As you drift into the abyss of sleep, you feel a sharp tug in your chest. It's too late to resist - your body has gone limp and your consciousness is being transported thousands of miles away. You've been selected for the Bestowing.

You wake on an island. It's the dead of night - the sky above blazes a palette of cool colours. You look around, and see maybe a dozen other bright figures - you assume they must be like you.
You look up again and see 8 constellations blazing in the sky. Each depicts an epic figure; you don't recognise them, but immediately feel their power, even from millions of miles away.
In the distance, an orb of light floats above the water. From it a powerful voice resonates through your ethereal body.
"Welcome. You have been selected to participate in the Bestowing. Above are nine constellations - each is the figure of a Titan, a powerful being that holds control over one aspect of the world you know. Ally yourself with one of these Titans, and become a champion for them - carry out their will on earth, and squander the progress of other Titans if necessary...if you so please. Should you choose to ally yourself to none, you will be Branded. Fight, then, for the glory of the Titans, in the arena of planet earth!"
The constellations above burn brightly, expectantly. The horizon of the dark ocean also burns a low purple. You could walk across the water and awake...or pledge allegiance to a Titan. You must make your decision.
Allies: These Titans do not hinder your goal at all. A champion may kill them if they wish, but it is by no means necessary.
Enemy: These Titans directly conflict with your Titan's ideas/goals. Eliminate them if possible!
Other: These Titans should be treated with apprehension. While neutral towards your goal, it would be wise to be careful around them.

Allies: Locke, Rylai
Enemies: Harrow, Chremon
The overseer of time, and the pinacle of progress. Epoch understands that time welcomes all but stays for no one. The movement of the continuum is pivotal to order and life. The champions are expected to be innovators, and the leaders of world progression. They are expected to NOT be very materialistic, as time does not accept luggage.
Continuum exception: Once every hour, the Champion has the opportunity to slow time to 1/3 of its speed, for up to 1 1/2 minutes (30 seconds of slowed time).
Acceleration: The champion can enhance their speed, agility and thoughts. Unlimited usage, but this also ages the body. Be wary of use.
Soothesayer: The champion may be given visions of the future, at the cost of great pain while doing so. Bestowed upon them at the Titan's wish, if they are in good favour.

Allies: Pangaea, Rylai
Enemies: Harrow, Rennigan, Meridian
Austelle is the creator of the cosmos, peppering it with the fine fragments of his own celestial forgery. He values the appreciation of beauty, and implores champions of his pantheon to marvel and preserve the glory around them. They are expected to find the beauty in EVERYTHING. No exceptions. Positivity is key!
Numinous: The champion can inspire a person to rally to their cause for a short time, feeling Austelle's magnificence.
Event horizon: The champion illuminates an area with starlight, burning away darkness and impurities.
Starman: The champion becomes the embodiment of space, being able to shift through walls and arrive at another location in space if they so wish. This is very exhausting on the body, and can only be used for a few minutes every day.

Allies: Chremon, Epoch
Enemies: Harrow, Rennigan
Locke created the unruly nature of the sea, and wants to see (heh) uninhibited motion in all things, just as a body of water. She favours activity in her champion, always pressing to achieve an objective, and does not tolerate complacency or laziness.
Lagoon:The champion creates a small puddle of water they can use to teleport from one location to another, providing they've formed another puddle there. This ability can travel further in wetter conditions/areas.
Barbed gift: Locke gifts the champion with a trident that can be used as a weapon, which is bound to their soul by a 100 metre chain. The weapon is imbued with some magical power in the hands of the champion, but if the tether is broken the trident is destroyed, and the champion loses favour with Locke.
Leviathan: The champion summons tentacles that ravage the area around them, consuming all except for the champion. This power gets stronger near large water bodies.

Allies: Epoch, Pangaea
Enemies: Harrow, Rennigan, Chremon
Rylai is the judge of the living, and executioner of the dead. Considered the most righteous of the Titans, Rylai expects his champion to fight against the immoral, and to follow a strict moral code themselves...or they too will face Rylai's wrath.
Detector: The champion is easily able to detect the morality of a person, eventually realising their intentions, secrets, and memories the longer they remain in a person's vicinity.
Executioner: The champion tests a person, bathing them in holy warmth. To the righteous, this is a pleasant warmth, but to the extremely corrupt, it burns even their bones to ashes.
Divine court: The champion creates an arena of light to test their foe in glorious combat. The most righteous will always prevail. This condition is not applied to other champions, or the Branded.

Allies: Chremon
Enemies: Pangaea, Harrow
The Puppeteer is an architect of the mind, finding facets in people's personalities to manipulate and exploit. Not inherently evil, the Titan seeks to test the boundaries of the human mind. What he does with his results is unknown. He expects his champion to seek knowledge in all its forms, and to even exploit people if necessary. He disapproves of relationships, seeing them as a distraction to his cause.
Conversion: The champion is skilled in the art of persuasion, eventually bending others to their will. The longer they talk, the more the subject is convinced to do their bidding. This effect is limited to strong temptation on champions/Branded.
Host: The champion can see from the perspective of any other person or animal, but cannot control their movements or actions, for up to a few moments a day. The champion must have made eye contact with the victim at least once, the more recently the clearer the vision.
Puppeteer's stage: The champion reaches into the very mind of their victim, and views the entirety of that person's psyche as a library. With experience and time, the puppeteer will be able to view "books" in the person's mind that can be rewritten to change a person's thoughts, or even personality. This effect is reduced on champions/branded.

Allies: None
Enemies: All
Harrow only seeks to squander the goals of the other Titans. It is this objective that makes her the true mediator: balancing all the forces that wish to sway the world in their direction. Harrow only wishes her champion to disrupt other champions, and does not encourage them to pursue friendships with other champions.
Nullify: Disables the target champion/Branded's abilities for a few minutes. Can only be used on that champion/Branded once every 3 days.
Oracle: The champion can seek the presence of other champions. The closer they are, the weaker this sense gets.
Decrepit: Subjects the area around the champion to entropy, ageing all life in this radius significantly. The more complex the organism, the weaker this effect is; humans are aged by a year, and champions/Branded are merely slowed in thought and action.

