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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by VATROU
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VATROU The Barron

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Fallenreaper That was a long post. Super long. I can't wait for Natural Selection to go into full gear with all the assured chaos it will bring.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NeutralNexus
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I just read through it as well, it looked much shorter on gdoc.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by VATROU
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VATROU The Barron

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I just read through it as well, it looked much shorter on gdoc.

It's just typical shrinkage. Everyone has it even George Costanza.
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

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@hound55: So, is Vigilante's recommendation that they let him fight Effigy while team 1 engages the rest of the enemy and have Thunderbolt run him back to team 2?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hound55
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Hound55 Create-A-Hero RPG GM, Blue Bringer of BWAHAHA!

Member Seen 21 min ago

@hound55: So, is Vigilante's recommendation that they let him fight Effigy while team 1 engages the rest of the enemy and have Thunderbolt run him back to team 2?

Or remain in position, waiting for his return. The bulk of the characters are yours so I guess it's up to you how patient they are.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

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<Snipped quote by Dedonus>

Or remain in position, waiting for his return. The bulk of the characters are yours so I guess it's up to you how patient they are.

The bulk of team 2 are my characters. I am asking about team 1.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hound55
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Hound55 Create-A-Hero RPG GM, Blue Bringer of BWAHAHA!

Member Seen 21 min ago

Ah. Yes.

Sorry bout that. Preoccupied with work. Some unseen stuff came up today.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Ah. Yes.

Sorry bout that. Preoccupied with work. Some unseen stuff came up today.

That's alright.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Athinar
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Athinar Big Stupid. Veteran from Oldguild.

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Working on a Red Reaper post. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

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<Snipped quote by Fallenreaper>


Cool that Lekh got a few very subtle mentions, I guess I'll be back in play at some point. I kind of wanted to RP some of his antics in the CDC, so I'll have a read through what Lekh is supposed to know and see what I can come up with. I have the time-scale in regards to when the Cowl would have sent Lekh in, and when he would have directed Lekh to what he actually wants. (Though if Lekh was in the CDC for longer than a day or two, he would have pretty quickly figured out that Racheli was what the Cowl was interested in.)

Likely, I'll leave the common sense up to you about the details as I mentioned the basics and end result we were aiming for before we wrote the scene. With scene now wrote there would be much more like details about the host.

@Fallenreaper That was a long post. Super long. I can't wait for Natural Selection to go into full gear with all the assured chaos it will bring.

It was 15 pages in Gdoc at least. And I hope everyone enjoyed the read, especially those looking forward to getting involve with the arc. Rach's next post will start the present hijacking and I aim to write that and post it come Tuesday, which is in 4 days and should give everyone time to wrap up what they need to.

Working on a Red Reaper post. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.

Look forward to it! <3

1x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

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Likely, I'll leave the common sense up to you about the details as I mentioned the basics and end result we were aiming for before we wrote the scene. With scene now wrote there would be much more like details about the host.

I'll have my CDC post up over the weekend then, and feed that information to the Cowl. Who knows, maybe Lekh will get involved in the ambush? He'd easily be in a position for sabotage, if it were required.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

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<Snipped quote by Fallenreaper>

I'll have my CDC post up over the weekend then, and feed that information to the Cowl. Who knows, maybe Lekh will get involved in the ambush? He'd easily be in a position for sabotage, if it were required.

Likely, NN and me might be leading this but if you and the others have any ideas for how to do the ambush feel free to speak up and we can likely make it happen. We have a basic plan and it's flexible enough for other player's input to affect it or enhance it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

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<Snipped quote by MelonHead>

Likely, NN and me might be leading this but if you and the others have any ideas for how to do the ambush feel free to speak up and we can likely make it happen. We have a basic plan and it's flexible enough for other player's input to affect it or enhance it.

Who's transporting Racheli again? If it's CDC security staff then it would be pretty easy for Lekh to infiltrate the team and cause the crash for the ambush. Hell, even if the vehicle is going to be on site for any length of time Lekh could just stick a tracker on it.

To be honest, the latter makes more sense. If Lekh was actually on board he could just incapacitate the guard and drive Racheli straight to where she needs to go. That would be far too effective :d
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by fdeviant
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fdeviant Witch o' the Wood

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@Fallenreaper How did we decide White Witch would get involved?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Fallenreaper>

Who's transporting Racheli again? If it's CDC security staff then it would be pretty easy for Lekh to infiltrate the team and cause the crash for the ambush. Hell, even if the vehicle is going to be on site for any length of time Lekh could just stick a tracker on it.

To be honest, the latter makes more sense. If Lekh was actually on board he could just incapacitate the guard and drive Racheli straight to where she needs to go. That would be far too effective :d

The CDC is the one transporting her in an ambulance like vehicle which means the patient and those attending her would have a barrier between them. The drivers have been instructed not to stop for any reason regarding the patient as that's why there's two guys back there to keep her alive. The vehicle would only be on site for about a quarter of an hour, the drivers not even getting out so it would be pretty hard to switch with one of them, and ready to leave right when they have Rach all set up. Granted, Rach isn't too willing to be tranquilized during transport but she's got little say about the matter.

So it's easy for Lekh to infiltrate the delivery team (one of the two guys in back) and possibly cause a break down before hand, but I assume a crash, as even a minor one, would be hard to create. Mainly because there's low traffic on the highway, most people gone or off the streets due to the pax arc, and Rach will be be on a gurney, strapped there, and those aren't exactly secure.

The main plan is having Red Reaper, Josie, and others (NPS) force the CDC transport into the ambush which if you would like, have Lehk's sabotage roll the CDC ambulance to an abrupt halt.

