miye was in love. As if a cupid had shot his arrow through her heart, she fell into a deep and dark whole of admiration and obsession over this girl. She would never call it “love” though. It’s not love. She doesn’t have a name for it just yet but she’ll never want to resort to having to call it such a thing.
After this event occurred, Miye began to follow Honoka around, becoming friends with her easily. Bullies still targeted her when she was alone but Honoka didn’t receive as much bullying. She’ll never know the reason why they stopped but the truth was that Miye shut them up. Of course, she was only 12 and consequences were to be made so she had to deal with it using blackmail. What did she have against them? Well, she made a deal and so that’s her secret.
After the first time that she had to resort to violence when someone was bullying Honoka behind her back, that night, Gospel appeared. Miye disliked him at first, thinking of him as a sort of demon that was there to take Honoka away from her. However, that wasn't the case. She was given a diary that night. The stalker diary.
She never did stop her own bullying. Every time someone was mean to her, she slowly stopped crying. In the first place, she didn’t know why she felt the need to cry. It was useless and a waste of time. Of course, that’s only in front of people. At home, it’s another story.
Miye is a loving girl in other’s eyes. She seems to be seen as the type that is always sweet and innocent. However, that isn’t very close to the truth. Miye looks at most people around her and only sees a pile of human garbage. However, she dislikes hatred and tiresome things so she won’t voice her thoughts.
Towards others, Miye is outgoing and kind to all. She always seems to strike up conversation with people around her and is often making new friends. However, it seems to be the case that she has no close friends. Seen with new people a lot of the times but always distant.
Obsessive over things that fascinate her, Miye doesn’t quit. If she starts something, she
will finish it. Over the years, she has started many things and has rarely ever quit. The occasions that she does was not her fault.
She has hated “love” since she was younger. Believing it to be something tainted and ruined. Brittle and useless. However, she thinks of her love as something untainted. She doesn’t want anything to ruin the fragile feeling that she has for her beloved. Miye would not like
anything or
anyone coming between them. She has built a friendship with them that is not to be destroyed. She would do anything to help them. Giving her blood, treating her as her master (Which she already does), or even killing someone as well as herself.
Prone to violence. Miye doesn’t hurt people much but when she does, she loses all senses around her and is only able to focus on her target or targets. Violence is something she hates but
will resort to if need be. Miye only hurts people when they harm her beloved or perhaps just a random victim.
Even with her strict feeling of love towards Honoka, Miye does in fact like others around her. She simply doesn’t want to get close to people. If someone is being hurt in front of her, she will be somewhat alarmed and try to help them. If it’s Honoka, this will go to more extreme cases.
She has surprisingly low self-confidence. Miye was never one to think highly of herself. No matter what she did, even if the people around her praised her, it didn’t help. Her fathers words had scarred her. When she played beautiful music, it sounded appalling and most of the times, soundless. She doesn’t think of herself as worthy but tries her best to seem a bit confident. She succeeds as long as you don’t get too close to her. Then her true colors show.
Broken. Like a doll that lost it's owner, Miye isn't very stable. She can't be alone for too long or she'll break down. Miye is used to being alone but that doesn't mean she likes it.
Hates the truth. She is in denial over many things in her life. If she doesn’t like something, she’ll do her best to block it out and usually will. Miye has always hated people telling her as it is but gets through it by biting her tongue and smiling a plastic smile that honestly says, “Fuck. Off.”
Stalker Diary - Honoka diary~
Notable skills:
Acting- Miye has been faking her way through the day most of her life. She no longer feels her facial muscles go up when she smiles unconsciously without being happy. Barely anyone could notice if she were lying or faking because she does it in a way that is very natural. Lying and deluding people around her is something that she does easily without much effort.
Skilled trap setter- She can set traps very well and this was helpful when the three idiots decided to try and play a game of hide and seek. They lost obviously.
Resourceful- Miye can make a weapon out of practically anything. Her teacher, while abusive and quite psychopathic, was, in fact, a teacher and her closest thing to a friend.
Military skills
Dirty fighting
Consummate skill utilizing a wide ranging collection of differing types of weaponry- Her father and her teacher often gave her weapons and taught her how to use them. It's creepy how much she knows about people's pressure points and the latter. She mostly likes to use knives but machine guns are also a favorite of hers.
Strength and fast- Extremely strong and is quick on her feet. She tends to just pop up behind people when she was just in front. Her strength is due to the fact that she exercises every day in her home gym and fastness is something that she naturally had and harnesses.
Stamina and durability- Her stamina is very high and her durability has grown over the years. She can take a lot of hits before she finally goes down. Honoka fuels her stamina so if she ever fights, if Honoka gets involved, it’s almost certain that she will not be getting tired anytime soon.
Infiltration- Miye can somehow manage to infiltrate places quite well. Sneaking around is something she is good at.
Intelligence- Her intelligence is something that helps her the most and is her greatest asset. Her memory towards things that she reads and the such is amazing. Extremely logical which makes her a great puzzle solver.
Recollection of past events- When she wants to, she can dig into her past and bring back things that she buried under. However, she has never brought up her murders and her mother's death. More so details of the week. Small details that she doesn't realize then but does in fact have a collection of. Especially of Honoka. With this, she can figure out small things that she missed that revolved around Honoka. Herself, however, is another case. Though she can remember some details of her own past, not very much if it doesn't involve Honoka.
Focus- Focusing on something to an extreme extent. She can block out every other thought if she tries with the thought of Honoka. Just Honoka.
Memory wipe- Somehow, traumatizing events just slip her mind. She forgets that she was bullied the day before a lot of the times which leads to her holding no hatred in particular to anyone. She doesn't even know that she murdered anyone but instead thinks that she watched someone get killed.
Some notes~
-Where does she get her money from? Her “mother” and the money that she took from her original home. She rarely ever uses it and has it locked inside of her room somewhere. The cash was her father’s savings and such which he tried his best to hide but failed. His one time occurrence of carelessness led Miye to a safe room where she watched him put in the code and left straight after, not wanting to get caught. With the code, she wrote it down for a later date. When she left her home, she had a small bag that held clothes, money, a knife, a small pistol and a stuffed animal that had blood all over it. Her “mother” didn’t really care and due to the fact that she was traumatized, she wouldn’t let anyone touch her bag without going hysterical. So, she was able to get a new home, which was only after about 5 weeks since word spread fast of her father’s disappearance and her having no home. Her “mother's” richness was able to get her out of the place fast and onto the front page of a newspaper.
-Violin prodigy- As mentioned in the Bio
-Claustrophobic. She hates small spaces, especially elevators and hates to be in them. However, quite ironically, she feels at peace when she is holed up in a dark room that is pretty small. The reason just might be self punishment.
-Talks to herself often but tries to keep it hidden.
-Yandere. 1000000000/10