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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Wernher
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Theodorable said
But how will the proverbial Cold War have started in the first place?

I'd say before the Crayvens fell into civil war they'd have mostly been isolationist and seen as inconsequential although not a strategically sound target for an invasion. After the civil war and the destruction that came from it however, the Graal would indeed have taken notice of the capabilities of the Crayvens, but the Crayvens themselves would have taken interest in foreign affair, under the idea that inaction could lead to such a thing as a foreign power placing itself in a position to threaten the Crayvens which could, again, require to unleash Zuhlo.

So rather than watch a problem growing until it became impossible to manage, Crayven decided to adopt a doctrine of containment, allying itself with other minor powers and backing resistance and independence groups as long as they followed set Crayven principles such as democracy and equality, establishing both a buffer and trying to make the idea of a war seeming as too costly to be manageable and thus get peace even if it was through intimidation.

I'd say while the sphere of influence of the Crayvens would be larger than the Graal, it would be much less stable, many nations doubting of the willingness of the alliance to go to war as a whole if one of their members was attacked plus internal problems with adopting the policies of the Crayvens regarding equality in some nations, some people believing that even if it meant being a client state of the Graal as long as they conceded things like nobility birth rights then it was better than the democracy Crayvens endorsed.

Most likely the Crayvens would be extremely willing to keep wars small scale and by proxy if they cannot be avoided rather than creating a large one. The crayvens themselves not knowing if they'd actually defend their individual allies if the Graal were to declare a limited war.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

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I like it. I'll come up with some "events" and PM you for your opinion.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sauron The Dark Lord

Sauron The Dark Lord

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Nation Name:
The Exiled

- Kaiglari Segmentarum. (6%)
- Segmentai Atlari (51%)
- Cynderix (43%)

Close to the central galaxy due to the previous location of the capital of the ancient empire, now mostly lost to time.

Unified Traits:
- Technological Supremacy
Through the advance of the Galactic Empire of which the exiled were once high ranking members of, technology was like a religious creation. Massive space craft capable of creating entire planets with their unexplainable technologies and manners of doing them. As exiles they have no connection to the past of which they left, by going into the Warp Stasis they have essentially traveled time whilst being turned into stasis whilst in the warp, as they know it, they just left and entered the same galaxy, just a different time, same location. They traveled time through this way, it was a sort of ultimate sentance for a criminal in the long ancient empire. The exiled have access to incredible technologies and their entire artificial planet went into the warp stasis, therefor a unknown planet just poped out of nowhere in the current galaxy, an entirely hand made planet of earths size, mechanical core with a biological crust with biomes and all manner of wildlife, whilst they don't have the same unlimited resources like the did in the far distant past, they do, however have the technology and brains to make almost, whatever they wish, if they gain the resources.

- Dominant Arrogance
All nations of the Galactic Empire of which formerly ruled are arrogant, they felt like celestials, with the supreme case being the Kaiglari's, who are essentially the highest ranking and most pure race amongst the empires armies and politics. Their arrogance leads them to believe that they cannot be stopped, questioned or looked down upon, however they are allowed to do all three to everyone else, their knowledge lead them to arrogance above all other types and they feel almost godlike, even in their near extinction scenario of which they have warped out of.

Civilization Tier:
1 - The remnants of a long since gone Empire spanning large areas of the galaxy.

The Empire above all others of it's time start off with a single planet, like many others, at the time it wasn't even a faction, but the 'only' existing race amongst the stars, the Kaiglari as they called themselves were colonizing the solar system quickly and rapidly, within three years they had launched seven simultaneous colonizations, all successful. Through studying of the stars for unending years they didn't start colonizing untill their technology was good enough to bring them to other stars. Surprisingly quickly the Empire expanded, encountering unpopulated systems and conquering them without any need for worry, all whilst improving the agriculture and industrial specializations of the planets in their core system, assigining different purposes for each planet, one for industry and another for water production and so on.