Allies: Austelle, Rylai
Enemies: Harrow, Rennigan,
Pangaea is the designer of all animal and plant life, finding joy in creating a new creature every few millenia or so. Pangaea wishes for harmony between humans and nature - she wishes her champion to not be violent unless completely necessary. She also dislikes her champion wasting - for every thing used, place back two.
Mediator: The champion is naturally fortunate and charismatic. People around them are more peaceful, up to a certain extent, and the champion can tame even the most wild animals, with time.
Practitioner: The champion heals the wounds of someone else - at the cost of their own well-being. The more dangerous the injury, the more energy the champion would need to exert to fix it. The champion CAN revive someone that recently died, if they give their own life as a sacrifice. The champion can also control and create plant life, but never to actively harm.
Sanctuary: The champion whisks away themselves, and the people/objects in the area around them, to a random location in the wilderness, safe from harm. This location cannot be decided by the champion. However, given the champions natural good fortune, perhaps Pangaea has a reason for delivering the champion to that place.

Allies: Rennigan, Locke
Enemies: Harrow, Epoch, Pangaea
Chremon is the father of the entire draconic lineage, creating the first dragons from the wrath of truefire itself, watching the species grow fruitfully until humans slaughtered them by their thousands. Over the last several centuries, few remain alive. Seeking to once more make dragonkind a species of legend, Chremon only asks that the champion forsake most human contact to devote themselves to their cause.
Pristine scales: The champion is extremely fire resistant and magic resistant, to an extent - magic has a reduced effect on them.
Sear: The champion can heat their hands with enough power to melt some metals. Can be used for mediocre light, plenty of heat and for combat. For this reason, the champion may choose to use hand to hand combat as their main means of attack.
Dragon's heart: The champion can reconstruct the matter of their bodies to transform into a dragon at will, gaining the ability to shoot jets of fire and fly. Dragon form is about 25 feet long, with a wingspan of 75 feet. Dragons have the same heat/magical resistivity.

Allies: Harrow
Enemies: None
The Branded have chosen to ally themselves to none, leaving them without the conventional blessings of the Titans. However, the defiance of their destiny has entertained fate; their soul is reborn each time they die. With many lifespans, they can learn to control this ability. They only suffer from a fraction of the abilities of the champions, and have no reason but personal whim to fight for a cause. Because they have turned down the gift of the Titans' blessings, they are expected to be killed if they're ever found by a champion, with the exception of Harrow.
Burden: The Branded can absorb the souls of organisms around them, gaining power depending on the amount of life energy absorbed. This increases healing, speed and strength.
Soul surge: The Branded can wield this life force as if it were magic, personalising and manipulating it to their will. This destroys their "pool" of magical energy, making them reliant completely on the life force of others for magic. These abilities can only be used if they have enough life force absorbed from other sources; if the pool of "life force" absorbed is depleted, these abilities cannot be used.
Spirit form: With mastery of the rebirth process, the Branded may choose to travel with only their soul (as pictured). They may turn into dust at this point, and can travel on the wind to a new location indefinitely. If their body is left without a soul for too long, it will die - however, the Branded can eject a soul from another body with enough force (easier in older bodies) and inhabit it, destroying the soul of the previous person.
You are a Champion. Demonstrate FUROR TITANICUS!
The Cosmos, the entirety of the FT universe, is split into several realms. There is Earth, the planet our characters reside on, and 9 other realms that are inaccessible to humans. A Titan resides in its respective realm, and CANNOT pass into another realm, either of another Titan, or onto Earth. This makes direct combat between Titans IMPOSSIBLE. That's why they use Champions to inhibit the will of other Titans on Earth - if they were to pass into the Earth realm, the difference in physics would destroy an entire continent, if not the planet itself.
There are some points in each realm at which the barrier between others is much weaker, known as a Gate. It's still not possible for humans or Titans to enter another realm using Gates, but sufficient magic can be used to influence the area around them. Dreams are also a method Titans use to contact their champions, or humans worthy of the Bestowing. Gates can be found in nature, usually in/near Vistas (see below).

FUROR TITANICUS is set in the fantastical world of Earth - same name, different geography! The planet is filled with much of the flora and fauna on our planet, however there are other notable features that make the world much more interesting - and perilous - to live in.

Vistas are places on Earth that have a strong magical aura around them, usually because they contain a Gate to another realm. The areas tend to look very surreal and almost psychedelic - at these places on Earth the laws of physics are bent. Time could be slower or gravity weaker. Some humans devote their life to seeking out and documenting Vistas, discovering if there is any correlation to their location and the effects experienced within them.

The Earth in FT is much larger than the planet we live on. As such, huge colonies of Stelebark trees have formed - the bark is as tough as tempered steel and is even brewed into drinks by some tribes (see below). These forests are the size of oceans in some areas - it is said that those who enter never make their way out again.

(ignore the blimps >.>)
The icy grip of the south has been slowly advancing up the planet in the last few centuries. Strange creatures, spirits and beings have crawled out from the maw of the land. Harsh and unforgiving, only the most hardened people dare live close to this area - the souther pole is currently unexplored. Who knows what secrets lie there...?

Direct link:
Since the world is so much larger, there are many more cultures and communities around the globe. Some from colossal cities, others live as vagabonds. Very few have heard of the Titans, worshipping other mysterious gods themselves.

Some nomadic peoples live in the large deserts that swathe the east of the land, living by pillaging other small settlements, hunting and farming mudweeds where they please. These tribes are relatively organised - taming and raising their own docile animals has allowed them to create huge communities on the backs of some alone. At first glance they may seem primitive, but the survival instinct of these tribes have lead them through many hardships - none know the deserts like they do.

Kingdoms have varying aesthetics depending on their location and the culture of the people living there. The city pictured above, Tiriatharg, is the capital of its respective kingdom (Capitals are usually named after their Kingdoms). These cities can be extremely large, or quite small and secluded, depending on the population. Other examples:

Braford is a pirate village in the northwest of the largest landmass, Sage. Filled with mercenaries and criminals of all calibre, the relative anarchy is ironically the glue that holds the town together.

Kingdom on the edge of a large superforest, the Fairie Woods. The people are nature loving and peaceful, despite the imposing aesthetics.

An almost alien Kingdom, found in the middle of a large Vista. The physics allow grand structures to be built, appearing surreal and bizarre - the geography of the city has attracted many researchers of the Vista phenomenon.

Usually found near Vistas, institutes house those that wish to learn the ways of magic. Institutes are normally independent facilities, but may have close relations with a kingdom if it is beneficial to them. Consider them very large universities.

