βA champion is afraid of losing. Everyone else is afraid of winning.β-
Billie Jean King |Name|Richard Shannon King
|Nickname|Most call him King, though he'll go by anything other than Shannon.
|Birth Date|August 23rd, 1997
|Sexually Active|Yes
|Relationship Status|Single
|Role|Leader of Team Blue
|Years At Camp|Four β He's been coming since he was fourteen
|Team Color|Blue ba-by!
|In Depth Appearance|Pretty boys are always trouble. Always. Never trust their sly smirks and bright eyes and freckled skin. Ignore their tousled hair and slack stance and oh-so-stupid fashion sense. Pretty boys are always trouble. King is no exception to this rule. He holds an endearment for his own face because it is quite pretty. European influences blessed him with blue eyes, blonde hair, and bright (thought easily burned, blemished, and bruised) skin. In reality, King has quite the baby face, with wide eyes and thin lips and just the cutest nose around. Days spent working out and a strictly vegetarian diet keeps him trim and healthy, especially in the face area.
King is tall, standing about 6'1" when straight backed and confident. He likes to think he's just the right height, being able to both tower over people as well as meet the eyes of those higher than him with a mere crook of the neck. There is a confidence that comes with loving the way you stand or sit, with loving what you can see while walking through crowds. King experiences that feel more often than not, though there are times where his back can bend in worry and his eyes can only meet the ground. Anxious times, when the world is so small that he can't bare to look above and passed it. And when he experiences these bouts of depression and self-hate, King's normally loud and musical voice is nothing more than a dull whimper.
Graphic tees, flannel, and ripped jeans are the norm for Richard King. He dresses comfortably, but often takes time to plan outfits and see which fit him the best. Below all those layers, however, lies King's first secret. Bruises and scars, now old and almost forgotten, run up and down his back like a galaxy. Dead colors, muted purples and greens and blues, stand out against the pale skin. The remnants of abuse. King is said to only fuck around with people at least half-clothed, and all those old scars are the reason why. He hates them, despises them more than anything else in the world, and when he catches a glimpse of his bare back in the mirror he can't help but shiver with rage and distaste and fear. The only past influence he really shows off would be the hideous scar of his left bicep. It has since faded to a white line over the years, but he still gets a bit anxious when people notice and ask about it.

|Habits & Quirks|β Biting his lip to the point of breaking skin.
β Whistling, just out of the blue. He whistles really well and it's friggin' weird sometimes.
β Tapping his foot, fingers, banging his head, ect. (especially when hes around or writing music)
β Flirting. What? It can be considered quirky, especially to those who hate it.
|Likes & Dislikes|βTeam spirit, he's a sucker for team work and those victory hugs after a game too.
βMusic in it's purest form. He'll listen to basically anything. His favorite artists currently are a few obscure indie bands and Nicki Minaj
βCompetition in all aspects. King's love winning, but they love the challange of winning even more.
βPartying, drinking, being-a-general-frat-fuck-boy, ect.
βFlirting, he's a master of the art and just has an uncontrollable hate/love for people as a whole
βNature. He has a secret journal where he keeps flower pressings. He isn't sure why he's so interested in flowers and leaves, it's just something he purely enjoys.
βDogs! Just... Dogs!
βAnything that's as big as his pinky finger and has more legs than him.
βComplete and utter darkness due to some sour childhood experiences.
βLosing, he's a sore loser.
βStorm clouds, rain, strong winds, cloudy days, anything that offers the threat of lightning and thunder.
βWishy-washy people, emotional people, people who won't follow his lead
β"Prudes": people who shame him for wanting to have sex all the time
βHis father, for good reason.
|Fears & Phobias|β Thunder storms. Lightning is bright, tunder is loud, and it's all more powerful than he could ever be.
β Superstitions, ghosts, urban legends, ect. It's from all those damn chain mails he got as a kid!
β His abusive, pig-headed, asshole-ish father.
|Hobbies|β Flirting. King is a master of making people fall for him, or, that's what he claims at least. Sex could also be considered one of his hobbies because man, he does it way too much.
β Playing and writing music. He plays guitar, harp, flute, and bass. His focus currently is jazz guitar.
β Soccer. His parents signed him up years ago and he hasn't quit since.
β Flower stamping. It's his guilty pleasure.
|Good Traits|β Charitable
β Romantic
β Hard-working
β Protective
|Bad Traits|β Blunt
β Hot-headed
β Persistent (in the worst way)
β Utilitarian
|Personality|King is the true being of a member of Team Blue. From his heated, aggressive way of competing, to his asshole-ish attempts at conversing with those he deems "unworthy", he truly does act like he is the Queen (KING) Bee of the camp. Obviously, this leads to King being a rather big bully. He is a shameless flirt, one who finds joy in seeing others squirm in pleasure, and due to this practice he has become a rather gifted communicator. King, however, considers himself to be bad at reading people. He never really got emotions, whether they were his own or someone else's, and due to this he often failed at taking others into consideration. King is honest to a fault and blunt as hell, especially when speaking to someone he loathes, though his rude (and often exaggerated) remarks are toned down in the presence of friends. He is needlessly spiteful, and can hold a grudge to the end of time if he so wishes. This trait was adopted by his pig-headed father, who is also the source of King's most deep rooted insecurities and fears.
His genius comes in the form of action. Though he is cunning enough to think on his feet, he relies on his sister tactical brain to make bigger calls and instead acts on her behalf. King trusts his body to get him through even the most strenuous of actions. To have so much trust in one's self may be a huge feat, and even for King he has trouble waking up loving himself, but thanks to that innate narcissism and wish to win he can pump himself up enough to fight on another day.
King is a leader with the wish to win in mind. He fight for the greater good of Team Blue while he is open to suggestions, any talk of losing will be met with a hideous glare and a snarky comment. He would even leave behind a team member if it meant the rest could go on winning. He cherishes those who look out for him above all else, however, and would gladly take a bullet for his dear friends if need be.
|Place of Origin|Beverly Hills, California
|Background|The houses of Beverly Hills are his first memory. The glowing palaces that teemed with life and sparkling pools. Richard's own house was much grander than most, as it sat on the top of a very large hill and shown more brighter than the moon at night. It his was marble palace, his home base, his party center and his comfort zone. Within those high walls in the garden he and his kid sister would play and chat and hide away from the woes of everyday life like they were in some kind of teen angst movie. It was perfect.
The only issue within that big house of his would be his parents. Victoria and Henry King. Even at a young age they governed his life, told him what to do and what not to do. They were overbearing, one more so than the other. His mother was loving but hideously busy, and she often brought him candy or things she assumed he was interested in after days of being away. Henry turned into King's nightmare. His father became violent and abusive in King's seventh year of school, saying that he was 'knocking sense into him' after every small mistake King would make.
Basically, Richard was spoiled and beat to the point of no return, and in turn forced to follow his parents' every whim. This was what drove him to reach for things that would otherwise be banned for him in his house, and this was also the cause of his intense need to win. His parents would never value him if he lost. No one would, right? Only winners get remembered.
Camp Liberty was just another activity to sign their son up for. He first went to the sleep-away camp when he was about fourteen, and he's been obsessed with it ever since. There was something winning for himself, not his folks, that seemed to liberate the growing rage inside him. He became the real Richard King when he stood atop his first victory all those years ago. Sure, there have been some squabbles, but in the end Camp Liberty if King's safe place and he wouldn't have it any other way.