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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KaiserElectric
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KaiserElectric Spaghetti Enthusiast

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@VATROU That's quite true. Not only that but I could set up some future alien-related stuff for Riley to deal with.

*rubs hands together evilly*
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by fdeviant
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fdeviant Witch o' the Wood

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If anyone wants to have any involvement with Hekate for whatever reason, she needs something to do lol.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Athinar
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Athinar Big Stupid. Veteran from Oldguild.

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@Fallenreaper Yeah, Jack has had some more... fantastic adventures. Nothing so much that he is into a whole bunch of occult stuff, but he has a shiv made of pure silver and a cross he never wears.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by VATROU
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VATROU The Barron

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

If anyone wants to have any involvement with Hekate for whatever reason, she needs something to do lol.

What don't tell me you're done mucking about in the timeline? *VATROU thinks* You know. I may run some ideas past you. I don't know if they'll work but I do have some thing in mind.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DearTrickster
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

If anyone wants to have any involvement with Hekate for whatever reason, she needs something to do lol.

If you want after Odette's intro we can throw them together. I don't know where Hekate is currently in the IC timeline? Where and when?

Odette can travel just about anywhere.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

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@Fallenreaper Yeah, Jack has had some more... fantastic adventures. Nothing so much that he is into a whole bunch of occult stuff, but he has a shiv made of pure silver and a cross he never wears.

Well, it would be far fetch he might know White Witch's Demon handler and have used him before? It would allow not everything to be centered around NN and me being involved in order to tie these PCs together.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

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He can direct it, to an extent. It only has a short range though, forty feet at most I believe. There are ways Lekh can be of use however, he is a master of disguise and his abilities are very subtle. It wouldn't be hard for him to put himself in range of the heroes or even take one out of the equation on his own, if that was required.

Uh, I thought he was more of stay out of the fight completely type of guy. Through that’s a possibility and could be worked in, the fight itself is more of a winging it type thing as I literally don’t want players stuck to a script but rather each individual shine by showing off their talents, skills, traits, etc. Even creating some grudges against each other or respect between their fellow villains that could lead to tag teams later on. Namely when it comes to revenge scenarios and such.

For example, he could easily screen for the villains if a fight broke out. Say the van stops at traffic lights (or an intersection or w/e you guys call it.) The villains could do something as simple as follow the van in a couple of cars, and when it's in a good position honk their horn a couple of times using a specific pattern. Lekh can hear it, disable the driver (and everyone else in the van) and open the door, bundling Racheli straight into the loving arms of the villains just outside, who will have picked a good spot to carry out this plan (AKA few witnesses.) The Heroes would only be aware something is wrong when the team leave the rear car and the ambulance doors open, at which point Racheli will be in their hands, and Lekh can pull some shenanigans to screen for the group.

Literally just depends on if you want the heroes or villains to win, but I thought of some ways Lekh can cause chaos if you want it to be less cut and dry who succeeds. For example, Racheli could escape from the villains later, but the heroes could fail to save her initially.

Right now, I’m pretty flexible. I would like Rach to escape the villains at some point so the heroes have a reason to start treading into Cowl’s territory and creating some chaos, including bring in White Witch as well. Unless someone gets the idea of using her to track down and try to keep the heroes occupied while others search for Rach. As for the ending of the arc, I’m leaving that up in the air to see how things pan out really and if we can get this arc finished before S2. Some situations are easier to explain a 3-4 month skip than others.

Ex: Being in a fight then having to shift to S2 in the middle makes it hard to explain the 4 month time gap without massive gloss over of important details.

It would also be up to the heroes, they might have super observation or something and foil anything Lekh can do, it would depend how smart they are and if their players are interested in forming a rivalry with Lekh, as whoever he disables/delays would have the questionable pleasure of seeing his face, they might be the only person who could prevent him doing something even worse in the future. (As his picture doesn't really exist anywhere.)

Just spitballing, but I do have some cool ideas that could make this ambush less cut and dry, so to speak. Depends entirely on what you want though, I'm happy to play a smaller or larger role depending on what's required.

I wouldn’t be opposed to making it less cut and dry really as I want everyone to enjoy this story as well as come out with some rivalry, connections and more. Mostly, I got all the possible outcomes mapped out through as the story goes on, there could be more and better ones. However, this arc is going to be mostly player driven which means your PCs call the shots when things go wrong. The first part is slightly planned but not suffocating enough there’s no wiggle room for changes like what you suggested. This includes anything anyone else can come up with as well.

As for Lehk, personally, I hope to actually have Rach remember him as she would hold a grudge and if they ever crossed paths she would try to mess him over in his success. This would no doubt create some deep hatred toward each other or at least dislike whenever they cross each other’s paths in the future.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

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So, are we waiting on anything specific before the teams head out to deal with Creepy Long Neck Dude?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

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So, are we waiting on anything specific before the teams head out to deal with Creepy Long Neck Dude?

I think NeutralNexus wanted to get a War-Pulse post in first.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 19 days ago

Ok, Darklight, I like your concept. I'd be interested in seeing where you plan to take it.

Also, I know that the OOC has been moving at a rapid pace as of late, so if we've missed any character approvals or you are otherwise waiting to hear from us in regards to a character, please let us know so we can get it taken care of
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by fdeviant
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fdeviant Witch o' the Wood

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@VATROU @DearTrickster I think I'm done messing about with time currently so she can be in the relative present.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 19 days ago

Here's a small preview of a character that I'm planning on bringing in for season 2, though he might debut before the end of season 1.

It's a WIP so there's that...

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NeutralNexus
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I really wanted to finish my post this weekend, but I ran out of time, I am almost out of cell signal now, if you want to further the plot this weekend, go ahead. Otherwise I will get the post up on Monday.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 1 hr ago

I really wanted to finish my post this weekend, but I ran out of time, I am almost out of cell signal now, if you want to further the plot this weekend, go ahead. Otherwise I will get the post up on Monday.

I stole him for Jackie's collab, I'm sorry! XD
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Shard
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On second thought, I'll pull away from this one. Hehe, sorry for wasting your time. XD
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Athinar
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Athinar Big Stupid. Veteran from Oldguild.

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@Shard Um. Well, there's a post that details all the important events that I don't know where it is. Reaper or Ded or NMS could tell ya more.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hound55
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Hound55 Create-A-Hero RPG GM, Blue Bringer of BWAHAHA!

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<Snipped quote by NeutralNexus>

I stole him for Jackie's collab, I'm sorry! XD

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 1 hr ago


On second thought, I'll pull away from this one. Hehe, sorry for wasting your time. XD

Uh? Are you interested and it changed or did we scare you off? I was sleeping...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shard
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<Snipped quote by Shard>

Uh? Are you interested and it changed or did we scare you off? I was sleeping...

I was pulled into something else for the moment. ^^
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 1 hr ago

<Snipped quote by Fallenreaper>

I was pulled into something else for the moment. ^^

Alright but if you ever change your mind, let us know. We'll be here and we're starting season 2 too!
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