These ancient monuments seem to have been left here from generations passed. While some tribes worship the weak spirits and apparitions that appear there, legend has it that the bodiless can find purpose there. Whether this is true or not remains unproven.
There are a multitude of creatures that exist in FT that don't on earth. Here are a few that may prove worthy adversaries if encountered:

Large creatures seemingly formed of icy flesh. These creatures are very primitive and only seek to consume what the cold hasn't. While they're known to wander the south independently, finding them in groups is not too uncommon.

Hulking figures always enclosed in some form of armour. These creatures do not eat, or sleep. They simply wish to experience war and slaughter their enemies. Very resistant to magic. Approach with extreme caution.

Mysterious beings, these creatures seem to gift certain humans with dreams - or nightmares - that can avert the course of fate. Why they do this is unknown, but it is wise to heed their message.
Magic doesn’t quite ‘branch off’ as many academies prefer to teach as. Rather, magic is a singular existence which is controlled by the Magus imposing their will upon its existence. A Magus can feel the flow of magic around them as naturally they would wind. Using the flow of magic requires one to tap into and then impose their will upon it. For younger Magus this limits their spells to weaker powers while those who have honed the craft can form entire creatures from magic. The many Styles of Magic are simply that which a Magi can learn through a long life
Druidic Magic comes in many forms though its branch is well known to be used by the Northern Magi and the Forest Academies. Using druidic magic can be considered as growing closer to nature itself and often is considered to be one of the easier Styles to learn. Yet, easy is not to be taken as lacking in power. Rather, a properly skilled Druid can eliminate entire armies with their magic. Entire forests can be grown by ancient Druids and a barren desert may very well become a grassland overnight should they wish it. A user of Druidic magic can feel how entire forests are doing, can asses what ails all beings which live and breathe, and can even imitate the form of creatures they have encountered
Summary: Druidic magic is comprised of the following areas of magic.
-Animal Empathy
-Animal Morphing
-Botanical Communication
-Ecological Empathy
-Nature Manipulation
-Weather Manipulation
The act of creation something from nothing is an art that only gods and select Magi learn. Only a few are powerful enough to properly create something more than inanimate objects with creation of a living creature being both a taboo and a dying art. Nowadays, the art of Creation Magic is simply known for creating beautiful gems or wondrous flowers which never wilt. Within the boundary of Creation Magic exists the magic known as Animation, making the inanimate able to move whether by free will or programmed orders. Some Magi are known to learn how to create constructs and use them from varied activities such as research assistance to battle. In the end, Creation Magic is a dying art which few can learn on their own and even fewer are skilled to teach.
Summary: Creation Magic is comprised of the following areas of magic:
-Construct creation (Golems, Elementals, etc.)
-Nature creations (Flowers, Trees, etc.)
-Creature creation (Animals and People)
-Object creation (Common items)
-Elemental creation (Making fire, water, etc.)
Whether holy by nature or by definitions provided by man, Holy Magic is considered to be one of the Styles closest to that of the Gods. Holy Magic has the power to cure ailments of any kind, repel evil entities, and even bring back the recently dead. It is unknown if the Gods allow the users of Holy Magic, massive in number though unskilled, to use it or it is simply the act of a Magus who has passed down their teachings in this ancient Style. The average Cleric, as a Magus who uses Holy Magic is known, knows well enough how to heal wounds ranging from small cuts and scrapes to broken bones as well as curing many diseases. Those who are ‘blessed’ by the Gods show exceptional skill in the use of Holy Magic and can eventually reach the ability to revive those who are recently dead and even heal fatal wounds.
Summary: Holy Magic is comprised of the following areas of magic:
-Divine Force Manipulation (Repelling Evil)
-Divine Weaponry (Holy Weapons)
-Divine Enchantment (Enchanting Weapons)
-Curse Negation
-Malignancy Negation
Necromancy is a dark Style, one which is rarely ever known to be used anymore except by those looking to extend the length of their lives. A Necromancer can live centuries by absorbing the souls of other and feeding on them to extend their life. While believed to be an inherently negative magic, Necromancy has many uses which are beneficial to common person. A necromancer can bring back the dead and use their tireless forms to perform mundane tasks and assist others. Those who have great enough power may even extend their lives through the consumption of the life force of a living object, whether this be a person or even a tree. Those of the highest level of skill in Necromancy can even harness the souls of the dead for combat or purge them for the living.
Summary: Necromancy is comprised of the following areas of magic:
-Soul Manipulation
-Undead Control
-LIfe-force absorption
-Mediumship (Talking to and seeing Spirits)
-Pain Control (Inducing or Removing pain)
Ritual Magic is one of the potential strongest areas of magic as it encompasses the ability to summon beings of great power, demons included, and even create them whenever the need be. The very Style is considered the most dangerous as the creation of a ritual circle, being a simple process for those learned in it, can be done at anytime and can do anything from bringing onto this plane a demon to cursing a foe. Yet, one misstep in the creation of a ritual circle can very well endanger the creator as well as all of those around them. There are even those who use Ritual Magic to physically empower themselves by creating circles on clothing or their bodies.
Summary: Ritual Magic is comprised of the following areas of magic:
-Invocation (Spoken spells)
-Creature Creation
-Physical Empowerment
Blood Magic is simply that, a style of magic which allows the user to manipulate and use blood in varied forms. Though a magic which inherently requires the injuring of another or one’s self, Blood Magic is also rather powerful, creating virulent plagues that corrode the body of their target or vitalising the body of the user while stealing life from another. Blood mages are known to form Blood pacts, using their magic to bond two people under a set of conditions. Blood mages can heal people if they wish, but given the nature of the magic it is mostly used for destructive purposes.
Summary: Blood magic is comprised of the following areas of magic:
-Blood pacts
-Minor healing
-Life-force absorption
-Plague creation
-Animation (to a degree; a blood mage can imbue the power of blood vitality into a recently deceased or inanimate object - this is by no means permanent or even feasible for more than a few minutes)
Enchanting is a mostly ancient art, with its more powerful uses lost as innovations in magic emerge. In modern times, its practical use is imbuing an inanimate object with magical energy, for purposes such as establishing a magical communication link between two specific entities. This cannot be done to the living - the equivalent of imbuing a human with magical energy is known more commonly as healing. However, enchanting is known specifically for inanimate objects. The properties given to the object can become more complex with the amount of life-force imbued with it.
Summary: Enchanting is comprised of the following areas of magic:
-Healing (rudimentary)
-Tempering (enchantment of metal)
-Wordsmithing (enchantment of books - how they initially have any magic power)
Mana is, to every form of magic, the reservoir of energy that users tap into to perform feats. In normal humans incapable of magic, this pool is measured at 1, in arbitrary units - with even the most basic spells costing about twice that, most people will never realise their magic potential. However, through rigorous training, a person can increase their mana pool - most mages lie at around 30 mana, being able to cast multiple simple spells (about 2-3 mana each) before their mana pool is expended. More experienced users can reach up to 60-70 mana, with those having centuries of training reaching 100-150 mana (it is exponentially difficult to gain mana with talent - 150 is a formidable amount of mana despite being 5 times more than basic mages). In the case of the Branded, the life force they absorb is the only form of mana they have - their soul's own mana pool has been completely eradicated. Mana is what ties a soul to the body - the lack of this means that a soul can detach from a body at will, with practice, explaining the Branded's powers. In the case of champions, they too have very little mana pools, with the most ever observed being a modest 10 mana - Titans prefer to limit mana use in their champions as it is a sign of ungratefulness to the Blessings they've been given.
Mana regenerates at an increased rate with more experience, however basic users will experience a rate of about one unit per day. Extended mana usage in a short period of time will reduce the rate of regeneration, much like more exercise causing a longer recovery period. However, this "stamina" can increase with more spell usage, which also increases the magic pool, making casting basic spells easier, however more complex spells are much more difficult to cast, so the talent needed to use them will also be necessary. The Branded do not have a mana regeneration rate as they do not have their own mana - since they absorb life energy from other sources, they can store astronomical amounts of mana, so long as their soul and body can handle it - This makes casting the most complex spells much more feasible, however, talent and the size of the mana pool do not always correlate (even though more talent will eventually lead to a larger pool if the user trains often). A Branded could absorb 500 mana but not have the ability to cast any spells stronger than a small fireball. Training is essential to becoming a strong mage.
The amount of mana the average organism has:
Small wildlife (insects and shit) = 0.01
Basic plant life = 0.05
More complex animals (dogs) = 0.15
Most complex non-sentient animals (chills/monoliths) = 0.5
Humans = 1. Large, old trees = 1.
Oldest trees in existence = 5.
Dragons = 10.
Champions/Branded = 100.
And I think that's it! Any other questions I'll answer and add to this post later. Have fun and thank you for reading! Jhett ~
(Please note some of the Titans have already been chosen in the interest check. If this becomes a little more popular then 2 people could choose the same Titan, but it'd be best if they were each filled first!)
-As GM, my word is law. If you don't agree we can discuss it, but if I put my foot down and you still protest, you'll be asked to withdraw from the RP.
-Don't be a dick in OOC. Save that for the IC, if your character wants it!
-No Godmodding. If you're a champion, you cannot have anything more than basic magical skills/talents, as that will simply give you an unfair advantage.
-No deus ex machina. If your character is about to surely die, they'll die. No one lives forever! (well..)
-There will be a general plot. We can discuss it and see if we can make it better, however most of the plot is predetermined and concrete. Of course character personalities will change the plot, so I'm sticking to a few core plot points. These will be very unlikely to change. Unless given consent, do not try to change them.
-Have fun! :>
-If you're branded, PLEASE give a rundown of HOW you use life-force energy as an extra section in your CS. I've edited it into the sheet, but this should only apply to Branded characters.
-A MAP HAS BEEN ADDED! Find it in the People section; some kingdom names have been changed, so update your CS' accordingly.
@DarthSeverus394 @Rockette -- You've expressed interest in this RP, but haven't been active for a long time. Your positions as champions have been opened up. IF a more active user decides to fill your role, you'll unfortunately be asked to leave the RP.