Under the sudden appearence of the 'Emperor of all Kaiglari' there was a rebellion in the democratic halls of the country, dictatorial and imperial monarchy was put in place, as weird as it sounds, by the vote of the people. The Emperor was almost divine, a god sent figure born from the All-father Technolicus. Proclaiming himself the son of the father of all he used this popularity to grab an iron hold around the empire and cement it beneath his feet. The military revolution occured with the first contact against alien kind on the very frontlines of the expansion advance, the people demanded an army, and almost as if predicted the Emperor provided an army of steel, discipline of iron and a promethium rage. The soldiers were unlike any other previous military that the planet had seen through the endless global conflicts who occationally broke out between resources.

An army who had the final say in everything clad like knights in the far future they carried beautiful capes, decorated and carved armores with smelted iron eagles on their shoulders. It was a symbol of discipline and supreme obedience, the captains carried the iron eagles on their right shoulder and the commanders on both of theirs. Using weapons like sword, shields and lances who have been modified for the far future combat the army demolished the small pirate force of which they ultimately seemed so threatened by. After this event lit the fuse of rage, like an atomic bomb warfare seemed to spread everywhere on the frontline borders, the Crusading Legions, which the military was nicknamed seemed to attack everything that came upon their eyes, orbital bombarding barren planets simply because someone said they saw a slight heat signature on the surface, a heat signature that could've actually been a planet.

Marilius, the industrial heart of the empire produced endless supplies of weapons, ammunitions and anything war related, however due to the super blitz which the Emperor deployed the correct communication was not correctly put int place, therefor incredibly inefficient re-supplying was taken at the heart of the empires territory, leading to long drifts for a simple ammunition re-supply. Only after a total of twenty systems had been conquered did the Emperor proclaim a halt in advance and a true begining of the rebuilding of their colonies. The Emperor was a mysterious figure, Sitting endlessly on his golden throne in the deep cores of the capital planet Cylcadrix, never once did he leave the palace and some even rumour that he never left his throne either.

A hundred years of endless expansion and fifty rebuilding what they conquered. The next conquest would take double and leave fifty more years to rebuild. The advance was unrelentless and thanks to the unending demand for combat and the small window for rebuilding the technological advance of the Empires forces and constructors, now intergrated by many different consumed species. Not before the complete halt of expansion did the construction of technology and unrealistical things become like a holy practice, Engineers became known as forgers, giving them single rights to create entire space ships by themselves and a colaboration of one of five forgers could make planets. Forgers became holy icons and apparent sons of Technolicus, now warped into the god of technology after many years of endless warfare.

The Emperor of all the Empire is still the very same man that started the rebellion, how he survived this long, with the average life expectancy of a Kaiglari being 100 years is insane and unrealistic. Whilst the tinker of once life is an easy, normal every day thing now, thousands of years in the past it wasn't. His immortally youthful face as fake and as devious as any time before, covering it behind the shadows of his white cape, the golden armour decorating his body finely, leaving no skin revealed and no weak spot located he simply grinned and ruled the galaxy like that of a puppeteer.

With the introduction of the inter-galactic conquest, the Emperor couldn't back down, the challenge is what drives him, a game of sorts, however all Imperial citizens were to absorbed with their own divine appearence, they forged themselves into gods through conquest, forgers often gaining godlike status ofter feats of engineering which they performed, a couple, for example: Calxius the Carver, a divine forger who single handedly killed a star, instantly harnessing it's energy and using it to power his Ark Clash massive space fortress, forged by his own hands, it became known has heaven by many pre-space civilizations, however it's capabilities were hellish, cracking planets, even killing a star with a clap of his hands.

Tyrander of Nothing, a legendary divine forger, he created the Nominizer, a instantaneous traveling system, it can be used for long distance transport and it connects planets in import, export and transport of biological beings, citizens and animals alike. There's a specialized warp path for military purposes, the two different web ways are called Vortrix and Narxus.

Skip a couple of eons of history of war and advancing technology you have the Age of Crime, entire military legions were rebelling against the single purpose they had, wage war on military powers and to grow into an even greater super power. The Emperor deemd them unjust and heretical, banishing them with the civilians concent, they were being played by the Emperor like a puppet is controlled by a puppeteer. Legio XXVI Hermoculous was deemed a traitory legion after their unwillingness to demolish and crack the planet of Caldor Primus, Divine Forger Bolvarg the Judge created the one-way 'time device' It would banish the criminals into far distant times where they will begin new lives, and it will happen in an instant, without a moments notice.

