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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rallou
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Rallou The fluffy one

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Hey! There was my name clearly written on the box! How could you eat all of my spaghetti?! There is a reason why we have rules here and it is awful how you always break them!", said the young woman angrily.
"I swear, I did not eat you goddamn spaghetti! And why do you always suspect me for all your things that get lost? You should check if you have amnesia or something because yesterday, i have seen you eating them on your own!", shouted the young man back at her.
"Yeah, but not the whole bowl of them?! Or do you really think, I am that ravenous?!", she said more upset than before.
"No! But it wasn't me, please!"
"But there is nobody else, who could do that! And I know you!"
"You know what?"
"You do always things like that and then you behave like your innocent!"
"Oh my god, I'm sick of your...."
"Why do you even..."
At some point, Maxine didn't want to listen to the conversation anymore. They were always the same. She didn't understand why they were living together when they were always fighting about such needless things. 'But this shouldn't concern me, it is not my problem, when they can't trust eachother', she thought while stuffing a spoon with spaghetti in her mouth. She looked at the bowl in her hands. The bowl was still halffull, but her stomach couldn't afford anymore. 'This Jessica makes some great spaghetti, no wonder, that everybody wants to have some of hers - oh I am so full.......maybe I spare the rest for the two. Fighting makes always hungry.', she decided and put the bowl of spaghettis on the sideboard next to her. She closed the door behind her but the man and the woman in the kitchen didn't notice.
On the street, the sun was shining directly on her face. The warmth made Maxine want to be at the beach. "Such a beautiful day", she said to herself and walked down the road happily.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Matt whistled as he walked down the street in a jolly manner. His hair blowing in a nice breeze that made his appearance more model like. And that's when it happened. His eyes came across the store of all stores, no the prophecy of stores that made even Walmart look like a stopping spree for the homeless. It was.... Matt stare grew intense as he said the words. "Victoria's Secret." As he stopped in front of the store he exhaled heavily. Matt took a step forward. This was his moment he always wanted to parade around a women's store half naked. "My time is now!" He shouted like one of those Call of Duty people in a serious mission. Without hesitation our half naked hero ran through the store shouting 'Touch my Tralala!"

There were other words said because there was a large number of women in their undergarments. As you'd expect it didn't take long for a women to scream and many others to shout pervert. He wasn't a stranger to this type of mating call and knew mating time was over for the large breasted species. Matt ran for the exit as stuff was hurdled at him followed by 'PERVERT!' And trust me when I say stuff I don't mean clothes. These ladies were pissed and thrown whatever they could get a hold of. I'm talking chairs, shirt racks, a shake, panties; that only made him stronger, and I think someone through a baby.... Matt seen something but couldn't focus on it due to a cash register almost replacing his head.

"Shit! Man girls get crazy strong when you piss em off!" Matt shouted laughing a bit as he dove out the entrance and broke off into a run. None of the women followed him onto the streets since their attire wasn't street appropriate. After awhile of jogging to be sure he wasn't gonna get hit by a stray car that could of been surprisingly thrown at him by one of the mad women he came to a stop. Breathing super heavy with a smile of success on his face Matt began to move again this time not to get drunk but some pancakes. He loved them and since his day was revived by the site seeing at Victoria's he believes he has earned himself some IHOP.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Arin thought about what they could do today and got nothing. "What should we do today?" He asked with a smile. "Maybe a walk in the park or the city." That part was in case neither of them decide on anything and maybe something in the city or park would spark some interests. Also, maybe a chance to meet some people.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KaijuBaragon
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KaijuBaragon Victoria Concordia Crescit

Member Seen 29 days ago

@dragonmancer Damien sprinted through the streets, past the group of foot-slashed people. He saw behind him, the devil-like man was spreading his wings, preparing to take flight. "That will be a bit of a bother." Damien muttered to himself. In an attempt to lose the vigilante-type man, Damien cut through an alley that lead to the beach. He saw two people standing there, and he had his rag doll blade ready, ready to cause the demon a bit of a distraction. @Letmehaveone2
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rallou
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Rallou The fluffy one

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

While walking down the road, she thought how she could afford some ice cream. She had no money, since she wasn't working, since she was dead, but there was always a way to get, what she wanted even without money. The sun was shining very brightly and it started getting really hot. Ice cream would be perfect now. And maybe a shady place under a tree, too. This is, how she always spends her days in summer, wandering trough the streets of the city, watching through the windows of the stores and observing the people or laying at the beach and watching the waves. As for now, she walked past a store for repairing cellphones with brightly colored banners, a pancake diner that belonged to a chain of stores - inside the store, she saw some kids at a birthday party. Sprinkles everywhere, on the table, on the hats, on the pancakes, on the gifts. 'How sweet!', she thought amused by the concentrated cuteness behind this window - and she walked past a bank with massive walls out of red bricks and a man who was distributing flyers. Beads of sweat ran down her neck to the chest, even in her loose T-Shirt and her lightly skirt, she felt too hot. 'It's getting even hotter. Perfect weather to bath in the ocean.', she thought, as she looked to the sky finding nothing but the blue sky and the sun. 'Not a single cloud...' She walked past the man with the flyer and took one to fan herself with the peace of paper. But after a few seconds, a light breeze came up, blowing through Maxines hair. The wind blew past her body, her tshirt and her skirt moved a bit, and it was such a relief for her, since she cooled down for a moment. The man behind her was glaring and thought 'What a precious moment with this gorgeous sight', but Maxine didn't notice. She put a strand of hair behind her ear with one hand, and in the same moment, the flyer in her other hand flew away.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BayRat
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BayRat Oh No