You wake on an island. It's the dead of night - the sky above blazes a palette of cool colours. You look around, and see maybe a dozen other bright figures - you assume they must be like you.
You look up again and see 8 constellations blazing in the sky. Each depicts an epic figure; you don't recognise them, but immediately feel their power, even from millions of miles away.
In the distance, an orb of light floats above the water. From it a powerful voice resonates through your ethereal body.
"Welcome. You have been selected to participate in the Bestowing. Above are nine constellations - each is the figure of a Titan, a powerful being that holds control over one aspect of the world you know. Ally yourself with one of these Titans, and become a champion for them - carry out their will on earth, and squander the progress of other Titans if necessary...if you so please. Should you choose to ally yourself to none, you will be Branded. Fight, then, for the glory of the Titans, in the arena of planet earth!"
The constellations above burn brightly, expectantly. The horizon of the dark ocean also burns a low purple. You could walk across the water and awake...or pledge allegiance to a Titan. You must make your decision.
-Note on Allies/Enemies-
Allies: These Titans do not hinder your goal at all. A champion may kill them if they wish, but it is by no means necessary.
Enemy: These Titans directly conflict with your Titan's ideas/goals. Eliminate them if possible!
Other: These Titans should be treated with apprehension. While neutral towards your goal, it would be wise to be careful around them.
TITAN: Epoch, Lord of the Ages, Champion: Kito!

Allies: Locke, Rylai
Enemies: Harrow, Chremon
The overseer of time, and the pinacle of progress. Epoch understands that time welcomes all but stays for no one. The movement of the continuum is pivotal to order and life. The champions are expected to be innovators, and the leaders of world progression. They are expected to NOT be very materialistic, as time does not accept luggage.
Continuum exception: Once every hour, the Champion has the opportunity to slow time to 1/3 of its speed, for up to 1 1/2 minutes (30 seconds of slowed time).
Acceleration: The champion can enhance their speed, agility and thoughts. Unlimited usage, but this also ages the body. Be wary of use.
Soothesayer: The champion may be given visions of the future, at the cost of great pain while doing so. Bestowed upon them at the Titan's wish, if they are in good favour.
TITAN: Austelle, Star weaver, Champion: Fiand!