Legio XXVI proclaimed themselves the Exiled and once their Legion Homeworld went into the sun sized nominizer gate they entered 'warp stasis' The act of warp stasis is simple, and when they appeared in this timeline their empire is long since demolished, their life goal is to find out what destroyed the immortal empire. Having only basic supplies given to them by Bolvarg the Judge they would be able to survive a couple of months without a re-supply, however the need for independent development was not present in the period of the Empire and therefor planets were specialized. The entire population of 1.5 million exiled live in the endless underground fortress, covered by the bio-logical crust, grass, rock, sand, stone, mountains, seas, rivers, animals, everything existed upon the crust, everything hand made by the legions forger Kaldyr of Kaldorium, the only forger to create his own 'building atom'

Now in a distant future, their capabilities will impact more then ever before, will they rise, or will they fall?

1 500 000~

Legio XXVI is an elite battle force, a royal guard of sorts to the Emperor himself, whilst the Warp Plague struck and killed of 99% of the entire legion, it does not mean that the 1% won't be as ferocious. The fact that the majority of the key figures of the legion is still alive is a good coincidence which simply gives the 1% even more deadly capailities. However the Legioneers under Grand Legion Executioner Cyrkarr's command are deadly when used, Cyrkarr's view on conflict is a pacifistic one, wishing to help to begin with, gaining the access to resources, fill their demand to create and forge and then think about what to do after that, the fact that they have Divine Forger Kaldyr with them does not help them in the race for resources and material as Forgers tend to die off rather quickly unless they get to craft something, outsiders would call it depression, however Imperial Citizens do not kno wof the word.

The following companies exist in the military force of the 26th legion:
- Elite Legioneer company. (Cyrkarr's personal guard)
- Veteran Legioneer company. (An elite company)
- Warp Lance company. (An elite company)
- Cyltairus company. (Grunt's basically)

This equals to 50~ troops, the entire rest of the legion is in political or civilian work places and therefor will do the same on this planet, act as politicians and civilians, whilst the military dictatorship will remain, since they know about nothing else.

The culture of the exiles are unknown to all, even themselves, they have been to war long enough to not know what civilians do in the inner systems. So therefor their culture and society are heavily influenced by warfare, whatever they do when not fighting is whatever they do when not fighting in the previous timeline, speak stories and such things. Their society works beneath the Grand Legion Executioner Cyrkarr's command, he act's as the Emperor did, but on a smaller scale, and more peaceful way.

Whilst most structures are beneath the planet and every Divine Forger has a different architectural type, however there is one mystical structure piercing into the orbit of the planets artificial ozone layer and atmosphere. This structure is the grand cathedral, the Emperor demanded to be worshipped along with Technolicus and so they did, however now the Grand Cathedral is for worship of Technolicus only.

The society amongst any of the imperial races have turned into a trade commited economy system, trading technology for things of value, etc. Many forgers trade technologies amongst eachother for the capability to produce something extrodinary or life changing, however, in a world where the sun is harnessed entirely and transformed into a black hole to then utilize that as an unending energy source, there is not much left to improve, or invent that would be just that, life changing.

The average height is 4.5 meters, making these robed and mystical figures gigantic, infact, all imperial races have been converted into a life of secrecy, covering themselves in robes with the imperial sigils and decorations when not on duty and in powerful and covering armours of glorious construction, equiped with a cloak hanging from shoulder to shoulder.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by NacNak
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NacNak The Warrior

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wow, your guy's are tall =3
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Asuras
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Asuras No spoken words, only napalm and guns

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Asuras said 2 - Galactic Power: These are the big boys. They have pretty much full mastery of their current technology. They are highly respected and powerful empires.

1 - Ancient: These are the remnants of a people so advanced that they created life and whose technology would have stars die at their whim.

Sauron the Dark Lord said 1 - The remnants of a long since gone Empire spanning large areas of the galaxy.

Asuras said Tier 1 Civilizations are not allowed unless given permission.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sauron The Dark Lord

Sauron The Dark Lord

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Oh. Faq.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Wernher
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Asuras said

Well Asuras, I wasn't sure if my nation would count as a 1 or a 2. Mind taking a quick look at the history to tell me which one it is and if it would be on the level of a 1, if you like it or if I should nerf it?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Xaxl


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Wernher said
Well Asuras, I wasn't sure if my nation would count as a 1 or a 2. Mind taking a quick look at the history to tell me which one it is and if it would be on the level of a 1, if you like it or if I should nerf it?