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@KaijuBaragon He'd take off, a small gust of fire forming behind him as he swooped to the alleyway. He'd be too focused on the culprit to acknowledge anything else.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KaijuBaragon
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KaijuBaragon Victoria Concordia Crescit

Member Seen 29 days ago

@Dragonmancer Damien looked behind him and saw the demon-man had taken off. Damien picked up his pace, and ran across the beach and into the forest behind it. He ran in for a little bit, then found a creepy-looking ruined doll on the ground by a log. He sent out the doll, and the knife rag doll, running in the direction of where he entered the forest, as he sat behind a tree, chuckling.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ninkitty
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"Maybe we can try walking in the city?" Ayaka asked. They always seemed to choose the park so maybe today they could try something new.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BayRat
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BayRat Oh No

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Loosing sight of him, Drake would land at the forest entrance, looking around for any sign of movement, his tail coiling and writhing on itself behind him
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by KaijuBaragon
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KaijuBaragon Victoria Concordia Crescit

Member Seen 29 days ago

@Ninkitty @Letmehaveone2 Damien heard someone talking from behind the trees. Maybe Damien could kill them, and push the bodies in front of the demon-man, making him think he killed them. Damien quickly left his hiding spot and stumbled out onto the beach. He had another blade rag doll in his top pocket, ready to strike. He stopped in front of them and asked. "Please I need some help!". But Damien's eyes did not have fear in them, they had murder.

@dragonmancer Elsehwhere, the doll and the rag doll caught sight of the demon-man. From behind a bush, the doll spoke in a ghostly, little girl's voice. "You underestimate the power of the toys. I can be anywhere and everywhere, without anyone knowing. I can attack every home in this city. Kill every child. What makes you think you can stop me?".
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BayRat
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BayRat Oh No

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@KaijuBaragon his face contorted with disgust as he the unknown voice spoke. "Stop hiding and show yourself if you want mercy. Or else ill show you how ill stop you 'toys'". After speaking, Drake opened his jaws as a burning light flowed out of it. Turning his head gauge of firey breath that would graze against trees and earth.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KaijuBaragon
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KaijuBaragon Victoria Concordia Crescit

Member Seen 29 days ago

@dragonmancer The bush where the doll was, was burnt to a crisp. Out wandered a black, skeletal doll, the knife from the ragdoll clutched in the fingers. "What makes you think I'm anywhere near here? How will you stop me. You can't run around, destroying every toy in the world. What makes you think I care about honour at all? I've already killed one person today. Lets add another one to the list.". The doll leapt at Drake, brandishing the knife.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BayRat
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BayRat Oh No

Member Seen 3 days ago

Truly offended, Drake would bite the knife's blade, cutting up some of his gums but hr clenched his teeth on it regardless. He'd jerk his head to throw the burnt toy off of the weapon
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ninkitty
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Being a Neko, Ayaka sensed no type of fear or urgency in this guy who seemed to be asking for help. To her this was odd. It's been her experience that most people needing help have some sense of urgency or are afraid of something. "Careful Arin, there's something odd about this one," she said to her boyfriend in case he hadn't noticed anything strange.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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@Ninkitty @KaijuBaragon
Arin turned towards the man his girlfriend pointed out and nodded. It's a good thing he had telepathy which meant he should be able to tell whatever this guy is really thinking. To his girlfriend, he said, "Thanks for the warning."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KaijuBaragon
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KaijuBaragon Victoria Concordia Crescit

Member Seen 29 days ago

@Ninkitty @Letmehaveone2 Damien sensed the scepticism about them, especially the girl. "Careful Arin, there's something odd about this one" he heard the girl quietly say. "Please, I really do need help. I'm being chased by a crazy demon-man." The rag doll began to creep up his pocket, ready for the strike.

@dragonmancer The doll was thrown off the blade, and was thrown to the side. It smashed against a rock, and broke apart. The head let out an insane laugh, a cold, terrifying laugh, before going silent.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Overlord24
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Overlord24 The Aspiring Author

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Avary walked over to where he saw a cat person talking with a couple other people.
"I don't like this Avary." Ren said walking next to him.
"Mrow." Sabine said rubbing up against his leg.
"Neither do I, but this is our best shot until we figure out what to do." Avary reassured them. "Let's go meet some new people."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KaijuBaragon
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KaijuBaragon Victoria Concordia Crescit

Member Seen 29 days ago

@Overlord24 @Letmehaveone2 @Ninkitty Damien turned around, to see some more people heading his away. His blood red eyes quickly turned to an expression of murder, then changed back to neutrality. Damien would have to be fast with the blade doll now. He would have to kill these people before they even registered what was going on. Damien called over to the approaching people. "Hello, can you help me?". Damien sensed that the doll he was using to fight Drake had been destroyed. He would be heading here soon.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Overlord24
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Overlord24 The Aspiring Author

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"Sure, what do you need?" Avary asked, wondering what was going on, while making sure Ren was behind him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BayRat
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BayRat Oh No

Member Seen 3 days ago


Cringing at the cynical laugh Drake quickly regained focus and would go silent, listening for any sign of sentient life. Hearing a conversation in the distance, he would jolt towards the source, going through foilage as a beach was starting to enter his vision. Blood was now trickling from Drake's mouth as he dropped the knife from his jaws.
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