Allies: Pangaea, Rylai
Enemies: Harrow, Rennigan, Meridian
Austelle is the creator of the cosmos, peppering it with the fine fragments of his own celestial forgery. He values the appreciation of beauty, and implores champions of his pantheon to marvel and preserve the glory around them. They are expected to find the beauty in EVERYTHING. No exceptions. Positivity is key!
Numinous: The champion can inspire a person to rally to their cause for a short time, feeling Austelle's magnificence.
Event horizon: The champion illuminates an area with starlight, burning away darkness and impurities.
Starman: The champion becomes the embodiment of space, being able to shift through walls and arrive at another location in space if they so wish. This is very exhausting on the body, and can only be used for a few minutes every day.
TITAN: Meridian, Land forger - ICEBOXED
TITAN: Locke, Mistress of the deep, Champion: Maris!

Allies: Chremon, Epoch
Enemies: Harrow, Rennigan
Locke created the unruly nature of the sea, and wants to see (heh) uninhibited motion in all things, just as a body of water. She favours activity in her champion, always pressing to achieve an objective, and does not tolerate complacency or laziness.
Lagoon:The champion creates a small puddle of water they can use to teleport from one location to another, providing they've formed another puddle there. This ability can travel further in wetter conditions/areas.
Barbed gift: Locke gifts the champion with a trident that can be used as a weapon, which is bound to their soul by a 100 metre chain. The weapon is imbued with some magical power in the hands of the champion, but if the tether is broken the trident is destroyed, and the champion loses favour with Locke.
Leviathan: The champion summons tentacles that ravage the area around them, consuming all except for the champion. This power gets stronger near large water bodies.
TITAN: Rylai, The Judicator, Champion: @Ezekial Wolffe!

Allies: Epoch, Pangaea
Enemies: Harrow, Rennigan, Chremon
Rylai is the judge of the living, and executioner of the dead. Considered the most righteous of the Titans, Rylai expects his champion to fight against the immoral, and to follow a strict moral code themselves...or they too will face Rylai's wrath.
Detector: The champion is easily able to detect the morality of a person, eventually realising their intentions, secrets, and memories the longer they remain in a person's vicinity.
Executioner: The champion tests a person, bathing them in holy warmth. To the righteous, this is a pleasant warmth, but to the extremely corrupt, it burns even their bones to ashes.
Divine court: The champion creates an arena of light to test their foe in glorious combat. The most righteous will always prevail. This condition is not applied to other champions, or the Branded.
TITAN: Rennigan, The Puppeteer, Champion: @Frizan!

Allies: Chremon
Enemies: Pangaea, Harrow
The Puppeteer is an architect of the mind, finding facets in people's personalities to manipulate and exploit. Not inherently evil, the Titan seeks to test the boundaries of the human mind. What he does with his results is unknown. He expects his champion to seek knowledge in all its forms, and to even exploit people if necessary. He disapproves of relationships, seeing them as a distraction to his cause.
Conversion: The champion is skilled in the art of persuasion, eventually bending others to their will. The longer they talk, the more the subject is convinced to do their bidding. This effect is limited to strong temptation on champions/Branded.
Host: The champion can see from the perspective of any other person or animal, but cannot control their movements or actions, for up to a few moments a day. The champion must have made eye contact with the victim at least once, the more recently the clearer the vision.
Puppeteer's stage: The champion reaches into the very mind of their victim, and views the entirety of that person's psyche as a library. With experience and time, the puppeteer will be able to view "books" in the person's mind that can be rewritten to change a person's thoughts, or even personality. This effect is reduced on champions/branded.
TITAN: Harrow, Sower of dissonance, Champion: Adelynn!

Allies: None
Enemies: All
Harrow only seeks to squander the goals of the other Titans. It is this objective that makes her the true mediator: balancing all the forces that wish to sway the world in their direction. Harrow only wishes her champion to disrupt other champions, and does not encourage them to pursue friendships with other champions.
Nullify: Disables the target champion/Branded's abilities for a few minutes. Can only be used on that champion/Branded once every 3 days.
Oracle: The champion can seek the presence of other champions. The closer they are, the weaker this sense gets.
Decrepit: Subjects the area around the champion to entropy, ageing all life in this radius significantly. The more complex the organism, the weaker this effect is; humans are aged by a year, and champions/Branded are merely slowed in thought and action.
TITAN: Pangaea, Nature's bastion, Unclaimed

Allies: Austelle, Rylai
Enemies: Harrow, Rennigan,
Pangaea is the designer of all animal and plant life, finding joy in creating a new creature every few millenia or so. Pangaea wishes for harmony between humans and nature - she wishes her champion to not be violent unless completely necessary. She also dislikes her champion wasting - for every thing used, place back two.
Mediator: The champion is naturally fortunate and charismatic. People around them are more peaceful, up to a certain extent, and the champion can tame even the most wild animals, with time.
Practitioner: The champion heals the wounds of someone else - at the cost of their own well-being. The more dangerous the injury, the more energy the champion would need to exert to fix it. The champion CAN revive someone that recently died, if they give their own life as a sacrifice. The champion can also control and create plant life, but never to actively harm.
Sanctuary: The champion whisks away themselves, and the people/objects in the area around them, to a random location in the wilderness, safe from harm. This location cannot be decided by the champion. However, given the champions natural good fortune, perhaps Pangaea has a reason for delivering the champion to that place.
TITAN: Chremon, The Elder Dragon, Champion: Calcifer!

Allies: Rennigan, Locke
Enemies: Harrow, Epoch, Pangaea
Chremon is the father of the entire draconic lineage, creating the first dragons from the wrath of truefire itself, watching the species grow fruitfully until humans slaughtered them by their thousands. Over the last several centuries, few remain alive. Seeking to once more make dragonkind a species of legend, Chremon only asks that the champion forsake most human contact to devote themselves to their cause.
Pristine scales: The champion is extremely fire resistant and magic resistant, to an extent - magic has a reduced effect on them.
Sear: The champion can heat their hands with enough power to melt some metals. Can be used for mediocre light, plenty of heat and for combat. For this reason, the champion may choose to use hand to hand combat as their main means of attack.
Dragon's heart: The champion can reconstruct the matter of their bodies to transform into a dragon at will, gaining the ability to shoot jets of fire and fly. Dragon form is about 25 feet long, with a wingspan of 75 feet. Dragons have the same heat/magical resistivity.
BRANDED: (Ursu, Rand, Nala, @Rockette)