Tier 1 civilizations are Forerunner-level. They're the guys who build artificial planets, wipe out stars, that sort of thing. Realistically, nobody here should be playing a Tier 1.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Wernher
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Xaxl said
Tier 1 civilizations are Forerunner-level. They're the guys who build artificial planets, wipe out stars, that sort of thing. Realistically, nobody here should be playing a Tier 1.

Xaxl said
Realistically, nobody here should be playing a Tier 1.

Xaxl said


The thing is I went on somewhere in my NS about how when my Great War went last phase things became quite ridiculous with the last AI, Zuhlo, winning through destroying entire solar systems or through casually deploying weapons of ridiculous size and scope. While not exactly 'Halo rings of doom' to wipe out all life in the galaxy, it's still a pretty damn huge step.

I think this would be 'Acceptable' considering the fact that it's locked away in a pandora box no one ever wants to see open, but I'd still require opinion(s) if its too OP as shit to be even there.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Xaxl


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Wernher said
Mmmmwell...The thing is I went on somewhere in my NS about how when my Great War went last phase things became quite ridiculous with the last AI, Zuhlo, winning through destroying entire solar systems or through casually deploying weapons of ridiculous size and scope. While not exactly 'Halo rings of doom' to wipe out all life in the galaxy, it's still a pretty damn huge step.I think this would be 'Acceptable' considering the fact that it's locked away in a pandora box no one ever wants to see open, but I'd still require opinion(s) if its too OP as shit to be even there.

Blowing up solar systems is bullshit IMO. I don't care if its "locked up", if you have the capability to do that, you're way too powerful.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

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Would anyone be interested in having their nation having a minor or prominent pro-Graal faction in it's government?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Xaxl


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Theodorable said
Would anyone be interested in having their nation having a minor or prominent pro-Graal faction in it's government?

What does that entail, exactly?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

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Well, the Crayven and the Graal are in a Cold War, so the Graal would send advisers, weapons and money to any pro-Graal factions that exist. Pro-Graal would be adherence to ruthlessness, militarism and xenocentrism with the intention of a coup or forcing a civil war. I find this would be largely feasible for civilizations that are not yet interstellar.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Xaxl


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Theodorable said
Well, the Crayven and the Graal are in a Cold War, so the Graal would send advisers, weapons and money to any pro-Graal factions that exist. Pro-Graal would be adherence to ruthlessness, militarism and xenocentrism.

What exactly does "xenocentrism" mean?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Wernher
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Xaxl said
Blowing up solar systems is bullshit IMO. I don't care if its "locked up", if you have the capability to do that, you're way too powerful.

Bretty guud that's not for you to decide then, although your concern is noted. Still, 'Unless given permission too' implied that there's the pocibility for it. If it's refused, then nerfed it shall be. Still, this isn't my first rodeo so know it shan't be used abusively if used at all it would be.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

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The power to 'blow up' a solar system isn't feasible -- following the laws of physics, anyway. Xaxl, are you the one with the civilization that breathes Chlorine?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Xaxl


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Theodorable said Xaxl, are you the one with the civilization that breathes Chlorine?

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Wernher
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Theodorable said
The power to 'blow up' a solar system isn't feasible -- following the laws of physics, anyway. Xaxl, are you the one with the civilization that breathes Chlorine?

Turn in a dwarf, go into super nova. Following the rules of physics, a whole lot of things are not feasable, like FTL for example.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ASTA
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Wernher said
Turn in a dwarf, go into super nova. Following the rules of physics, a whole lot of things are not feasable, like FTL for example.

The FTL bit is debatable.

Causing something as massive as a star to go supernova requires such vast amounts of energy that it makes me wonder how your nation hasn't created full-blown pocket universes yet.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Xaxl


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Wernher said
Turn in a dwarf, go into super nova. Following the rules of physics, a whole lot of things are not feasable, like FTL for example.

FTL is an acceptable break from reality because without it the plot is heavily restricted. Just because we selectively ignore the feasibility of some things doesn't mean you get to just toss out the whole lot.
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