It's assumed, due to what @EntertheHero and @Tearstone has told me that Icarus and Myth will be following the vehicle closely so expect some 'trouble'. In addition, Rach wouldn't be asleep the whole trip as her metabolism is kicking into high gear and running the drugs quickly out of her system before they even get half way there. So there's 3 main points that prevent the plan from being effective. :p I always have back plans to ruin the perfection of a plan going off without a hitch. XD
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Well, if Lekh can get inside the vehicle he could disable the drivers with his power, as they would only be ordinary humans. He could be inside the vehicle suppressing Racheli's ability to save herself, and at a pre-determined time unleash his power to disable the driver, perhaps at traffic lights? Then the ambush team can just pull up and take it over, without the risk of road block tactics or whatever method they were planning to use.

If Lekh is allowed to infiltrate the team in the back then he can definitely play a large part in any ambush. Not to mention his ability cuts out communication tech, preventing the people inside calling for backup. That may be the most important part he can play.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

@Fallenreaper How did we decide White Witch would get involved?

Your idea for using the White Witch to track Racheli should work, which I still need to contact NN when he gets back from camping and not being eaten by a bear. Though you might want to talk to him about having a prior connection with the Cowl or one of the other villains and her demon handler so it makes it much easier to pull her in. Even if the connection is off screen for now and will be revealed when she enters.

Rach will most likely, I'm aiming to, escape when the heroes and villains clash during the ambush. Despite the heroes being outnumbered, both Icarus and Justine are what I think is classed as sliders and can up or lower their power when needed for the story. Though they still have their limits and will be more concern for Rach who is basically having all her senses go into overdrive causing her issues as well as an additional ability. Icarus has an ability to track (though it will take time due to Rach's changes) but the villains will not so they will need someone and whoever thinks of the demon handler will end up roping in your PC.

I had one thought, if @Athinar is interested, about Jack and the White Witch's demon handler knowing each other. Namely I'm pretty sure not all the targets Jack's sent Josie on would've been easy to find, especially if they knew they had pissed off Jack enough to send the Red Reaper. A demon would had the best methods and it would be very hard to hide from magic. Though this is merely a thought and Athinar has the best knowledge of Jack and the details I'm possibly lacking.

Well, if Lekh can get inside the vehicle he could disable the drivers with his power, as they would only be ordinary humans. He could be inside the vehicle suppressing Racheli's ability to save herself, and at a pre-determined time unleash his power to disable the driver, perhaps at traffic lights? Then the ambush team can just pull up and take it over, without the risk of road block tactics or whatever method they were planning to use.

If Lekh is allowed to infiltrate the team in the back then he can definitely play a large part in any ambush. Not to mention his ability cuts out communication tech, preventing the people inside calling for backup. That may be the most important part he can play.

I can see that being doable, though as I said, it's likely that Tearstone and Hero's PCs will intervene at some point during the ambush. I don't know if Lekh would keep the bubble of null (Yes, I nicknamed his power, lol) up or shrink it, mainly as he doesn't just null the heroes' ability but also his allies preventing them from completing their job to their full potential. In addition I don't know what range he will try to keep as too many malfunctions in one place is likely to get unwanted attention from Strike or other sources, which might be the IC reason he can't push his ability to cover too much range?
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KaiserElectric
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KaiserElectric Spaghetti Enthusiast

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Gonna be hard waiting for two months to get in on all the fun >.<
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I can see that being doable, though as I said, it's likely that Tearstone and Hero's PCs will intervene at some point during the ambush. I don't know if Lekh would keep the bubble of null (Yes, I nicknamed his power, lol) up or shrink it, mainly as he doesn't just null the heroes' ability but also his allies preventing them from completing their job to their full potential. In addition I don't know what range he will try to keep as too many malfunctions in one place is likely to get unwanted attention from Strike or other sources, which might be the IC reason he can't push his ability to cover too much range?

He can direct it, to an extent. It only has a short range though, forty feet at most I believe. There are ways Lekh can be of use however, he is a master of disguise and his abilities are very subtle. It wouldn't be hard for him to put himself in range of the heroes or even take one out of the equation on his own, if that was required.

For example, he could easily screen for the villains if a fight broke out. Say the van stops at traffic lights (or an intersection or w/e you guys call it.) The villains could do something as simple as follow the van in a couple of cars, and when it's in a good position honk their horn a couple of times using a specific pattern. Lekh can hear it, disable the driver (and everyone else in the van) and open the door, bundling Racheli straight into the loving arms of the villains just outside, who will have picked a good spot to carry out this plan (AKA few witnesses.) The Heroes would only be aware something is wrong when the team leave the rear car and the ambulance doors open, at which point Racheli will be in their hands, and Lekh can pull some shenanigans to screen for the group.

Literally just depends on if you want the heroes or villains to win, but I thought of some ways Lekh can cause chaos if you want it to be less cut and dry who succeeds. For example, Racheli could escape from the villains later, but the heroes could fail to save her initially.

It would also be up to the heroes, they might have super observation or something and foil anything Lekh can do, it would depend how smart they are and if their players are interested in forming a rivalry with Lekh, as whoever he disables/delays would have the questionable pleasure of seeing his face, they might be the only person who could prevent him doing something even worse in the future. (As his picture doesn't really exist anywhere.)

Just spitballing, but I do have some cool ideas that could make this ambush less cut and dry, so to speak. Depends entirely on what you want though, I'm happy to play a smaller or larger role depending on what's required.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by VATROU
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VATROU The Barron

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Gonna be hard waiting for two months to get in on all the fun >.<

You could always do side stories. With Riley discovering popcorn and bubble wrap. Or other character development stories.
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