Allies: Harrow
Enemies: None
The Branded have chosen to ally themselves to none, leaving them without the conventional blessings of the Titans. However, the defiance of their destiny has entertained fate; their soul is reborn each time they die. With many lifespans, they can learn to control this ability. They only suffer from a fraction of the abilities of the champions, and have no reason but personal whim to fight for a cause. Because they have turned down the gift of the Titans' blessings, they are expected to be killed if they're ever found by a champion, with the exception of Harrow.
Burden: The Branded can absorb the souls of organisms around them, gaining power depending on the amount of life energy absorbed. This increases healing, speed and strength.
Soul surge: The Branded can wield this life force as if it were magic, personalising and manipulating it to their will. This destroys their "pool" of magical energy, making them reliant completely on the life force of others for magic. These abilities can only be used if they have enough life force absorbed from other sources; if the pool of "life force" absorbed is depleted, these abilities cannot be used.
Spirit form: With mastery of the rebirth process, the Branded may choose to travel with only their soul (as pictured). They may turn into dust at this point, and can travel on the wind to a new location indefinitely. If their body is left without a soul for too long, it will die - however, the Branded can eject a soul from another body with enough force (easier in older bodies) and inhabit it, destroying the soul of the previous person.
You are a Champion. Demonstrate FUROR TITANICUS!
The Cosmos, the entirety of the FT universe, is split into several realms. There is Earth, the planet our characters reside on, and 9 other realms that are inaccessible to humans. A Titan resides in its respective realm, and CANNOT pass into another realm, either of another Titan, or onto Earth. This makes direct combat between Titans IMPOSSIBLE. That's why they use Champions to inhibit the will of other Titans on Earth - if they were to pass into the Earth realm, the difference in physics would destroy an entire continent, if not the planet itself.
There are some points in each realm at which the barrier between others is much weaker, known as a Gate. It's still not possible for humans or Titans to enter another realm using Gates, but sufficient magic can be used to influence the area around them. Dreams are also a method Titans use to contact their champions, or humans worthy of the Bestowing. Gates can be found in nature, usually in/near Vistas (see below).

FUROR TITANICUS is set in the fantastical world of Earth - same name, different geography! The planet is filled with much of the flora and fauna on our planet, however there are other notable features that make the world much more interesting - and perilous - to live in.

Vistas are places on Earth that have a strong magical aura around them, usually because they contain a Gate to another realm. The areas tend to look very surreal and almost psychedelic - at these places on Earth the laws of physics are bent. Time could be slower or gravity weaker. Some humans devote their life to seeking out and documenting Vistas, discovering if there is any correlation to their location and the effects experienced within them.

The Earth in FT is much larger than the planet we live on. As such, huge colonies of Stelebark trees have formed - the bark is as tough as tempered steel and is even brewed into drinks by some tribes (see below). These forests are the size of oceans in some areas - it is said that those who enter never make their way out again.

(ignore the blimps >.>)
The icy grip of the south has been slowly advancing up the planet in the last few centuries. Strange creatures, spirits and beings have crawled out from the maw of the land. Harsh and unforgiving, only the most hardened people dare live close to this area - the souther pole is currently unexplored. Who knows what secrets lie there...?

Direct link:
Since the world is so much larger, there are many more cultures and communities around the globe. Some from colossal cities, others live as vagabonds. Very few have heard of the Titans, worshipping other mysterious gods themselves.

Some nomadic peoples live in the large deserts that swathe the east of the land, living by pillaging other small settlements, hunting and farming mudweeds where they please. These tribes are relatively organised - taming and raising their own docile animals has allowed them to create huge communities on the backs of some alone. At first glance they may seem primitive, but the survival instinct of these tribes have lead them through many hardships - none know the deserts like they do.

Kingdoms have varying aesthetics depending on their location and the culture of the people living there. The city pictured above, Tiriatharg, is the capital of its respective kingdom (Capitals are usually named after their Kingdoms). These cities can be extremely large, or quite small and secluded, depending on the population. Other examples:

Braford is a pirate village in the northwest of the largest landmass, Sage. Filled with mercenaries and criminals of all calibre, the relative anarchy is ironically the glue that holds the town together.

Kingdom on the edge of a large superforest, the Fairie Woods. The people are nature loving and peaceful, despite the imposing aesthetics.

An almost alien Kingdom, found in the middle of a large Vista. The physics allow grand structures to be built, appearing surreal and bizarre - the geography of the city has attracted many researchers of the Vista phenomenon.

Usually found near Vistas, institutes house those that wish to learn the ways of magic. Institutes are normally independent facilities, but may have close relations with a kingdom if it is beneficial to them. Consider them very large universities.

These ancient monuments seem to have been left here from generations passed. While some tribes worship the weak spirits and apparitions that appear there, legend has it that the bodiless can find purpose there. Whether this is true or not remains unproven.
There are a multitude of creatures that exist in FT that don't on earth. Here are a few that may prove worthy adversaries if encountered:

Large creatures seemingly formed of icy flesh. These creatures are very primitive and only seek to consume what the cold hasn't. While they're known to wander the south independently, finding them in groups is not too uncommon.

Hulking figures always enclosed in some form of armour. These creatures do not eat, or sleep. They simply wish to experience war and slaughter their enemies. Very resistant to magic. Approach with extreme caution.

Mysterious beings, these creatures seem to gift certain humans with dreams - or nightmares - that can avert the course of fate. Why they do this is unknown, but it is wise to heed their message.
Magic is, by its very nature, a chaotic swirl of energy which is not quite of this world nor of another. It seems, rather, that magic exist from the mixing of worlds after the great Cataclysm which ushered in the new era. Magic has no limitations except by what its user has learned, either done by themselves or by another. All can learn magic, though some races show an inherent dissociation with magic in general. Whether this dissociation is one created by the Cataclysm or by the Gods who watch over said race has yet to be determined by any Magi. While some believe their magic is given to them by the Gods, the truth is that the Gods can only limit one’s skill with a certain magics and often look down upon those who perform them.
The Styles of Magic
Magic doesn’t quite ‘branch off’ as many academies prefer to teach as. Rather, magic is a singular existence which is controlled by the Magus imposing their will upon its existence. A Magus can feel the flow of magic around them as naturally they would wind. Using the flow of magic requires one to tap into and then impose their will upon it. For younger Magus this limits their spells to weaker powers while those who have honed the craft can form entire creatures from magic. The many Styles of Magic are simply that which a Magi can learn through a long life
---Druidic Magic---
Druidic Magic comes in many forms though its branch is well known to be used by the Northern Magi and the Forest Academies. Using druidic magic can be considered as growing closer to nature itself and often is considered to be one of the easier Styles to learn. Yet, easy is not to be taken as lacking in power. Rather, a properly skilled Druid can eliminate entire armies with their magic. Entire forests can be grown by ancient Druids and a barren desert may very well become a grassland overnight should they wish it. A user of Druidic magic can feel how entire forests are doing, can asses what ails all beings which live and breathe, and can even imitate the form of creatures they have encountered
Summary: Druidic magic is comprised of the following areas of magic.
-Animal Empathy
-Animal Morphing
-Botanical Communication
-Ecological Empathy
-Nature Manipulation
-Weather Manipulation
---Creation Magic---
The act of creation something from nothing is an art that only gods and select Magi learn. Only a few are powerful enough to properly create something more than inanimate objects with creation of a living creature being both a taboo and a dying art. Nowadays, the art of Creation Magic is simply known for creating beautiful gems or wondrous flowers which never wilt. Within the boundary of Creation Magic exists the magic known as Animation, making the inanimate able to move whether by free will or programmed orders. Some Magi are known to learn how to create constructs and use them from varied activities such as research assistance to battle. In the end, Creation Magic is a dying art which few can learn on their own and even fewer are skilled to teach.
Summary: Creation Magic is comprised of the following areas of magic:
-Construct creation (Golems, Elementals, etc.)
-Nature creations (Flowers, Trees, etc.)
-Creature creation (Animals and People)
-Object creation (Common items)
-Elemental creation (Making fire, water, etc.)
---Holy Magic---
Whether holy by nature or by definitions provided by man, Holy Magic is considered to be one of the Styles closest to that of the Gods. Holy Magic has the power to cure ailments of any kind, repel evil entities, and even bring back the recently dead. It is unknown if the Gods allow the users of Holy Magic, massive in number though unskilled, to use it or it is simply the act of a Magus who has passed down their teachings in this ancient Style. The average Cleric, as a Magus who uses Holy Magic is known, knows well enough how to heal wounds ranging from small cuts and scrapes to broken bones as well as curing many diseases. Those who are ‘blessed’ by the Gods show exceptional skill in the use of Holy Magic and can eventually reach the ability to revive those who are recently dead and even heal fatal wounds.
Summary: Holy Magic is comprised of the following areas of magic:
-Divine Force Manipulation (Repelling Evil)
-Divine Weaponry (Holy Weapons)
-Divine Enchantment (Enchanting Weapons)
-Curse Negation
-Malignancy Negation
Necromancy is a dark Style, one which is rarely ever known to be used anymore except by those looking to extend the length of their lives. A Necromancer can live centuries by absorbing the souls of other and feeding on them to extend their life. While believed to be an inherently negative magic, Necromancy has many uses which are beneficial to common person. A necromancer can bring back the dead and use their tireless forms to perform mundane tasks and assist others. Those who have great enough power may even extend their lives through the consumption of the life force of a living object, whether this be a person or even a tree. Those of the highest level of skill in Necromancy can even harness the souls of the dead for combat or purge them for the living.
Summary: Necromancy is comprised of the following areas of magic:
-Soul Manipulation
-Undead Control
-LIfe-force absorption
-Mediumship (Talking to and seeing Spirits)
-Pain Control (Inducing or Removing pain)
---Ritual Magic---
Ritual Magic is one of the potential strongest areas of magic as it encompasses the ability to summon beings of great power, demons included, and even create them whenever the need be. The very Style is considered the most dangerous as the creation of a ritual circle, being a simple process for those learned in it, can be done at anytime and can do anything from bringing onto this plane a demon to cursing a foe. Yet, one misstep in the creation of a ritual circle can very well endanger the creator as well as all of those around them. There are even those who use Ritual Magic to physically empower themselves by creating circles on clothing or their bodies.
Summary: Ritual Magic is comprised of the following areas of magic:
-Invocation (Spoken spells)
-Creature Creation
-Physical Empowerment
---Blood Magic---
Blood Magic is simply that, a style of magic which allows the user to manipulate and use blood in varied forms. Though a magic which inherently requires the injuring of another or one’s self, Blood Magic is also rather powerful, creating virulent plagues that corrode the body of their target or vitalising the body of the user while stealing life from another. Blood mages are known to form Blood pacts, using their magic to bond two people under a set of conditions. Blood mages can heal people if they wish, but given the nature of the magic it is mostly used for destructive purposes.
Summary: Blood magic is comprised of the following areas of magic:
-Blood pacts
-Minor healing
-Life-force absorption
-Plague creation
-Animation (to a degree; a blood mage can imbue the power of blood vitality into a recently deceased or inanimate object - this is by no means permanent or even feasible for more than a few minutes)
Enchanting is a mostly ancient art, with its more powerful uses lost as innovations in magic emerge. In modern times, its practical use is imbuing an inanimate object with magical energy, for purposes such as establishing a magical communication link between two specific entities. This cannot be done to the living - the equivalent of imbuing a human with magical energy is known more commonly as healing. However, enchanting is known specifically for inanimate objects. The properties given to the object can become more complex with the amount of life-force imbued with it.
Summary: Enchanting is comprised of the following areas of magic:
-Healing (rudimentary)
-Tempering (enchantment of metal)
-Wordsmithing (enchantment of books - how they initially have any magic power)
Mana is, to every form of magic, the reservoir of energy that users tap into to perform feats. In normal humans incapable of magic, this pool is measured at 1, in arbitrary units - with even the most basic spells costing about twice that, most people will never realise their magic potential. However, through rigorous training, a person can increase their mana pool - most mages lie at around 30 mana, being able to cast multiple simple spells (about 2-3 mana each) before their mana pool is expended. More experienced users can reach up to 60-70 mana, with those having centuries of training reaching 100-150 mana (it is exponentially difficult to gain mana with talent - 150 is a formidable amount of mana despite being 5 times more than basic mages). In the case of the Branded, the life force they absorb is the only form of mana they have - their soul's own mana pool has been completely eradicated. Mana is what ties a soul to the body - the lack of this means that a soul can detach from a body at will, with practice, explaining the Branded's powers. In the case of champions, they too have very little mana pools, with the most ever observed being a modest 10 mana - Titans prefer to limit mana use in their champions as it is a sign of ungratefulness to the Blessings they've been given.
Mana regenerates at an increased rate with more experience, however basic users will experience a rate of about one unit per day. Extended mana usage in a short period of time will reduce the rate of regeneration, much like more exercise causing a longer recovery period. However, this "stamina" can increase with more spell usage, which also increases the magic pool, making casting basic spells easier, however more complex spells are much more difficult to cast, so the talent needed to use them will also be necessary. The Branded do not have a mana regeneration rate as they do not have their own mana - since they absorb life energy from other sources, they can store astronomical amounts of mana, so long as their soul and body can handle it - This makes casting the most complex spells much more feasible, however, talent and the size of the mana pool do not always correlate (even though more talent will eventually lead to a larger pool if the user trains often). A Branded could absorb 500 mana but not have the ability to cast any spells stronger than a small fireball. Training is essential to becoming a strong mage.
The amount of mana the average organism has:
Small wildlife (insects and shit) = 0.01
Basic plant life = 0.05
More complex animals (dogs) = 0.15
Most complex non-sentient animals (chills/monoliths) = 0.5
Humans = 1. Large, old trees = 1.
Oldest trees in existence = 5.
Dragons = 10.
Champions/Branded = 100.
Champion interactions:
1. Champions CAN kill eachother. Do not expect the plot to advance without any deaths.
2. Some champions will be better in combat than others. However, these champions usually have a little utility to their abilities - outside of a fight, they're relatively normal humans.
3. Killing a champion does NOT take their powers, if you are another champion. You will keep your original champion blessings regardless, unless you choose to forsake your Titan and become Branded.
4. Being Branded and killing a champion does NOT give you their powers. You have forsaken the Titans, this is your curse.
5. Killing a Branded human does not give you their immortality, or powers.
6. If a Branded human (somehow) manages to eject the champion's soul from their body, killing them, they do not gain their powers. These blessings are applied to the SOUL of a champion, which gives the body its powers in turn.
7. A champion can choose to become Branded at ANY time. This is irreversible. However, becoming branded while using a blessing of your champion will most likely kill you - for example, becoming Branded while you have summoned a Leviathan will most likely make it attack you, too.
8. It IS possible to change pantheons, IF both champions agree to it. This process is irreversible and can only be used once, ever. Doing this makes your previous Titan completely forsake you, perhaps even using the little influence they have on the world themselves to try and kill you.
9. Champions and the Branded cannot enter another realm, as far as we know.
10. Champions CAN use basic magic outside of their blessings, but it is highly frowned upon by the Titan. Sustained usage may mean relinquishing some, or all, of their blessings altogether.
1. Champions CAN kill eachother. Do not expect the plot to advance without any deaths.
2. Some champions will be better in combat than others. However, these champions usually have a little utility to their abilities - outside of a fight, they're relatively normal humans.
3. Killing a champion does NOT take their powers, if you are another champion. You will keep your original champion blessings regardless, unless you choose to forsake your Titan and become Branded.
4. Being Branded and killing a champion does NOT give you their powers. You have forsaken the Titans, this is your curse.
5. Killing a Branded human does not give you their immortality, or powers.
6. If a Branded human (somehow) manages to eject the champion's soul from their body, killing them, they do not gain their powers. These blessings are applied to the SOUL of a champion, which gives the body its powers in turn.
7. A champion can choose to become Branded at ANY time. This is irreversible. However, becoming branded while using a blessing of your champion will most likely kill you - for example, becoming Branded while you have summoned a Leviathan will most likely make it attack you, too.
8. It IS possible to change pantheons, IF both champions agree to it. This process is irreversible and can only be used once, ever. Doing this makes your previous Titan completely forsake you, perhaps even using the little influence they have on the world themselves to try and kill you.
9. Champions and the Branded cannot enter another realm, as far as we know.
10. Champions CAN use basic magic outside of their blessings, but it is highly frowned upon by the Titan. Sustained usage may mean relinquishing some, or all, of their blessings altogether.
The more detail, the better! Really go to town on this if you want.
Appearance: (and a brief description!)
Origins: (doesn't have to be from one of the areas previously mentioned - so long as no HUGE kingdoms are created, make it up if you wish!)
Skills & Talents: (Refrain from making these magical)
Equipment/weaponry: (Again, magical weapons are also discouraged. You have enough power already!)
Magical abilities: (Applies to Branded characters only)
Reason for picking Titan/Branded:
Appearance: (and a brief description!)
Origins: (doesn't have to be from one of the areas previously mentioned - so long as no HUGE kingdoms are created, make it up if you wish!)
Skills & Talents: (Refrain from making these magical)
Equipment/weaponry: (Again, magical weapons are also discouraged. You have enough power already!)
Magical abilities: (Applies to Branded characters only)
Reason for picking Titan/Branded:
And I think that's it! Any other questions I'll answer and add to this post later. Have fun and thank you for reading! Jhett ~
(Please note some of the Titans have already been chosen in the interest check. If this becomes a little more popular then 2 people could choose the same Titan, but it'd be best if they were each filled first!)
General rules:
-As GM, my word is law. If you don't agree we can discuss it, but if I put my foot down and you still protest, you'll be asked to withdraw from the RP.
-Don't be a dick in OOC. Save that for the IC, if your character wants it!
-No Godmodding. If you're a champion, you cannot have anything more than basic magical skills/talents, as that will simply give you an unfair advantage.
-No deus ex machina. If your character is about to surely die, they'll die. No one lives forever! (well..)
-There will be a general plot. We can discuss it and see if we can make it better, however most of the plot is predetermined and concrete. Of course character personalities will change the plot, so I'm sticking to a few core plot points. These will be very unlikely to change. Unless given consent, do not try to change them.
-Have fun! :>
-If you're branded, PLEASE give a rundown of HOW you use life-force energy as an extra section in your CS. I've edited it into the sheet, but this should only apply to Branded characters.
-A MAP HAS BEEN ADDED! Find it in the People section; some kingdom names have been changed, so update your CS' accordingly.
@DarthSeverus394 @Rockette -- You've expressed interest in this RP, but haven't been active for a long time. Your positions as champions have been opened up. IF a more active user decides to fill your role, you'll unfortunately be asked to leave the RP.